So, this entire book was a fucking trainwreck, and I'm here to announce today that it's over. I honestly don't know what was going through my head when I wrote all of this, but I can tell you for sure that it was nothing good.
Any random idea I had was somehow stuffed into this novel, turning it into an amalgamation of poorly structured ideas blurted out into reality like a pile of vomit.
But, while there were a lot of things wrong with this novel of mine, I still had a load of fun writing the chapters and reading your guys' comments.
That is not to say I'm completely done with writing novels, in fact, I actually have a great plan, and I think it will work out great and be just as enjoyable for me to make.
It will take me a good while to get ready and all, plus there's other stuff going on, so this won't be happening too soon.
If you somehow did manage to get invested in the story, I'm sorry for ending it so abruptly, but also, I think it's for the better.
I've gained a lot of experience from this, after all.
Welp, that all I wanted to say.
Did you enjoy the fun, yet absolutely chaotic ride?
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