"Conference room, five minutes," Gabriel mutters to the phone. On the other end, Mrs. Gomez, Gabriel's trusty old receptionist and the de-facto executive assistant (because Claire wouldn't handle this, he knows), trembles—she knows something bad is up.
Mrs. Gomez is grace under pressure—she calls up the entire Legal Department and Finance Department of TXCI Holdings, which occupy offices on the lower floors of the building. Gabriel is pissed; she has never seen him this angry, not since the breakup with Michelle. It seems rage is, well, all the rage right now, with Gabriel.
Meanwhile, in his office, Gabriel is solemnly putting on his suit. His eye catches the coffee-stained wall, the first casualty of his anger, and realizes it looks like a world, a galaxy that exploded. Well, if what Michelle had the liver to tell him here is true, then his world is indeed exploding.
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