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100% The Tempest Familia [DanmachiXTensura] / Chapter 5: A Meeting That Changes One's Fate [2/2]

Kapitel 5: A Meeting That Changes One's Fate [2/2]

3rd POV

Silence, nothing else as silence was present in the room as both Rimuru and Hephaestus moved their hands up to remove their Mask and Eye batch. The Goddess still felt reluctant to do this but set her mind to trust this man in front of her.

Rimuru didn't flinch nor change his facial expression after seeing Hephaestus's disfigured part of her face as well as her blood red blind eye. Of course this was just on the outside 'Ugh this stubborn Old Idiot playing God who would inflict such a curse on a beautiful woman! I wanna go up there and grab him by his puny neck' Is what Rimuru thought in the heat of the moment.

<<Calm down dann-sama, don't forget for what we came the long way here>> Ciel said getting Rimuru out of his angered thoughts

On the other side of the desk the Situation was a completely different one as the Divine Smith could see Rimuru's face. A Beautiful face with shining Golden eyes and the smile he hid the entire time under the mask 'Freya isn't comparable to him..' She thought

"Why.. hiding your face under a mask?" Hepheastus suddenly asked still astonished about the person sitting in front of her

"Hmm… well let's call it an old habit of mine anyways you stole my line. Why hide this curse when it doesn't even affect your charm? You would have noticed by now that people that only judge you by this curse are people that are only after your weapons" Rimuru said


"Well either way don't you feel like we already became closer by now?" Rimuru added after receiving no answer from the Goddess in front of him

"So Rimuru.. if I remember correctly. What do you want from me?" Hepheastus asked calmly as she felt relieved to meet someone who wasn't scared or disgusted by her looks

"You heard about that young boy Bell from Hestia I believe, I want you to make a dagger for him or more that's what Hestia wanted if I hadn't stopped her she would be begging on her knees here but it's not my way to take care of business" Rimuru said

"You want me to create a weapon personally for that Bell hm? You know that weapons forged by me are rather expensive I don't believe you can give me something of that value" Hephaestus answered

Rimuru smiled as he thought 'As expected of Hephaestus a Smith and Salesperson trough and trough even though she is a woman here'

"I expected that you wouldn't make things that easy for me so that daggers just what I want at the moment but… what I want in the long term is something completely different" Rimuru said leaning forward folding his hands as his smile grew bigger "A Alliance between our Familias"

"That's absurd! Do you want me to attract the hatred of all those high ranking Familias out there? They won't simply stand by and watch if that would happen" Hephaestus said shaking her head in denial

"High ranking Familias you say, what do you think those idiots were without the information of the raid teams or the Adventurer Guild as well as your Weapons. I am not an idiot even though I just arrived at Orario I can tell that your Family is an important piece on this chessboard, that's why I want you" Rimuru said

"Haa.." Hephaestus leaned back on her seat "Why is it that I can't sense any lies in your words, why are you so desperate? Is it foolishness or are you sure to win a place that no one can take from you among the top Familias. Just what are y-" The Goddess said

"Do you want to take a look at my Sword?" Rimuru suddenly said and seemingly hitted an important point in this conversation as Hepheastus immediately was concentrated again looking straight at him with her eye "So my hunch was correct when you are asking like this.." she said

Rimuru picked up his sword that he had placed right next to his seat and placed it on the desk "Not only will I let you take a look at this Sword later but I'll heal your curse on the spot here in an instant if you agree to what I've stated before"

Hephaestus fist hitted the desk "Don't joke around like that Rimuru, I am quite sensitive on this topic" she said angered

But Rimuru remained calm "Not only will I lift that cures but I'll show you a for you new way to forge a weapon which you can try on making that brat's dagger, what do you think Hephaestus isn't that a more than positive deal for you"

Hephaestus' eye sharpened and looked straight at Rimuru's golden eyes as once again the room was filled with silence. She then sat down again and sighed "That Alliance, would it mean I have a lower standing than the Hestia Familia?" She asked

"No not at all, let's think of it as business partner that don't want to rip off each other behind their backs and will work together… of course I would appreciate it if you would listen to my orders but I want our Familias to slowly grow together" Rimuru said smiling

"Alright if you can remove the curse from me I'll forge you a weapon for Bell and prepare together with you Captain of the Hestai Familia the fusion of our Familia#s creating an Alliance" Hephaestus said


<<Think of it as already done, danna-sama>> Ciel answered directly




At the same time Ultima was walking through the streets until she finally got to the place she wanted to stay at for now, the inn where they had visited before.

No one really noticed the purpöe colored cat with her yellow eyes as she walked under the desks until she jumped on the bar right in front of a Cat Demi-Human and Mia the owner of this place.

"Aww isn't she cute?" The Demi Human suddenly grabbed Ultima against her will but she was just a cat at the moment so what should she do against it?

Normally she would only allow to be patted by Rimuru or Ciel but she ignored the annoying Demi-Human for the mission she had.

"Mhh don't tell me you want to keep this stray cat" Mia said and sighed

"Haha no way it just wants to stay here for a while in the warm inn and relax" Anya answered while still patting poor Ultima.

"How do you know that?" Mia asked surprised

"Hehe forgot that I am a Cat Human?" Anya answered while Ultima finally could get out of her grip.

Ultima then walked to the end of the bar and laid down comfortably while still having an open Eye on the Inn, observing it carefully

"Haa guess there is nothing wrong with letting her stay when she behaves and now back to your work" Mia said





A penthouse suite located at the top floor of the Babel Tower that had everything from expensive stuff till the most ordinary book. Sitting in the Library on a throne-like chair looking down on the City and its flare at night a Goddess and her favorite drink, a glass of red wine.

Without any effort she swung the wine glass in her hand as a smile appeared on her face as she now could test the wine with a sip. The Goddess of Beauty called Freya, her Familia is currently the strongest official Familia.

Her beautiful silver hair paired with ruby colored eyes and her black revealing dress she wears most of the time made her the desire of every man in Orario probably in the World if they would know of her existence.

An arrogant and egoistic Goddess that leaves a path of blood behind her for things she desires such as strong and beautiful souls. A pitiful child that had never once experienced what parently love or love at all is. Hidden behind her facade that had long become her illusional character. To such an extent that even she herself believes in it.

It knocked on the door of the library and it opened soon after "Who allowed you to come in here on your own Ottar? Tch- you ruined the mood" Freya said

Ottar a Level 7 Adventurer and with that the strongest in existence, even though he had just angered his goddess he couldn't do anything else than admire her angelic voice "Please forgive me my Goddess but please excuse my appearance but everyone is worried about you and they slowly begin to believe that the rabbit didn't deserve to have been noticed by you"

"Fufu~ You tell me that my children are not loyal to me, their Goddess?" Freya said even though she still talked calmly without racing her voice at all the pressure that Ottar felt was real

Ottar knew that anyone who would be against his Goddess would be treated as a Traitor which would end in execution at an instant either by Freya or someone else. He would like to do it on his own to not sully his Goddess's reputation but that would mean they weren't strong enough to explore new floors

"My Goddess if possible, wouldn't it be better to let that boy go his own way for a while, wasn't that Spellbook with Firebolt already enough?" Ottar asked and in the next second the glass splitired in tiny pieces and the wine was dipping out of her hand onto her body

"Don't try my patient's Ottar just because I treat you a little better than the others, I want him… I need to have him no… all of them~ All of the Hestia Familia I want them" Freya said as her eyes began to shine a little and a wide smile appeared on her face

"There are mine and mine alone, do you understand?" Freya said asking Ottar with a sharp glance

Freya then proceeded to tell Ottar his mission she had just thought of to help Bell in getting stronger and as Ottar finally left she sat down again on the chair looking over the City. She calmed down from her temper to eat him right now.

'Should I ask Loki for it? If I personally am involved with it they might think they are something special but I need to make them kneel in front of me out of their own will. I'll ask her to watch over them for now fufu~' Frey thought

"What a waste!" She then said looking at the red colored carpet.

Rimuru POV

Well that was easier than expected, after I healed her eye she was basically clinging onto me. With that I do own a large and important share of the Weapon and Armor market in this City. Not to mention having the Divine Smith on my side with a little tip here and there. She will soon close her gap between Kurobe and I can make profit out of it!

"Hmm we talked longer than expected" I said as I exited the Babel Tower and saw the dark sky

<<You should head back to your wife now if you intend to survive that is>> Ciel said suddenly and my eyes opened wide

'Oh shit I completely forgot that Luminous wanted to cook for me and the others' I thought and instantly teleported into the old church's living room and was greeted with a *Bonk*

"Ow Owww?! That hurts you know!" I yelled

"Liar!" Luminous said

"Well yes of course as i can't feel pai- *Bonk*" I was just finishing my sentence as I was hit once again with the pan "Could you stop hitting me with a pan? What did I even do?" I said looking at an angry Luminous

"You are late Da-rli-ng~" Luminous said with a scary smile on her face, the others were already avoiding eye contact with me only Diablo was looking excited "As expected of Luminous-sama to be able to let Rimuru-sama feel the pain of-"

"Eh-" I looked at him with a tired expression and ignored whatever words he spilled out

"Hai Hai let us eat now, Chloe and I did our best" Luminous said smiling normally now since I sat down on the table. It was a feast that Bell and Hestia hadn't in a long time and everyone was full afterwards.




"Don't you think it is time to go to bed dear?" Luminous asked and I looked at her surprised "Since when did this rundown shitplace ha-"

"This is definitely not a rundown place! I have so many beautiful memories with Bell-kun here heheeee~" Hestia said while hugging Bell

Bell blushed and shouted "To close! You are to close Goddess!"

"Ciel cleaned and recreated the rooms down here in an instant you know how she is" Luminous said ignoring the little situation Bell had going on

"Is that so? Good then let us all go to bed shall we? Tomorrow is an important day afterall" I said standing up followed by Luminous who took my hand dragging me away

"Good night Rimuru-sama!" I could hear the demons shout behind me "Are in such a hurry Luminous?" I asked surprised

"Hmpf- you are the reason why i started having that thing called sleeping habit anyways" Luminous said as she let her clothes disappear and got into her nightgown, I did the same.

"Hehe… sorry I just can't without it" I said, scratching my head embarrassed.

"It's fine, now finally lay down and sleep" Luminous said but that is where my problem starts, how can I lay down when another part of my body doesn't intend to lay down any time soon.

"Hmm.. Is something wrong dear?" Luminous asked, looking at me sitting on the edge of the bed with my back facing her. How could I never notice that stimulating Aura around her! I can't look at her if I do I'm finished.

You all know of my elf what do I call it… interest? Just so you know Vampires are way worse for me! "Haha.. no Lumi" I said, sweating bullets!

"You never call me Lumi… only if you want to calm me down for hiding something.." She answered directly

'Shit! How did she know that? Ciel, did you tell her?' I thought

<<*Deep Sigh*>>

I could sense movement behind me as she was crawling over to me "Come on it can't possibly be somethi- eh? EHHHHHH? Since when?" Luminous asked surprised as she saw the bulge in my pants

I blushed "Eh.. well.. ehm.. since we entered the room, I guess?" I said

"Hmm it seems like it wants to escape out of there~" Luminous said in a playing voice and touched the tip of my building pants with one of her soft and elegant fingers

I flinched and escaped from her touch "That's what you have to say in this kind of Situation?!" I nearly shouted out of embarrassment

"Well back at the Cardinal World you never got hard on your own so…" Luminous said thinking back

"Hehehe guess that's true… EH?" my Eyes were suddenly fixated on her cute little fangs that were sticking out of her mouth pressing on her soft lips, I could see her tongue go ober her fangs as if she was preparing to eat me.

'Haa that's the charm of a Vampire~' I thought, satisfied in my thoughts to ever witness such a scene while saying out loud "You know that you are so sexy right now, right?" I said and reality hitted me hard as I realized that I just said that out loud.

"Isn't that one of the reasons why you love me dear?" Luminous asked amused and came near me whispering in my ear "Why are you so nervous it's not like we never had sex together and we aren't even naked yet"

"Y-yet?" I asked

"Yes y-e-t~" she said and bite my neck in the next moment

3rd POV

Bell couldn't sleep and was walking aimlessly through the rebuild corridor towards the kitchen on his way he suddenly saw his sensei Chloe sitting on the floor, he wished over his sleepy eyes as if to confirm he was seeing things right.

"Sensei, what are you doing here?" Bell asked which was followed by yawn

"Ehh?!" Chloe flinched and could barely hold back a loud scream "Psst- don't be so loud you idiot" she said


'Hmm what was that noise just now?' Bell thought and then realized that Chloe was looking through a gap of an opened door so he walked behind her taking a look inside. He instantly blushed and would have shouted out of surprise but Chloe could seal his mouth before.

'C-captain are you just like Grandpa?' Bell thought

"Ohhh wow those two are really going all out hmm?" A third voice suddenly said and added "Bell we need to try this too!"

Bell jumped out of surprise, ending up feeling something really soft on his head "EHHHH?! G-G-Goddess?!?!" He said instantly

"Hehe~ Bell-kun" Hestia said hardly staying on her two feet

"Wow she's still drunk?" Chloe added "For a Goddess she sure has negative tolerance towards alcohol"

Chloe, who had now given up her spot to look into the room, was looking at the two troublesome people in the corridor, she was already embarrassed enough to have been seen in this situation.

"Kufufu as expected of Rimuru-sama, maybe I should change into a woman after all" Another voice said who was suddenly staying at the door

"Diablo?!" Chloe said and nearly went crazy 'Just what the heck is happening here… I just wanted to go for a walk outside but then noticed having them have sex and… and… haaa calm down Chloe you aren't a girl anymore you are a full grown adult' she thought

"Alright let us all go back into our rooms now" Chloe said sighing and added "Don't you dare going after that plan of yours Diablo"

"But-" Diablo began to say

"No!" Chloe said directly while closing the door silently

"Okay..:" Diablo said as if he just got killed and sent back to the Underworld of the Cardinal World

And thus Bell brought back the drunken Goddess and everyone went back to sleep, well despite two individuals that were unaware of what had happened outside of their room.

next chapter
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