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Chapter 47

One hundred meters away from the dead city of Gromoz, a large dark circle like a void appeared out of nowhere. From this circle, Ainz with a lot of servants showed up in the destroyed kingdom of the orcs.

Behind him were riding Death Emperor, Undead Paladin, Clementine, Kuro, Seraph, Nualia, and several Death Cavaliers and Seraph angels. After them, arrived the Soul Eaters pulling the wagons with food for the slaves.

Ainz looked around the ground. In some parts there were fields with grass, and in some other parts was mud, because the Pigman Orcs loved baths of mud. Even the Beastman Kingdom before the invasion was more beautiful than this.

"Ah master, I wanted to fight in this war." said Clementine with a pouty face.

"Shut up idiot, you will do only what lord Ainz tells you to do."

Clementine showed her tongue at Nualia. Then the Death Empress showed her fist, meaning that she will crush her head. To tell the truth, Clementine did not take part in the War Room where they were planning the invasion and the genocide of the pigman orcs. She mostly spent her time with the nobles, torturing them every minute because that was like heaven for her.

"Forgive me Clementine, It was my fault not sending a message for the War Plan." Ainz apologized.

"Pat my head... if you want forgiveness."

The voice of Clementine was low and soft. She was afraid how her beloved master would react to her words.

Clementine had closed her eyes, but she felt the hand of her beloved master caressing her head gently. The fear went away and Clementine returned to her usual happy mode. She moved her head like a cat, feeling Ainz's hand.

Clementine had a smug face and the other girls were staring at her with envy. She acted like a spoiled girl. How can Lord Ainz let her act like that… or maybe it was Ainz who spoiled her...

"You good now." Ainz moved his hand from her.

"Yes, yes, now if my master give me hug-"

"You are asking for too much!"

Seraph with a red face, interrupted the Blood Empress's words. Just how far can she go? They will not allow her to receive so much by acting like a schoolgirl.

"Enough you all, we are about to enter the city."

Immediately, the girls turned to normal when their Lord demanded. The company entered inside the Gromoz city. The undead soldiers have removed all the rubbish at the entrance that was caused by the fall of the meteor. The frontal wall was nothing but a brick pile, upon it were some Silver Skeletons and Death Warriors

Angmar and the Nazguls had bent on their knees waiting for the Supreme Being.

"Welcome, my Lord."

"Rise." he demanded.

The Witch King and his servants raised. On the right side, Ainz saw beings of different races like humans, elves, dark elves, goblins, pale orcs and uruks on their knees bowing. All these kinds of races can be seen living in his kingdom.

After the death of the Elf King, the Wood Elves had begun to spread all over the Nazarick Kingdom. Ainz did not know their population was really high living in different parts in the forest where the troops of the Slane Theocracy had not invaded.

So, merging them with the dark elves and the slaves that were freed from the Slane Theocracy, the elf population surpassed the population of the demihumans and the beastmen, making them the second largest population after the humans.


The number of the slaves easily surpassed 5,000, but in this large group, Ainz noticed some humanoids that he had only seen back when he was a human on the internet. Cat people… Kitsunes… Wolfmen…

"So they do exist."

Ainz thought about them to be more animal like-looking, but the only thing they had from the animals were the ears, tails and short sharp nails like-claws. He was really interested to have them in his kingdom.

He was disgusted how those filthy savages had treated them. They had dark marks on their bodies, because the orcs had beaten them with whips in the middle of the city for entertainment.

He never regretted the annihilation of the pigman orcs, dirty filthy savages that wanted to enslave other intelligent beings. At last the pale orcs and uruks were far more respectable than those pigs. These two kinds of orcs live in Abellion Hills too, even there, the tribe of pigman orcs enslaved them. But now, the pale orcs and the uruks live peacefully, a lot of them are part of the living army, the Nazar Forces.

The Witch King turned at the mortals.

"You may raise your heads."

All of them obayed Angmar, upon a black demonic horse, they saw a being that wore an otherworldly plate armor that had a dark cape attached around his left shoulder, blown by the wind. That thing was impossible to be crafted by mere mortal hands, so the gods themselves might have created it.

The head of this being was a clean white skull and on his eye socket two crimson points glowed. The humans saw him as a terrifying undead being, but the other thought of him as a powerful Death God.

"Greetings good people, I am the Sorcerer King of the Nazarick Kingdom Ainz Ooal Gown."

That was the voice of a true royal. Behind him were some knights with outstanding armor and beautiful women.

"Let them eat first. Angels heal their bodies, recover anything they have lost."

"Yes Supreme Lord"

All the Seraphims dismounted from their white horses. The mortals were surprised when they saw the skeletal horses that pulled wagons full with food. Their mouths were dripping with fluid.

"Eat good people, eat till your belly is full. There is plenty for everyone."

For the first time in many years, the smile returned again upon these people. What could this merciful King be? A God? It was hard to believe it, but it might be true. The vampires were giving food to everyone in the line. They spread into groups eating together, of course with the race they belong.

Suddenly, many of them started to scream.

"My arm... is back!"

"My ears!"

"My tail!"

Those were screams of joy. They had lost their limbs for years and there would be no way to have them back, but now… These angelic beings were giving back what the pigman orcs took from them.

The high and dark elves touched their new long ears, the kitsunes hugged their new fluffy tails. It was like a dream coming to reality. They had cried day and night from the pain and the loss of their limbs. Their eyes were full with tears of joy and happiness that this day has arrived.

Ainz left the free slaves alone with the angels and walked with Angmar in the streets of the dead city of Gromoz. He imagined the battle must have been brutal, because the buildings were covered in dried blood. Well of course the undead will create a terrible carnage, it was their nature to cause death in a brutal way.

"It's the entire Orc Kingdom conquered, or are there more cities around?" asked Ainz.

"Completely my Lord. Now we have at the northern border the Troll Kingdom and the south is just desert. Our groups encountered some Yuan-Ti (cobramen) and Aqrabuamelu (scorpionmen) trying to pass the border, but they were demihumans were warned but did not care, and attacked our soldiers like mindless monsters.

"Very good, so there is only desert in the south?"

"Going more in the south there is only desert, but going more at the east are these mountains that look like a wall that hide the other side."

The Kotorr Alpes are like a natural wall that divides this continent with the other one, and dangerous monsters live in that place like Drakes, Chimeras, Manticores, Salamanders, Harpys, and also tribes of Night Elves that live in caves or tents made with large animal skin.


Ainz turned his gaze at the humanoids that were eating. Those Kitsunes and Elves might know about the other side, because he had not seen their kind on these parts, nor even in the City-State Alliance. This world might be very big and this continent could be just a small fraction of it.

"I forgot to give you this, my Lord."


Ainz turned again at Angmar. He had on his hands a strange red book. Ainz took it and browsed the book. He understood that this book was not from this world, because the language was latin and had figures of demons from YGGDRASIL.

"The orcs had this?"

"Yes my Lord. They were afraid of it and held it deep underground."

Well, what does one expect from brainless fools, this item can summon all kinds of powerful demons. He will have to hand to Wrath because he knows more about his kin, of course Ainz knows a lot too, but as a demon lord, Wrath was more familiar with it. Ainz just has to be there to summon demons that can not be summoned by Wrath.

"Amazing work Angmar."

Ainz took from his inventory a golden ring that had some writing on it. Angmar immediately bent on his knees and bowed his head.

"I'm just a loyal servant. I don't deserve such treasure from the Supreme Being."

"That's because of your loyalty and how well you do the work. Take it Angmar, you deserve it."

He was the peak of the wraith family, but his hands felt they were shaking. His lord was about to give one of his mighty treasures to him. Every servant in this position would be in tension and happy at the same time. Ainz left the ring upon the hands of Angmar.

"Thank you Lord Ainz. This one, will remember this blessed moment for eternity."

"Umu, stand up now Angmar. Let's meet our friends."

Angmar raised and put the golden ring on his index finger. He felt so proud to have a treasure given by his Lord. This ring will protect him from powerful fire spells.

"My Lord, do you plan to start an offensive in the Troll Kingdom?" asked Angmar.

"No for now, information have come that Karnassus City-State Alliance has problems with the Trolls, attacking their villages and cities. Their army is way too weak and if the war with the Troll Kingdom becomes more problematic… well…" Ainz stared at Angmar.

"I see, the Alliance will come to us for help, and we invade two nations at the same time."


The Troll Kingdom had a large territory, and It does not have only one king that rules over everything, but it is ruled by many warlords. The rulers are the War Trolls, they are not very intelligent monsters, but they have brutal strength and can use martial arts. The trolls fight against each other all the time for territory, but when it comes to food, they attack villages and even the small cities of the Karnassus City-State Alliance.

Ainz will just have to wait till one day, the people of the City-State knock at the gates of the Nazarick Kingdom.

Nualia was walking around the groups of the free slaves that had finished eating the delicious food given by the Sorcerer King. They had not eaten like proper living beings for a really long time and they had forgotten what good food tastes like. Time to time, the pigman orcs had given them maggots to eat just to have a good laugh.

The high and dark elves observed Nualia with curiosity. They had never seen an elf with this color before. The Night Elves might come a bit closer, but her color was still different and she was a really dark-purple beauty.


It was a high elf female that spoke. Nualia heard it and turned at the elf.

"May I help you?"

"No, I just was really curious about your kind."

"I am an undead and my species is called Death Empress."

The eyes of every elf went wide when they heard the word "Death", Was that a race? Death Knight, Death Warrior, Vampire, Nazgul and now Death Empress. They heard the humans called them undead, but the elves did not understand what that meant. In their homeland, these creatures are unknown and did not exist.

The elves are different because of the color and the place they live, but the undead are different in many forms.

"I'm really sorry. I thought you were an elf."

"It's fine, a lot of wood elves and dark elves, mistake me for an elf."

"Eh, wood elves? I thought those kinds of elves did not exist anymore."

"You don't know a lot of things, huh? Millions of them live in the Nazarick Kingdom."

Some elves here had spent at least 100 years as slaves and knew nothing about the outside world. For example, when a cow who has lived all the life in a closed environment comes out in nature, it will jump and run like a crazy beast. Of course the elves are not like that, but it is similar how they are surprised by new things.

Everyone saw the Sorcerer King coming towards them and they all raised on their feet.

"I see you all have eaten, and in good form. Now, humans where do you come from?"

All the humans were looking at each other who would speak for them. A young man with brown hair and blue eyes decided to speak for the humans.

"We, we are all from Dragon Kingdom."

"I see, so that makes the humans, the pale orcs, the goblins and the uruks automatically citizens of the Nazarick Kingdom."

Nobody spoke a word. They were afraid to go against that. Why would they anyway? The Sorcerer King was treating them hundred times better than the nobles.

"I know you all are confused, but the Dragon Kingdom and the Beastman Kingdom are territories of the Nazarick Kingdom. The war between them has stopped long ago and lives peacefully under my rule. Draudillon governs the city that was the capital of the Dragon Kingdom in the past."

"Are you saying that we should live alongside the beasts that have eaten us alive for years?"

"Listen my guy, eating intelligent beings is forbidden in my Kingdom. Those who do that will be executed, but something like that has never happened under my rule. All races are equal in Nazarick Kingdom, nobody is treated as a second class citizen like in the nobles' time."

In three years of rule, the citizens of the Sorcerer Kingdom had forgotten the old ways. They only remember the past as the dark age. Only the wood elves that had been tormented by the humans of the Slane Theocracy for decades, had still trauma and feared the humans, so because of that, hundreds of wood elves stayed away from the humans.

Other wood elves who have not experienced brutal tourture, had migrated to the grand cities like the capital of Nazarick Kingdom. Some of them even joined the Nazar Forces to fight for the King that has freed them from the claws of Slane Theocracy.

It can be said that the wood elves were hard core fanatics and every single one of them worship the Sorcerer King, next were the humans that survived the Oceanic Imperial invasion and the demihumans from Abellion Hills and those from the Great Forest of Tob.

"Good, prepare to send them to the city of Filnenor."

"Alright, please come after me."

All the humans started to follow the Death Warrior and went out from the dead city of Gromoz, where they had worked as slaves for many years. Most of them had lived in villages before getting captured by the beastmen, and did not know what fate awaits them now.

The truth is, those who were homeless, were given a piece of land with a newly built house, and three skeletons to work the land if they want. Those who wanted to live in the city were given money for some months so they can start a new life. That is what Ainz did with the people that had lived in the slums, and the elf slaves.

After the last of the humans and demihumans went out from the city, Ainz turned his gaze at the humanoids. They were feeling uneasy and wanted to know what would happen to them.

"Elves, where do you come from?" asked Ainz. He had his eyes at the high elves.

An elf female with long blonde hair and green eyes step forward to speak for her people.

"We, we are high elves, an-and our homeland is called the Elvenor Kingdom."

Ainz was surprised for a second. They did not have very much different from the wood elves except these here had all blonde and golden hair. A player can become a high elf when he reaches level 75.

"Umu interesting, dark elves?"

A dark elf female with long black hair and blue eyes appeared before Ainz. No dark elf male will dare to move or speak, they stayed at the end of the group, and the dark elf females in front. She stared at the high elf with disgust for a second, now she turned her blue eyes at Ainz.

"We dark elves come from the Underdark Empire, your Majesty."

This female did not have an anxious feeling like the high elf. She looked kinda brave like she had served in the army. Ainz thought that she could even act cocky with her fellow dark elves.

There were only dark elf females in front of the group, and Ainz found that weird. Why should the dark elf males stay at the end? Were they afraid of him or was something else? The dark elf females acted like males should act.

"There must be something wrong here."

"Aye boys, come in front, don't stay hidden." said Ainz.

The dark elf males stared at him for a moment and then at the females. It looked like they wanted permission from the dark elf females.

"Yeah, something is wrong with these guys."

Some dark elf females waved with their hands to tell the males to do as the Sorcerer King ordered, and tried not to be noticed by Ainz. They kept their heads low and were afraid to look Ainz in the eyes. All of them were young and had short white or silver hair and blue eyes.

"You all seem to be afraid of something. May I know what it is?" asked Ainz with wonder.

None of them open the mouth to speak.

"The-They are really excited to be in front of you, your Majesty." spoke the dark elf female.

"I don't remember asking you?"

"Ah, Em, forgive this one, your Majesty."

The dark elf female lowered her head in fear. The Sorcerer King was not the Dark Empress that can be fooled easily and get away with it. From a free slave, the Sorcerer King might free her body from her head if she angered him.

Ainz waited some seconds for the males to speak but nothing happened, so he went on and turned at the other humanoids.

"Well they are free to speak anytime when they want. Now the…"

A wolfman with short black hair, golden eyes, and a kitsune with short blonde hair and blue eyes stepped forward. Something told Ainz that these two races represent their nation.

"First, we thank you for saving us from the orcs, your Majesty." said the Wolfman.

"We are eternally grateful." the kitsune bowed her head. The way her tail waved around, looked really cute. How could the orcs tourture such cute creatures for fun? It was really sad to imagine their life in this place.

"Think nothing of it. It is the duty of the strong to help and protect the weak."

All the kitsunes and the wolfmen bowed their heads. They will always remember the merciful King that saved their lives.

"We come from the Republic of Et'hem, your Majesty."

This nation did not have a royal family and the wolfmen were those who ruled the nation most, because there were a lot of alpha wolfmen that ruled pieces of land. The kitsunes too took part in the politics with the alpha wolfmen. These two races had always lived peacefully together for hundreds of years till they created their nation 200 years ago.

Now in front of Ainz arrived a mature cat woman with long white hair that had heterochromia, and a bouncy bosom. She bowed her head in respect for Ainz.

"I am the leader of the Sharp Claw Tribe, Chloe Abby, nya. I thank you for saving my tribe from the slavers, your Majesty."

"I am glad that you and the tribe are safe, Miss Chloe." said Ainz.

Now Ainz was ready to ask the final question that will let the former slaves choose what direction they will decide to take.

"Now I don't know what you plan to do, so I would like to ask you all if you want to go back to your homeland. If you want to live in the Nazarick Kingdom, I have no problem with that. As I said before, all races are equal where I rule. Those who want to go back to their homeland, please step away to the left side."

The first that moved were the high elves, next were the dark elves also the wolfmen and the kitsunes. Of course they respected Ainz for saving them, but everyone loved their homeland and wanted to see their relatives again.

The result was surprising. Those who wanted to stay in Sorcerer Kingdom were the cat people and…

"Are you kidding me?" a dark elf female murmured.

Their eyes had gone wide wide open because the dark elf males had decided to stay in Nazarick Kingdom.

"If we go back to the Empire, we will live like slaves again, doing hard labor or fighting mindless wars for the Empress. We would like to stay in Nazarick Kingdom, if his Majesty would allow it." spoke on of the dark elf males.

"Of course, it's your choice."

"Aye yoo, good job my boys. Fuck them thots."

The dark elf females were speechless, and the expression on their faces was funny. It looked like the dark elf males had showed them the middle finger to go fuck themselvs. Ainz will make sure to give them a home and plenty of money to enjoy their lives.

"Our homes were burned to the ground by the orcs. We, the cat people would like to live in your glorious Kingdom, your Majesty, nya." declared Chloe.

"Splendid, I welcome you Miss Chloe, and all the cat people in the Nazarick Kingdom. said Ainz.

Chloe put her right hand upon her chest and bowed her head, so did all the cat people. This will be a new beginning for the cat people and the dark elves males in the mighty Kingdom called Nazarick.

"Death Cavalier, I will leave them in your hands, you send them to the capital."

"I hear and obey, Supreme One."

Those who wanted to stay in the Nazarick side followed the Death Cavalier. The dark elf females were clenching their fists while staring at the males leaving with the Death Cavalier. Every single one of them was a traitor that should be executed, that's what they thought.

They would have shouted at them, but they were afraid of Ainz Ooal Gown. Who knows what would happen if they make him angry. He might do the same thing to the Underdark Empire, what he did with the Orc Kingdom. They can't imagine something like that falling upon their beloved Empire.

No… they should warn the Empress immediately about this mysterious Kingdom that has this powerful army that can erase their enemies in minutes.

"Now move along people, we are going to send you home." said Nualia.

The former slaves started to jump upon the wagons that were pulled by the Soul Eaters. Ainz will go with them to meet with the ruler of the high elves and maybe the empress of the dark elves.

He was more excited, to see how the other nations looked, and to enjoy this adventure.

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