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33.33% The Seidr / Chapter 7: Chapter 6

Kapitel 7: Chapter 6

It had been a week since Harry's unexpected run-in with Sersi, and they'd already planned to grab coffee later in the month. For Harry, this was a big deal—not just because he'd found someone intriguing in this new world, but also because he actually had time to set up a date without having to save the universe first. But of course, the universe had other plans.

Before he could even think about what kind of coffee Sersi liked, Harry had to tackle a slightly bigger issue: getting Thor and Loki back to Asgard. You know, just your average Tuesday.

Thanks to some recent alien invasion (because what's New York without a little extraterrestrial drama?), the Bifrost—their usual Asgardian expressway—was out of commission. This left Thor and Loki stranded, which wasn't ideal for anyone, especially since Loki's idea of downtime usually involved schemes that could topple empires. So, Tony Stark and Bruce Banner were tasked with finding a way to send the brothers back home without blowing up half the city in the process.

Naturally, Tony took this as a challenge to his genius, while Bruce just hoped he wouldn't have to Hulk out and wreck the lab. Again. The two of them holed up in the Avengers Tower, surrounded by more tech than you'd find in a Stark Industries catalog, pouring over blueprints, and mumbling something about quantum fields and dimensional bridges. Harry wasn't sure about the specifics—frankly, all that technobabble made his head spin—but he trusted Tony and Bruce to work their magic, or science, or whatever it was they did.

The big plan? Use the Tesseract to zap Thor and Loki back to Asgard. Easy, right? Well, only if you consider harnessing one of the most powerful cosmic objects in existence to rip a hole in space-time "easy."

Tony, ever the showman, was in his element, tweaking designs and throwing out ideas like he was on an episode of Shark Tank. Bruce, on the other hand, was the quiet brainiac, making sure that Tony's big ideas didn't end up turning them all into space dust. It was a classic Stark-Banner collaboration: Tony would suggest something flashy, and Bruce would make sure it wouldn't blow up in their faces. At least, not literally.

As the device started to take shape, the tension in the lab ramped up faster than a Quidditch match in overtime. They were so close to finishing, but there was always that tiny voice in the back of everyone's mind whispering, What if this doesn't work? Of course, in Tony's case, that voice was probably sarcastic and sounded like JARVIS.

But despite the pressure, the sleepless nights, and the ever-present risk of accidental disintegration, Tony and Bruce kept at it. Harry watched them work, marveling at how they turned complicated science into something as routine as brewing a potion—albeit a potion that could potentially save entire realms.

As the final pieces of the portal device came together, Harry knew they were on the brink of something incredible. With any luck, Thor and Loki would be zapped back to Asgard before Loki had time to concoct his next world-domination plan—or before Tony could turn the whole thing into another one of his tech demos.

After what felt like a never-ending science fair project—except instead of vinegar and baking soda, they were dealing with gamma radiation and an ancient space cube—Tony and Bruce finally declared the portal ready. Powered by the Tesseract, the gateway shimmered like the world's fanciest nightlight, except this one could either zap you across the universe or turn you into something that belonged in a petri dish. Tony said the odds were good it would work. Bruce just smiled nervously. Confidence inspiring, right?

The Avengers gathered in the tower's common area, which on a regular day was where they argued about movie night picks and debated the best takeout. But today, it was all about saying goodbye to Thor and Loki. There was a weird mix of emotions in the air, like finishing the last book in a series you've been obsessed with—glad it's done, but also kind of sad it's over.

Thor, looking as majestic as always even in his "casual Asgardian" gear, thanked everyone with the kind of heartfelt speech that made you want to stand up and salute. The guy had a way with words. Loki, on the other hand, was quiet, which was either a good sign or a really bad one. He gave a quick nod to the group, and for a split second, his eyes flicked to Harry. There was something in that look—maybe respect, maybe curiosity, or maybe he was just wondering if Harry's hair always looked like he'd just walked out of a wind tunnel.

When it was time for the send-off, Harry stepped forward, all six-foot-three of him radiating confidence. If you didn't know better, you'd think he was auditioning for the role of "Asgardian Hero Number Three" with those broad shoulders and emerald green eyes that looked like they belonged in a movie. He might not have had Thor's cape, but he definitely had the vibe down.

"Safe travels, my friend," Harry said, sounding like the noble hero he sometimes wished he wasn't. "May Asgard welcome you with open arms, and may your path be guided by the light of friendship and honor." Yeah, it was a little over the top, but Thor smiled, and Loki didn't roll his eyes, so Harry figured it was good enough.

The portal buzzed to life, and with one last look back, Thor and Loki stepped through, vanishing into the swirling vortex. That should've been the end of it, but as the portal started to close, Harry felt something yank him forward, like the universe had decided, Hey, you're coming too!

Next thing Harry knew, he was being sucked into the portal like the world's least exciting vacuum commercial. He barely had time to shout, "Wait, what?!" before he was tumbling through space like a sock in the dryer, his vision a kaleidoscope of colors that made him question whether he'd had too much sugar for breakfast.

Traveling through the portal was like every bad amusement park ride rolled into one, with a side of kaleidoscopic light show just to keep things interesting. Harry could hear a weird hum that vibrated in his bones, and for a second, he thought he could taste colors—blue, specifically. He had no idea where he was headed, but he really hoped they had tea. After this trip, he was going to need a lot of it.

With a final, electrifying surge, the portal spat Harry, Thor, and Loki out onto the golden plains of Asgard like an overenthusiastic roller coaster ejecting its passengers at the end of the ride. Harry stumbled, trying to regain his balance as sparks of residual energy danced around them, leaving the faint smell of burnt ozone hanging in the air.

As he straightened up, Harry's jaw dropped at the sight before him. Asgard was every bit as majestic as Thor's stories had made it out to be—and then some. Towering spires gleamed under a sky so blue it looked like it had been Photoshopped, while cascading waterfalls shimmered with rainbow hues that would make a unicorn jealous. It was like stepping into a fantasy novel, only with better lighting.

Beside him, Thor beamed with pride, clearly thrilled to be back on his home turf. Loki, however, wore a sly smirk that immediately set off Harry's internal alarm bells. There was something about that expression—part mischievous, part smug—that screamed, *I totally planned this.*

Harry shot Loki a suspicious glance. "Let me guess," he began, crossing his arms over his chest. "This little detour wasn't exactly an accident, was it?"

Loki's eyes sparkled with unspoken mischief, his lips curling ever so slightly beneath the sleek, metallic muzzle secured around his face. Even without words, the God of Mischief managed to radiate pure, unadulterated smugness.

Thor looked between them, confusion knitting his brows. "Brother, did you meddle with the portal?" he asked, his tone equal parts exasperated and resigned—like a parent who's just discovered their kid has drawn on the walls. Again.

Loki responded with an innocent shrug, which in Loki-speak probably translated to, *Who, me?*

Harry sighed, running a hand through his perpetually messy black hair. "Alright, if that's how you want to play it." With a swift flick of his wrist and a muttered incantation, a burst of magic enveloped Loki in a flash of light.

When the glow subsided, where Loki had stood now sat a tiny Chihuahua, complete with glossy black fur and a collar that sparkled just a bit too much. The miniature dog looked up at them with wide, incredulous eyes before letting out a series of high-pitched, indignant yaps that echoed across the Asgardian landscape.

Thor blinked once, then burst into hearty laughter that could probably be heard back on Earth. "Well, that's one way to keep him out of trouble," he choked out between guffaws.

Harry grinned, reaching down to scoop up the fuming little Chihuahua. "Think of it as a time-out," he said, holding Loki at arm's length as the tiny dog continued to squirm and yip in protest. "Maybe this will teach you not to hijack interdimensional travel."

Before Loki could muster any more canine complaints, a deep, resonant voice cut through the commotion.

"Welcome to Asgard."

Harry turned to see Heimdall approaching, his golden armor gleaming and his all-seeing eyes practically glowing with intensity. The guardian of the Bifrost moved with a grace and authority that commanded respect—and maybe a little bit of awe.

Heimdall's gaze swept over them, lingering momentarily on the squirming Chihuahua in Harry's grasp. If he found the sight odd, he didn't show it. Instead, he gave a small nod. "It is an honor to receive you here, Seidr."

Harry blinked, momentarily thrown off. "Uh, thanks," he replied, attempting to sound as dignified as possible while holding a transformed god in his hands.

Heimdall's stoic facade cracked just a bit as his eyes twinkled with subtle amusement. "I see your journey was... eventful."

"You have no idea," Harry muttered, earning another series of yaps from Loki, who was clearly not enjoying his new perspective on life.

Thor clapped a hand on Harry's shoulder, his grin as bright as the Asgardian sun. "Come, friends! Let us proceed. There is much to discuss and many celebrations to be had!"

As they followed Heimdall across the Rainbow Bridge, Harry couldn't help but marvel at the sheer grandeur surrounding them. The air was crisp and filled with a sense of magic that resonated deep within him. It was overwhelming and exhilarating all at once—like discovering an entirely new world hidden within the pages of a beloved book.

He glanced down at Loki, who had finally resigned himself to being carried, though his narrowed eyes promised retribution at some point in the future. Harry smirked. "Cheer up, Loki. At least you're getting a free tour of Asgard from a new vantage point."

Loki responded with a huff and turned his tiny head away, clearly plotting his comeback.

As they approached the grand halls that awaited them, Harry felt a surge of excitement. Sure, this wasn't how he'd planned his day—or his week, for that matter—but if there was one thing he'd learned over the years, it was that the best adventures often came when you least expected them.

As they followed Heimdall through Asgard's gleaming halls, Harry couldn't shake the feeling that their arrival had stirred up more than just a little curiosity. It was like stepping into a mythological soap opera, and Harry was the newest plot twist.

When they finally encountered Sif and the Warriors Three, Harry felt the tension in the air crackle like static. Sif, with her fierce gaze and battle-ready stance, looked like she was about to throw down with someone—and that someone seemed to be Harry.

"Sif, it's good to see you," Thor greeted warmly, though his voice wavered with a hint of confusion. "Let me introduce you to—"

But before he could finish, Sif's glare zeroed in on Harry like a laser. "Loki," she snapped, her voice sharper than one of those fancy Asgardian swords. "What trickery is this? Why are you not in chains?"

Harry blinked. "Wait, what?" he thought, his brain doing a double-take. Was he being mistaken for Loki? He looked at Thor, half-expecting him to clear things up, but Thor just looked back, equally bewildered.

"Uh, I'm not Loki," Harry said, trying his best to sound calm and not at all like a trickster god in disguise. "My name's Harry Potter. I'm from Midgard." He tried to sound authoritative, like a wizard who definitely doesn't turn into a giant snake or cause the end of the world every other Tuesday.

Sif squinted at him, clearly unconvinced. The Warriors Three—Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun—stood behind her, each wearing expressions that ranged from skeptical to mildly amused.

"Okay, this is awkward," Harry thought, wondering if he should start waving around a wand to prove his point.

Before things could get even weirder, Thor stepped forward with a grin that could light up all nine realms. "Sif, the truth shall set you free—or in this case, set Loki up for some well-deserved mockery."

With a dramatic flourish, Thor presented the transformed Loki, now a tiny, bewildered Chihuahua cradled in his arms. Sif's eyes widened in shock as she stared at the pint-sized god, her fierce expression melting into one of pure disbelief.

"Behold Loki's true form," Thor announced, barely holding back a laugh. "It seems he's found himself in a rather… unconventional situation."

Sif's jaw dropped, and the Warriors Three exchanged looks that screamed, This is pure gold.

"I—uh—what?" Sif stammered, blinking as she tried to process the image of Loki as an angry little Chihuahua. It was like the punchline to a joke she hadn't realized was being told.

Thor, still grinning like a kid who'd just pulled off the ultimate prank, continued, "Apologies for the mix-up, but Harry Potter here is definitely not Loki. He's a Seidr from Midgard, and Loki tricked him into joining us. But as you can see, Loki's paying for that trickery now."

There was a moment of silence as everyone processed the absurdity of it all. Then, slowly but surely, a smile tugged at the corners of Sif's mouth. "Well," she said, crossing her arms with a wry grin, "I guess that explains a few things. Welcome to Asgard, Harry Potter. You've certainly made an impression."

Volstagg, Fandral, and Hogun were still staring at Harry like he'd just told them he was secretly Odin in disguise. Volstagg finally spoke, his voice filled with the kind of awe usually reserved for discovering that bacon goes with everything. "Seidr? But we thought all your kind perished long ago."

"Yeah, about that," Harry said, scratching his head as he tried to figure out how to explain his life without making it sound like the plot of a really weird comic book. "Turns out, there's still some magic left in the world. And I'm pretty sure I've got a lot to learn about it."

Fandral looked like he was trying to solve a particularly tricky riddle, while Hogun, the quiet one, just gave Harry a long, appraising look. It was the kind of look that said, You're interesting, but I'm not sure if you're interesting in a good way yet.

"Well," Sif said, her smile widening as she gave Harry a once-over. "It seems we've got ourselves a new ally—or at the very least, someone who knows how to keep Loki in check. Welcome to Asgard, Harry Potter. I have a feeling things are about to get even more interesting around here."

Harry nodded, grinning at the absurdity of it all. Yeah, he thought, interesting is one way to put it.

Standing in the grand Throne Room of Asgard, Harry couldn't help but feel like he'd just walked into the middle of a cosmic family reunion—only this one came with an extra serving of awkward. Thor was in full "Yes, Father" mode, Loki was now a Chihuahua (a fact Harry had a hand in), and Harry was pretty sure he'd never seen floors this shiny. Seriously, did they have an army of elves polishing the marble? Or maybe that was just some other kind of Asgardian magic.

Odin, the Allfather himself, sat on the throne with his one eye glinting like he was just waiting for someone to step out of line. Next to him, Queen Frigga stood with an air of calm that screamed, "I've seen it all, and nothing surprises me anymore."

"Welcome, Thor," Odin's voice boomed, making Harry flinch just a little. This guy could probably read the entire "Encyclopedia of Norse Mythology" aloud and make it sound like a battle cry.

Thor, ever the dutiful son, stepped forward, looking every bit like he'd just gotten caught sneaking out past curfew. "Father, Mother," he began, but before he could get another word in, Odin's eye zeroed in on the Chihuahua Thor was holding like some kind of cursed accessory.

Odin raised a bushy eyebrow. "Why is Loki trapped in the body of... that?" he asked, his tone a perfect mix of royal confusion and barely concealed amusement.

Thor looked like he'd rather be anywhere else. "It's... a Chihuahua, Father," he said, like he was admitting to committing some kind of cosmic faux pas.

"A Chihuahua?" Odin repeated, sounding like someone who'd just discovered that, yes, people did eat pineapple on pizza, and no, he didn't get why. "I am unfamiliar with such… creatures."

Harry couldn't help but snicker at that. There were probably a lot of things Odin wasn't familiar with, like Twitter trolls and internet memes, but a Chihuahua? That was a new one. "It's a breed of dog from Midgard," Thor explained, looking like he was about to dig himself deeper into the Asgardian doghouse. "Loki... well, he had a hand in it. It's a long story."

Odin's expression shifted from confusion to exasperated amusement. "Loki's penchant for mischief knows no bounds," he remarked, shaking his head like this was just another day in the life of the Norse gods.

The throne room quieted as Thor recounted the events that had led them here, from Loki's grand plans to take over Earth, to the Battle of New York, and finally to how Harry—an unexpected wizard with a knack for stumbling into trouble—had helped save the day. As Thor spoke, Sif and the Warriors Three listened with rapt attention, their expressions shifting from concern to barely suppressed laughter when Thor described Loki's not-so-glorious defeat. Harry noticed that he was being spared the more embarrassing details, but he was pretty sure there was no need to relive the moment Loki had ended up lying in a puddle of his own making.

"We owe a debt of gratitude to Harry Potter," Thor finished with a flourish, turning to his father with the same earnest expression that had probably gotten him out of a thousand sticky situations in the past. "He may be an outsider, but he fought alongside us with bravery and honor. He deserves our respect and thanks."

Odin looked thoughtful for a moment, then nodded slowly. "Indeed, he has proven himself a worthy ally," he said, in a tone that suggested Harry was now officially on Asgard's VIP list. "We shall extend our gratitude to him."

Odin's gaze shifted to Harry, and for a moment, Harry felt like he was being sized up by a celestial judge who could see straight into his soul. "Welcome to Asgard, Harry Potter," Odin declared, his voice echoing off the golden walls. "We are grateful for your aid in thwarting the schemes of my wayward son. Your bravery and skill have not gone unnoticed."

Harry gave a polite nod, doing his best to look humble, even though he was secretly hoping this wasn't the part where they'd knight him or something. The last thing he needed was another title to keep track of.

Queen Frigga, who had been watching quietly, now stepped forward. Her eyes were sharp but kind, and Harry had the distinct feeling she was the type who knew everything about everyone before they even opened their mouths. "I would be honored to engage in a discussion with you, Harry Potter," she said, her voice calm but commanding. "Your presence here raises many questions, and I am eager to learn more about your origins and the powers you possess."

Harry nodded again, this time with genuine curiosity. "I'd be happy to share what I know, Your Majesty," he replied, though in the back of his mind, he couldn't help but think, Great, now I'm going to have to explain the whole wizard thing to a bunch of gods. What could possibly go wrong?

And so, with the tension finally easing, Harry found himself about to dive headfirst into a conversation that might just reshape everything he thought he knew about magic, the universe, and his own place in it. Because, as he was quickly learning, nothing was ever simple in the world of gods and monsters.

Odin's voice boomed across the hall like a thunderclap, commanding the attention of every Asgardian within earshot. "People of Asgard!" he declared, his voice carrying the kind of authority that made you stand a little straighter, even if you were already standing as straight as a flagpole. "Today, we honor the valor and courage of my son Thor and his companions, who have fought to protect both our realm and Midgard. Their victory is one for the history books, and I say it's high time we celebrated!"

The crowd buzzed with excitement. There's nothing Asgardians love more than a good fight—except maybe a good feast to go with it.

"But there's more," Odin continued, his one eye scanning the room as if searching for someone. "Among us is a guest who played a crucial role in securing this victory—a friend from another realm who's proven his mettle alongside our warriors. Let us welcome him with the same warmth and gratitude that we would show our own kin."

Cue the cheers. The room erupted with applause and whistles, Asgardians clapping each other on the back as if they personally had something to do with the victory. Harry, caught somewhere between a smile and a blush, couldn't help but feel a bit overwhelmed by the sudden wave of goodwill. This was the kind of warm reception he usually only dreamed of—if he ever actually dreamed of being in a hall full of demi-gods and immortal warriors. (Spoiler: he didn't.)

As the celebration kicked into high gear, Harry found himself surrounded by more food and drink than he'd ever seen in one place—imagine Hogwarts' Great Hall on the best day ever, and then add a few thousand years of culinary experience. Everyone was toasting to something: to Thor, to Odin, to the destruction of giant space whales (don't ask), and of course, to the new guy from Midgard who apparently had "the courage of a lion and the luck of a leprechaun."

Harry, meanwhile, was still trying to process how he'd gone from being the Boy Who Lived to the Boy Who Just Got a Personal Shout-Out from Odin Himself. But as he looked around at the beaming faces and the overflowing goblets, he felt a warmth that had nothing to do with the Asgardian mead. He might not be home, but he was definitely somewhere he belonged.

As the night wore on and the crowd grew merrier (and, let's be honest, a bit tipsy), Harry raised his own goblet in a toast. "To Asgard," he said, loud enough for at least his immediate neighbors to hear. "To friends, old and new. And to, uh, never having to fight giant space whales ever again."

Laughter echoed around him, and Harry couldn't help but grin. He wasn't just the Boy Who Lived anymore; he was the Boy Who Finally Found a Place Where He Belonged—among warriors, mischief-makers, and people who knew how to throw one heck of a party. And for the first time in a long time, he felt like he could handle whatever trials the future might throw his way, as long as he had friends like these at his side.


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