/ Book&Literature / The Real Harry Potter

The Real Harry Potter Original

The Real Harry Potter

Book&Literature 70 Kapitel 1.0M Ansichten

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Über Inhaltsverzeichnis


Harry, tired of hiding his true self, embraces his dark side in his fourth year at Hogwarts, unleashing chaos and defying expectations.

With Dumbledore's authority challenged and Hermione and certain Weasleys facing his wrath, Harry's actions send shockwaves through the wizarding world.

General Audiences
  1. Liiana
    Liiana Beigetragen 58
  2. Toms_Mathew
    Toms_Mathew Beigetragen 33
  3. blankslate
    blankslate Beigetragen 27

Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

Rank -- Power- Rangliste
Stone -- Power- Stein

Das könnte Ihnen auch gefallen


  • Qualität der Übersetzung
  • Veröffentlichungsstabilität
  • Geschichtenentwicklung
  • Charakter-Design
  • Welthintergrund

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Love the novel I personally think it’s a Great Harry Potter fanfiction I didn’t check till now and thought it would have a bunch of amazing reviews unfortunately it didn’t even have power stones ima be honest I’m quite confused how it doesn’t because this quite the great fanfic so I 100% recommend this if you like Harry Potter and want to read a good Harry Potter fanfictions keep up the good work.

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