Gazing at the scene in front of the stone pagoda in the courtyard, Zhuo Rusui felt a
complex of emotions.
Those green leaves seemed to fall onto Gu Qing's body; they were, in fact, slightly
separated from his clothes, about the breadth of a few pages.
This was a sign that his sword will would leave his body and his sword ghost would form
soon, indicating that Gu Qing was on the threshold of the middle state of the Free
Travel; he should be able to break through the state in twenty or thirty days.
Zhuo Rusui and Zhao Layue had entered the middle state of the Free Travel many
years ago, and were both in the process of breaking through the upper state of the Free
Travel. Their Cultivation state was way ahead of Gu Qing's, but Zhuo Rusui still
marveled at the pace at which Gu Qing improved his Cultivation.
Even though the spiritual wills spilled from the meditation room when Jing Jiu and the