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25% The Marvel Wizard / Chapter 1: Family Magic to the rescue
The Marvel Wizard The Marvel Wizard original

The Marvel Wizard

Autor: Jason_Kelly_9462

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Family Magic to the rescue

Harry Potter and Marvel

Series part 1 of 3

After the Battle of Hogwarts, I thought everything would be great and I would've been happy instead I felt something inside me that was a part of me for all my life portkey me to Potter Castle.

There my life truly began as the Ghosts of my Ancestors taught me our family history, Power, Economy, Politics, and more while the Family Magic created foes that I was forced to learn and fight.

It wasn't until I was 34 that my lessons ended and I had all the potions, bindings, and Charms on me removed including the Glamour spell turns out I had Green eyes, Long Hair, and the face of my Great-Grandfather Fleamont Potter and My Great Great Grandfather Alex Potter from the Potter side with Black Aristocrat face and Peverell long hair.

I even had numerous injuries healed from me as the 4 Family magics banded together using the aid of magic I got from the Gaunts thanks to the right of conquest to make me into a Muscle warrior with extreme reflexes, Harden skin, and a Phoneix ability to flame away and heal from the 3 Magical poisons and tears in my veins thanks to a ritual devise from my Mother who was a genius on the scale that Merlin was powerful.

But, finally, after 17 years my training was done.

Looking around at my family I smile slightly and ask '' Lords and Ladies what's next ''?

Smiling they look at the boy whose groan so much then Lord Ignotus Peverell speaks '' We, are using an Ancient spell devise by Merlin to give you one last chance to go back in time but it will take years to do and come at the cost of you accepting the Hallows made by myself and my brothers and blessed by death''.

Gulping at that I ask '' What's the cost and what happens if I say no ''?

Ignotus sigh sadly '' The cost is the Hallows will merge with you which will make you a child of Death and Immortal but if we don't do this Magic will die as the Muggles will find out about magic and they in their fear of the unknown will launch a nuclear attack on the world ''.

Pale in fear I shake a little then I ask '' Is there no other way ''?

Shaking their head Ignotus answers '' Muggles will always find out about magic but what happens is what's different but the best is where you released the Gods from their various sleep and remove Dumbledore from Power and then Defeat Voldemort and his Death eaters we prefer that you kill most FYI and Muggles technology is growing to the point that Magic won't be able to stop it and you can't kill them for two reasons first is that they outnumber wizardkind and second Muggles are needed to introduce new Magical blood into the world ''.

Stun I gulp '' I have no choice what do we need to do ''?

Smiling slightly Ignotus answers '' Nothing from you I I would take the time traveling the world and learn more magic and train and Child you will have to think carefully when you want to return to as there are only two times open to you and I'm afraid if you choose to save your father it would require the Family magic to go dormant and for our souls to be destroyed but the other two years after your father's defeat and you'll be in your 19- year state but look as better then you do now and it will destroy our souls but we'll be apart of your time if you choose the first option your parent's souls will be destroyed on this time but you will have more time to save everyone ''.

Freezing I ask '' How can I pick the first then ''?

Ignotus smiles bitterly '' You can't the endless are just testing…''.

Grunting Ignotus goes quiet then he looks at the boy '' So, I know what you will do oh, and your wand won't work anymore ask Olivander to make you a staff and you'll need to take an Inheritence test from Gringotts when you return don't rob them this time ''.

Nodding knowing what I know now I knew the Potters have been allies of the Goblins for over 300 years and that if I just told what I wanted the Goblins would have done it themselves.

Bowing my head I state '' Thank you honor ancestors I will do my best to bring honor to all of our houses ''.

Grinning slightly the ghosts all stare at Harry who now standing tall flames out.

3 years later

The Past 3 years I have spent fighting Evil Wizards and Dark Creatures and Learning from the numerous Magical families that were willing to teach me.

Now, teleporting back to the family castle I walk in silently and determined as I knew this would be the last time I would see and feel the family magic as I do now as Lady Magic will stop providing it with enough magic to do as it has, Plus the Ghosts will return to the world of the dead back at peace.

I actually learned about wandless magic out there than anywhere turned out the reason wandless magic was so hard to learn is that wizards have to unlearn what they learn about wand magic which is why some countries learn Wand magic after they learn Wandless magic and Wandless magic needs more magic and focus but for someone like me who go a month of pure casting before I get exhausted Wandless magic was nothing.

I also attained my masteries in Defense Against The Dark Arts, Dark Arts, Runes, Wards making, Wards Breaking, Cursebreaking, Charms, Dueling, Transfiguration, Potions, Rituals, Enchanting, and Healing from Masters who were old enough for them to be masters in the new time.

I even managed to convince them that I was being sent back in time under Lady Magic and Lady Fates command which would allow them to keep their memories in that other time in exchange for aiding me something they all sign up for once they learned why I was being sent back.

Entering the Ritual room I look at the 3000 Runes all over the floor and wall.

Grimacing at the numerous bodies of Goblins and House Elves litter around him I cringe as I knew if this didn't work Goblins and other magical creatures would all come after me.

Taking off my clothes I see the Ritual notes on the ground making me frown a little as I followed the instructions exactly then I called out after checking ten times

'' Matre Magia, Domina Fata, et Patrem, et Mors precor, et sive patitur hoc Puer de Morte ad ius et iniuria olim sino haec Puer de Morte ad tollendam damnum factum, ad Matrem Magia et dono me maledictionem requiritur ''.

(Mother Magic, Lady Fates, and Father Death I beseech and conjure you allow this Child of Death to right the wrongs of the past allow this Child of Death to fix the damage done to Mother Magic and gift me with the curse required)

Chanting this for the next ten hours I disconnect from my body as unknown to me as I close my eyes that the endless appear in front of me and add their power to the spell and one by one they make it possible for my body to survive the spell along with my knowledge, Memories, and Magic of myself and those who sacrifice themselves for my spell.

Chanting the last time I scream as my body disintegrates and time Zooms back




Gasping awake I pant in pain as I feel a bed under my back suddenly I grunt as Memories of this life burn in my head.

Of me having so much magic that I was sent when I was 3 to Private Tutors and Masteries who trained me to control and I learned from each of them gaining me the same Masteries as I had before and I passed the school at age 11 after 3 days with straight O+++ and it took 5 years before I had all my masteries.

At age 16 I had been recruited by the ICW for a job that took 3 years to complete so I accept it for a 3-year contract as a Cursebreaker, Hit-Wizard, and Wardbreaker.

Working for the ICW earning fame from them but in a year of joining I learned my 3 Year older twin was dead but the contract forced me to not go after my Nephew.

Now, Yesterday my work was done and I could finally return to Britain take up my titles, Take up guardianship for my Nephew, and bring the world to right.

Sitting up I wave my hand frowning as I notice my wand of Holly and Phoneix feather laying broken grimacing I realize that I knew that it would break tonight and I had an Appointment with Olivander to get a Staff made today looking at myself I notice I was wearing muggle Bedclothes thinking to myself I realized I had a style of Muggle and Wizarding wear.

Pleased, with the way I acted in the past I knew I was well-known as a powerful wizard equal to the likes of Voldemort and Dumbledore and the other Dark Lords I had fought which unknown to others my power grows after each battle.

Sitting up I pause in front of me were the Elder Wand, Cloak, and stone.

Taking a breath I felt the ones inside me vibrate in excitement confused I took them and the 3 shined with light for a moment as I learned spells that have been forbidden for centuries, Wards, Potions, etc that have been used by the families of those who have wielded the Hallows thanks to the Wand and that I could now command all Dark and Undead creatures including the Dementors and Leithfolds as they were created by death thanks to the stone, and No Ward can stop, trap or slow me down no tracking spells, Potion or any other Mind control potion or spell would affect me.

The Three commands increased my healing to a level I can heal if I have my head chopped off and my head would be healed in an atom second.

Feeling a jolt I frown as I remember reading reports on Hydra working with Grindleward a Captain America fighting Red Skull and of Charlus Potter ( Dad) and Arcturus Black leading a resistance against Grindleward alongside the American hero.

Or, that in this world the Potters were one of the founders of Shield and that Shield knows and has fought in the Magical world including the first Blood war.

Worst to him at least Voldemort is a worldwide threat working with Hydra and tons of Muggle and Magical groups giving him a massive army and since the Magical world had only 50 Million you know its bad when a Dark managed to get 12 Million of the population on their side or that the governments were all corrupt something I had to fix if we were to survive the coming wars including the big war with Thanos and Galactus something I will really have to train for right now I a charlie level threat in the world sphere with most od the avengers except Thor, and Hulk being Alpha level threats the two were Omega as according to comics Thor can destroy universes with his storms and Hulk had no end to his anger thus his power theoretical he should be able to manipulate gamma energy in ways of Blasts, increasing his physical abilities and even absorb Radiation in to use in numerous ways.

Sighing a little I frown as I notice a trunk next to my bed along with a Backpack.

Blinking for a moment I smirk the Trunk was a creation of the mind that had its own private island and had enough food and other necessaries to last 30 years before needing to buy anything with magic from a built-in wardstone that has power equal to Thor's strongest blast from Ley Lines, With, Wards up the coast and there were 30 Compartments.

I was planning on teaching and hiring a bunch of muggleborns and Half-Bloods to create lesser and better versions of Tents, Trunks, Backpacks and sell them in a store called Tardis and pay them to create upgrades to the other various products I created and enchanted.

Having many of the smart ones working in the many towers under my houses with them becoming Wizarding towers.

Plus, many would join the Griffin army something houses are allowed by Merlin's Laws but most families their armies are weak.

Having a plan firmly in my head I walked over to my trunk and tapped the third rune and pushed my magic into it causing it to glow as the compartment of my wardrobe opens up and grows out of the trunk allowing me to pick my clothes.

Putting on a Muggle suit with Runes inside it for Warmth and cool along with Flexibly and comfortably charms I smile pleased at how my clothes felt.

Putting on my Basilisk hide Jacket I grin as I put on the trench coat with the runes on it allowing it to turn into a magic attractive jacket with runes on it to increase its defense power while allowing him free movement.

Nodding at my look I grab my Horntail Hungarian Dragon hide wand holder with its charms of Anti- Summoning, Self- Repair, Self Shields capable of defending up to High-Level shields, Invisibility wards, and a Small healing rune on it that will heal minor damage on the wand.

Something of my own inventions yep, that's right I am an Inventor as well as a Potion Master, Battle Mage, and Enchanted with multiple more Masteries ready to be used if needed.

Snorting for a moment I remember Lockhart attempting to Obliviate me and I arresting him and sending him to Azbakan before he became big.

Funnily, I manage to give those Lockhart took the memories from back and I brought the rights to right their adventures with Copy Quills writing them down word for word with Quick Quill working to turn them into adventures that would excite the world when I have them published with the true name of who the adventures were about writing on the first page.

Coming back to myself I grimace as I realize had the unfortunate habit of getting stuck in my head.

Coming back to the world I tap my hand on the trunk cousin it to shrink to that of a pocket trunk.

Placing it in my chest pocket I grab my few carrying items including my Moleskin pouch which can reach into my Vault and take any amount without going to Gringotts, My Potion Kit enchanted to hold 10,000 Potions, Emergency food, a tent enchanted by yours truly, My vault Key, and my ICW authorization to use all magic and spells protected by them.

Ready I walked out of my Apartment building that I warded to hell and back for my job in Brazil hunting and killing a Rising dark lord Morbius and his army of 3000 Dark Wizards.

Pulling out my Gringotts Portkey I tap it and was teleported away.

Feeling my navel being pulled made me smirk at how I used to be. Landing on my feet I land in my Account Manager's office nodding to Rockteeth I walked over to him then gave a roman salute and speak '' May your vaults fill with gold and your Axe drip with the blood of your enemies ''.

Smiling the goblin grin Rockteeth responds '' And may your Vaults overflow and your enemies fall''.

Nodding at the greetings being down I looked at Rockteeth who nods making me smile as I sit into my seat then I look at him '' I need an Inheritence test, Then I want a Healer, A cleanser, While I get all that I want an Audit, After that I want Cursebreakers and Gringotts to Check out each item of my vaults and family I would gain, Organize them into trunks with the Gringotts paying to organize the Vault to shelves, trunks and cupboards and drawers, For the Inventory of each vault to be looked into and anything not in the vaults to be recalled, I want within 10 Days for my brothers will to be read, I want my houses businesses and Properties to be repaired with Muggleborns, Creatures, and Half-bloods working in my businesses, Look into my brother's friend Remus Lupin and if he's qualified have him make a Binding vow similar to Gringotts to work as the Business Manager and look after the businesses of my houses, Finally Sirius Black I believe he's innocent I want you to find out everything to do with his imprisonment and if its not on the up and up to get him freed and sue those involve and hire me 15 lawyers for each house and have the Potter Lawyers go after the writers and Publishers of the Boy-who-lived books and any and all things that use the Name of Harry Potter on a case by case base and defend my businesses''.

As I spoke Rockteeth was writing down all my commands then Rockteeth taps a rune causing a Bowl to shimmer into existence along with a red stone and quill along with a Scroll.

Looking at them I pull out my ritual knife making Rockteeth smile as I with pause allow seven drops to fall into the Bowl which glows as it glows the blood evaporates from the blade and my wound heals.

Pleased Rockteeth starts chanting in ancient Gobblecock making my hair raise then my blood turns gold and the Ruby stone lifts into the air and into the blood ruby which glows and explodes to dust leaving ink in the bowl.

Lifting the quill he places it in the ink and lets go as it starts writing on the Scroll.

Staying silently Rockteeth raises his eyebrows at how long it was taking finally stopping Rockteeth looks at the scroll raising his eyebrows he hands it over

'' Harrison Jason Potter''.

Charlus Jackson Potter - Father - Deceased

Dorea Artemis Potter nee Black- Deceased

James Henry Potter - Brother - Deceased

Harry James Potter - Nephew - your Ward

Sirius Black - first Cousin -

Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black- Cousin

Narcissa Malfoy nee Black- Cousin

Draco Malfoy - Cousin

Arcturus Black- Godfather and Uncle

Closest family members

Lines and titles

Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter

Scion of the Most Ancient and Noble House of Black

Regent of the Ancient and Noble house of Evanshire

Lord of the Most Ancient and Noble of Peverell

Lord of the Founder house of Slytherin

Regent of the Magical house of Evans


Potter Family vault 154 - 430,000,000 G, 100,000 Sickles, 56,875 Kruts 300 Weapons, 100 Battle Armor, 101,100 Books, 102,000 Jewlery, 105,054 Heirloom items, Family Grimore

Potter Business Vault 178- 749,032,142 G, 191,099 Sickels, 11,000 Kruts

Harrison Personal vault 1054- 7,000,000 G 23,342 Sickles, 10,230 Kruts Personal Journals and Trophies

Harry Potter Trust vault 775- 1,000 Galleons refill each year to 10,000

Black Family vault 210- Limited access of 2,000,000 G

Sirius Black Personal Vault 859 - 132,000 G

Narcissa Malfoy Personal Vault 810- 421,102 G

Personal vault of the Magical house of Evans- 10,000,000 G

Peverell Family vault - 12,378,965,512 G 12,000,000 Sickles, 10,000,000 Kruts 1000 Weapons, 10 Battle Robes, 243,000 Books, 132,201 Jewelry, 123,000 Heirloom items, Family Grimore

Peverell Business vault- 21,000,000,000 G

Peverell Heir vault - 21,000,000 G

Evanshire Family vault - Limited access 1,000,000 G

Evanshire Business vault - 10,000,000 G

Lily's Evanshire Vault - 210,000,000 G, 123,000,102 Sickles, 120 Kruts 200 Personal Journals, 100,000,0 Books, 10 Trunks

Slytherin Family Vault- 10,000,000,000,000 G. 100 Sickles, 1000 Kruts 1,000,000 Weapons, 10,000,000 Armors, 45,000 Battle Robes, 140,000,000 Books, 124,000 Heirloom items, Family Grimore

Slytherin Business Vault - 12,000,000,000 G

Hogwarts vault - 45,000,000 G 10,000 Sickles 10,000 Kruts

Surprised at everything I demand '' Can you get the Business Ledgers for each house also quietly do an Investigate the Account manager for these houses''.

Reading over why Rock Teeth growls a little it's well known that Harry was with his relatives and it's not well-known that they are muggles meaning there was no reason for the vault to have been touched.

Thinking I demand '' Look into House contracts and Debts and get back to me and look into Marriage contracts ''.

Rock Teeth nods in understanding then he asks '' Do you wish me to take over as the account manager for these houses ''?

Thinking I nod '' Yes, and please hire the best you can ''?

Nodding Rockteeth asks '' Do you want to do Healer now or do you want your ward and do it at the same time ''?

Thinking for a moment I answered '' I'll bring my ward ''.

Nodding in understanding Rockteeth says '' Then I'll have food brought in for you both and have the healers ready themselves ''.

Nodding I stood up and flame travel away making Rockteeth gap in awe and whisper '' He's a Human phoenix ''.

Laughing a little he couldn't wait the Human Phoenix is the champion of magic now, the goblins will stand behind the human.

4 Privet drive

6:10 AM

Grimacing a little I appear behind the house right next door as I do I grimace a little and walk over to the Dursley house.

Pausing I look at the wards and raise my eyebrows at the powerful Blood Ward, Mail aversion ward, Apparation ward, Trace Ward, Surveillance ward, Portkey ward, Dark Mark Ward, Dark Creature ward, and the Dark Magic ward.

Thinking for a moment I place a 30 Min notice- me- not on the wards keeping Albus from checking them then I place a Silence and Aversion ward on the property.

Calling up my power I feel the all shimmer with lightning and I aim it at the door.


Hearing screams from the house I enter the house as I hear


Smirking a moment I wave my hand causing the door of the cupboard to disappear and I call out '' Child you are safe don't worry''.

Turning to the stairs allowing my anger out I walk up the stairs seeing the 5 doors I growl with rage then I hear a squeak looking to Dursley's room I grin as I see Vernon shaking with fear at the sparks coming off me.

Waving my hand I threw Vernon through the air hitting the wall and knocking him out hearing a scream I turn my head slightly and see Petunia holding up a bat attempting to hit me holding up my hand I snap my fingers turning the bat to dust then I snap my fingers again causing the two to be Portkey out of here with a crack as the amount of power I used caused the portkey wards to crack.

Pausing I feel a Magic core coming from Dudley's room.

Surprised I open the door to the room and gag instantly I could see it the Wards were literally draining the boy of his magic.

Growling with rage I wave my hand blocking the wards and watch as instantly the core refills.

Allowing my Evans magic out I feel the magic anchor itself to the boy and the family magic of the 2-year-old Magical house fill the boy with its power.

Seeing the boy sigh even though he was looking at me in fear I grimace a moment then I in a soft tone speak '' Your parents were bad people I'm a superhero ''.

Eyes wide in wonder Dudley with a lisp ask '' Li Cpt''?

Nodding I answer '' Yes, like Captain tell me would you like to be a superhero ''.

Nodding fast Dudley holds out his hand which I took then I took the boy down the stairs then I tap Dudley causing him to pass out and teleport to Rockteeth who will send the boy right to the healers.

Hearing the gasp I tilt my head to the cupboards speaking in a soft tone I say '' Hello, Harry that's your name my name is Harrison Potter I'm your dad's brother and your uncle would you like to come with me ''.

Harry Pov

Frightened I saw a man with powers take Unca Venon, Aunty Punia, and away but as I hear him talk I gasp a the fact I had a name hearing that he was my unca tears falling down my eyes '' Cn I leave ''.

I hear '' Of course, child I'm taking you with me ''.

Crying tears of joy I step out and race into the man's arms as I do I feel safety burn inside of me.

Feeling myself being lifted I feel a warmth then we appear in a new room.

Blinking for a moment I felt myself being lowered Gaping in awe I looked around then I gasp as I saw…a thing staring at me.

Looking up I see my Uncle smiling and hear him saying '' Alright Rockteeth we're here please take the two of us to the healers ''.

Confused at that I gasp as my uncle lifts me again and Rockteeth says '' Step outside there's a goblin waiting ''.

Watching my uncle smile then I bury my head into his neck and I hear him question '' The child did you send him down ''?

Rockteeth smiles and nods '' Yes, I sent him down to the healers already for a full scan and heal and I already made you his Magical guardian ''.

Pleased Uncle Harrison says '' May your vaults fill with gold and enemies blood drain into your magic''.

Smiling wide Rockteeth nods his head slightly and calls out '' May your vaults grow and your enemies fall ''.

Feeling Uncle Harrison turn we walk out of the room with Uncle Harrison knocking on the door and the thing letting him out then the two of us walk for a long time and then the thing knocks on a door and a voice calls out '' Enter''.

My pov

Feeling Harry hold onto me tighter I walked into the room which held two healers and tables frowning for a moment I shift Harry for a moment and state'' Harry, the two of us are sick these magical creatures our goblins always treat them with respect as they are extremely powerful and control the economy of the Magical world ''.

Watching Harry's face become one of awe I state '' Now, I am going to put you to sleep when you wake up you will feel better ok ''.

Nodding shyly Harry looks at me while I smile and tap his head which placed him to sleep.

Nodding to the goblins they aided me as I placed Harry on the child-size stone altar.

Nodding to my Healer I step over and laid down on mine as the Goblin started chanting some words and holding his hands over me bringing it down.

Hearing a curse from over at Harry's healer '' Whose hand was above the scar already I could see a scroll length of injuries making me growl a little when my healer says '' Hmm, you just need a cleanser potion and get your bones on your right foot replaced then your set what do you want to do first''?

Hearing how well I am I look at Harry then back to the healers and sigh ''I'm sorry do you mind telling me your names ''?

The two goblins smile and my healer answers first '' I am Vicersys ''.

'' I'm Gemlock ''.

Hearing the voice of female goblins I raise my eyebrows then I ask '' can you send me a copy of Harry's health report, send one to the DMLE, One to the Director and one to my account manager and the scar as you know what it is can you remove the soul and use it to track the other pieces ''?

Nodding Healer Gemlock answers '' Yes, we can its an abomination of magic we're already against the soul inside and will check the Vaults for more but if you hire us to go after the soul pieces we can go after them ''.

Pleased, at that and hoping I didn't need to fight Voldemort I state '' Tell Rockteeth to take 4% extra from my vaults to pay for this session and the hunting of the soul pieces also, as I own Hogwarts I want the Forbidden forest ward so that the dangerous creatures can't harm any students while allowing the teachers to go in and out and if you find any truly dark creatures you move them only kill the mindless magical creatures like a troll, Orcs, Hobgoblins, etc in the forest any creature like Werewolf, Vampire, Fairy give them each a tent paid for from my vaults up to 15,000 Galleons for each Tent finally I want an in-depth report of the forest and if necessary, please map it and ritually expand its size''.

Nodding Healer Viserys states '' I will let the appropriate parties know ''.

Nodding I look at the healers '' Do it''.

Receiving permission the healers start their work to heal the two of us.

With healer Viserys giving me a bucket and a potion she hands me both and I take them drinking the potion I gag as I count to 10 instantly I can feel a minor amount of Black Magic inside me being pulled up.

Vomiting into the bucket I gag at the taste of Black Magic.

After 10 seconds the Black magic was gone and I stopped nodding to Healer Viserys. I see her banish it and then she waves her hand and my foot bone vanishes. Then she handed me a skele- gro potion and I quickly drained it and a Glass of water which Viserys summons and hands me.

Yawning I feel my magic boost the potion within ten seconds the potion finished its work.

Nodding, to my healer I whisper '' Please take me to my other ward and take Harry into that room as well ''.

Nodding the Healer points at the wall on the other side of the room where a door la.

Nodding my gratitude I walked into the room and saw Dudley asleep on his bed with an empty tray of breakfast next to his bed.

Walking to the adult bed I sat down and smiled as my meal appeared.

Eating it, I sigh as I went over to the bathroom and used it then came back in and lay down for a short nap.

As I go to close my eyes I freeze as I remember I had one last thing to do. Looking around I find the summoning rune button on the wall.

Placing it I wait for a moment as the door opens and a Goblin with armor walks in concern he asks '' What can I do for you Legate Potter''?

Smiling satisfied, I was pleased I had Legate status meaning I could command Legions of Goblins and Employees of Gringotts then I ordered '' Please, summon Lord Black tell him his Godson needs him and I need him to bring a few children toys ''.

Bowing the goblin who I just noticed the Gringotts centurion mark walks out.

Laying back down I take a nap waiting for my godfather to arrive.

2 Hours later

Yawning, awake I rub my eyes for a moment then I put on my my specially made Glasses which allows me to see 360 degrees, zoom in, Anti-Unbreakable charms, Clean charms, Anti-Rain charms, Anti fog charms, ,X- Ray, See through vision, Anti-Falling charms and finally an Anti-summoning charm.

All of them, Lord grade which gave me the best glasses possible but cost 300 Galleons for all the charms and runes on my glasses.

Blinking for a moment I see Arcturus sitting on a chair next to me on the two other beds were Dudley and Harry still asleep with Harry having a Stomach soother, Throat soother and some Lunch next to his bed.

Acturus seeing I was awake leans forward '' Well, Godson what's going on ''?

Smiling slightly '' Three things first I believe Sirius never had a trial ''.

Growling a little I see the look of rage appear on Arcturus face then he takes a breath and listens as I continue '' Next, I need your help as you know I'm a seer and I saw that Voldemort is still alive and if we don't defeat them that Muggles will find out about us, and they can kill us all ''.

Looking in disbelief I chuckle for a moment and state '' See, for yourself the Muggles are advancing rapidly we need the Departments that deal with muggles the needed funding to expand ''.

Face coming hard Arcturus nods then I state '' Third, well fourth, Dumbledore he is a part of the problem that if we don't stop and remove all his power will cause the end of all magic ''.

Pale Arcturus mind explodes as he knew that won't be a easy task taking a breath I somewhat demand '' The Blacks, need to make amendments to those they have harmed or the Muggleborns and Half-bloods will one day rebel and they outnumber us 10,000 to 1 ''.

Paling further Arcturus didn't know how much they outnumber them then he looks at me as I smile and state '' I plan, I creating a number of businesses and hiring Muggleborns, Half-Bloods and Creatures such as the Vampires, Werewolves, Hags etc ''.

Humming Arcturus sighs and asks '' Then I'll do the same anything else ''?

Nodding I say '' Yes, I also need help protecting my two wards Harry Potters, and his cousin Dudley get the wizengamot to bring equally to Magical creatures and all those with magic beside you know the political power, Have Traditions and customs of the Magical world brought back and unban many of the dark magic and rituals, Have Hogwarts raised its standard of education, Get Muggle-raised children to learn the Traditions, Customs and Laws of our world and get the Wizarding raised children to learn about the Customs, Traditions and History of the Muggle world and add many of the muggle classes to the school meaning Math, English, Arts, PE, etc and finally I need to ready our kind because if I don't a threat is coming that has the power to end half of all life in the universe and yes life on other planets exist including worlds where the gods live and yes, they exist and our really gods, and here's a bigger news Muggles can use magic from other dimensions to fight evils which they do ''.

Pale and frightened at the future Arcturus mind races then he says'' I'll restart the Dragon legion and call a family meeting I'm sorry godson I been so broken at your father's and Mother's deaths that I've forgotten who I am but no more I will aid you ''.

Smiling happy I look at my nephew and cousin and say '' Plus, I have to be the parents to them both and good them a happy and safe life while readying them for the wars to come ''.

Thinking rapidly Arcturus states '' I'll retake control of the Black Alliance and the Dark Alliance, you do the same for the Potter Alliance and grey we'll try to get some of the neturals and Light on our side ''.

Nodding in understanding I sigh at what will be a long 100 years then I say '' Oh, and when Sirius is free have him go to saint Mungo for at least 4 months stay to get the dementors exposure remove and have him see a Mind- Healer and regular healer then I have an idea on a Business dealing with what my brother and his friends started in school ''.

Interested Arcturus says '' Do tell''?

Smirking I state '' Sirius, James and Remus were extreme smart they made multiple inventions including a map which shows where every is and what they are doing anywhere on the ground of Hogwarts and hogsmeade and a Mirror that works like a floo but you don't need floo powder, I plan I expand the Mirror tech to allow people to watch from anywhere picture it watching Quddititch of a Game from your home or read the News on your Mirror and for people to make Mirror games with someone creating games played on the Mirrors plus, I will have them make Defense and prank items and make maps of Properties, businesses and perhaps convince the lords and Ministry to buy map to watch over their properties and the Ministry building and the other magical alleys ''.

Arcturus lets out a grin at his Grandson's genius and his Godson's plan smirking . Arcturus says '' Then we best hurry we have a world to save ''.

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