He ventured to the mountain Rui trained atop, stopping a good distance away to not disturb him.
He couldn't hide his curiosity.
Just what kind of crazy technique was he going to create this time?
He was curious to know since Rui had specifically said he would no longer be working on a system of thought.
That had excited Kane.
The only reason Rui would not work on a system of thought when it was the path to the Master Realm was if he no longer needed to. The implications of that decision were so great that Kane did not dare put it in words for fear of jinxing it.
Furthermore, Rui's training sessions grew more interesting when he wasn't working on a system of thought. Thought training was simply meditating in an isolated location, there was nothing to see since Kane could not read thought.
That was why he was amazed by what he saw.
He saw a realm of fire.
Titled 'Magicapita' on R0yal R0ad!