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The Martial Art Heroes (MHA x OC) The Martial Art Heroes (MHA x OC) original

The Martial Art Heroes (MHA x OC)

Autor: staycool1214

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Chapter 1

Two teenagers were sitting next to each other in Katagiri Junior High School. One of them was a young, handsome man with black hair that parted in the middle and deep, blood-red lazy eyes. He was sitting at the back of the class closest to the window. The other one was sitting next to the said guy with black hair that is styled in a bowl cut with two strands sticking up from the back of his head and blue eyes. That was Uesugi Fuutarou and the individual sitting by the window was Handa Seishuu. Cousins whose parents are siblings. Despite Seishuu being older, his mother is younger than Fuutarou's father, who is the elder brother of Handa's mother.

The two were just sitting down as they were hearing their homeroom teacher talk regarding their future plans assignment.

"Since you're all third years, it's time for you to think seriously about your future," the teacher said. "I'll pass out handouts of your future plans now, but..."

He swipes up a pile of papers containing all the future plans of the children in the room, then proceeds to chuck the pile of papers at the chalkboard behind him and gleefully exclaims, "You're all pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?"

With this, the entire class, save for several kids, started flexing their Quirks and causing a ruckus. Meanwhile, Seishuu and Fuutarou started to play games with each other on their phones, ignoring the commotion in the class.

The teacher continued. "Yes, yes, you all have wonderful Quirks, but using your powers at school is against the rules."

The teacher started to look down the list and noticed that two people applied for UA. Two names that were very familiar to him.

"Oh, looks like Handa and Uesugi are applying for UA," the teacher said. All the students looked to the two who were playing games on their phones. They stopped what they were doing and looked to see the other classmates who were giving a big stare at them. They knew that this was going to be a bothersome day.


After the whole class was bombarding them with questions, the two were walking out of school and going to their house that their grandfather allowed them to live in.

Seishuu and Fuutarou walking together, Fuutarou had his hands behind his head and Seishuu had his hand in his pockets. "Ne, Seishuu," Fuutarou sparked up.

"Mmm," Seishuu hummed while looking forward.

"When was the last one we trained?" Fuutarou asked, "Ji-chan was very adamant about us training so we could get into UA."

Seishuu looked at Fuutarou, "It's been a while..." Seishuu realized that they haven't trained for four yeards and their power has weakened a bit. "Tch," Seishuu clicked his tongue as they were walking, "we should ask Jii-chan to us again like the old times."

Fuutarou had his hand under his chin, thinking in thought before he said, "Maybe you're right. We should ask Jii-chan to train us after we eat out."

"Yep..." Seishuu said.

The two were walking down the urban streets of Musutafu and entered the Mall to eat one of the restaurants that give student discounts. It was a sushi restaurant that was popular among the Junior High and High School students. They decided to eat a surplus amount of sashimi and nigiri which led to the check being a huge one.

After they were done eating their sushi, they were walking down the streets. They stopped in the middle of the walking platform to keep talking and two people bumped them from behind.


Seishuu and Fuutarou looked behind and down to see there were two girls who fell on their butts. One of them was a beautiful girl black hair that met at her waist and red eyes that were brighter than Seishuu's deep, dark, blood-red eyes while the second beauty had blond hair that reached her chest and hazel eyes.

"Are you okay?" Seishuu reached for his hand while Fuutarou reached for the blond. The two girls looked up to see two boys, they saw their hand and grabbed them as Fuutarou and Seishuu helped them up.

"Y-Yeah," the black haired girl said, she looked up to Seishuu who was over a head taller than her. She looked up and was mesmerized by Seishuu's handsome and brooding features. The other girl looked at Fuutarou and couldn't help but notice his features as well. The two girls thought that the boys were their type.

The black haired girl snapped out of her trance and bowed to Seishuu, "Th-Thank you for helping me," she said. The blond girl simply nodded, making Fuutarou and Seishuu sweatdrop, "No need to bow, we only just helped you ladies up because we accidentally bumped into you two."

"Thank you," the black haired girl said, "Saegusa Mayumi."

"Amakusa Rio," the blond girl said, "Nice to meet you"

"Handa Seishuu," Seishuu said.

"Uesugi Fuutarou," Fuutarou said, "Nice to meet you too."

The two pairs looked at each other for an awkward moment and the Seishuu asked, "Where are you guys going?"

"We're going to the arcade to play some games," Mayumi said, "Do you guys want to come with us?"

"S-Sorry, we have to pick up my younger sister," Fuutarou said, though he and Seishuu thought it would be fun to hang out with these girls. They seemed to be fun to hangout with.

"Oh," Rio said dryly, "Well... see you two later."

Seishuu waved back and Fuutarou and smiled as they walked away back to preschool to pick up Seishuu's sister. As they were walking, the thought of those girls were lurking in their minds. They were really pretty, Mayumi was Seishuu's type and Rio was Fuutarou's type. They sighed as they were walking down the street and went inside the Preschool's campus.

They kept walking down until they encountered the Seahorse room where Fuutarou's sister was in. When Fuutarou opened the door, he looked at a small girl who had long black hair with green eyes and a simple butterfly-shaped ribbon, holding up her hair in a high half ponytail.

When she was done packing up her things, she looked around and as she saw Fuutarou, her eyes sparked up, "Onii-chan!" She said as she ran to Fuutarou. She wrapped her arms around Fuutarou's waist and giggled.

"Raiha," Fuutarou said as he patted his sister's head, "Was school good today?"

The small girl nodded as she looked to Seishuu and jumped in happiness, "Seishuu-oniichan!" She lunged and hugged her older cousin as he started to pop a vein in his forehead. He started to look down, but could find within himself to tell her off due to the fact she was really cute. So he sighed and picked up the little girl.

"Raiha-chan!" Seishuu said as he rubbed his cheek against her, "you're way too cute for me to scold you!"

Fuutarou just chuckled as Seishuu was hugging Raiha.


As Seishuu, Fuutarou, and Raiha were walking out, Fuutarou and Seishuu noticed two familiar girls that were walking towards the preschool. The two girls were talking to each other until they looked up and saw Seishuu and Fuutarou which led to an awkward moment of silence. But Seishuu was first to break the ice, "Are, Amakusa-san, Saegusa-san." Seishuu said.

"Handa-kun, Uesugi-kun," Mayumi said. Rio looked down and saw Raiha as she went down to her level.

"Nice to meet you," Rio said to Raiha, "I'm Amakusa Rio, nice to meet you."

Raiha had a huge smile on her face as she waved hello, "Hello, Uesugi Raiha," she looked up to Fuutarou, "Onii-chan, do you know these pretty Onee-chans?"

"We just met them not too long ago," Seishuu said to his cousin. He looked up to Rio and Mayumi with a lazy smile, "I assume that you guys are here to pick up a younger sibling?"

"Actually," Mayumi said, "Rio and I are here to talk to an old teacher of ours. We used to come here as kids."

"Is that so," Seishuu said. As they were starting to talk, they heard an explosion from a distance and looked to see a column of smoke that wasn't too far from them. Fuutarou walked up beside Seishuu, he looked to Fuutarou and the two nodded. After that, Seishuu looked to Mayumi, "Watch Raiha for us," he instructed, "Fuutarou and I will see what's going on."

"Wait wh—"

She was cut off as she saw two streaks flying towards the column of smoke. One streak was silver and blue while the other one was black and red. Rio walked up to Mayumi as they figured that the streaks were Seishuu and Fuutarou though they didn't know who was who.


Seishuu and Fuutarou landed on a rooftop to properly assess the situation. They noticed that it was some sludge villain who was holding from what looks like an ash blond hostage. They scanned around the area and looked down below, heroes had arrived at the scene and were taking action. On the site were Kamui Woods, Death Arms, Backdraft, and Slugger. The two were assessing the situation further with the new information and it didn't look good.

"Damn. This doesn't look too great," Seishuu said, "Unless Kamui Woods is willing to try and grab the kid with his branches, I don't see a way this ends well for him. He's too busy saving other people trapped by the flames."

As they observe the chaos, Mount Lady arrives, but is unable to get close enough to make a difference. She tries to walk by the roads, but is unable to pass through. They notice that the heroes are idly watching as the sludge monster consumes the hostage.

"What the hell are they doing? Do they have some weird plan I can't figure out? or are they just letting him get swallowed?" Fuutarou asked. He was soon interrupted as he heard Seishuu screaming, "What is he doing?!" Fuutarou looked to where Seishuu was pointing and saw a greenette boy running towards the sludge villain.

"What the hell?! What is he doing?! Alright, well let's go," Fuutarou said. With that, a black-red aura surrounded Seishuu while a silver-blue aura surrounded Fuutarou and they zipped down.

"Oi, Broccoli head!" Seishuu screamed. The other heroes hadn't even noticed Seishuu and Fuutarou until Seishuu called for the broccoli boy. Once they did notice them, the heroes yelled at them to stay back.

"Stay back! We don't need any more unnecessary deaths!"

Seishuu looked at them with an expression that seemed to say, "Don't get in our way."

"What are you talking about?" Seishuu said to the herois, "You're just standing around, doing nothing! Whatever plan you had clearly isn't working, so I decided to come on over and figure this out!"

"Our plan was to wait for someone with a more suitable Quirk! None of us can so much as put a scratch on that sludge guy!" It was Death Arms, a pretty buff-looking hero with a strength-based Quirk.

Seishuu ignored Death Arms as he and Fuutarou looked at the situation.

"I think the easiest way to solve this problem is for one of us to grab the blond," Seishuu said, "the other has to grab the broccoli boy. I'll grab the blond."

"Got it!" Fuutarou said as he ran for the Broccoli boy. The said boy noticed Fuutarou grabbing him and was stunned.

Fuutarou looked at the green haired boy with a concerned expression. "You okay?" The boy nodded as they looked to see what Seishuu was doing.

Seishuu Handa bolted towards the sludge monster. Sludgy attempted to whip Seishuu, but he managed to dodge them. The blond looked at Seishuu with a mixture of shock and fear, and he held his hand out, "Hahhhh!" In that instant, a Ki blast cannon was created and blew the villain apart. Bits of the somehow still alive villain lay everywhere, and everyone was silent.

After a couple moments of silence, cheering could be heard throughout the crowd. The guys were praising this unknown kid for his strength.


After the whole ordeal had passed, the bits and scraps of the sludge guy were collected and taken to the police. Seishuu and Fuutarou were getting yelled at by the heroes. Rio, Mayumi, and Raiha were nearby watching them get reprimanded by the Pro-Heroes. Seishuu was getting the most shit, since he was the one who ran in to fight the sludge monster. But Fuutarou was getting let off more easily, due to the fact he escorted the Broccoli Boy.

"Are you insane? You could have died!" one hero exclaimed.

"There was no reason for you to jump in to save your friend!"

Seishuu shot back, "What are you talking about? I don't even know him! Also, there is absolutely no way I'm dying anytime soon! I'm not dumb enough to jump into a problem I can't solve! What do you think I am, some kind of idiot?" He sighed and calmed down a bit. "I understand why you guys didn't do anything, but what about All Might? Where was he? The blond could have died." He turned his attention to the wood dude. "Kamui Woods. Was there nothing you could have done in this situation? What if you had let Backdraft splash you with some water to grant you just a tad bit of heat resistance, and grabbed the blond through the sludge? Don't you think you could have at least helped him a little? Did you even think to try it?"

After the two got reprimanded, they saw Rio, Raiha, and Mayumi.

"Onii-chan!" Raiha ran and hugged Fuutarou who hugged her back.

"Saegusa-san?" Seishuu looked to the right of him to see the Broccoli boy calling for Mayumi.

"Ara, Midoriya," Mayumi said, "Handa-kun!"

The green haired boy now known as Midoriya, Fuutarou, and Seishuu walked towards the other group. Mayumi smiled as she saw Midoriya who started to flinch up stiffly.

"Saegusa-inchou," Midoriya said.

"Hello Midoriya-kun," Mayumi said.

"Oi, Amakusa-san," Seishuu said, "You now this green haired frail kid?"

"Yeah," Rio said, "This is Midoriya Izuku-kun, a fellow classmate of Saegusa-san and I."

Seishuu and Fuutarou looked at the said boy, "Nice to meet you." He held out his hand to Midoriya, "Handa Seishuu, this is my cousin, Uesugi Fuutarou."

Fuutarou smirked and waved his hand, "Nice to meet you."

Midoriya looked to the two tall teenage boys and bowed, "Thank you for saving me."

"Of course," Fuutarou said, but before he could say anything his and Seishuu's phone rang and they took out their phones and it showed their parents were texting them to come back.

"Sorry we gotta go," Seishuu said, "Our grandfather was calling for us." He picked up his sister in his arms and nodded to his new friends. "See you guys later."

Seishuu's aura flared a black-red and Fuutarou's was silver-blue as they now flew back to their home. Mayumi, Rio, and Midoriya looked at them with amazement.


Fuutarou and Seishuu who had Raiha in his arms flew down and landed on the lawn of a traditional Japanese house. Seishuu gently put down his sister as she ran to the door and opened it, "We're home!"

"Welcome home," a woman said. Out came a very beautiful and youthful-looking pale-skinned young woman with shoulder-length black hair that is tied in a low side ponytail by a pink scrunchie on the right side with bangs tucked behind her left ear and brown eyes. Emi Handa (Maiden Name: Uesugi), Seishuu's mother, Fuutarou and Raiha's aunt came to the door and opened it.

"Obasan!" Raiha ran over and hugged her mother. Seishuu and Raiha's mother hugged Raiha back and rubbed her cheeks against the girl.

"Raiha-chan!" Emi said, she soon looked up to Seishuu and Fuutarou, "Sei-chan, Fuutarou-kun!"

She ran over to hug her son and nephew. While Fuutarou hugged her back, Seishuu had an annoyed expression.

"Kaa-san," Seishuu said, "let go..."

"Of course," Emi let go of the two boys and all of a sudden a man with distinctive golden, spiky hair with a bulked up and muscled body with green eyes came out.

"Hello son of mine!" the man said to Fuutarou.

"Isanari-nii," Emi said, the man who was Fuutarou and Raiha's father, her older brother, and Seishuu's uncle. Isanari hugged Fuutarou who looked annoyed, but Emi was quick to hit them on the head as they were supposed to not create a commotion.

"Isanari-nii," Emi said, scolding her older brother, "You mustn't be so loud, Otou-san likes this household to be quiet.

"R-Right, sorry," Isanari said.

"Talking about Jii-chan," Seishuu said, "is he in the house?"

"Yeah, he is in his room," Emi said, "Why do you ask?"

"Fuutarou and I need to talk to him," Seishuu said, "it's in regards to us applying to UA."

Isanari, Raiha, and Emi's eyes sparkled, "You two are going to UA, that's great!"

"Yeah," Seishuu said, "but in order for us to do well, we need to get back into fighting shape, so we are going to go there now."

"Of course," Emi said.

The two teenage boys walked into the house and Isanari and Emi looked at their sons.

"Can't you believe it?" Isanari said, "Our sons are going to do something with their lives."

"I agree," Emi said, "It felt like a long time when Otou-san let us live with him when our sons were born."

"Indeed," Isanari said, but he later felt his wrist tugged by Raiha who wanted her father to play with her.

"Otou-chan," Raiha said, "let's play!"

"Of course," Isanari picked up Raiha and put her on his shoulders as they went to her playroom where there were toys and books.


Seishuu was wearing a black gi with a red sash and red arm guards with red and red boots. Fuutarou wore an orange gi with black sash and black arm guards and black boots (A/N: Wearing Goku's black and orange gi from SDBH just without the undershirt). They were in front of a big double sliding door that led to their grandfather's room. Seishuu knocked on the door gently and waited for a moment until an elderly man's voice called in, "Come in."

Seishuu opened the door and entered with Fuutarou entering and closing it behind them. The two approached an old man who had a strict face and a distinguished aura, and salt and pepper hair due to age. His hair is loosely swept back and he has wrinkles on his forehead, high cheekbones, and deep nasolabial folds. Fuutarou and Seishuu walked to their grandfather, Seimei who was meditating as the two teenagers sat down, seiza stance.

Their grandfather who had his eyes closed asked, "What is it, you two?" their grandfather asked. He could sense that his two grandsons were wearing their gis and predicted that they wanted to resume their training, but wanted to hear from them.

"Ojii-san," Fuutarou said. He and Seishuu were quick to bow to their grandfather who was also their teacher for martial arts and energy control.

"Please train us!" the two teens said simultaneously as they bowed.

They kept their foreheads on the floor as the grandfather had a hand on his chin, thinking about their request. He hummed and then opened his eyes, "You boys have gotten soft," Seimei said, "you boys must be ready for intensive training. Are you willing to handle it?"

"Yes sir," the two said simultaneously.

The grandfather started to smirk as he instructed his two grandsons to sit up straight, "Good, let's begin."


And they trained, they managed to get stronger and they learned to control their energy better to the point their grandfather had wanted them to create their own techniques with the energy they were able to control.

Fuutarou created a move called Kamehameha which was an energy blast that is used when cupped hands are drawn to the user's side and energy is concentrated into a single point (between their cupped hands). The hands are then thrust forward to shoot out a streaming, powerful beam of energy. The blast can also be used, generally under extenuating circumstances, with just one arm or even the feet.

Seishuu created a few moves like a move called Galick Gun, and Gamma Burst Flash. When using the Galick Gun, Seishuu curls his fingers and places both his hands together at chest level facing the same direction (so that the palm of one hand is on the back of the other). Then, once enough energy is gathered, he thrusts both hands forward to fire a powerful blast of energy. The result is a powerful, huge, red-black colored energy beam that emanates from his hands and body. The Gamma Burst Flash is created when Seishuu's hands are in an inverted position, resulting in a devastating yellow, electric beam capable of massive destruction, but it hasn't been perfected yet so if he uses it, he would be incredibly drained.

They trained for 9 months until they had to take the entrance exams in UA.

They were now in the front of the school. Seishuu was wearing a red varsity sweater with a white t-shirt underneath and blue jeans. Fuutarou wore a deep-grey tracksuit bottoms with an orange stripe down the side, black sneakers with vibrant orange laces and soles, and a black t-shirt. Additionally, Fuutarou wore a zipped-up white tracksuit jacket with a stand up collar, deep-grey sleeves with an orange line running down their sides and orange cuffs, and deep-grey shoulders.

"This campus is huge," Seishuu said.

"Right?" Fuutarou said.

The two looked around and then walked off to the lecture hall. As they went to find their seats, they saw two familiar faces that were in the back. Rio and Mayumi were sitting next to each other and looked to see Seishuu and Fuutarou. Mayumi was the first to stand up and wave.

Seishuu and Fuutarou noticed her waving and they walked up to sit by them, "Didn't expect you guys to be here too."

"Well we did apply to this school," Mayumi said. Rio nodded, "It would be obvious that you just saw us."

"I guess you're right," Seishuu said as he and Fuutarou sat down. It didn't take long for someone to come out. There was a man in front who had hair that eerily resembled a broom, and weird triangle sunglasses that were tinted orange. He wore a punk-style outfit and had some weird lookin speaker thingies on his neck.

"For all you examinee listeners tuning in, welcome to my show today!" The broom guy said. "Everybody say 'Hey!'"

Silence. Not a single person said a word. The four teens were thinking that this guy was trying too hard.

"What a refined response." The broom guy said. "Then I'll quickly present you the rundown on the practical exam! Are you ready?" As if answering his own question, he followed it up with "Yeah!"

Again, silence. Well, except for someone behind the four, they looked back to see a familiar green haired boy, Midoriya fanboying.

"It's the Voice Hero, Present Mic! Wow...!" Midoriya said. "I listen to him every week on the radio. I'm so moved. All the teachers in UA are pro-heroes!"

"Shut up." Bakugou said.

The four just looked ahead as Present Mic continued. "As it says in the application requirements, you listeners will be conducting ten-minute mock urban battles after this!"

Behind Present Mic, the huge screen displayed the plan for the entrance exam in great detail. There were seven groups, A-G, that would all be sent to different areas.

"You can bring whatever you want with you. After the presentation, you'll head to the specified battle center, okay?"

He waited for a response, but got silence instead.

"Okay?!" He tried again.

The audience looked at their cards, ignoring the poor guy.

Seishuu looked at his card and saw that he was in group C, then looked over to Fuutarou's card and saw that his cousin was in group D.

"What group are you in?" Rio asked Seishuu. He showed her his card, making her pout. "What about you?" Seishuu asked. Still pouting, Rio revealed to Seishuu that she was in group E. Present Mic proceeded to explain the point system and said that there were three robots. "You earn points for each of them based on their level of difficulty. Your goal, dear listeners, is to use your Quirks to earn points by immobilizing the faux villains."

Behind him, the screen showed an 8-bit model of Present Mic going around and beating up the robots mentioned.

"Of course, attacking other examinees and any other unheroic actions are prohibited!" Present Mic said.

After Present Mic explained the scoring system, some kid in the audience stood up and raised his hand.

"May I ask a question?" The kid asked.

Present Mic pointed to the kid and said, "Okay!"

The kid had short navy blue hair and eyes, with eyebrows that looked like the number 1. He wore glasses and had a very "proper" aura to him.

The kid began his 'question.' "On the printout, there are four types of villains. If that is a misprint, then UA, the most prominent school in Japan, should be ashamed of that foolish mistake. We examinees are here in this place because we wish to be molded into exemplary heroes." He turned around and pointed at Midoriya aggressively. "In addition, you over there with the curly hair—" Midoriya pointed to himself, as if asking if he was the problem. "—You've been muttering this whole time. It's distracting! If you're here on a pleasure trip, then you should leave immediately!"

Midoriya covered his mouth and apologized. "I'm sorry..." Quiet chuckles could be heard throughout the room.

"Okay, okay, Examinee Number 7111. Thanks for the great message." He shot a thumbs up at the kid with glasses.

Continuing his presentation, Present Mic said, "The fourth type of villain is worth zero points. That guys an obstacle, so to speak. There's one in every battle center: An obstacle that will go crazy in narrow spaces. It's not impossible to defeat, but there's no reason to defeat it, either."

On the screen, there was another 8-bit Present Mic, but instead of taking on the 0-point villain, he ran away from it.

"I recommend that you listeners try to avoid it."

Glasses guy bowed, apologized for interrupting, and finally sat down.

Back to the broom guy. "That's all from me! Finally, I'll give you listeners a present, our school motto!"

'How is a school motto a present?' Seishuu thought.

"The hero Napoleon Bonaparte once said: 'A true hero is someone who overcomes life's misfortunes.' Go beyond. Plus Ultra! Now, everyone, good luck suffering!


In front of gate C, Seishuu stood by himself. He was wearing his signature black gi which showed his impressive muscles, making some of the girls blush as he was doing warm ups. He was looking around as he was trying to see who his competition was.

"Okay, GO!"

With that, he instantly reacted and blasted forth, creating wind as he left the rest in the dust. He ran around the course, trying to find robots to blast away with Ki.

This continued until he had defeated most of the robots present within the first few minutes. The other students were becoming disheartened and annoyed, since they couldn't compete. Even robots that snuck up on Seishuu had no chance, since any attack they would try to use would be averted due to his quick reflexes and blasted away from them. By his calculations, he had racked up a whopping 152 points just by running around and blowing up the robots.

By the time the 0 pointer showed up, most of the contestants ran away, but Seishuu smirked as he got on top of it. When he was on the top of the robot, he soon did a backflip and floated in the air as he pulled his palms by his sides and thrust them forward, facing opposite directions. As he did this he yelled, "Gamma Burst Flash!"

As he descended slowly to the ground, he looked around and saw the jaw-dropping reactions of the other examinees. He started to flinch and drooped down as he felt the unwanted attention towards him.

Fuutarou who was now wearing his signature gi also cleared his exam with flying colors. He ran around, blowing things up. He managed to rack up a healthy 131 points. When he saw the 0 pointer, he smirked as he did a huge ki-boosted jump as he cupped hands and drew them to his side, "Kamehame..." he said as energy started to gather in his hands, "HA!" He thrusted his hands as he shot a beam of energy that exploded the robot.

Fuutarou also slowly to the ground, he looked around and saw the jaw-dropping reactions of the other examinees. He started to hide his face as he saw the unwanted attention towards him.


The two were eating dinner with the family, Seishuu's mother and Fuutarou's father, Raiha, and Seimei were eating in the dining hall of the Uesugi Household. Seishuu and Fuutarou were zoning out as it has been days since the Entrance Exams in UA, they have been anxiously waiting for the results of their tests.

Their parents have noticed this and Emi called out for them.

"Sei-chan, Fuutarou-kun, are you two okay?" Emi asked. The two snapped out of their trance and looked at Emi, nodding. The two didn't hesitate to start eating the rice and sashimi that was in their section of the long low table.

Later they heard a knock and Seishuu was the closest to the door so he got up and ran over to open it. When he did, he didn't say anyone, but two envelopes on the threshold. He picked up the letters and saw his and Fuutarou's name on each of them. He soon flipped them over and saw a UA stamp so he went inside.

He walked to the dining area and showed his and Fuutarou's letter to the family. "We got our letters," Seishuu said, "I'm going to my room, thank you for the dinner."

He handed Fuutarou his letter and then went into his room as he sat down on the tatami mat. He opened the letter and a small projector fell out of the small table. He saw that it was upside down and flipped it over and showed a hologram of All Might, the number 1 hero in front of Seishuu's face.

"Hello, Handa-shounen!" All Might said, "I am here to inform you that not only have you passed the written exams, but you and three other students have broken the record for combat points with the previous record being 90 points."

The screen transitioned and it showed the top results:

Handa Seishuu - 152

Uesugi Fuutarou - 131

Amakusa Rio - 102

Saegusa Maymi - 97

Seishuu saw the results and was familiar with Amakusa and Saegusa, he was impressed with their scores and was thinking that these two girls were a force to be reckoned with. He doesn't know their Quirks but he will soon enough.

next chapter
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