/ Fantasy / The Luna of Varick Manor

The Luna of Varick Manor Original

The Luna of Varick Manor

Fantasy 31 Kapitel 5.6K Ansichten
Autor: C.W. Valdez

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I once thought if you run far away enough from your problems, things will be better. So I did. I landed my dream job at the prestigious hotel known as Varick Manor.

Things weren’t exactly how I expected them to be. I mean, the Manor is amazing. But ever since I started, strange things have been going on. The guests behave oddly as if I scare them. My coworkers keep me at a distance. Even my boss, Kieran Varick, acts weird. He flops between doting to cold in the blink of an eye. Strangest yet, I think giant wolves are being cared for by someone at the Manor.

I don’t know what’s going on here, but as more strange things happen around me, the more I want to find out what’s going on. While logic tells me I should run away while I still can, my heart is pulling me closer to the Manor, as if this place were my destiny. One way or another, I’m going to find out the secrets of Varick Manor.

The Luna of Varick Manor is created by C. W. Valdez, an eGlobal Creative Publishing signed author.

  1. kunfetti
    kunfetti Beigetragen 10
  2. briana_torres
    briana_torres Beigetragen 1
  3. Chief_Two
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Geschenk -- Geschenk erhalten

    Wöchentlicher Energiestatus

    Rank -- Power- Rangliste
    Stone -- Power- Stein

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    Autor C.W. Valdez