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The Knight of Seirin The Knight of Seirin original

The Knight of Seirin

Autor: Orrlex

© WebNovel

The beginning of the road

Riko Aida stood in the gymnasium of Seirin High, her eyes scanning the basketball team during their practice session. The echoes of dribbling balls and squeaking sneakers filled the air, but her thoughts were clouded with concern. "Without a strong first-year lineup, and with Kagami gone to the States, our team's at a real disadvantage," she sighed to herself.

Junpei Hyuga, the team's captain, approached her, noticing the worry etched on her face. "Coach, is something bothering you?" he asked, his tone laced with concern.

Turning to face him, Riko managed a weak smile. "It's just the team, Junpei. We're not as strong as we used to be. Kagami's absence has left a big gap."

Hyuga glanced over the court, observing their teammates. "We'll figure something out. We always do," he said, trying to sound optimistic.

Riko's gaze drifted, lost in thought. She knew they needed a solution, something unconventional and bold, but what that could be, she wasn't sure yet.

Riko's gaze shifted towards the first-year players practicing at the far end of the gym. She watched them intently, searching for a hint of exceptional talent, but none stood out as particularly strong. With a heavy sigh, she muttered to herself, "I guess we have to work with what we've got."

Suddenly, Tetsuya Kuroko appeared behind her, almost as if out of thin air, causing Riko to jump in surprise. "Kuroko! You should really wear a bell or something," she said, trying to calm her racing heart.

Kuroko, with his usual impassive expression, replied, "Sorry, Coach. I didn't mean to startle you."

Riko shook her head, a small smile forming. "It's okay, Kuroko. I was just thinking about the team's current situation."

Kuroko glanced towards the first-year players. "We may not have standout talents like before, but everyone has potential. We can build on that."

Riko nodded, appreciating Kuroko's ever-positive outlook. "You're right. It's not just about individual talent, but how well we work as a team." Her resolve strengthened, but deep down, she couldn't shake the feeling that they needed something more to fill the void left by their departed stars.

Just as Riko and Kuroko were discussing their options, Shinji Koganei burst into the conversation with his usual energetic demeanor. "Why don't we borrow talents from other clubs? Since Seirin is a relatively new school, not all sports clubs are competitive. Maybe there's someone willing to switch to basketball," he suggested, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Riko paused, considering Shinji's unorthodox idea. It was unconventional, but given their situation, it wasn't entirely out of the question. "Well, we don't have much to lose," she finally conceded, a new sense of purpose in her voice.

Turning to Kuroko, she said, "Come on, Kuroko, let's see what we can find." Without waiting for a response, she grabbed his arm and started leading him out of the gym.

As they headed toward the volleyball court, Riko's mind raced with possibilities. Could this unconventional approach really yield the talent they needed to fill the gaps in their basketball team? Only time would tell.

Riko and Kuroko made their way to the volleyball court first. They watched from the sidelines, but no one stood out as a potential basketball player. Kuroko, always observant, noted, "Volleyball requires good jumping ability, but I don't see anyone who could adapt to basketball quickly."

Next, they visited the baseball field. Riko watched the players intently, but her hopes dwindled. "Baseball has different dynamics than basketball. The skill set doesn't quite match up," she said, a hint of disappointment in her voice.

The tennis courts were no different. As they observed the players, Kuroko remarked, "Tennis players have good hand-eye coordination, but that alone isn't enough for basketball."

Their final stop was the judo dojo. Riko sighed, "Judo requires strength and agility, but it's a far cry from basketball skills."

As they walked back, Riko looked at Kuroko, "I appreciate your patience, Kuroko. This was a long shot, but we had to try. We need a miracle to find someone with the right potential."

Kuroko nodded in agreement, "It's important to explore all options, Coach. The right person might just come along when we least expect it."

Their search had been fruitless, but Riko felt a renewed determination to keep looking. Little did she know, their miracle was closer than they thought.

Riko's eyes suddenly sparkled with realization. "How could I forget? There's someone else!" she exclaimed.

Kuroko, curious, asked, "Who might that be, Coach?"

Riko replied enthusiastically, "A soccer player. I've been completely enamored by his abilities since last year."

Kuroko, slightly surprised, said, "Congratulations, Coach. I didn't know you believed in love."

Riko quickly corrected him, "No, no, not like that. I mean, I admire his physique—as an athlete."

Kuroko, a bit taken aback, commented, "I didn't know you were into that kind of thing, Coach."

Riko, flustered, grabbed Kuroko by the shirt and shook him lightly, "No, you're getting it all wrong! I mean he has potential as an athlete, that's what I like about him!"

Kuroko, trying to regain his balance, replied, "I understand, but please stop shaking me."

Riko let go, composing herself, and explained, "Since he entered high school last year, I could tell he was a natural athlete. Unfortunately, he plays soccer, but I still watched a few of his games. He's a sports prodigy."

Her eyes shone with the prospect of discovering a hidden gem for the basketball team. This soccer player might just be the miracle they were looking for.

As Riko and Kuroko approached the edge of the vibrant soccer field, the energy and shouts of the game filled the air. They stopped at the sidelines, where Riko's eyes quickly found the player she was looking for. "Look at number 7," she said, pointing towards a tall, blackhair player whose presence on the field was unmistakable. "That's Ryo Kiro."

On the field, Ryo's agility and speed were a sight to behold. He weaved through his opponents with a grace that made it seem effortless. "He's incredibly fast," Kuroko observed, his eyes following Ryo's movements.

Riko nodded, her eyes not leaving Ryo. Just then, a play unfolded that demanded their attention. Ryo sent a precise cross towards the goal, but it was deflected, leading to a corner kick. Ryo didn't miss a beat; he quickly positioned himself in the penalty area, his eyes fixed on the trajectory of the incoming ball.

The corner kick was executed, and in a moment that seemed to defy gravity, Ryo launched himself into the air. His jump was not just high; it was as if he soared above everyone else, a momentary flight that culminated in a powerful header, sending the ball crashing into the net for an awe-inspiring goal.

"And he jumps high," Kuroko said, a tone of respect in his voice.

Riko's enthusiasm was palpable. "Yes, and there's more to him. Look at his footwork, his spatial awareness, the way he reads the game. He's not just a player; he's a leader on that field. Strong, daring, confident. He's the kind of player who can change the game. He's exactly what our basketball team needs."

Kuroko, thoughtful, asked, "But how can we convince someone like him to switch from soccer to basketball?"

Riko watched Ryo celebrate his goal with his teammates, her mind already working on a plan. Convincing Ryo to change sports would be a huge challenge, but she felt a spark of hope. If anyone had the potential to make such a transition, it was Ryo Kiro.


The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm, golden hue across the sky, painting the clouds in shades of orange and pink. The day was winding down at Seirin High, and the students were heading home. Ryo Kiro, still flushed from his game-winning performance, was making his way towards the school's exit, his mind replaying the highlights of the match.

As he walked, Riko, with determined strides, intercepted him. Her eyes were focused, reflecting the colors of the sunset.

"Ryo Kiro, right? I need to talk to you about something important," Riko said, getting straight to the point.

Ryo, slightly taken aback by her direct approach, replied with a hint of humor, "I don't usually go out with girls who have short hair."

Riko, not missing a beat, retorted, "Lucky for you, I'm not asking you out. I'm here to talk about your athletic future."

Riko extended her hand confidently. "I'm Riko Aida, coach of the Seirin High basketball team."

Ryo, still intrigued, shook her hand, a quizzical look on his face.

Riko dove right in. "Your soccer team, while talented, doesn't compete in major tournaments. Our basketball team, on the other hand, won the Winter Cup. I'm here to offer you a chance to be part of a championship-winning team."

Ryo's expression shifted to one of surprise. "Basketball? But I've played soccer all my life. Why would I switch now?"

Riko's eyes gleamed with determination. "Because you're not just an athlete, Ryo. You're a competitor. You have the skills that could translate incredibly well on the basketball court. And we need someone with your talent."

Ryo laughed, a bit uneasily. "I appreciate the offer, Coach Aida, but basketball isn't my game. I'm a soccer player."

Riko, undeterred, stepped closer. "Just think about it. In basketball, your agility and jumping ability could make you a star. You have the potential to win titles, to be remembered. Isn't that what every athlete wants?"

Ryo paused, the idea seemingly taking root, but then he shook his head. "I'm flattered, really, but I can't just abandon my team. They rely on me."

Riko could see the conflict in his eyes. "Just come to one practice. See for yourself what you're capable of on the basketball court. No commitments, just an opportunity."

Ryo looked at the sky, now a canvas of deep blues and purples, then back at Riko. "I'll think about it," he finally said, leaving the door open just a crack as he continued on his way. Riko watched him go, hopeful that she had planted a seed of curiosity in the talented athlete.

Ryo walked home under the quickly darkening sky, his mind swirling with Riko's proposition. The streets were quiet, with only the occasional sound of distant traffic and the soft rustle of leaves in the gentle evening breeze.

As he walked, he couldn't help but replay the conversation with Riko over and over in his mind. His soccer team, though filled with camaraderie and passion, didn't compete in official tournaments. They enjoyed friendly matches and small local competitions, but nothing that would bring them close to national glory.

Ryo had always dreamt of standing on a podium, lifting a trophy high, feeling the weight of national acclaim. But that dream seemed distant with the current state of his soccer team. He yearned for more – to push his limits, to see how far his athleticism could take him.

"Maybe I do have more to offer," Ryo thought to himself. "What if basketball is a path to that glory I've been seeking?"

The idea of switching sports was daunting. Soccer was his comfort zone, the field where he had honed his skills and made his mark. But the allure of competing at a higher level, of potentially winning something as prestigious as the Winter Cup, was enticing.

As he reached his home, a resolve began to take shape within him. "I'll go see one basketball practice," he decided. "There's nothing to lose in just watching."

The possibility of a new journey in basketball, of reaching heights he had only dreamt of, seemed suddenly within grasp. Maybe, just maybe, this was the opportunity he had been waiting for.

As the first rays of the morning sun crept through the curtains, Ryo Kiro was roused from his sleep by the gentle humming of the city awakening outside. He lay in bed for a moment, the events of the previous day playing in his mind like a distant dream. The suggestion of switching to basketball seemed more surreal in the light of the new day.

His contemplative silence was abruptly broken by the unexpected entrance of his mother. "Ryo, there's a girl downstairs looking for you," she said, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

"Who is it?" Ryo asked, sitting up, his brow furrowed in confusion.

"She claims to be your coach," his mother answered, leaving the room.

Ryo's mind raced. 'Coach? But why...' His thoughts were interrupted as he realized who it must be. With a sense of foreboding, he walked to the window, pulling aside the curtain. Sure enough, there stood Riko Aida, her figure silhouetted against the morning sun. She looked up, spotting him, and waved energetically. "Good morning, Ryo!"

Ryo felt a mix of annoyance and disbelief. "What are you doing here?" he called down, his voice tinged with frustration.

Riko, undeterred by his tone, replied with a smile, "Basketball practice starts early. We're waiting for you!"

"I never agreed to any of this," Ryo shot back, the irritation clear in his voice.

"That's exactly why I'm here. To convince you, sleepyhead. Now, come on, we don't have all day!" Riko called out, her voice a mix of command and encouragement.

Ryo closed the window sharply, his mind a whirlwind of emotions. Despite his annoyance at Riko's unexpected visit, a part of him was curious about the basketball practice. With a heavy sigh, he began to get dressed, his thoughts conflicted. He was stepping into unknown territory, and while part of him resisted the change, another part was intrigued by the challenge. As he laced up his shoes, he couldn't deny the growing sense of anticipation about what lay ahead.

Riko and Ryo arrived at the Seirin High basketball court, the sound of bouncing balls and sneakers squeaking against the polished floor filling the air. The team was already in the midst of their warm-up drills. Ryo, still visibly uncomfortable in this unfamiliar setting, followed Riko hesitantly.

"Everyone, gather around!" Riko called out, her voice cutting through the noise of the gym.

The team members, dressed in their practice gear, stopped their activities and formed a semi-circle around Riko and Ryo. There was a mix of curiosity and excitement in their eyes as they looked at the newcomer.

"Team, this is Ryo Kiro," Riko began, gesturing towards him. "He's from our soccer team and is considering joining us in basketball."

The team members exchanged glances. Ryo stood there, feeling out of place but trying to maintain a composed exterior.

"Let me introduce you to the team," Riko continued. "This is Junpei Hyuga, our captain and one of our best shooters." Hyuga nodded at Ryo with a welcoming smile.

"Next, we have Rinnosuke Mitobe, our center. He's a man of few words but a crucial player." Mitobe gave a silent nod, his expression friendly.

"This is Tetsuya Kuroko, our phantom sixth man. His unique style of play is a key part of our game." Kuroko stepped forward and offered Ryo a polite bow.

"And here's Shun Izuki, our point guard, known for his 'Eagle Eye'." Izuki gave Ryo a quick wave and a clever smile.

Riko continued to introduce the rest of the team, each member offering a nod or a wave. Ryo took it all in, feeling the weight of the situation. This was a world away from the soccer field, a different team, a different game.

"As some of you know, Teppei Kiyoshi and Taiga Kagami are no longer with us," Riko added, acknowledging the absence of their former stars. "That's why we're exploring new possibilities, and Ryo here might just be the fresh talent we need."

Ryo leaned towards Riko, his voice low, "Hey, I didn't agree to join the team."

Riko responded with a sly grin, "Details, Ryo. Just play one game. Do you know the rules?"

Ryo replied hesitantly, "Somewhat, I guess."

"Good enough," Riko said, quickly setting up the teams. "Kuroko, Shinji, you're with Ryo. Hyuga, Mitobe, and Shun, you're the opposing team. We'll play three-on-three."

Ryo let out a resigned sigh and stepped onto the court. He could feel the eyes of the team on him, a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

Hyuga and Ryo positioned themselves for the jump ball. Hyuga, with a competitive smirk, said, "Sorry, but I won't let you show off, pretty boy."

"Pretty boy?" Ryo echoed, slightly thrown off.

Riko tossed the ball into the air to start the game. Hyuga jumped first, but Ryo, with an unexpected burst of athleticism, soared up like a rocket. He reached the ball before Hyuga, snatching it out of the air. Hyuga landed, his eyes wide in disbelief. 'Impossible,' he thought.

Ryo, back on the ground, quickly passed the ball to Shinji, who immediately drove it towards the opposing basket. The gym erupted into a buzz of excitement and surprise. Ryo's natural athletic ability was shining through, and it was clear that he was more than just a talented soccer player.

As Shinji dribbled the ball, scanning the court for an opening, Ryo's eyes met Kuroko's. A familiar surge of adrenaline pulsed through him, akin to his striker's instinct on the soccer field. 'What is this feeling?' he thought. 'It's like I can sense the play unfolding.'

Without hesitation, Ryo started sprinting towards the basket, his movements fluid and decisive. Sensing Ryo's intention, Shinji passed the ball to Kuroko.

Kuroko, ever the phantom player, subtly redirected the ball towards the hoop. Hyuga, confident in his defense, scoffed, "That's not going in."

But it wasn't a shot; it was a pass. Out of nowhere, Ryo emerged, launching himself into the air with a stunning leap. He seemed to defy gravity, soaring towards the ball. With a powerful grasp, he caught it mid-air and executed a spectacular dunk.

The gym fell silent for a moment, then erupted into cheers and gasps of amazement. Even Kuroko, usually so impassive, couldn't hide his surprise at the display of raw athleticism. Ryo hung on the rim for a brief second before landing gracefully on the court, a look of exhilaration on his face.

Ryo jogged over to Kuroko, his eyes alight with the thrill of the game. "Follow me, pass the balls," he instructed, and Kuroko nodded in understanding, ready to adapt to Ryo's dynamic playstyle.

During a swift counterattack by Hyuga's team, the ball ricocheted off the rim. Ryo, with his impeccable timing, leaped and secured the rebound effortlessly. Riko watched from the sidelines, her mind racing. 'This kid is good. Really good.'

With the ball now in his possession, Ryo started dribbling down the court. Shun Izuki, known for his clever play, stepped up to guard him. Unexpectedly, Ryo sent the ball flying across the court. Confusion spread among the players and spectators – it looked like a wild, misguided throw. But in a flash, it became clear: it was a self-pass. Ryo dashed after the ball with incredible speed, scooping it up before anyone else could react.

Hyuga, quick to respond, moved in to challenge Ryo. However, Ryo skillfully passed to Kuroko, who had positioned himself nearby. Kuroko, seizing the opportunity, dribbled past Hyuga and then, with impeccable timing, lobbed the ball back into the air towards Ryo.

The play unfolded like a well-orchestrated dance. Ryo caught the ball mid-air, soaring once again towards the basket. With another powerful leap, he executed a flawless dunk, sending the ball crashing through the net.

The gymnasium erupted in cheers and applause. The Seirin team members exchanged looks of disbelief and admiration. Ryo's athleticism and understanding of the game were undeniable. His ability to read the play and execute such dynamic moves was beyond what anyone had expected from a newcomer to the sport.

Riko couldn't help but smile broadly. Ryo Kiro was proving to be not just a potential addition to the team, but a game-changer. The possibilities of what they could achieve with him on the team filled her with excitement and anticipation.

As the training match concluded with Kuroko's team emerging victorious, the atmosphere in the gym was electric. Kuroko approached Ryo, extending his fist in a gesture of camaraderie. "Good job," he said, his voice steady and sincere.

Ryo, still catching his breath from the intensity of the game, looked at Kuroko and then returned the fist bump. The gesture, simple yet meaningful, represented a mutual respect that had formed on the court.

Kuroko, with a hint of a smile, added, "It would be an honor to have you on the team."

Ryo, now with a slight grin on his face, replied, "Well, your coach still hasn't convinced me." There was a playful challenge in his tone, a sign that he was beginning to enjoy the dynamics of basketball and the team.

The other team members gathered around, patting Ryo on the back and expressing their admiration for his performance. Despite his initial reluctance, Ryo couldn't deny the thrill he felt playing basketball – it was a different kind of excitement compared to soccer, yet just as intense and fulfilling.

Riko, watching the interaction, knew that Ryo was on the verge of making a decision that could change the trajectory of the Seirin basketball team. She approached the group with a confident smile, ready to make her final pitch to convince Ryo that his future in sports might just be on the basketball court with Seirin.

Riko walked up to Ryo, her eyes reflecting the excitement of the game they had just witnessed. "So, are you going to join us?" she asked, her voice hopeful.

Ryo wiped the sweat from his brow, still catching his breath. "I don't know," he said, a hint of uncertainty in his voice. "This was just one game, you know? I need to think about it more."

Riko's smile didn't waver. She leaned in slightly, her tone playful yet persuasive. "Then, how about we have a date tomorrow? Make sure you bring your best sneakers."

Her words caught Ryo slightly off guard, but the playful challenge in her voice intrigued him. He couldn't help but smile back, the competitive spark within him ignited by her proposal.

"Alright, Coach. I'll be there," he finally said, the decision to at least explore this new opportunity clear in his mind. As Riko walked away, Ryo watched the team, now his potential teammates, joking and discussing the game. The sense of camaraderie and the thrill of the sport were enticing. Tomorrow's 'date' would be more than just a practice – it would be a decisive moment in his athletic journey.

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