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62.61% The Knight of Ruin(DxD) / Chapter 65: Early Birthday Gifts.

Kapitel 65: Early Birthday Gifts.

Romonus felt much more secure in knowing that he had moved with 2 months' head start from the Utsusemi Agency. In the Prequel Novel Slash Dogs, Tobio believed that the Heavenly of Aloh cruise had sunk and killed all of his friends and teachers for that entire time. 

The Utsusemi Agency took 2 months of research to produce the first meaning that Romonus, Azazel, and Mephisto had time to research and track them down before their research gave results. 

Another big change was how long Tobio had his Longinus active. Tobio had gone those 2 months in mourning wasting his time. However, because of Romonus Tobio already had Canis Lyacon a month before the shipwreck.

This meant that by the time the novel Slash Dogs would have started, Tobio was going to be a completely different person since he now had someone like Romonus to teach him. 

The same went for Shigune, Natsume, Kouki, and Hyousuke who over the next 2 months would have gone through different events. This meant that Chaos was sure to come for the events they would have been and would be in. 

He smiled to himself as it had been a slow process, but at this point, he was beginning to make larger moves in the world. He didn't know if it was true, but he felt that he had reached a point where he could be classified as in the top 10 like his brother and uncle Ajuka, 

He was going to keep that information to himself as it was better to be underestimated than to be famous. In the future being underestimated would serve better than any blade. 

That was what he did for the next week as he had time to train the 4 Evil Fiends and Tobio. He took them under his tutelage and he started to train them all. Azazel had come over and he had begun to study the 4 Fiends and Canis Lyacon who Romonus had named Shin. 

Tobio was confused about why Romonus got to name his Longinus, but Romonus used the 'I saved you' card silencing him. That was the funny thing as while the god-killing dog was Tobio's Sacred Gear, Tobio felt that he was more Romonus' pet. If he was not training with Tobio he spent all his time with Romonus. 

This gave Azazel plenty of time to study the dog and his abilities which were going to be used to improve the Artitifical Sacred Gears Azazel was famous for. However, in exchange for that research, Romonus wanted to have access to them at any time. 

Azazel agreed to this because if not for Romonus, he would not get this chance. In reality, Azazel wanted to study Archaon, Ruin Maker, The Curse Shield, and the True Longinus, but those were off-limits. 

Over the next 7 days leading up to his birthday, Romonus spent time inviting all the people he cared about. Besides his lovers, he invited his three mentors and best friends Souji, Surtr, and MacGregor. 

His two sworn brothers Sairaorg, Magdaran, and Rias, Sirzechs, Ajuka, and even Azazel. It was more going to be a get-together with the people he considered family or friends as it was his 13th birthday. After everything was set up, he went to bed in his room the night before.


When Romonus fell asleep he expected to just wake up the next day. However, he felt the familiar feel of his boss causing him to open his eyes with a grin. It was like he saw a old friend he had not seen in a while. 

"Boss, you are healed." 

In front of him was a fully healed Rhavdall who appeared to be amused. His eye was back without even a scar and his missing limbs were back. 

"That I have. Thanks to you stepping up your actions all the chaos energy let me heal pretty fast. How have you been doing?" 

Romonus walked forward and held his hand out. Rhavdall shook his hand firmly as his investment had been fully worth it. Romonus still had way more power to draw from the Sparda bloodline as even Dante the Devil Hunter took decades to discover his full powers. 

Romonus being this strong after just a year was already impressive to him. Now that he had a second to catch himself Romonus could see that he was no longer in Rhavdall's office. 

When he looked around he saw that they were standing in a barren wasteland. 

"This isn't your office is it?" 

Rhavdall shook his head as he rubbed his beard. 

"No. This is going to be our last meeting for several decades so I picked somewhere out of the detection of the Company. This is the former Divine Realm of a long-dead god that I discovered by coincidence. 

I am here to absorb the realm into my own, but I digress. I came to give you this, the final gift I will ever bestow upon you." 

Rhvdall reached into his pocket and pulled out a Spatial Ring. It was a black and purple crystalline ring which he tossed toward Romonus who caught it in the air. 

"That ring has the space of a space of the planet Jupiter with a spirit I bound to manage things. It ain't sentient though." 

When Romonus looked inside, he saw something else. It was a single black book which Rhavdall smirked without answering. Romonus smiled and gave a bow before he opened his eyes and he appeared in his room again. 

When he did so, he saw that Silvana had rolled over onto him and his face was in her breasts. For an undead, her body was exceptionally warm and her breasts were nice. He wrapped his arms around her making her smile. 

Her head was still attached as she hadn't taken her necklace off this time. When he fell back asleep it was quite short as in another hour his natural clock was telling him to wake up. 

When he opened his eyes again he saw that Silvana was still asleep so he let go of her and carefully pulled his arms away to not wake her up. When he sat up he saw that his bed was full. 

Vespera and Valerie were both sleeping in coffins that Romonus placed next to his bed. He didn't need to sleep in them, but according to them if they did not sleep in coffins they would not get any real rest. 

He didn't bother with that and instead looked around the bed. He saw Miria next to him snoozing away with a funny smile on her face. He reached down and ran his hand down her lovely face making her smile more. 

She wasn't alone as Akeno, Shirone, and even Itsuki were there. All the girls were starting to sleep in his room since he had accepted Akeno and Shirone. Itsuki though had yet to ask him and he wasn't going to be pushing her for that since she was still young. 

Regardless, once he was awake he got out of bed careful to not wake up anyone. He walked over to where he had a full-size mirror to look at himself. Since he was shirtless he began to strike a pose looking at how his muscles flexed. 

His muscle mass was greater than his past life, but his height was the same height he used to be. He still had more growing to do because he was only 13 today. Just as he was thinking about that he heard someone sneak up behind him. 

He smiled as Miria wrapped her arms around him and pressed her breasts into his back. 

"Happy birthday Romonus, I hope you are excited about your birthday present. I will give you a clue, they start with an M." 

She kissed his back before letting him go, but he was not satisfied. He turned around and wrapped his arms behind her getting a handful of her big ass. He picked her up with ease and locked his lips with her. 

Miria closed her eyes as he began to French kiss her while getting a good feel for her lovely ass. She wrapped her legs around him and her arms behind his head as she enjoyed him being more pushy. 

Romonus pulled back from the kiss with a smirk. 

"I can hardly wait." 

She let go of him as he set her down, but when he looked behind them he saw that Silvana was awake. She was currently dressed in a baggy t-shirt and not much else except for a pair of red panties. 

They stuck out against her light blue skin which he was a fan of. That was the benefit of being undead as she had very little embarrassment. She walked over to him so he gave her the same treatment. Much like Miria, she also had a fantastic ass that he loved so much. 

Since she was barely wearing anything he got to feel it directly and squeezing it in his hands was a good gift already. He kissed her as well and enjoyed how warm her body was. 

When she was satisfied she smiled as he set her down. Just then he got a funny idea. 

"Since it is my birthday I think I should get one from everyone right?" 

He looked at the bed since the girls were all in his room. Akeno blushed, but she pushed her feelings away and got out of bed. She walked up to him, but unlike Silvana or Miria she was young. So he just kneeled and she gave him a small kiss on the cheek. 

He winked at her making her blush.

"Thank you, Akeno." 

"Happy Birthday." 

She ran away while covering her face with her long hair. Though right behind her was Shirone who was still very short. She was taller than Serafall and Kuroka now as she was 5'4. 

He expected to get a small kiss, but she lunged toward him wrapped her arms behind his head, and shoved her small tongue into his mouth. His eyes opened wide as her strength was insane. 

'This naughty cat.' 

If he was not a Demon his head would have exploded like a watermelon. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the kiss with a small part of himself feeling this was immoral. Having a girl so young force her tongue in his mouth was so weird. 

Maybe too weird. When she pulled away her face remained kinda blank. She gave a double piece sign and bragged about it. 

"I win." 

He sighed as he got off his knee.

"Damn Shirone, I thought you were going to suck the air out of my lungs." 

Her 4 tails lazily swung behind her as she looked up at him. Her face was still kinda expressionless, but she seemed annoyed. 

"You didn't touch my butt?" 

Romonus chuckled. 

"Now, now girl. You need to grow up a little more for that." 

Shirone frowned. 

"Why? I am a big girl now." 

She pointed at her chest which was B cup at the moment. She had the genetics to have a large chest, she was just young. 

"You got to get a little older." 

He saw how she pouted as she walked off slowly. She turned around a few steps later with a sad look on her face, before walking off again. She looked back at him making him sigh so he walked up to her and he gave her a firm spank on the ass. 

"Stop being a horny cat." 

She jumped a little before smirking and running off. He shook his head as he looked at Itsuki looking up at him from the bed. She had seen everything and now her instincts as a Demon Dragon were acting up. 

She got out of bed and walked up to him, but she just gave him a small kiss on the cheek. 

"Happy birthday, boss." 

He smiled as he ruffled her hair. 

"Thanks. Now if you will excuse me, someone didn't give me my gift." 

He walked over to Vespera's coffin and lifted the lid off. When he did so, he saw Vespera had her eyes closed, but it was obvious she was awake. Her face was too flushed and despite her not being as pale as pure blood, she was still whiter than normal. 

He leaned over her and opened his mouth causing his canines to start to grow. He acted like he was going to bite her neck which made her open her left eye. For a vampire like her who was the one who usually drank the blood this was such a turn-on. 

Though rather than pretend, he bit down on her neck. She moaned at the feeling of his fangs entering her neck. 

"Ahhh, right there." 

She licked her lips at the vampiric feeling of immortality like this. Not just that the venom that entered her body made her feel a certain way. Romonus only did this with her because as a Vampire, drinking blood was even more intimate than a kiss. 

He only drank a little before he opened his mouth. When he slowly licked the blood of his teeth he winked at her. 

"You taste yummy." 

She reached up and pulled him down before repeating the same act on him. She gently bit down on his neck and drank his blood. Unlike Valerie, she enjoyed the more extreme flavors in his blood. 

When she was satisfied and still had his purple glowing blood on her teeth for the first time she kissed him. Romonus was not really into the blood play, but he did enjoy the immoral nature of knowing she was related to him. 

Once she pulled away he stared into her red and purple eyes with a smile. 

"Guess this means you are mine now."

"You deserve it. You are the one who pulled me out of that sword and got me my revenge." 

He got off the floor as his day was already going great. Since all his lovers were going to be with him today it was bound to be a great day. Though he did take some time to look at the book cover in his new Spatial Ring. 

When he did see the title he almost passed out. 

'A Dictionary on-ENUNCIA!' 

It appeared Rhavdall got him the best birthday gift yet. 


(My bad over the bad release rate these days. Work has been leaving me exausted.)

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