1979 / California / Los Angeles.
"Start getting the money out of the cash register now." I said with a threatening smile, making the woman even more frightend and cry even more.
"Hurry the fuck up I don't have all day." I said with a even more threatening voice while looking outside and seen speeding cars coming back and forth, making the woman cry even more while shaking.
"O....o....Ok." Said the woman stuttering while getting up and went to the safe under cash register and started putting the code in and opened it and started taking out all the money.
"And don't forget the cash register to." I said, intending to not leave anything since I'm ditching this place.
"O....o...o....ok." Said the woman stuttering again while moving faster.
I looked around and seen camera's and asked "Do the cameras work."
"N...no....th...they....st..." Said the woman stuttering while shaking, only for me to interrupt her.
"That's all I wanted to know." I said, not caring about all the other unnecessary information.
While I was waiting for the woman to finish taking all the money out of the safe i noticed she finished with the safe and started on the cash register and went up to the money and squatted down and started putting it into bags, intending to put it in my storage before I leave.
"AHHHH." Said the woman screaming while still gathering the money from the cash register.
"FUCK." I said screaming, seeing the glass break from a gunshot and got up and pushed the woman out of the way and picked up the cash register and dumped all the money in the bag and started running to the back of the store, leaving the woman since I don't know her.
I ran out the back door and willed the money into my storage and didn't bother to look how much it was since I'm trying to survive right now and looked around for a car and didn't see one and clicked my teeth at my luck
I ran out of the alley and hid on the brick wall of the store and peeked around it and seen a car that is probably the woman's from the store and looked and seen the two gangs of the crips and bloods were still going at it.
"Fuck you former owner" I thought and took a risk and ran as fast as I could to the car and busted the window with my elbow,
I opend the door and got into the car and took out the wires from under the steering wheels and tried to start it which happens to be a skill from the former owner.
"AY, AJ WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING.' Said a familiar voice screaming from down the street while trying to shoot at a blue car speeding my way.
"FUCK, FUCK, FUCK START ALREADY." I said screaming, trying to start the car with my head ducked down.
The car suddenly started and i slammed on the gas and sped off, not giving a shit about this place at all.
I sped down the street intending to leave this place and whipped the car out of the block.
"THE FUCK." I said screaming and looked in the review mirror and seen a blue car speeding behind me.
"YOU FUCKING BLOOD YOU THOUGHT YOU COULD ESCAPE." Said the crip that was driving the speeding car.
I gritted my fucked up teeth which is the former owners fault from doing drugs and smoking, and whipped the car swiftly which the crip didn't expect and swiftly got him off my tail and pressed the gas even harder.
"Why the hell did I have to become this person I could've transmigrated into anybody." I said while whipping the car in a random direction since I'm trying to get away from the hood.
"I'll Hea..." I said, only for the car I was driving get shot into the air from an 18 wheeler.
The 18 wheeler flipped in the air and landed upside down on the car I was driving completely crushing it, with my car catching on fire and the 18 wheeler completely messed up.
"AHHHHHH, SOMEONE CALL 911." Said a old man screaming while getting out of his car and running towards the car I was in and some other people following suite trying to rescue me.
The old man arrived at my stolen car and was shocked by how crushed it was and went to the driver side and opened it with the door coming off the hinges and seen i was bloody and passed out.
The old man grabbed me and started pulling me out with some other men arriving and helping and successfully got me out of the car and carried me all the way to the old man's car and was horrified because i had a huge piece of glass from the car window stuck in my stomach and a rib that looked like it was about to come out of my skin and screamed with horror at the woman nereast to him "STOP ACTING LIKE A FUCKING BYSTANDER AND CALL THE DAMN AMBULANCE."
The woman nodded and pulled out her huge old school phone and started calling the ambulance while the other men started running going to help the driver of the 18 wheeler.
TIMESKIP: a couple minutes later.
(Female journalist POV)
"Are we ready." Said the female journalist, with the cameraman giving a thumbs up.
The female reporter adjusted her throat and put the microphone up to her mouth and said with a smile while looking at the camera "We are reporting live from rom los angeles In the hood and I would not say the street name for certain reasons, a 18 wheeler collided with a car resulting in it flipping in the air and landing on the car which resulted in the driver who's name is amenadiel elias jackson suffering severe injuries and is currently in the hospital receiving immediate treatment and the driver of the 18-wheeler who's name is william brown, who was under the influence is also currently receiving immediate treatment having also received severe injuries from the accident and will also be held responsible after he recovers, now we will hear from a witness named david anderson."
"Hello david please tell us what was it like seeing this traumatic accident first hand." Said the female journalist, looking at the old white man who looked to be in his late 70s who saved me and was standing next to her, putting the microphone by his mouth so he could speak.
David's eyebrows scrunched from remembering the accident and said "It was horrifying seeing a 18 wheeler smash into such a small car and the young man looked so young, seeing a black young man liked that reminded me of what happened to one of my friends back in 1939 who passed due to racism and I'm not saying this accident was caused by it I'm just telling the young people especially the white ones to stop being prejudice and im saying this out of experience since I've experienced this first hand and i use to be prejudice and racist until I met a friend who was black, well I would say I loved him more than a friend and yes I'm gay and I'm proud of it but it wasn't accepted back then and I wish I could have told him before he died from racism, but overall seeing this accident was very traumatic and heart breaking since seeing a young man like that who should be living his life experiencing such a thing an has to live with that memory for the rest of his life is sad but I hope he recovers and the driver of the 18 wheeler gets put in jail since he shouldn't be behind the wheel while under influence in the first place."
The female journalist was shocked and smiled and said "Wow thank you for your time mr david."
"No, thank you." Said david with a smile.
"And we're out, reporting from los angeles." Said the demale journalist with a smile, with the cameraman turning off the camera.
(Amenadiel's POV)
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