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100% The HP SI / Chapter 15: Chapter-15 Tips & Transformations

Kapitel 15: Chapter-15 Tips & Transformations



"Death Talking"


- Next Morning -

After explaining to Dumbledore what happened, the Headmaster quickly had Fawkes take them and Sirius to the Hospital Wing.

Madam Pomfrey came out of a back room to complain about late night visitors up to no good, when she spotted the Headmaster floating a body onto one of the beds. His serious demeaner had her moving quickly as she rushed to cast diagnostic charms on Sirius's still frame.

Luckily, Sirius still had his soul. But the experience of having hundreds of Dementor's feasting on it had put him in a magical coma.

Pomfrey quickly waved them out of the Wing, saying she'll take over from there.

As the doors to the Hospital Wing closed behind them, Dumbledore motioned for Harry to follow him up to his office.

- Headmaster's Office -

Leaning back in his chair, Dumbledore sighed loudly as he reached over to stroke Fawkes's feathers. "While I understand your reasons for doing it, Harry, and congratulate you on getting rid of those…things. I must warn you that this event will cause a ruckus in our small magical community."

He warned, "The Ministry has relied upon Dementors to safeguard Azkaban for centuries. They will not appreciate you destroying them."

Harry slumped into his seat as he groaned; all he wanted to do was save Sirius's life, and complete the task Death gave him. Now, it seemed like he was going to have to deal with politics. 'I knew that they wouldn't be happy, but still…it would have been nice to not have to deal with any of this.'

"I understand, Headmaster. And I don't regret doing what I did." Harry said.

Chuckling softly, Dumbledore offered him a smile, "Nor should you. Make no mistake, I fully support your actions in saving an innocent man's life, and ridding our world of those foul creatures. Know that should the Ministry attempt to take action against you, I will support you as Chief Warlock and Headmaster."

That made Harry feel better, if he had Dumbledore's backing, at least he wouldn't have to figure this out alone. Outside of a few Wizarding Law books, he knew next to nothing about the current political climate, or who would be for or against his actions.

"Thank you, Headmaster. I appreciate the support." he replied. "What's going to happen now?"

"Now, Harry. You return to Ravenclaw tower for some much-needed rest. Tomorrow morning, I will send word to the Ministry regarding the events of tonight, and we will see where it goes." Getting out of his seat, Dumbledore motioned his hand towards the door. "Sleep well, Harry. You've done a very brave thing today."

Wishing him a good night, Harry made his way out of the office and back towards the common room. As the adrenaline faded, his body felt sluggish after using so much magic to power his Patronus, and all he wanted to do now was fall asleep.

Slowly walking into the Fourth-year dormitories, Harry ignored the two other beds and focused on his own. The moment his head hit the pillow, he was fast asleep, still in his uniform.

- Timeskip: After Breakfast -

Waking up the next morning, Harry's body was sore all over and his magic felt far more drained than it had ever been. Trying to cast a Lumos, the spell barely flickered to life for a few moments before fading. 'This is what I get for putting too much magic into the Patronus…'

It was a mistake to use so much of his magic, but it was likely his one and only chance to get rid of all the Dementors without letting any of them escape. Now, he was dealing with the consequences of his choice.

Heading down to the Hospital Wing after breakfast, he spared a glance around the room, looking for Sirius but couldn't see him on any of the beds. As Madam Pomfrey came over to him, he inquired. "Where's Sirius?"

"He's been moved to St. Mungo's for further observation. Now, what seems to be the problem?" She asked professionally, preferring to work instead of make small talk.

"My body feels sore all over, and my magic is so weak I can barely cast a spell." Harry replied.

"Let's take a look…" Watching as she waved her wand over him, she spoke up. "What you're currently experiencing is magical exhaustion. You used far too much of your magic last night, and had you continued for a minute more, I dare say you may have died."

That chilled Harry for a moment. He almost killed himself last night, and he didn't even notice.

He really had messed up. But it wasn't all bad, it gave him a glimpse into how strong he could become, and how much further he still had to go.

The most he had ever used was less than seventy-five percent of his magic, yet last night he had used everything in a desperate attempt to finish the dementors off.

He knew that if he didn't give his all, there was a very real chance that some might have escaped, and he'd have to then search all over the country looking for them. Thankfully, it seems he succeeded, and wouldn't be needing to do that ever again…hopefully.

"As a healer, I must express how dangerous what you did was, and caution you never to do that again until your body and magic have matured enough to handle the stress." Her voice has stern as she stared him down, daring him to refuse.

At his nod, she went over to grab a piece of parchment before writing something down on it. "For now, I will send you off with a note for your classes. It will take your body and magic several days to recover, and you'll find your control over your spells fluctuating until it does."

As Harry left the Wing, note in hand, he spotted Minerva walking over to him. "Ah, Harry. There you are. You're needed at the Headmaster's Office."

Sighing, Harry walked up next to her before they made their way down the hall.

He was really getting annoyed with how many times he's had to go to Dumbledore's office this year.

- Headmaster's Office -

Stepping into the office behind Minerva, Harry spotted several new people in the room.

Besides Dumbledore sitting behind the desk, he noticed a portly little man in a long, pinstriped cloak with a bowler hat, pacing back and forth waving his arms wildly as he spoke to the Headmaster.

Off to the side stood a tall, serious faced woman with a monocle in one eye. Her red hair was tied into a neat bun, and she wore formal robes that looked like some kind of uniform. His eyes glanced just below her face to something that drew his attention.

'Those things are huge!' Even with the robes hiding most of her frame, they failed to hide the woman's massive chest. Her chest seemed to strain against the robes despite the amount room robes provided.

Quickly turning his attention away from the woman, he was afraid that she would catch him staring.

Hearing Dumbledore clear his throat, Harry turned his attention to the aged wizard as the portly man finally calmed down.

"Welcome, Harry. I would like to introduce you to our two guests." Motioning to the man, Dumbledore introduced him. "This is Cornelius Fudge, Britain's Minister for Magic."

The newly identified Minister quickly walked over to shake his hand. "Harry! Wonderful to meet you despite these circumstances." Feeling his whole arm shake from the minister's enthusiastic greeting.

"It's a pleasure to meet you too, Minister." Harry politely greeted before quickly letting go of his hand.

Turning to the woman as she stepped forward, she introduced herself. "Amelia Bones, Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement."

Holding out her hand, Harry quickly shook it. Her grip was firm, and had a lot of strength behind it as she gave a single shake before letting go. 'So this is Susan's Aunt.' Susan had mentioned to him in passing that her aunt worked for the Ministry, but she kept the specifics private.

Glancing at the two guests, Harry turned his attention back to Dumbledore, waiting for him to explain. "As you may have already guessed, Harry. This is in regards to last night's events."

Hearing a throat clearing, they turned their attention to Madam Bones. "Indeed, Headmaster. When the DMLE was informed that the dementors had been killed, we were understandably shocked. It has been believed by our community, and confirmed by the Department of Mysteries, that such a thing was impossible."

Looking Harry over with her monocle, as if trying to see what made it possible for him to do so, he wondered if it was something like Moody's fake eye that could see through objects.

"The Headmaster has already informed the Minister and myself about the events of last night." She continued. "We would now like to get your own accounting of how the events happened from your perspective."

Nodding, Harry began explaining what happened. Leaving out the Marauder's Map and the Invisibility Cloak, he stated that he saw the dementors swooping towards a small shape running away, and that he figured it must have been Sirius Black with how many of them chased him.

Madam Bones listened quietly, her face giving nothing away about her thoughts. Fudge seemed to be nervous as he listened, pulling off his bowler hat to fiddle with it in his hands. Harry found it odd, but put it off as the man being afraid of the public's reaction.

"I see…" Madam Bones finally said after he had finished.

Turning to Fudge; who was now fidgeting at her gaze, she spoke up. "I was under the impression, Minister, that orders had been given to tell all dementors to stand down. And that a small group of aurors would be coming to take their place, to see if they could find Black and tell him of his new status…"

"A-Ah, yes. Well…" clearing his throat nervously, Fudge tried to explain. "Y-You see, the order was given to one of the secretaries to send it out. B-But it seems as if a Miss Umbridge forgot to send it."

Fudge was an opportunist if he ever saw one. And while Harry wouldn't be surprised if that…woman, had chosen to not give out the order, it figured that Fudge would leave the entire blame on someone else as long as it didn't make him look back.

"Forgot?" Madam Bones asked with a raised eyebrow, clearly not satisfied with the answer. "And where is Miss Umbridge now?"

Fudge perked up slightly as he answered. "I've already sent word that she is to be fired immediately. After all, we can't have such recklessness in the Ministry." Shaking his head dramatically, he added. "No, no…That simply will not do."

Sighing in exasperation at the man, Madam Bones turned her head back to Harry. "Still, it is curious that your Patronus was able to kill them. I've never heard of one doing such a thing…"

Before Harry could come up with a lie, Fudge stepped in. "N-Now Amelia, there's no need to hassle the young man. He's done our people a great service by saving Black's life, and getting rid of those…things" He shivered slightly at the thought of them. "Let us simply congratulate Harry on a job well done, and leave him to return to his schooling, yes?"

Reluctantly, Madam Bones nodded at the Minister's words before they gave their goodbyes and left through the Floo. Before she left, Madam Bones gave one last narrowed glance at Harry and Dumbledore before leaving.

Hearing a weary sigh, Harry noticed Dumbledore pinching the bridge of his nose. "Sir?"

"Hmm?" The Headmaster looked up, "Ah, forgive me, Harry. It is…stressful having to deal with such issues all the time." Leaning back in his chair, he smiled tiredly at Harry. "I apologize that you were drawn into such discussions."

Glancing back at the Floo, Harry figured there was more going on than it seemed for Dumbledore to be this tired. "What…exactly was all of that, sir? I thought they would be more upset."

"Politics, Harry." Dumbledore elaborated. "The dementors have always been a morally grey area for those in charge. While the dementors made for incredibly useful guardians of Azkaban, their past serving under Voldemort and their darker nature, has left many wary of them. Had it been possible to destroy a dementor before, the Ministry would most likely have done so by now."

"While they are grateful to be rid of those creatures…the Ministry had to at least act like it was a concern that someone destroyed what was classified as, creatures under Ministry control." Waving an aged hand towards the Floor, Dumbledore added sardonically. "Thus, the little show put on here."

Making a small 'ah', Harry pretended that it made sense.

He really had no idea how politics worked. And after that display, he wasn't sure if he ever wanted to know. "So…I'm not in trouble, right?"

Chuckling, Dumbledore shook his head. "No, Harry. You're not…At least, not with the Ministry."

Crinkling his brow in confusion, Harry asked him to elaborate.

"While the Ministry won't take action against you. There are those in our society who will…speak out, against your actions."

"But," Harry asked, "I thought you said people didn't like the dementors?"

Giving a small nod, Dumbledore replied. "I did. But not everyone will voice that opinion. Instead, they will try and use this opportunity to their advantage…" He seemed to wait for Harry to figure out his meaning.

"You mean the Pure-blood Faction." He guessed.

"Yes…They will use this as an excuse to back their ideals of separation between those who are 'pure of blood' and those who have 'mixed' heritage." Dumbledore explained. "Your family, the Potters, have long been criticized by those in our society for their stances. Your father's marriage to your mother added kindling to the fire. And now…"

"And now I've given them more proof to their claims, by destroying important Ministry assets."

That's not good. The last thing he needed was for the pure-bloods to be targeting him so soon.

"Indeed. Normally, I would tell you not to worry. But…you have proven to both myself, and Minerva, that you are mature enough to understand these things, and the challenges that you now face. From now on, they will be watching for any more incidents you may cause." Dumbledore warned.

Harry's brain tried to think of what he needed to do going forward, but there was just too much information for him to process at the moment. Deciding it couldn't hurt to ask for help, he questioned. "What do you think I should do?"

Dumbledore sat back for moment, stroking his silver beard as he thought over Harry's situation. "Should you find yourself in another such indecent that is unavoidable, then try to make it work in your favor."

Seeing his confused look, the Headmaster continued. "Public opinion is a powerful thing, Harry. The events with Professor Lockhart have already put attention on you, and now this incident will have people asking questions. To combat this, you will need to speak to the press."

Speak to the press? How was that going to help? The Daily Prophet was filled with nothing but lies and misinformation, and that's without taking Rita Skeeter into account. "Are you sure that's a good idea, sir? Not to say it's a bad one, but doesn't the press like making people look bad?"

"That is true," Dumbledore agreed, "But what you misunderstand, is that they do so mostly with those who appear perfect or without fault."

" Right now, all that people know about you is that you brought about the defeat of Voldemort, defended yourself against a professor who tried to murder you, and now saved a man's life by killing the very creatures that have haunted our community for centuries."

"In the eyes of the public, you are like a storybook hero come to life, who is without fault and rescues the helpless."

That was certainly true. When the prophecy came out, everyone practically hero-worshipped Harry. Calling him the chosen one, and rallying behind him as their leader after Dumbledore's death.

Skeeter had a field day tearing his name down in the papers during the Tri-Wizard Tournament, and the Ministry was able to make him out as some kind of liar following Voldemort's return because they didn't know him.

"And that's why I recommend you speak with the press." the Headmaster continued. "Be yourself. Admit to some mistakes, reveal that you are more like everyone else than the public realizes. Do that, and should another event happen, they will begin to see it less as another tale in your storybook life, and more as the actions of someone trying to do some good."

"And speaking to the press will change all of that?" Harry asked dubiously.

Shaking his head, Dumbledore replied. "No. But it is the first step to making the public see you as human. With all of the same imperfections."

Seeing Harry deep in thought, he spoke up. "Do not feel as if you have to solve it now, Harry. You still have the rest of the school year to plan and make arrangements. Not to mention that as you are now a Fourth-year, you will be taking your O.W.L.s next year, and those can be quite troublesome to study for."

Nodding, Harry felt some of the tension ease at the Headmaster's words. He had several more months at Hogwarts before returning to Diagon Alley and dealing with the press. Not to mention his Animagus transformation to look forward to.

Pausing, he remembered a question he wanted to ask the Headmaster.

"Sir, my mother's journals said that you were the one to cast the Fidelus over the house…Is that true?" He asked

"It is." Dumbledore nodded.

"Then, you knew who the secret keeper was. If so, why didn't you tell anyone that it was Pettigrew?"

Sighing, Dumbledore wondered when he would be asked this question. "When I cast the Fidelus over your house, your parents chose Sirius to be their secret keeper. After I made him it, it wasn't until after I had left that your parents changed the secret keeper to Pettigrew. Not even Remus Lupin, one of your father's best friends, knew that Pettigrew was made the secret keeper." He revealed.

"I was not aware that the secret keeper had been changed, until I went to your house after that terrible Halloween night, and discovered your mother's magic tied in to the spell."

Shocked, Harry asked. "So, you didn't know?"

"No, Harry. I did not." Dumbledore replied. "Your mother was a genius, and understood that the less people who were aware of the secret keeper, the safer you would be. After Sirius was captured, I regrettably revealed that I knew of only him as the secret keeper. A statement which swayed many to ignore his rights to a trial, and place him in Azkaban immediately."

"Even with my suspicions, I was not sure who it could have been. Sirius's state after he was captured was not unlike a madman's, even when I visited him in Azkaban. And after speaking with Remus…he, too, was not sure who it could be. And the only one left alive that night was Sirius…" The rest went unsaid.

That was a lot to take in. He had always thought Dumbledore was some kind of chess master who viewed everyone as pawns, and that he had sacrificed Sirius to Azkaban to keep his control over Harry.

Overwhelmed, Harry decided to end the conversation there and bid the Headmaster good bye before walking towards the door.

"If I might give you one last piece of advice, Harry…" Hearing Dumbledore's voice, he turned around. "After the year is over, you can find the Daily Prophet in Diagon Alley. I recommend making an appointment with them to have an interview with one of their reporters"

"Though, I must caution you away from a Miss Rita Skeeter. She has a…talent, for making people in interviews look far worse than they are." Nodding, Harry admitted to himself that it was a decent plan.

With that, Dumbledore waved him off to enjoy the rest of his day.

- Timeskip: That Night -

After returning to Ravenclaw tower, Harry was quickly pulled aside by Cho and Marietta.

Apparently, news that he had killed the dementors had finally reached the papers, and the whole school was talking about it.

It took almost an hour to retell the story to them, and after several promises to not do anything as reckless again, the girls eventually calmed down.

After that, classes that day were a struggle. With his sore body and weak magic, he couldn't participate in class besides sitting there quietly and taking notes.

Waiting until night, and after doing the Animo chant, Harry made his way into the Room of Requirement to speak with Death.

- Room of Requirement -

Stepping into the room, the design Harry chose was fairly similar to the previous rooms he made when he spoke with Death.

The wall opposite the door became a floor-to-ceiling window that looked out over the castle grounds, showing the beautiful night sky and its many stars and galaxies. There was a fireplace that took up the right wall, its brilliant orange flames warming the room. In the center of the room was a large, comfy leather couch that faced the window.

Slowly walking over to the couch, Harry groaned as his sore body sank into the cushions. Getting settled, he called out, "Death…"

Surprisingly, there was no portal that appeared in front of him.

Wondering if he wasn't able to call her, he gave a slight jerk at the feeling of two arms wrapping around his shoulders to rub his chest as a body leaned over the back of the couch.

Feeling warm breath on his ear, Harry relaxed at the soft, loving voice. "Hello, my love."

Tilting his head to the side, he kissed the cheek hidden underneath the hood. "Hello, Death."

Death turned her head to kiss him on his lips. They stayed that way for several moments, softly kissing before eventually breaking it. Pulling back, Death stepped around the back of the couch to sit down next to him.

Seeing his tired state, she patted her lap, motioning him to lie his head down.

Silently, Harry followed her instructions. Once his head was resting comfortably on her soft thighs, hidden by her robe, he sighed softly as she began running her pale fingers through his short, black hair.

"Well done in killing those abominations, my love. I had worried that the task might prove too difficult for you, yet you proved me wrong." Death muttered, not wanting to ruin their comfortable moment by talking loudly.

"But it seems that it came at quite the risk..." Keeping her hand in his hair, she coated the other in chilling black energy before placing it on his chest.

Groaning, Harry felt the soreness in his body starting to fade.

Soon, he felt as good as new, and his magic seemed to be just as strong as it was before. "Thank you…" He whispered, reaching up, he gently puller her down to peck her on the lips. Smiling, she continued, "This just leaves the matter of your reward."

Looking up into her face from his position on her lap, Harry saw her smirk down at him. "What do you have in mind?"

"You are waiting for a lightning storm to complete your Animagus transformation, yes?"

He nodded.

"Then tomorrow morning, you will find one waiting for you. Along with a…surprise." Death chuckled softly.

Staring into her dark eyes confused, Harry asked, "What do you mean by surprise?"

Instead of answering, she simply placed a finger over his lips shushing him. "That would be telling, my love. While I can only give you one reward, the risk you took has allowed a certain…leeway. Just know that it, and the storm, are similar enough in nature that I could give you both."

Still confused, he relented, figuring that he'd find out tomorrow.

All too soon, the time came for Harry to get some rest. Standing up, Harry hugged Death softly as whispered in her ear. "Thank you…for healing me, and for the rewards…Darling"

Smiling softly at the name, she replied. "You're welcome, my love." With a parting kiss, she left through a portal behind the couch.

- Timeskip: Next Morning -

Just as Death said, when Harry woke up the following morning, there was a lightning storm outside his window.

Quickly getting dressed in his uniform, Harry made his way from the Fourth-year dorms down to Minerva's office in record time. As he got close, he spotted Minerva just leaving the room.

"Ah, Harry, good. I was just about to come collect you." Motioning him into her office, she said, "It's time…come."

Making their way into the office, they stepped through into her private quarters where the cabinet containing the potion sat.

Removing the spells on the door, they peering inside.

Sure enough, the contents of the potion had changed. Now, inside the crystal phial was a mouthful of blood-red potion.

Reaching in, Minerva slowly pulled it out of the cabinet before handing it over to him gently. "Before you drink this, we need to move to a bigger room." Leaving her private quarters, they walked through her office and down the hall.

Minerva led him down several more hallways towards the emptier sections of the castle. As they walked, she explained where they were going.

"Before the Civil Blood War, Hogwarts housed many more students than it does now. Afterwards, when the enrollment numbers dwindled, much of the castle was abandoned to reduce costs. Where we're going now, is the chamber that once housed the Dueling Club."

Reaching a set of twin doors, she pushed them open, revealing a massive room with several long platforms with steps leading up to them. "I will need to lock the doors behind us. The first transformation can be, overwhelming, and your animal form may gain control and attempt to escape out of fear."

Nodding his head in understanding, Harry watched as the doors were quickly shut before a shimmer covered them.

"Now then. You will need to say the Animo chant one more time, before drinking the potion. After that, you will see the shape of your Animagus form in your mind." Minerva instructed. "Be warned, Harry. You must show no fear to it, for it will be too late to turn back."

With her warning given, he motioned for him to begin.

'Here goes nothing…' Placing the tip of his ebony wand against his heart, Harry chanted.

"Amato Animo Animato Animagus…" Quickly drinking the potion, Harry fell to his knees as a fiery pain filled his body. Feeling his heart beating loudly, he realized that he could feel an intense double heartbeat as his mind began to cloud over.

- Vision Start -

Blinking, Harry realized he was no longer in the Dueling Clubroom.

Now, he seemed to be standing on the top of a mountain.

Looking around, he spotted the massive form of a six-winged bird. Sensing his gaze, the bird turned to look at him.

Its head was similar to an eagle, and its feathers shimmered in cloud-like patterns. The bird studied him for a moment before letting out a massive screech as it took flight into the sky, flying towards the clouds.

Harry watched as a storm gathered at the bird's approach. As it reached the gathering dark grey clouds, lightning began striking its form. Only…the lightning didn't hurt it; merely reflecting off its feathers as the storm raged.

Making a final lap in the sky, the thunderbird changed direction and began flying directly at him.

Remembering Minerva's words, he didn't move as the bird flew closer and closer, not slowing down at all.

Right before it hit him, the bird flared it's wings out, stopping its movement instantly as it landed right in front of him.

The bird seemed to study him, trying to spot any fear in his eyes. When it was satisfied, it lowered its head.

Reaching out slowly, Harry ran his palm over its feathers. Feeling a small shock at the contact, he barely had time to notice it's emerald-green eyes before his vision faded.

- Vision End -

Moments later, Harry was able to see again, finding himself back in the Dueling Clubroom.

Strangely, everything in the room seemed smaller to him than it did before. Also, his body felt lighter, and had a strange tingle going through it.

Looking down, he blinked in confusion at Minerva's shocked face. Opening his mouth, he tried to speak…


only for a bird's screech to replace his words.

Startled, Harry looked down at his body. Eyes wide, he saw that he was now the massive bird from before, with shimmering feathers in mixtures of greys and whites, resembling clouds.

Hearing Minerva gasp, he turned to look at her, finding his vision greatly improved to the point he could see small details of her face and every one of her eyelashes.

"Amazing…" She breathed out, "You're…You're a Thunderbird, Harry." Her tone was shocked and awed by his Animagus form.

Confused, Harry couldn't remember anything about a Thunderbird, but taking her reaction to mean a good thing, he continued looking himself over. The new wings were difficult to move, requiring muscles that he never had before.

Quickly getting back to the instructions, Minerva spoke up. "Now that you've transformed, I want you to visualize your human self as clearly as you can, and then will your body to change."

Following her instructions, it took him several tries to get the transformation to work. "That felt…weird." He commented.

"Yes," Minerva nodded, "It will feel that way for a while, until you get comfortable enough to change in and out of your Animagus form with but a thought. For now, we must speak on what your form means." Motioning him towards the doors, she removed the spell locking them before leading the way back to her office.

- Minerva's Office -

Sitting down in the leather chairs, Minerva made them some tea as she quietly collected her thoughts. "Harry…what do you know of the Animagus transformation, beyond what I've instructed you on?"

Confused, Harry replied. "I don't understand…"

Sighing, she took a sip from her tea cup before continuing. "The Animagus transformation is a unique ability that lets one become an animal. But our community has always held to the knowledge that it is impossible for one to gain a magical animal as their form." She explained.

"The Thunderbird is one such creature. A powerful magical animal that can summon storms, is highly sensitive to danger…and should, theoretically, be impossible for anyone to change into."

"Theoretically?" He asked.

"Yes, theoretically…None have ever been able to prove it was impossible, but the fact that until now, no one had achieved a magical form led credence to the idea." She leaned back in her chair, "But here you are, the first magical Animagus."

"What does this mean for me?" Harry worried.

If he was the only magical Animagus, that would put even more unwanted attention on himself.

"What this means, is that we will not be registering you with the Ministry." Looking up at her in shock, Harry listened as she continued. "If we register your form…there will be many, many questions asked of you; and some may try to kidnap you in order to study what makes you unique."

"For now, keep your Animagus form a secret. Only reveal it to those who you trust with your life." Minerva warned. "Should you be forced to reveal it in self-defense, the Headmaster and I will do all that we can to try and protect you."

Knowing that someone had his back was comforting, but he was more interested in one part of her comment. "The Headmaster knows you've been teaching me?"

Nodding, Minerva replied. "Yes, he does. The Headmaster was the one who trained me in the Animagus transformation, after all. And, he is the one who acquired the necessary materials to help make your potion."

Someone else knowing about his ability wasn't the greatest, but the Headmaster had proven trustworthy enough that Harry felt he didn't need to not be afraid the man might reveal it to others. "I guess that makes sense. Will you be telling him about my form?" He asked her.

"I will," she acknowledged. "He is one of the foremost experts on magical animals outside of Newt Scamander and few others, and will be able to offer some ideas and insights in training your form's magical abilities."

"After all, he's had more than enough experience with Fawkes to have some ideas on how you can use them." She replied.

With that, they finished for the day as Harry quickly made his down to the Great Hall for breakfast, wondering when and how he was going to reveal his form to Cho and Marietta.

At least now he understood what Death meant by a surprise…

next chapter
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