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33.33% The Heavenly Hero: Celestial / Chapter 1: The First Step
The Heavenly Hero: Celestial The Heavenly Hero: Celestial original

The Heavenly Hero: Celestial

Autor: spiderhamper_

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: The First Step

Midoriya Izuku is a small, fragile boy. In a world where eighty percent of the population is born with some sort of superpower, or better known as a Quirk, he's one of increasingly rare few born Quirkless.

As such he is different and not the good kind.

He is eleven years old and stands at four foot-five with a weak noodly frame. Small for his age and another thing to hate about himself.

Izuku has a sand skin tone and fluffy forest green hair that match his eyes. His defining feature, the only thing he really likes about his appearance, is his freckles that litter the bridge of his nose and cheeks.

He stands in a large park in the early hours of the day. Izuku usually comes here on the weekends, not to meet anyone, as if he had anyone that would meet with him, but to sooth the worries of his mother.

Like all good mother's she wanted her son to have friends. He could still remember the utter humiliation of forced play dates where the other kids either refused to acknowledge his existence or bruised him when they did actually 'play' with him.

It was safer if he just pretended to have friends, if only to get her to stop with her meddling.

"Kacchan, Stop!" Izuku shouts, his legs shaking like jelly as he stands in-between a boy and another, his face filled with terror, "You shouldn't… you shouldn't hurt-"


Turns out today it would have been safer to have his mother worry.

Kacchan or Bakugo Katsuki, his once best friend and now relentless bully is the one he is standing against.

He's a good few inches taller than Izuku with thicker arms and an overall stronger build with spiky ash blonde hair, warm ivory skin, and wicked red eyes that scream for violence.

"SHUT UP!" Katsuki roars, his face twisted in an almost demonic visage, "God Deku, you're always trying to play the hero!" The boy's palms crackle with small explosions. "Do you have any idea what this extra did?"

Izuku has no idea but knowing the other boy something of little consequence that Katsuki blew way out of proportion. 

"We're just messing around, having fun! Why are you always trying to ruin our fun, Deku!" One of Katsuki's minions adds.

"It's pathetic." Another barks.

Izuku shivers from their disgust and hate filled glares. His whole body screams at him to run and if it was just him then he would but he knows if he does then the boy behind him will get beaten to a bloody mess. He can't stop them, not really, but he can hold them off long enough for the other to run.

"Just get out of here!" Katsuki roars, what little patience he has thinning with every second his fist isn't meeting flesh, "Before I Beat.You.Bloody." He grits with clenched fists.

Izuku bites his lip and shivers, "N..o." He shakes his head and uselessly raises his fists.

The explosive boy suddenly smiles, a truly terrible thing, "Fine." He rushes forward raising his right fist high, the cronies follow his lead, running along with matching smiles.

Izuku turns to the other boy "Ru–" Before he can get the word out pain blooms against the right side of his head and he falls onto his side. He curls into himself as punches rain down on him.

The only highlight of the exchange is that Katsuki's original victim runs as fast as possible.

"Shitty fucking Deku!" 

"Aw! Look, the little baby is crying!"

"Still think you can act like a hero, now? Fucking Deku!"

Izuku weeps, "Pl..ease.."

His pleas are ignored as the three boy's take their frustrations out on him.

"HEY! What are you boy's doing!" A somewhat gruff voice calls out.

The pain stops but Izuku doesn't unfurl, he knows that whoever it is won't stop them once they know what he is.

"What's it to you, sickly fuck!" Katsuki pauses in his attack and yells, "I'm just teaching Deku his place!"

"His place? What is his place exactly, young man?" The stranger sternly questions.

"He's Quirkless and ye–"

"Oh! I see now." 

Izuku holds a sob at the words.

He knew it.

"You lot are Quirkist! Thinking just because he lacks power that you can do whatever you want? Well you can't! Now leave before I call the police!"

The Quirkless boy's heart stills at the words and he almost raises his head to look at the kind stranger, to thank him for not turning away just because of his disability.

Katsuki scoffs, "Like anyone will care about what we do to Deku! Now get out of here, geezer before I blow you up!" Small explosions pop from his palms.


"Get out of here, you skeleton fuck!"

It's quiet for a moment, "Did you just threaten me with your Quirk?" An intensity enters the man's voice. "Are you a Villain, young man?" He steps forward.

"Excu–" Katsuki tries to talk but the man speaks over him.

"Because only Villains use their Quirks to hurt people, so you must be." He hums in thought, "I think that police will be very interested in a fledgling Villain, nip you in the bud before you can do real harm."

An intense silence fills the area before the man speaks again.

"I will only tell you three one more time; leave or I will call the police and I suppose we can test your theory on them not caring."

Izuku can almost hear Katsuki's teeth grinding.

"...Whatever." He seethes out, "Deku ain't worth it." 

The powerless boy breathes a sigh of relief as he hears the three bullies walk away.

"Are you alright?" The man's knees crack as he crouches down, his voice much softer and kinder than before.

Izuku's eyes slowly open and he looks up, his vision is a little blurry but for a moment he's sure, "All Might?" 

"Wh..what?!" The man shouts in surprise, blood spraying out from his mouth.

Flinching, the boy sits up, "Oh my God! Are you okay?!" He asks as his eyes clear, it isn't All Might in front of him, the greatest Profesional Hero in the world and Symbol of Peace but a sickly man, devoid of all muscle and fat.

Skinnier than even Izuku, and wasn't that saying something.

He does kinda look like All Might; his skin tone is the same shade of rose beige, he has the same shade of golden blonde hair, the same electric blue eyes, though he has black sclera.

The man waves his hands, "It's fine, young man. Sorry about the blood, you just surprised me. I me..mean I've never been compared to All Might before." He laughs, a tint of awkwardness in his voice.

"Really? I mean obviously you don't look exactly like him b..but you have the same skin tone, the same hair, and even the same eyes! You could definitely be related or something!" Izuku counters as he stands, the man follows his lead and the boy can't help but gawk.

He stands at seven foot-two.

"You even share the same height! Wow! Are you sure you're not related to All Might, sir?"

The man laughs forcibly, "No! No! Thank you but no!"

Izuku hums, doubt creeps in his eyes, "Right, I mean even if you were, you probably wouldn't say, would you?" 

"I'm not!" He reiterates, shaking his head a little too fast.

The boy nods, "Okay." He bows again, "Thank you for the help, sir! You were a real Hero!"

The sickly man laughs,"Of course. What kind of person would I be if I ignored a person in need?"

Izuku nods in total agreement, "Right!" He bows for the third time and turns away but he doesn't get far before the man calls out to him.

"Sorry! But–" He frowns, "That other boy, with the explosion Quirk, does he hurt you often?"

Izuku bites his lip, "I… um Kacchan just doesn't know his own strength sometimes, he doesn't mean to hurt me so badly." 

"That's not what I asked and yet it answers my question all the same." The man frowns.

The small boy turns around and waves his hands with panic, "It's fine! It's fine! I promise! You know Kacchan is training to become a Pro Hero and he's closer than anyone I know; he's super smart and strong and… and cool!"

"Hmm." The All Might look alike narrows his eyes, "I wouldn't call assaulting you and threatening me 'cool' in fact I said before, it was downright villainous–"

"No! No, you're wrong sir, Kacchan isn't a villain, he's just confused!" Tears fell from Izuku's eyes, "You don't know him, he's going to be a great Hero! Like… like Endeavor!"

"...Why are you defending him so passionately?" He questions with furrowed brows, "It… it doesn't make sense."

Izuku looks down and fists the straps of his backpack, "Kacchan, he's… he's… well he's not my friend, not anymore. Hasn't been for a long time but he's the only one that takes me seriously. When I say I want to be a Hero, everybody just laughs but Kacchan gets angry like he thinks… like he thinks I might actually be able to do it."

"… you want to be a Hero, even without a Quirk?" The man asks slowly.

Izuku hears the tone of the man and tries not to cry, "I... I do. I really, really do. I know It'll be hard, it's probably impossible but if I don't try then… then…" 

"You'll never know what could have been."

Izuku's head snaps up at the tone of melancholy.

"Can I ask why? Why do you want to be a Hero?" 

The boy licks his lips, "Because of All Might." 

 "Oh?" His curiosity is clear to hear.

Izuku nods and a small smile crosses his lips, "All Might is the greatest Hero in the world! The strongest! The fastest! Everybody loves him and he saves so many people but I think the best thing about him is his smile!"

"His smile?"

"Yeah! His smile! His smile says it all, you know! That you're safe, that nothing bad is going to happen, not when he's there! His smile makes people happier, makes people feel more secure. His smile calms them down! it's like a Quirk all on its own and I want my smile to do the same!" Izuku exclaims, hopping excitedly.

The man's face stretches into something beyond happy, " Yeah?"

"Uh-huh! I want to save people and I want them to look at me, look at my smile and think; I don't need to be scared anymore because he's here!" He can't stop grinning but eventually it does die a slow death, "I know I can never do it like All Might, part of it is his power but if I can't just make a few people feel like that then, it's worth it, isn't it?" 


The boy can hear the absolute certainty in the words and his grin returns, "Yeah! Anyway, I gotta go, thanks for ever–"

"Wait." He holds his palm up and Izuku stills, pulling out his wallet, he takes out a license of some kind before handing it over.

Izuku looks the card over and his jaw drops.

National Hero License

Name:Yagi Toshinori

Agency: Might Tower

Issued: 22XX/XX/XX


Quirk: Muscle Enhancer

Hero Name: Mr. Incredible 

"Oh my god!" A squeal escapes his mouth, dropping the card in shock, "You... you work at Might Tower?How! How come I've never heard of you?! When did All Might get another Sidekick?!"

Toshinori laughs as he picks up the card, "No, no." He waves the boy off. "Calling me his Sidekick is an exaggeration. I'm semi-retired, I still do some work but my main job is his secretary." 

The boy looks at him with pure awe despite his lackluster answer.

"You remind me of him, you know?" He begins, "The fire that burns in him, I see that in you. That… hunger to do something, anything to help-" 

The boy's stops breathing at the words and his hand reaches for his chest, feeling it almost burst from his chest.

"I want to nurture it. Help you like someone helped me once upon time. Let me train you, young man, let me mold you into a Hero." The retired pro reaches out his hand towards him and waits.

The boy can't help the tears that spring from his eyes and he nods, "Yes! YES! TRAIN ME!" He falls to his knees and places his head against the ground, his hands folded on top of each other ahead of him. "I won't let you down, Yagi-Sensei!"

"WHOA!" Toshinori pulls the kid up to his feet, "None of that my boy." His large hands palm his shoulder. "None of that." He smiles encouragingly down.

Two days later, Izuku rushes out of school like his life depended. Today was the day Toshinori would begin his training, his first step into becoming a true blue Pro Hero.

He finds himself at what amounts to a dump, stacks of trash that reach high into the sky, as far as he could see.

The Takoba Municipal Beach. He heard it was once beautiful but has a hard time imagining it.

Looking around he quickly spots Toshinori and gives a shout, "Yagi-Sensei!" He can't help the smile that stretches across his face at the sight of the man.

He walks alongside the guard railing and down the stairs, he sprints over to the man who turns to look at him.

Toshinori stands up and pats the sand off his pants, giving a smile of his own, "Young Midoriya, how was school?"

The boy's smile dims but doesn't completely disappear, "It was fine. Anyway, why are we here?"

Humming, the man looks around the beach, his own smile dims, "Well, this is where you'll do most of your training."

Izuku adopts a questioning look, doubt clouding his eyes, "Here?"

"Yep! I know what you're thinking; Why here? What could you learn in this dump?"

The boy laughs awkwardly.

"Well for a couple reasons, one; no offense you look like one good strong breeze could knock you over. If you want to go Pro, especially Quirkless, it's not enough to be in shape, you need to be in top physical condition."

"Ah!" Izuku punches his open palm, "I get it! By cleaning the garbage that's a bunch of different shapes and weights I'll be working out my whole body as I increase my overall strength, creating an even physique!"

"Ahhh…" Toshinori opens his mouth before closing and nodding,"Exactly right!" He sweats and quickly wipes it off. "You saw right through me!"

Izuku looks at the man wide-eyed, "You really know your stuff, huh?"

"Uh-huh. Anyway-" The man pushes forward, "the second reason is that well people think that Pro Heroes are all about publicity! The flashing light and adoring fans but Heroics are first and foremost a public service." He looks at Izuku who nods in agreement. "I did some research and learned that this beach was once an incredibly popular spot but after years of illegal dumping and the current bringing in debris it's fallen out of service, which is a damn shame."

"So this isn't just training but a type of community service! Like killing two birds with one stone, I won't just be helping myself but also the neighborhood!" Izuku exclaims in excitement, "This is perfect!"

Toshinori huffs in amusement, "I'm glad you agree." He pats the boy on the shoulder. "Anyway!" Pulling out a roll of papers from his back pocket he hands it over to the boy. "This is, The Aim to Dream; Hero Plan."

The boy takes the paper and looks through it with gleaming eyes.

"This is your training regime for the next year and a half, with this you'll have a body ready to face evil!" He yells before leaning in, "Though it's kinda hard, you think you can stick to it?"

Izuku nods absentmindedly, "You even have my sleep scheduled." He mutters incredulously.

"You got it! Now put that away and let's start!"

Giving an affirmative yell, he takes off to his backpack and stuffs the pages in before tossing the bag aside, "Let's get to it!" Izuku runs off towards a microwave only to be yanked back. "Whoa!" Looking back he sees Toshinori shake his head.

"Not yet! First you gotta warm up, don't want to pull a muscle on your first day, now do ya?" 

Shaking his head Izuku straightens up and stretches, following Toshinori example.

spiderhamper_ spiderhamper_

Author Note: Hey Spiderhamper_ here and If you like my work maybe you would like to support me in developing my novel! Alexander Canis, even a little can go a hell of a long way!

P_treon . com (slash) Spiderhamper

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