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Kapitel 146: CHAPTER - CXXVIII

The silence took over the place while raven didn't change her look while yang had a darker and more aggressive look making her semblance activate unconsciously.

Yang: "My birth was just an attempt to find a strong man, why?"- She shouted it in annoyance.

Raven: "I needed to continue my legacy and I thought tai would live up to expectations, but I failed every day I spent with him testing him I began to soften and when you were born that's when I realized I was becoming what I always hated."- She said this looking seriously at yang who had her eyes completely red from her countenance and the tears that filled her eyes.

Yang: "you're just a bitch."- She said it to shoot at raven when she was close to hit her she just hug yang.

Yang: "why are you protecting me."- She said it with fury towards me.

Raven: "l'm not protecting you."- She said it while showing a slight trace of frost on my feet.

Richard: "yang calm down that's how raven behaves when you first meet her at first you see her as a bitch."- I said.

Yang: "and what does she have underneath the shell of being a bitch."

Richard: "a much bigger bitch, but that's not what I have to mention."

Richard: "even if she doesn't show it she was always worried about you yang."- I said it as I see how she's getting ready to leave.

Richard: "raven if you leave right now don't expect me to give you a good deal and your people if I find them."- I said it in a serious tone.

[+5 raven branwen] (she likes you to know what nerve to touch to keep her under control).

Richard: 'my luck just find a masochist who loves to be controlled.'- I thought about it looking blank.

[well don't look for the dominant women who always come across as rude or flirtatious].

Richard: 'I'll make a note on that helpi thank you very much.'- I thought about it with a smile.

[+5 helpi] (you always take her comments with appreciation).

She closed the doorway to see me with a cold stare.

Richard: "sit down and start talking because I have to make dinner and Jeanne gets very aggressive that she doesn't see her bacon and eggs and orange juice."- I said it serious to walk to the kitchen.

Yang: "why did you abondened us"

Raven: "I already said that."

Yang: "the truth uncle crow told me that you can be a bitch, sassy, murderous, destructive, but one thing you have never done is to abandon your family but you still abandoned us."- She said it without a hint of doubt.

Raven: "that's bullshit...."

Richard: "raven answer her or no soup don't flash that smug smile or no fruit cocktail."- I said it in the kitchen finishing the food preparations while I buy some food from the system because there are some fruits of this world that I consider disgusting seriously a pumpkin that tastes like old rag, an apple that tastes like radish and the worst of all a banana that tastes like rotten and that's what most abound in this damn dimension.

Raven: "Until I find out where you get that thing called a tomato I'll obey you."

Richard: "whatever you say raven just wiggle me that cute ass and I can give you more than just tomatoes."

Raven just blushed at the idea that came to her mind.

Raven: "I'll think about it Richard agustus Parker."- She said it in a cold tone.

Yang: "tell me why."

She just sighed not to look at her.

Raven: "I was afraid."- She said it without hesitation.

While at the door you can see the curious form of Ruby along with Weiss, Blake, pyrrha, a Nora acting as usual, juane who is nervous and a ren who is trying to make up for the old times with Nora.

Yang: "afraid of what."- she ask annoyed.

Raven: "of everything that ozpin or better known as ozma got us involved in, Richard, you haven't told her anything about him, have you?" She said it seriously.

Richard: "it's not my turn since it's the problem of her world and you know I have rules that deny me."- I said it lying.

'I'm not going to mess with that damn problem I already have my hands full tracking my brothers and I could barely find the ones that followed me to this world.'- I thought seriously.

[+5 helpi] (for keeping me from getting in trouble with the gods of that world).

Richard: 'so they are watching me I have bad news I will take from your world what I like so get ready.'- I thought seriously.

[well sir if you put it in their scale of power they are much weaker than you so you can take whatever you want from their world].

Richard: 'thanks for the information and why didn't you tell me earlier.'- I asked curious.

[because he was still recovering and with the modifications he has made in this world I was waiting to see if they increased his power, but that did not happen so it is safer].

Richard: "thank you helpi for worrying about me."

Back to raven.

Raven: "ozpin that son of a bitch used the four of us as disposable tools to me and crow his faithful information seeking dogs gave us powers the ability to turn us into crows and told us his tragic immortal life passing from body to body like the parasite he is."- she said angrily.

Yang: "Yes it sounds horrible, but that has nothing to do with why you abandoned us."- She said it with rage.

Raven: "I tried to keep my pregnancy a secret and I asked stupid tai not to tell anyone, but he had to tell ozpin and he knew the moment you were born you would be something he would keep me under his control and he couldn't take you to the branwen tribe you weren't born like me the first moment I saw you I knew you wouldn't have the courage to do what I did."

Raven: "if I showed affection for you, he would already have me under his control and I had to run away to keep you safe from ozpin using you as a bait."

Raven: "I had to show contempt for you."- She said it while her mask was breaking little by little.

Yang: "I've never seen ozpin do anything like that."

Richard: "ozpin together with his ex-wife are the cause of the Grimm."- I said it seriously.

That made the people at the door fall down because they couldn't keep their balance.

They waved nervously.

Raven: "You look a lot like summer."- She said it looking at Ruby.

Ruby: "You met my mom."- She said it standing up quickly.

Raven: "We were teammates and I know Ozpin was the one who sent her on a suicide mission."

Richard: "Well, the food is ready, come and eat."- I said it calmly.

They all nodded to go to where I was so they could sit at the table.

Richard: "pancakes for nora with lots of maple syrup, ruby this time I made you chocolate chip cookies, juane and Jeanne and cherry bacon eggs, raven tomato soma, yang your fruit salad, pyrrha and weiss your favorite cereal is there you can help yourselves and Blake I made you sushi. I said this to settle into the seat.

Richard: 'well you want to know how this fate befell your world."

They nodded.

Richard: "Thousands of years ago there were multiple races, each one special in its own way, the most common is the human race because they are the race with the most potential, even if they were born weak, they could become incredible. Within that race there were two twin brothers, both were the most powerful magicians that existed, each one experimented with a different kind of magic, light magic and dark magic, which is the pure version of the shadows."

Ruby: "that sounds like the story of the two brothers but with many differences."

Richard: "the court of wizards discovered what they were planning to destroy the world to do in their stupid, twisted, childish way."- I said it seriously.

Richard: "they were weakened and denied the ability to wield magic again until a couple found them Ozma and Salem two loving people who gave them everything they needed and when I say everything is everything unknowingly made them regain their powers and they for their amusement needed a sacrifice to achieve godhood."

Raven came to the realization.

Raven: "ozpin and salem are the sacrifices for those to a live to this day."

Richard: "yes, they made them hate each other to then make them kill each other they destroyed everything to their family and then condemned them to be their servants to kill each other after that they destroyed the moon to remove the control the former gods had even and with them began the age of remnant they destroyed most of the races and some turned them into Grimm, and the races that endured their destruction they destroyed their meridians so they could never use magic but they gave them the semblansies."- I said that to eat a toast and black coffee.

Richard: "they are the cause of everything I am and they still don't accept that they are just puppets as are glynda and salem's followers they will die so salem will look for new followers and the cycle will continue or so it had to be."- I said it stretching while Nora points at me.

Nora: "until you came if with force and swat Grimm like flies and do whatever you want."- She said it with her characteristic tone.

Richard: "yes sparky."- I said it remarking her imperative girl mask.

She just gave me a Tenza smile as she understood why I called her that.

Richard: "I was not in the calculations of those two beings that claim to be gods, they are not even at the level of a true god, they only used the empty shells of the creatures they eliminated to turn them into Grimm."- I said it as I finished my tea.

Richard: "Something you want to tell me raven."- I asked seriously.

Raven: "yes the beasts are on their way straight to vale along with a monster ship that is flying over the sea to get to vale."

She pulls out a sphere to throw it on the ground to make it roll.

This is activated to bring out a holographic image of a boy of very short stature with a long hairless tail that can serve as a whip while his blond hair and his demeanor is somewhat nervous his clothing a white coat.

?? : "Winter keep the camera set up."- said it in a demanding way.

Winter: "I don't understand why I'm helping you I should be with officer ironwood to report your treason."- She said it annoyed so that it would appear on the screen.

?? : "You doing it because you love my attention and I love spending time with you, human female."- he said it seriously.

She only blushed at the comment and then took a deep breath, calming herself to sit next to him.

Winston: "you may not recognize me my lord but I am Winston your faithful follower and I have managed to finish the citadel that demonstrates your greatness and with it I plan to take the species with the greatest potential which are the fauns I have collected most of the population of fauns and I am on my way to an island where the largest accumulation of fauns is to be your faithful followers."- He said it with emotion.

I just carved my forehead for what he said.

Richard: "great just great mind now I have to take care of the fauns and...."

Weiss: "What is my sister doing next to that disgusting faunus rat."- She said it annoyed pointing at Winston.

Blake: "Weiss."- She said it in an annoyed tone.

Weiss: "but it's true that faun rat has only insulted us all by comparing us to her lordrr."

She turned to look at me quickly.

Weiss: "you are his lord how did I not realize he always talks about how strong and magnificent you were and that you are unstoppable."- She said it pointing at me accusingly.

Richard: "I thought you would know that by now."- I said it quizzically.

She was embarrassed by how simple that was.

Winston: "plus I found a little inferior scumbag that had your scent so I gave her the message that I sent it to you and only you."- He said it seriously.

Raven: "he thinks he's superior, but he's just a damn weakling."- She said it with restrained fury.

Winston: "without further ado I take my leave and thank you for the advice on how to woo a female correctly."- he said it so that the transmission ends when Winston ends up kissing Winter on the lips.

Richard: "yes it's Winston in every word he is always with the desire to rule the world."- I said it sitting down in annoyance.

Yang: "So it's only natural that he would bring a citadel for you Richard."

Richard: "Yes, he knows that I am a god and since I am superior to some beings, he thinks that I should rule because I am superior to all beings."- I said it annoyed.

Blake: "he will take the fauns from the island to put it in your metal castle stop him."- she said it annoyed while grabbing me by the shirt.

Richard: "one I can't stop him and two I don't think he will be bad for your race he will come with me completely don't you think that's a big advantage."- I said it calmly.

Blake: "as an advantage."

Richard: "after I finish with my brothers I have to go back home and it would be good to take your race to my world it might be better accepted."- I said it without much importance.

Blake: "you really believe that."- she asked hopefully.

Richard: "Of course I do."- I said it to stroke her ears so she would relax and rub on my chest.

Blake: "thank you."- She said it in tears.

Alice: "I know my lord is amazing he always does amazing things."- She said it in a mocking tone.

Blake: "shut up bitch."

Alice: "try it street cat."- She said it while preparing her weapons.

I just watched with a smile as they behaved only to hear Grimm's alarms approaching.

Richard: "the day has come."- I said it seriously to walk to the button on the wall to bring out the Goliath armor that has been prepared for this event.

Ruby: "Richard, what are you doing and why are you showing the armor again?"

Richard: "Don't you hear me Ruby, we are going into combat right now, the peaceful hours are over."- I said seriously as I settled into the armor.

Richard: "SIF code begins unlimited justice."- I said seriously.

"Roger that sir starting limitless justice."- he said it so that the antimatter reactor is turned on in my chest so that the systems are activated in a noticeable way.

Richard: "full system status."- I said it seriously.

"Engines ignition complete, full control of reflector shields, armament complete, power on all system, system at full capacity proceeding leaving control to your hands sir."- SIF said seriously.

Richard: "Excellent, which one of you knows how to control a bullhead."- I asked seriously.

Nora was about to raise her hand for Pyrrha to take it down, only Yang raised his hand.

Richard: "yang prepare my ship and let SIF instruct you."- I said it serious to break the wall while from the floor it opens to show my ship for them to enter.

Yang: "it does look cool."

"Yes I know my lord likes futuristic touches, but there is no time to talk seat."- He said seriously.

Yang quickly settled into the pilot's seat she began to power up the ship as SIF informed her while the others settled into the weapons she began to deploy to get out.

Yang: "this is going to be fun."- She said this as a big smile began to form on her face.

In order for the ship to depart it will fire.

"Miss I think you should slow down for control."- SIF said in his formal tone.

She just nodded to slow down the throttle.

So that the weapons begin to warm up for what will be their first and possibly last war.

So far.


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