I am not the subject of its fear.
Meilyr's silvery gaze froze against the majestic spirit, the glimmer of its golden coils reflecting in his eyes. Shadows of long past lives lingered behind him, surrounding the throne upon which Irqu-neya was seated.
We are. The legacy started by They Who Illuminate. It has witnessed the might of one of us, scarring it so deeply that it still remembers it after many millennia.
A command was all it took, rousing the darkness of his psyche and closing its bounds to the Protogonos. It did not struggle, for it had only wanted to pay its respect to the immemorial being watching from within.
What did Larsa-qusum do... to render it so docile? What calamity has it seen?
The dignified manner with which it submitted made Meilyr lose his edge, lessening his hostility as he looked upon it with a clearer mind. Many questions flooded him, the first of which was the reason for its presence.
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