Father Guerra led the small squad of men through the streets of Ferran.
Everywhere they went, the eagle-kin was constantly receiving greetings and well wishes from everyone on the street.
His work in town as a priest of Fenris and proprietor of an orphanage made it so that he was widely recognized and respected.
'I can see why he doubted the need for an escort service…' Shin thought annoyedly. 'Everyone loves this guy so damn much I doubt they'd even take his virginity without his permission!'
As the group of men came to the end of their journey, they reached a large, church-like building on the outskirts of town.
When they stopped outside the doorway, Father Guerra paused before he turned around and bowed courteously to the men traveling with him.
"I thank you gentlemen for escorting me this far, I really am sorry for the trouble."
I want a phantom troupe tattoo
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