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The Eldritch Weaver of Chaos (A Lord of The Mysteries Inspired Fanfic) The Eldritch Weaver of Chaos (A Lord of The Mysteries Inspired Fanfic) original

The Eldritch Weaver of Chaos (A Lord of The Mysteries Inspired Fanfic)

Autor: FoolishSociopath

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Mysterious Survey

??? PoV:


Location: Unknown


If someone were present to witness the splendid sight before them, they would behold an unending 'web' stretching as far as the eye could see. A 'web' was the closest description one could have for this scene.


It was not a notion that was entirely inaccurate either. For this was indeed a 'web'. Just not the kind a regular unassuming mortal might expect. Within this 'web' resided vast galaxies, cosmic phenomena, and the intricate tapestry of all fates. 


These were readily apparent to the discerning eye. However, should the observer lack the necessary power or life level to comprehend this information, they might very well face unimaginable consequences.


The dark 'cosmic web,' resembling a starry night sky intricately woven into a web-like pattern and illuminated by celestial phenomena, served as the 'floor' beneath the feet of a particular being. It presented a striking contrast to the vast, boundless whiteness that enveloped it.


This was the 'Arachnidian Loom'. A sefirah in the form of an ethereal spider web connecting the farthest corners of the vast multiverse and embodying concepts such as destiny amongst others.


But it was currently a special occasion. The strands of the Arachnidian Loom quivered and pulsed in response to the presence of their once absent sovereign. These tremors shifting the gears of fate in every multiverse they were connected to.


Yes, this sefira was now inhabited by a 'mighty' being. 'She' occupied the magnificent throne at the heart of the web, crafted from the interweaving of cosmic dimensions into threads. 


For most observers, discerning 'Her' was an impossibility, as 'She' seamlessly blended into the white backdrop of the sefirah. But what graced 'Her' expression was a dumbfounded face. 'She' was indeed shocked.


'How did this happen? Did I end up here just because I filled in that survey? Nai waa…' She thought as she reminisced about what led to all of this…



A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…


An average young man who was neither amazingly attractive or smart had just finished watching the last episode of the Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka? anime and was left sorely disappointed. 


Having been an avid reader of the Kumo Desu Ga, Nani Ka? franchise that he loved, he had put binge watched this crappy anime with great expectations while he really should have been studying. He truly regretted his choice. And that's where our story will commence…



'Dammit, what a letdown,' I thought. From crappy graphics to botched plots, I truly dislike the anime. But anyway, it showed Shiraori so I'll let that slide. 


Well, I had heard that the anime was not that great and did not watch it until now, but I held some expectations at the very least.


I guess I am being too harsh about it. Besides, I feel Aoi Yuuki did a good job as Kumoko's voice actor at the very least. Not to mention that we at least got an anime. 


Unlike the lord of the mysteries donghua which was promised long back before finally releasing a trailer in August. Normally, I don't watch Chinese animations, but this was LoTM. I was obligated to watch it as a die-hard fan. It was my favourite series, after all.


'At the very least the trailer looked good. Not like those cringe 3D graphics in some other Chinese animations.' Perhaps this was a personal preference, but I absolutely abhorred those graphics.


What made me sad was that I put aside working on an assignment to watch this. My conscience kept telling me it was not worth it, but it was too late to regret now. As they say, you reap what you sow.


I was simply browsing to search something entertaining to read or watch but nothing was catching my interest for a while now. The assignment was already out of my mind as it won't be corrected if submitted past the deadline anyway, so why bother?


This random browsing was stopped by a notification from '', a site I use to read and write fanfictions. It read:


[Let your imagination run wild and fill in this survey for the upcoming November 'Cosmic Fiction Fest'. There may be unexpected surprises. Who knows?]


The surprise mentioned was probably something like a free badge or a few passes to unlock chapters. Nothing too intriguing. But I was bored and depressed after watching that anime. 


This just might provide the stimulation I was looking for. I had nothing to lose anyway. Thinking so, I clicked on the survey. It read:


[The overarching theme of the 'Cosmic Fiction Fest' is Eldritch or Lovecraftian concepts. As long as it includes these elements in minute amounts, it is possible to design absolutely anything. You can even choose to design a fanfiction.] 


Reading this, I promptly chose the fanfiction option. This was something I was doing for fun, and I did not want to think up unique concepts from scratch. I knew I did not have such talent. Next, it read:


[Do you want to model the protagonist after a pre-existing character, or would you prefer a self-insert instead? Write your choice in the description box below. If you choose to create an original character, then also include a description regarding the appearance of this character.]


I quickly wrote down 'Shiraori' into the description box. Shiraori was one of my favourite protagonists, if not the favourite protagonist. It was obvious how much I liked Shiraori if you considered that I let my assignment go down the drain just to watch a crappy anime about her.


Pressing confirm, it asked:


[Would you like to keep all of Shiraori's powers?][Yes/No]


And of course I chose [Yes]. It then said:


[As the story is based on eldritch themes and you would like to design a fanfiction, would you prefer choosing a pre-existing franchise consisting of these themes or design one from scratch? Write your choice in the description box below]


I wrote down 'Lord of the Mysteries' into the description box. It felt kind of weird that the survey would be specifically about eldritch themes after I had just thought about LoTM earlier. Granted, the name of the website was ''. Shaking away these messy thoughts I continued with the survey:


[In the description box below, let your imagination run wild and design the worldview of your fanfiction. You can write down as much detail as you wish. It can be as similar or different to the original works as you wish. Inconsistencies will be filled in by us.


Also include how your protagonist fits into the dynamic you have written down.]


What followed was a very huge description box with no word limit. So began typing the messy, chaotic, hodgepodge of a worldview I had thought of:


[In the vast expanse of the multiverse, Shiraori is a cosmic entity, known as 'The Cosmic Weaver.' She is one of the outer deities presiding over the very fabric of multiversal existence. She reigns from 'The Arachnidian Loom', the Sefirah which corresponds to the pathway- 'The Web of Cosmos.'


Within this complex web of existence, Shiraori holds a central role. She is a deity of cosmic proportions, embodying the essence of space manipulation, the threads of fate, and the eldritch mysteries that transcend mortal comprehension.


In this complex and unforgiving multiverse, Shiraori's place is not that of sole supremacy. Many other powerful entities, from outer deities to cosmic beings, wield their dominion. The multiverse is a tapestry of cosmic forces, each entity weaving its own threads into the fabric of reality.


Shiraori's existence is marked by a delicate balance. She navigates the cosmos with her unique powers and cosmic insights, engaging with other entities, forming alliances, and facing the challenges that this dynamic and perilous multiverse presents.


As The Cosmic Weaver, her journey is one of continuous evolution and adaptation, striving to retain her cosmic status and influence amidst the vast cosmic forces that shape this new reality.]


I then went on to write more about the worldview I had thought of:


[In this vast and intricate multiverse, countless realms, dimensions and of course universes exist, each with its unique rules and characteristics. Some worlds are dedicated to the pursuit of cultivation, where individuals harness the energies of the cosmos to achieve profound mastery over their bodies and souls.


Cultivation in these realms follows ancient traditions and teachings, often revolving around the attainment of higher realms and the unlocking of divine potential. It's a journey of inner discovery, with individuals striving to ascend and transcend their mortal limitations.


Magic, on the other hand, finds its place in realms where the arcane arts reign supreme. Here, practitioners tap into the fundamental forces of mana and magic, conjuring spells and crafting enchantments. 


The cultivation of magic is a different path, where knowledge and the manipulation of arcane energies determine one's prowess.


These two fundamental systems are just a glimpse of the diverse worlds that coexist in the multiverse. Each realm has its own cosmology, mythology, and unique inhabitants. They span from futuristic dimensions of technology to primordial realms of elemental chaos. 


In this dynamic and multifaceted multiverse, cosmic forces are in a constant ebb and flow. It's a reality where Shiraori's role is crucial but not unchallenged. She is but one of many outer deities in constant conflict with one another.


The outer deities like Shiraori form the apex of multiversal existence and are feared as well as revered as beings representing unknowns, knowledge as well as the very existence of the universe. 


They are feared as well as sought after by the knowledgeable in search of their blessings and divine grace. At the same time, their existence is not common knowledge to most mortals in the multiverse.


Regardless of which system of power a being practices, there exists an invisible barrier separating them from ever reaching the realm of the outer deities. 


Seeking their blessings through complex rituals and following the beyonder pathway of a deity while cultivating their system of power at the same time is the only way to rise higher in this world where strong rule.]


This was the background plot I had thought of. It truly was a mess of webnovel concepts whether it be cultivation, magic, science or the addition of LoTM pathways and outer gods on top of that. 


Anyway, it was not like I was writing this fanfiction seriously. It was simply a design draft. What I wanted to see was if someone was able to navigate this chaos and write a decent story.


I even created a pathway for Shiraori for the fun of it and uploaded it into the description box along with an original sefirah. I was using LoTM as a base to then construct my own ideas using it, without directly copying any of the pre-existing concepts.


It was fun thinking about such nonsensical ideas, overall. Feeling satisfied with what I had achieved, I clicked enter. Unfortunately, I could not submit the survey as it is. 


[To achieve a harmonious story premise, it's essential to make modifications. The introduction of outer god-level powers to 'Shiraori' may disrupt the equilibrium of the narrative. Consider incorporating temporary debuffs to maintain a balanced storyline]


Well, it was a bummer, but I guess it's fine as long what I envisioned is achieved. Perhaps its better this way. Altering the text, I made it so that if given enough time Shiraori will reach outer god level power once more. 


At the start, her power level was similar to that in the light novels. Meaning she could destroy a planet if she wanted to. 


I also added that, despite her only having this much strength, she is still an outer god at a fundamental level and thus a higher level of life compared to others in the multiverse. 


The reason for temporary weakness was due to being in a long slumber, a very lacklustre reason but good enough for me.


Adding that much was enough to submit the survey but I clicked on the [Debuff] button out of curiosity. It read:


[You may explore the option of introducing additional debuffs. Remember, the more significant the debuff, the greater the compensation given will be.]


I scrolled down the debuff list which ranged from sickness to premature death and everything in between. 


They were colour coded to represent the degree of danger they would have on your protagonist when the writer took all of this into account, if they chose to write the story that is.


I scrolled until one debuff caught my eye. It was called [Yandere Attractor: Male/Female]. It was shaded a dark red signifying the high level of danger. The compensation was protection given by the yandere character in the character's weakened period. 


Without thinking twice, I chose this debuff. Adding on the female option of course. I sort of felt compelled to do so as if something had momentarily possessed me.


What can I say? I love yandere. Having your favourite protagonist fall into the grasp of an obsessive yandere seemed interesting. Perhaps, if an author chose to write this story it would be something interesting. 


It then said that I can choose to give a description for this character as well. Well I added something after thing for a few minutes:


[Among the myriad beings in the multiverse, there is a peculiar cosmic entity known as 'The Cosmic Abyss.' This outer goddess's existence is dedicated solely to Shiraori, marked by an all-encompassing and relentless obsession.


The yandere nature of 'The Cosmic Abyss' is a force to be reckoned with. 'She' cherishes Shiraori above all else, with an unwavering fixation that knows no bounds. 'She' seeks to possess her completely, to claim her heart and soul as 'Her' own by any means possible.


The 'The Cosmic Abyss's' relentless devotion is but one facet of the intricate cosmic web in which Shiraori resides, adding both complexity and peril to her existence. 


'She' is a safety net for Shiraori to fall back on in her weakened period after waking up from a deep slumber as well as a grave danger. 'She' would not hesitate to destroy the multiverse to obtain Shiraori. 


In fact, this is the nature of her existence representing the abyss of nothingness. Such acts are something 'She' has already tried in her eternal pursuit to win her beloved.]


With that I was satisfied. This added some cosmic levels of yandere into the story's mix. Maybe it was a little too much, but I didn't care. I was happy with what I had written and hoped someone would make a fanfic on this nonsense.


Satisfied, I hit 'enter,' and my vision was immediately engulfed in white light. The last thing I saw before losing sight of everything was a message on the screen which read:


[Thank you for completing this survey. Now, have a good sleep. We will meet again very soon, my love!]



Shiraori PoV:


'And that brings us to the present.' I thought as I narrated the events that transpired to my parallel minds. Yes, I had parallel minds now. Whatever I had written on that survey had probably become true. Hence, I was Shiraori now. The end…I wish.


Just because I like Shiraori doesn't mean I want to become her…or do I? 



This is something new I cooked up in the free time I had today. Well, the survey idea was inspired by the fic 'Take Eldritch Surveys! Noted'. This is just a side project aside from 'Marvel: So I'm a Supreme Being, So What?' with a lot more original ideas including stuff like cultivation, magic etc.


It is a random mess of ideas I had while thinking of my main story which just did not fit in properly. I am not writing this fic seriously and uploads will be irregular like with my main story due to university work. Perhaps, I might choose to drop this story entirely.


The next chapter of 'Marvel: So I'm a Supreme Being, So What?' will probably be released by next Sunday. Anyway, hope you enjoyed this fic.

next chapter
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