Morpheus' ears buzzed with the way she was blowing that whistle again and again. 'Patient, little female. You will break my ear drums like this. Stop blowing it already.' He flew as fast as he could in the direction of the palace, even using his divinity and his battle form in order to arrive by her side as soon as possible.
By the time his sharp eyesight spotted her little form on the balcony, only then did the stone weighing his chest disappeared. The golden feathers on his wings transformed back to their normal gray color.
'This naughty human girl! I was scared, thinking she was in danger!'
When he landed next to her, the mixed scent her body emitted caused complicated emotions inside him to stir, it was a strong scent of her mate and he knew what it was on her.
He had a small argument with her, but he could not deny how he loved just staying by her side. He was tempted to spend more time with her, make the best of his last best moments with her.
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