As the first sliver of sunlight entered through the window, the silver eyes blinked open and the thick eyelashes around it fluttered. They gazed at me for a while, in a daze. When they regained clarity, a smile cracked on his lips, and his cold hand found its place on my waist, pulling me closer.
"My sleepyhead sweetheart woke up before me? How miraculous," he chuckled in a deep, hoarse voice. It sounded thick, like syrup. Delicious. Making me want something sweet and fluffy for breakfast.
Closing his eyes again, he pulled my head into his chest, cradling my head, and I could hear his steady beating heart. Hesitatingly, I sneaked my arm around his torso, and pressed my face to him, feeling the comforting coldness of his skin.
"This is bad," he hummed while caressing my hair. "I'm tempted to just spend the day in bed with you,"
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