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92.5% The Crafter and The Slug / Chapter 74: Ch. 72

Kapitel 74: Ch. 72

-- Zach POV --

Seeing McGonagall in the flesh had me captivated. Really what kid growing up didn't want to be a wizard. After looking at my family and back to her I just nodded and got up. The rest of my family followed my lead and we led McGonagall to one of the private rooms that were unoccupied. Once we entered the room and closed the door McGonagall took her wand out and cast a spell.

McGonagall: "There we go, now no one will be able to hear what we're talking about."

Zach: "You know that sounds kind of sketchy…"

McGonagall looked at me for a second before breaking out in a light chuckle.

McGonagall: "Quite right you are. Mister?"

Zach: "Briggs, Zachary Briggs and this is my wife Tsunade Briggs. Our two children Vulcan and Hitomi."

Tsunade smiled at the woman, while each of the kids raised their hands in a little wave.

Zach: "So what can I do for you, Minerva?"

McGonagall: "I have come to inform you that Hitomi is a Witch."

Tsunade: "Come on now I know she's bratty…"

McGonagall chuckled more at that.

McGonagall: "No, no. She is an actual witch, while your son Vulcan is a wizard!"

Hitomi: "AWESOMEEE!"

Vulcan: "A wizard-like Merlin in all those stories?"

After the talk with Hecate, we've coached the kids to be shocked at this moment. They knew what was going on, but we felt like it would be suspicious if the "muggle-born" children knew about being witches and wizards. But beneath it all, I believe they really didn't believe us. Heck, I don't think they believe that aunts Hecate, Hestia, and uncles Heph and Dio are Gods. All these powerful beings are just normal in their eyes.

McGonagall: "I'll let you in on a little secret. Merlin was a real wizard, and one of the best there ever was!"

Hitomi: "I'm going to be better than Merlin! That way I show off to aunty Hec and she'll give me more candy!"

Vulcan: "Is there a lot of books in this school?"

McGonagall: "Well Hitomi what better way to be better than to learn at the same school that Merlin went to? Vulcan, there are so many books that a lifetime would not be long enough for you to read them all."

I just rolled my eyes. I'll give him 4 years top before he goes through everything. He suckered me into making him some glasses that would help him read and comprehend quicker a couple of years back.

Tsunade: "Now the real question, how much is this going to cost us?"

McGonagall: "Attending Hogwarts costs nothing. But you will have to buy all the supplies required to attend it."

Zach: "Not bad… But where do we get these supplies? I don't think the local supply store would carry what they'll need."

McGonagall: "You would be correct. There is a place called Diagon Alley, and in a couple of weeks, I'll return and show you around. Today is just a formal invitation and to let you know how gifted your children really are."

Tsunade: "Will we be able to send our children with cell phones or are there phones at the school that they can call home with?"

McGonagall: "Unfortunately most technology does not work around magic."

It took a lot to hold in my laughter. More like they didn't know how, or even tried for that matter. Magic and technology together did wondrous things. I might have dabbled in it one week when our computers were lagging out while raiding in World of Warcraft. I introduced Tsunade to it and she was hooked, she played a priest while I was her meat shield warrior.

Tsunade: "So… How do we stay in contact with our kids?"

Minerva clapped her hands together in excitement.

McGonagall: "By owl of course! That will be one of the items we'll shop for in a couple of weeks."

Zach: "So… We have to take care of an Owl…"

McGonagall: "They will each need an owl."

Zach: "We will have to take care of two owls, in the middle of the city… Why? Why hasn't someone magic'd up some sort of magic pocket mirror that allows you to communicate face to face?"

McGonagall: "It's much easier said than done. But I can't answer your questions because my specialty lies in transfiguration and not runes."

I wanted to go off on a tirade of how lazy their society was, but I was halted by Tsunade's hand on my shoulder.

Tsunade: "Thank you for the information, Minerva, we would love to send our children to Hogwarts. When and where would you like to meet so we can go to this Diagon Alley?"

I was just grumbling silently as my wife took over.

McGonagall: "Wonderful! How about we meet here at say noon a week from now? Diagon Alley is actually right around the corner!"

With that, we bid Minerva a farewell and walked her out. I was grumbling now about having to take care of two owls, that was something I had completely spaced out about. But then again I can treat them like Tonton and they'll conveniently be there when I need something.

Zach: "Kids, give me your phones."

Hitomi looked over to Vulcan.

Hitomi: "Upgrade?"

Vulcan: "Upgrade!"

Their eyes sparkled as they handed me their phones.

Hitomi: "I want to help!"

Zach: "Then come on! Last one there is a rotten egg."

Hitomi raced off to my forge as I was still kissing Tsunade and Vulcan goodbye. As I was entering the forge the shinobis heard me muttering something about "magical interference, my ass."

-- Tsunade POV --

I swear I think Zach is more scared of sending the kids off than they are leaving. Over the last week, he's literally bought and reworked so many electronics I can't even keep it straight. I finally had to limit them to only taking their PSPs and cell phones. Lest the whole magical community have an upheaval, even the PSPs and cell phones will cause a commotion. But then again only the witches and wizards that have dealt with our world would know what it was.

The kids over the last week have been playing most days with their friends. Hitomi had a 2-day long sleepover at the Stacey's house and continued it 2 more days when she brought Gwen to our house. While Vulcan spent time at the library and parks with some of his friends and played with Gwen and his sister when they stayed at our place.

Right now we're waiting for Minerva to show up to take us to this Diagon Alley. Zach had been telling me of how it will feel like we've gone back in time. I shivered a little at the thought of somewhere that didn't have the internet, I had been spoiled over the years. When Minerva did show up she wore the same robes and hat as last time and asked for us to follow her. She had us stop by the bank first to withdraw around 800 Pounds or 1,100 USD. After that, we made our way to an old bar and into the back. She then brought her wand out and tapped a couple of the bricks, and the wall started to fold in on itself. Me and the kids were fascinated by it, Zach on the other hand was grumbling again about how he could make it better. I just slapped him lightly across his shoulder. There are really great things about having a man who can almost make anything himself, but these are the drawbacks.

McGonagall: "Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron, it's a bar and inn. Luckily you all live close by and will not need their services. If you would please follow me this way we will head to Gringotts where you can exchange your currency for ours. A little warning, Gringotts is run by Goblins and it is impolite to stare."

I nodded my head and ushered our children who were wide-eyed and taking in all of the unfamiliar sights. Me and Zach were not immune to it either, the feeling of culture shock hit me again. I and all of the shinobi that worked for us had experienced it when we moved to this world, and it was not a pleasant feeling. To make matters worse, these witches and wizards started to look at us with a bit of disdain and I couldn't understand why.

Once we reached Gringotts and went through the front door. We were greeted by what I assume was a Goblin by his short stature, green skin, long nose, and long pointy ears.

Goblin: "Please place any weapons you have in the tray. You may keep your wands."

Vulcan was the first up and just shrugged as he placed a couple of kunai and throwing stars. I frowned a little because I had taught him to carry more on him. But then I realized that the ones he put in the tray would have been easily found. I was up next and placed double the amount that Vulcan had, and by now the Goblin was looking at it in shock. McGonagall wasn't faring any better and I just shook my head, she was about to be in for a real treat.

Hitomi started out with the same amount of kunai and throwing stars like me. But then she started to pull out multiple daggers, swords, and a garrote. They had to bring out 2 more trays for her. I could tell these were all the ones she made because I know she would never give up any that her father made specifically for and with her. Looking over to McGonagall I swear she seemed like she was about to faint on the spot there. When I looked back to the Goblin I thought I could see the awe in his eyes as he picked up one of Hitomi's daggers.

Goblin: "Where did you get a beautiful piece like this?"

Hitomi looked at him questioningly.

Hitomi: "I made it."

The Goblin looked at her in shock and disbelief as he coveted the dagger.

Zach: "Oh, then you're in for a treat!"

I face-palmed at this. Zach always loved to show off to people who knew their stuff. But he would do it in a fun way like this, that is if they're kind to him. We had one smith try to discredit Zach, so Zach challenged him to a contest. I believe that man went home crying halfway through when he realized there was no hope.

When Zach came up to deposit his weapons he had a shit-eating grin. Vulcan came over to my side and I heard him take a deep breath and sigh loudly. I placed my hands on his shoulder in solidarity with my husband's antics. Hitomi on the other hand was filled with excitement at seeing her father's arsenal. Zach must have decided to go straight for the medium guns, as he brought out an adamantium short sword, the goblin was impressed at that. Vibranium short sword was after that, and that caused the goblin to quirk an eyebrow. But what really sealed the deal was the short sword made out of Mythril that Zach has strapped to his back under his shirt.


I looked over to where the goblin was shouting to see the goblin in the middle lift his head up at that and frown. He then hopped off I guess a stool because he disappeared behind the long desk. By now Minerva had her mouth glued opened and was fanning herself with her hand. It didn't take long before this Ragnarok hopped up next to the security goblin. I could see the moment he looked at the swords he was shocked.

Ragnarok: "What goblin made these?"

Zach: "Last time I checked I wasn't a goblin."

Ragnarok: "What an amazing piece of work. I hate to say it but you put all the goblin work to shame with these. The name's Ragnarok! I'm the manager of Gringotts, and if you need anything just ask for me."

Zach: "Well it just so happens Minerva over here has brought us to exchange our currency for the magical world's. Our kids have been accepted into Hogwarts!"

Ragnarok: "You're a muggle?!"

Zach: "Uhh, a what?"

Ragnarok: "You're not a Wizard and I assume that's your wife and she's not a witch?"

Zach: "Correct."

I noticed how he didn't elaborate on that.

Ragnarok: "Now I'm even more impressed! Come follow me to a private booth, Gornuk, bring all the weapons to the booth too."

Ragnarok hopped down and we followed him. I had to grab Minerva's hand to knock her out of the trance, and she followed along silently after that. When we got into the spacious booth there were only enough chairs for three of us. So Zach, Minerva, and I took a chair, while Vulcan sat in my lap and Hitomi in her father's.

Ragnarok: "As a goblin that enjoys the craft of a wonderful weapon, I would recommend you sell the weapons instead of exchanging the currency."

Tsunade: "Oh? Looking for a better deal?"

Ragnarok: "I'm looking at the profits. We can make a few galleons off the exchange or currency. Or we can make a connection with an amazing smith and sell his weapons for a profit back in my home country."

Zach: "Well that makes it easy. I have a lot more at home that I don't know what to do with."

And so the negotiating started, all I could do was sigh. Vulcan and Hitomi seemed to be interested in the haggling, their little heads would switch back and forth to whoever was speaking. Minerva on the other hand had an ashen face at the prices that were being thrown around.

-- Minerva McGonagall POV --

This family was already mysterious when I had met them a couple of weeks back. They were a rich family I could tell by the location I found them in. But their mannerisms and the way they acted towards magic were not what normal families would do. I just brushed it off to them being open-minded.

Now we're here at Gringotts and when the guards asked for weapons I didn't think anything of it. No one nowadays has anything other than wands, I don't understand why they still do this. But that all changed when Vulcan put some metal star-looking things and a couple of knives in the bin. Then his mother did the same thing, except hers was twice as much. I was really in disbelief when Hitomi started to take out all of her weapons, I can honestly say that my mind was blown.

I can't really remember much after that until Tsunade grabbed my hand as we were being led by Ragnarok to a private booth. THE manager of Gringotts was serving this family personally, he wouldn't give the Malfoys more than a glance and he's taking charge of this family.

When Ragnarok and Zach started to negotiate the prices that he would sell the weapons for I almost fainted again. The amount they were talking about would make Lucious Malfoy spit out blood. I just might be witnessing the moment that someone could take the position of the richest person in the wizarding world, and it's a muggle at that. I couldn't wrap my brain around it, they can't be muggles.

Minerva: "What are you, people?"

next chapter
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