This is mae (or place your name insted of mae) she is a girl from a rich family and she is very beautiful with a beautiful heart she decided to live a middle class life and asked her parents to send her to a normal collage , his parents asked why so she said "i just want to live a normal life like others and want to make new friends"....
her parents were agreey to send her ...
*Next morningk
she started packing her clothes.... she was getting readdy and combing her hairs admiring heself.....
suddenly her mother came....
Mother :- oh dear u r looking to beautiful (hand on mae's head)
Mae :- (blushing) ohh thank u moom
Mother:- i think the girls in that collage will be jelous of your beauty....!
Mae :- hmmm
Mother :- i should leave now your dad is waiting for breakfast.....
Mae :- yaa (smiling)
her mother wen't downstairs as mae's room was at the 2nd floor.....
Mae:- ( i know i am really beautifull but i don't want to make other sad and jelous of me )
mae's mother called mae down for breakfast as she have to leave for the collage today only
it was whole silence in the room and then maes father started talking
Father :- sooi you are leaving today for your collage ryt...
Mae :- yes dad
Father :- (chewing the food) h-hmmmm
after having dinner mae went to her room and started keeping her bags out of the room knowing she is having workers to keep the bags out....
maes mother shouted (mae the car is in the door come fast ) she said ( yes moom one sec )
Mae :- moom i m here where are you
Mother :- coming wait....(shouting from her room)
his father and his mother came out and asked workers to keep the bags in the car.... she sat in the car
Mae:- bye love you moom-dad see you soon...
mom and dad together - bye sweet heart
the car started and arrived from his manshion she was seeing back his moom dad out from the cars window....
(this is my first novel written sorry for the spelling or wrong prononseation as it is not my speaking language)
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