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"Oh, another cocky student wants to get his ass kicked. Well, the more the merrier." The boyfriend with a fetish for bullying students licked his lips in anticipation.

"Wait leave him alone. He did not do anything to you." Panic surged through the hearts of the 4 girls when they heard the unreasonableness of the man.

"Shut up slut! Do you think I don't what you were doing here? Using my hard-earned cloud points to buy pictures of another guy? Who do you think you are!" The man's temper exploded when he heard his girlfriend panicking for another guy. He was willing to forgive her after teaching these newbies a lesson but hearing her pleading for someone else crossed his bottom line.

"Hey mister, you shouldn't speak to women like that. It is no wonder she is looking at other men when her man is so insecure and unreasonable." Vasari's voice drifted into the ears of those on the bottom floor.

On the outside Vasari kept his face neutral but he was fuming on the inside when he found out how injured Timo was and how some no-name was bullying his roommates.

"You...boys fuck this blind idiot up! Don't kill him just break his arms and legs." It seemed the boyfriend had enough of these cocky students. They were mere students who joined the sect 2 weeks ago yet they had the gall to mock him. What impudence!

The man choke-holding Asher let him go and turned his attention to Vasari. The 8 other underlings formed a circle around Vasari intending to block any escape route, essentially trapping him.

DT was completely ignored as he sneaked his way to where Jude, Jaxon, Jett and Asher who had a purple bruise shaped like a hand on his neck.

DT looked towards Vasari who was encircled by 9 fully fledged Outer Haven disciples with worry, "We can't just watch from the side like this. We need to help him." DT felt bad for dragging Vasari into their mess and it made him feel worse when he remembered that they were using him to get cloud points as well.

Jude felt similarly to DT but he knew that it was useless, "All of them are at the Qi Conversion stage and their leader is in the mana body stage. We don't stage a chance."

The boys lamented their low cultivation and their inability to help. Wait...why are they acting like useless lovers of some main character.

Vasari spoke from inside the encirclement, "Why are you guys just standing around, give Timo a healing pill." The boys snapped awake from their useless thoughts and followed Vasari's instruction. DT lifted Timo from the floor with great difficulty when he realised a huge dilemma. He had no healing pills on him.

Any type of healing pill was extremely over-priced and being from a common family, DT had no way of affording one. He awkwardly looked up at the others and explained the dilemma.

"Here I have one that my mom gave me." A green pill exuding a strong alchemical scent appeared in Jett's palm. He looked at the pill in his hand with a pained expression like he was a father handing off his beloved daughter to another man.

"Fuck! Mom is so going to kill me if she finds out!" Jett pulled down Timo's heavy jaw before throwing the healing pill down his throat.

Almost instantly the bones in Timo's body started to heal as well as his inner injuries.

The insecure boyfriend did nothing to stop these boys since it would save him from being punished for killing a fellow disciple and he did not want to do another 4 years of community service which was basically slave work.

He turned his attention to his 9 underlings who were about to begin the show.

One of the underlings rushed forward towards Vasari who had his head turned in the direction of Timo and the others. The man threw a normal punch aimed at the side of Vasari's head while snickering, "Hmmph just a blind boy running his mouth."


The eyes of all the underlings widened in surprise when the outcome they expected to happen did not.

Vasari who was still 'looking' at his unconscious roommate held the fist of the underling in his palm. Seeing his punch so easily blocked, the underling punched out with his other hand.


Much to the man's surprise again, the punch was blocked with the same hand as before.

"Don't be cocky" Already embarrassed twice in as many seconds, the underling performed a flurry of punches aimed at different parts of Vasari's upper body.

Without moving an inch from his position, Vasari blocked every punch from the underling with one hand while not even facing his direction.


Punch after punch was so easily blocked that those spectating the fight thought it was some kind of performance that they practised beforehand. Every block was precise and firm, the underling felt like he was punching an immovable mountain.

"Fuck you brat." The lackey had enough. Circulating the superior Qi through his body, the lackey performed a martial technique.

He threw another straight punch towards Vasari but this time his hand emitted a searing heat and the skin on his arms turned bright red.

"Eat my 'Sauna Fist Art' "

For the first time since the fight started, Vasari moved more than just his right arm. He parried the punch with the back of his hand causing the lackey to lose balance. Vasari then punch the guy with his left hand catching him square on the jaw. The lackey felt almost no pain as he fell unconscious almost immediately after his jaw connected with Vasari's fist.




The underlings, spectators and the insecure boyfriend were left speechless.

A Yin Yang control stage student just knocked the lights out of a fully-fledged Qi Conversion stage Outer Haven Disciple in one punch. That concept was ridiculous to imagine and yet it happened right in front of them.


Vasari stood tall in the circle of 8 disciples three stages higher than him in cultivation without a trace of fear.

The already divine image of Vasari reached new heights for those spectating the fight and although they had little belief of Vasari managing to actually win this fight, they were at least rooting for him.

"What are you idiots doing!? Attack together! TOGETHER!"

Hearing the insecure boyfriend shouting orders like some type of 3rd rated villain caused Vasari to snicker in amusement, "Numbers mean nothing if you are all nothing but trash."

The faces of all the underlings went red with anger and without further orders, they all attacked together.


"My God..."

Asher looked at the scene in front of him with unprecedented shock and admiration. Not just him but Jett, Jaxon, Dt and even Jude looked at the scene with goosebumps on their skin.

The scene in front of them painted a picture of a young man with unparalleled handsomeness standing by his lonesome, his robes in pristine condition without so much as a speck of dirt tainting it and not a strand of his black-as-night hair out of place. Littered around the man were 9 bodies, all unconscious with their faces kissing the hard floor of the CloudBar.

Nobody uttered a word after witnessing the, a beating would be a better term to explain what just happened.

The insecure boyfriend was similarly left speechless.

Vasari broke the silence and he turned to face the cause of this farce.

"Weren't you going to kick my ass? Come." The mocking in his tone was clear as day.

The bully looked at the confident grin of Vasari and felt nothing but fear and his instinct told him to run. Run far away and hope to never come across this man, this monster, ever again but unfortunately for him, Vasari had no intention of letting him go scot-free.

"Fine, if you don't want to come to me I'll just come to you."

Vasari used all the power his legs could generate and kicked off the ground towards the bully. he crossed the distance between them quickly. Seeing that the other party had no intention of letting him go, the bully decided to fight all out.

He was aiming to build his own faction in the future and it was for this reason that he was so angry at his girlfriend. It was not because she was purchasing pictures of other men but because she was planning to spend his hard-earned cloud points that he was saving up to form his own faction.

His goal was to get on the Outer Haven disciple rankings, earn the 10 000 cloud points, form his own faction then slowly recruit members and improve his standing on the League Ranking thereby earning more resources to improve his cultivation, but that would all go down the drain if he loses a fight against a student in the Yin Yang Control stage. His reputation would forever be tainted and even forming a heart demon was not out of the question.

With a defiant roar, he punched forward to meet the incoming fist aimed at his chin. The fists collided yet both cultivators stood the ground firmly, not budging an inch.

Vasari was the first to pull back his fist but instantly punched forward with his other fist.

Vasari had just joined the sect and had yet to purchase any cultivation methods, martial techniques or movement techniques so he only had his body to rely on at the moment. The small space of the CloudBar worked to his advantage in this aspect since these disciples could not maximise the true power of their martial techniques in such a limited space forcing them to fight in close combat.

If they were fighting on a battle stage or in an open area then Vasari had no delusions that the outcome would remain the same, at most he reckoned that defeating 4 of those lackeys at the same time was his limit at the moment.

The bully raised his arm to block the punch but the punch was much heavier than the first and it pushed him back a meter.

'How? How are his punches so strong?'

Vasari left him no time to dawdle and instantly closed the distance between them before raining punches down on the man.


Some punches connected, some were blocked or parried and some were dodged. The bully was struggling to keep up with the flurry of punches that did not seem to end. Every punch was heavier and faster than the last. The bully did not even have time to use any of his techniques as he was too busy trying to avoid this young man's punches.

"Enough! I'm done playing aro-" Before the bully could even finish his sentence, a large slipper smashed against his skull and he was sent flying into the sturdy wall of the CloudBar. A loud thud echoed throughout the first floor and complete silence once again returned.

'Miss Covington's advice on my spinning heel kick was really good. I should thank her again tomorrow.'

Vasari thought before walking to his roommates and classmates who were staring at him like he was their role model.

"Hahahaha Vasari that was incredible!" Jaxon praised while glancing at the 10 unconscious bodies that were currently getting thrown out by the staff members of the CloudBar.

"That was nothing. I was just lucky that the idiot could not use any martial techniques or else I would've been done for."

"Still, to defeat a Mana body stage cultivator in hand-to-hand combat is impressive" It was Jude who spoke now. Every time he saw Vasari the respect he had for him grew. He was truly feeling sorry for his best friend Alex since there was no way he could beat Vasari at the moment.

Vasari smiled before bending down and picking up the still unconscious Timo, "Let's head home, you can always start your business another day."

The boys stiffened after hearing his words and the same thoughts popped into their minds.

'Shit, how does he know?'

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