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53.33% The Baron / Chapter 8: Chapter 8. Trapper

Kapitel 8: Chapter 8. Trapper

The old woman took the book and examined it.

"Heh, I forgot I had this. A low-quality magic textbook. Are you sure you want this? If you are not a hunter, it's basically useless to us, and the church ain't too kind to people who have this sort of thing."

"I am aware. I will still take it."

There is a true possibility they might find me, but the gains outweigh the risks right now. With the powers I have, I should be able to learn something, if only a tiny amount.

"Hmmm. you can have it for free."


I was slightly taken aback, this old woman didn't strike me as the charitable kind.

"You heard me. I do not need it and you look like someone who does. But the next time you have something particular, bring it to me exclusively."

"...Why do you think I will find something like that?"

"Call it female intuition."

"...Alright then."

I put the book into my coat pocket and headed to the door.

"By the way," the old woman spoke. "May I know your name?"

I stopped for a second, my brain working.

Can't tell her real name, that's for sure. She already saw my face so if I tell her my name some trouble may come my way that I don't want yet. Ugh, this is a time I envy nobles. They can just send a proxy and be safe. Even the lowest baron can do that… the lowest.

"Just call me Lowest."

After a tense moment, I heard a snorting noise followed by laughter.

"Lowest? That's a pretty darn bad name!"

"...Well, you can call me like this or just as a customer." I opened the door. "I will probably be back."

I stepped through the door and ran back to the church.


The old woman hummed to herself as she pulled out a registry book and wrote down:

1642. Magic book manual. Mr. Lowest.

"Still a terrible name if you ask me."

As the old woman was about to put the book away, the door opened again.


She stopped speaking in mid-sentence as she immediately recognized the person who just entered her shop.

"You shouldn't have come here."

"I had to."

The figure pulled off their hood, revealing a woman in her mid-twenties with black hair and red eyes.

The old woman shook her head.

"The order is done. You cannot bring it back to the glory it once had. Not to mention there is quite a bounty on the survivor's head right now."

The woman slammed her hand on the table.

"Those knights attacked us without a shred of hesitation! They are monsters! The gods have obviously abandoned us and favor them yet you want me to stop? Just let the gods use us as stepping stones for their favorite toys? No way."

She dropped a bag on the table.

"You know what I want. Can you prepare it for me, yes or no?"

The shopkeeper stayed silent for a while before she took the bag.

"It will be ready by tomorrow. But you will need new blood for the impossible goal you decided upon. Are you sure you can do it?"

"Let me worry about that. I have already taken care of one of the hunting dogs that came after me. If things go as planned, the order will come back to life."


When I arrived home, I slammed the door behind me, and without changing my wet clothes, I opened the book I just got.

"Come on, lady luck, don't fail me now…YES!"

As I was staring at the pages, the green rectangle appeared above it with the white letters that I could read. Now it even had drawings mimicking the ones in the book.

"Alright, let's see."

I started reading the first page of the book.



Greetings to all who dare to explore the esoteric world of magic beyond the realm of my esteemed Wizardly Arts. Within these pages, you shall find a compendium of knowledge that I, the great Ritter of Wizardry, have designed to collect and document. While my conviction remains unshaken in the superiority of true and pure magic—the arcane mastery achieved only through the rigorous path of the Wizard—I have taken it upon myself to document lesser forms of magic. Mind you, not because they deserve it, but to uphold my belief that all knowledge, regardless of its feeble nature, must be preserved for posterity.

Peruse these chronicles with caution, for I, the Ritter, disdain inferior magical practices, yet am willing to educate the uninformed. Delve into the insights I reluctantly grant on Necromancy, Ritualistic Magic, Witchcraft, Pact Magic, Holy Magic, and the despicable art of Demonic Magic. Understand that my disdain for these feeble magics is only rivaled by my sense of duty to preserve even the most detestable of knowledge.

Necromancy: The Dance with Death

Necromancy, the morbid manipulation of life force and death itself, grants its wielder dominion over the realm of the deceased. Conjure revenants, summon spirits, and channel the energy of the departed to wield dark powers. While I, the Ritter, frown upon such practices, some may seek Necromancy's power to uncover hidden truths or manipulate the balance of life and death.

Ritualistic Magic: Power in Precision

Ritualistic Magic, rooted in ancient rites and elaborate ceremonies, emphasizes precision and adherence to established procedures. Enact complex rituals to channel energy, cast spells, and alter reality. While I scoff at the overly intricate nature of such practices, some may find satisfaction in the meticulous nature of ritualistic magic, achieving potent effects through careful execution.

Witchcraft: The Enchantment of Nature

Witchcraft, often tied to the natural world and its elements, involves the conjuring of charms, potions, and curses. Tap into the primal forces of the earth, harnessing the energies of plants, animals, and celestial bodies. While I consider such practices beneath me, some may find solace in the communion with nature and the weaving of enchantments.

Pact Magic: Bargains with the Otherworldly

Pact Magic, a dangerous endeavor, involves making deals with extraplanar entities for power. Forge pacts with beings from other realms, granting boons in exchange for service or sacrifices. My disdain for such desperate measures is palpable, but some may seek to forge alliances with otherworldly beings for reasons known only to them.

Holy Magic: Divine Blessings

Holy Magic, a perplexing practice based on religious devotion, involves channeling the power of deities or divine entities. Seek favor from higher powers to heal, smite, and protect. While I, the Ritter, find reliance on divine entities laughable, some may feel compelled to serve higher purposes and align their magic with the divine.

Demonic Magic: Tempting the Abyss

Demonic Magic, a vile and treacherous pursuit, involves harnessing the dark forces of the abyss for personal gain. Form pacts with malevolent entities, embracing corruption and chaos to achieve one's desires. My abhorrence for such dark arts is boundless, yet some may be lured by the promises of power and

 forbidden knowledge.

In closing, I must reiterate that these feeble forms of magic pale in comparison to the grandeur of true Wizardly Arts. However, in my boundless magnanimity, I shall present these lesser magical practices for your perusal. Remember that the path of the Wizard is the only path to absolute mastery over the arcane, and all others are mere shadows of the truest magic.


"... This guy sounds like an asshole. Also, isn't talking about holy magic like this is blasphemous? Not to mention it talks about necromancy and demonic magic. The shop owner wasn't kidding; this thing could get me in trouble if it gets found out. Like 'burn the heretic on the stake' sort of trouble."

I flipped through to other pages, seeing the tone of the writer's voice change drastically as if a completely new person was writing it. It talks about different theories or applications of different magics that were way too complicated for me to understand.

"Come on, where are the fireballs?"

As I flipped the pages, I stumbled upon something.


. In the pursuit of arcane mastery, one may encounter the enigmatic rite known as the "Ritual of Arcane Awakening." This ritual, veiled in simplicity yet potent in its essence, beckons to those who yearn to embrace the magic within.

The Ritual of Arcane Awakening

Required Items:

- A clear quartz crystal, symbolizing clarity and amplification of magic.

- A white candle, representing purity and illumination.

- A vial of pure water, signifying the flow of magic through life.


Ancient echoes, magic's embrace, I call upon the powers that grace. By flame, by stone, by water's might, open the path to the mystic light.


1. Preparation: Find a quiet and undisturbed space where the energies of the magical world can converge.

2. Alignment: Place the clear quartz crystal before you, focusing your intent on the magic you wish to awaken. Let your mind attune to the vibrations of the crystal.

3. Candle Ignition: Light the white candle and allow its glow to fill the space. Visualize the flame as a beacon, guiding your path toward the dormant magic within.

4. Water Connection: Hold the vial of pure water and close your eyes. Feel the life force within the water and its connection to the flow of magic. Envision the water as a conduit between you and the arcane.

5. Invocation: Recite the incantation with a steady voice, allowing its words to resonate within your being. As you chant, visualize a shimmering gateway within the crystal, leading to a realm of untapped magic.

6. Transference: Gently sprinkle a few drops of the pure water onto the crystal, as if anointing it with the essence of magic. Imagine the water merging with the crystal, infusing it with the power to awaken your latent magical potential.

7. Embrace the Light: Focus on the candle's flame, imagining its radiance seeping into your very core. See the light mingling with the energy within you, igniting the dormant magic.

8. Meditation: Close your eyes and enter a state of deep meditation. Feel the currents of magic swirling around you, intertwining with your essence. Sense the pathways opening, allowing you to perceive the intricate dance of the arcane.

9. Acceptance: With a heart unburdened by doubt, surrender to the awakening magic within. Trust in your innate ability to grasp its threads and weave them into the tapestry of your being.

10. Completion: Slowly open your eyes and extinguish the candle's flame. Hold the charged crystal, feeling the newfound connection to the magic. Carry it with you as a tangible reminder of your magical awakening.

Remember, seeker of the arcane, this ritual is but the threshold to a more extraordinary journey. As you step into the currents of magic, embrace the mysteries that unfold and let the wisdom of the cosmos guide your path.


"A ritual of arcane Awakening?"

I stopped to think for a second.

I have a skill that says that I have mana or whatever. But this one talks about… opening it up. Could I need to do this to be able to use magic?

It costs almost nothing, and the stuff needed to do it is pretty easy to get.

"Quartz crystal, a bottle of water, and a candle. I can probably get that from the market, for quite cheap. I can always try to steal them."

I sighed and closed the book.

"Okay, let's start wi-"


My front door exploded as the nun came running in.

"Quick, I need your help!"

"What happened?" As I spoke I hid the book in my pocket hoping she didn't see me.

"There have been wounded! They are in the church, but I can't hold them down!"

I quickly stood up and went out with her.

"Who are they?"

"I - I think they might be knights."

I almost tripped when I heard this.

"A fuckin what?!"

"No time. Follow me!"

I continued running with her to the church, and when we were inside, I went to the room I was in when I arrived.

As we entered, I could hear screams.

On the bed, was a half-naked woman with black hair and brown skin, the left side of her body covered in burns.

"Hold her down!"

I did as I was told.

"What the hell happened to her?!"

"I think it was a slime! They dissolve everything they touch!"

"I slime?! They only show up in the lowest parts of the sewer! How did she make it up here?!"

"I don't know!"

As I held her down, the nun bandaged the woman up, while also applying the ointments to her skin.

Once the nun was done, I let go of the hunter.

Her burned skin was entirely covered in bandages, and she was sleeping peacefully.

I sighed and turned to the nun.

"I will keep an eye on her. You should bring her some wet towels in case she has a fever."


When she left, I immediately turned my powers on and looked at the women, only to turn them off from the intense light emitted from the church.

"That's on me. I forgot."

After getting my sight back, I started cleaning myself from the blood that splattered on me.

That woman's wound is nasty, the skin looks like it melted, in some areas, it was completely gone, allowing the flesh to touch the air. No wonder she was screaming.

As I looked at the bloodied water quite a morbid idea came to me.

I grabbed one of the used bandages and dropped it into the liquid, then walked over to the angel's statue and pressed it to the orb.

Soon a blue rectangle appeared before my face.


Name: Layla

Race: Human

Age: 19

Class: Trapper

Rank: E

Skills: [Enhanced Strength], [Mana Pathway], [Survival Instinct], [Beginner Archery Arts], [Trap Construction], [Camouflage], [Quick Reflexes], [Basic Inventory]


"She is not an Awakener? And what's with these classes? Trap Construction. Camouflage. She is not even a knight but more like a hunter. Well, the old woman said they call themselves hunters but still."

I looked at the unconscious woman and then at the items placed on the table.

I slowly walked over there and examined them.

There were… some strange things amongst them.

Aside from the armor, the bow, and the arrows, there were several objects that I couldn't identify.

Amongst them was a cylinder painted with a bright pink color that held some sort of liquid, judging from the sound it made as I shook it. There were also several metallic-looking bags that seemed to contain crisp-feeling things, yet I had no idea how to open them.

Also, there was something else.

It was black and smooth like a rock with a seemingly black glass panel on it. As I held it in my hand, I could see a single eye-like thing on its top and back.

"What is this?"

As I turned it in my hand, I noticed two bumps on its side.

Curiously, I pushed one of them.

Suddenly, as I did this, the mirrored surface of the object lit up.

"What is this?"

On the glowing device was the perfectly colored drawing of a seascape with white letters at the top.

I touched the screen, only to draw my finger back as I saw the image move when I touched it.

Carefully, I swiped up, seeing the image change, now showing nine black points in the darkness with more white letters above it.

"What the hell is this thing?"

I put the device back in its place, but then I saw a folded piece of paper at the bottom of the bag.

I carefully unfolded the paper and read it when the green rectangle appeared.


Wanted: Heretic witch of the Order of Silence.

Reward: 1,000,000 gold tra.


Between the two texts was a drawing of a figure wearing a hood.

"... 1,000,000 gold, you say."

next chapter
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