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61.53% The Avatar In Middle Earth / Chapter 8: Gifts & Unknown Memories

Kapitel 8: Gifts & Unknown Memories

'No, no, no, no, NO! It can't be. It's impossible,' were the only thoughts that ran through Korra's mind.

She couldn't believe it... No, she didn't want to believe it.

Korra held her head in distress.

This wasn't happening. There's no way Vaatu could be back.

She could deny it all she wanted but deep down Korra knew it was true.

...Vaatu was back. He'd returned and she didn't know how.

Galadriel, who had been silently watched Korra as she had her internal battle, walked over to her and placed a hand on her shoulder.

Korra immediately recoiled from the she-elf's touch and jumped up from her place on the ground. Fear flashed through her eyes as she closely examined the Elven Lady.

Why would the Elven Lady show Korra a vision of Vaatu? Was it some kind of trick? A test to see if Korra was worthy or not?

"No child. It wasn't a trick, nor was it a test," Galadriel said in a slightly amused tone.

Korra relaxed somewhat before pointing an accusing finger at the basin.

"Then what the heck was that? Didn't you see that vision too?" she asked impatiently.

Galadriel slowly walked over to the basin and traced the rim with a single finger. Korra couldn't help but shiver as Galadriel levelled her with a piercing stare.

"I know what it is you saw. For it is also in my mind," the Elven Lady repeated the words she spoke to Frodo.

She then spoke into Korra's mind.

((It is what will come to pass if you fail. The Fellowship is breaking. It has already begun. One by one, the Ring will destroy them all.))

Fear began to spread through Korra. Not fear for herself, no, but fear for her friends. She couldn't let what she saw in her vision come true.

A soft expression passed over Galadriel's face.

"However, you must remain strong, young Avatar. Your very soul is merged with light itself, so you cannot fall for the Ring," Galadriel informed.

Korra's eyes widened in realisation. Of course! That explained why the Ring held no influence over her actions or thoughts.

"Earlier this morning... you had neglected to ask the key question which has been plaguing your mind ever since you arrived in these lands... what is your true purpose here?" Galadriel spoke.

Korra found herself nodding.

She had indeed thought about what her true purpose here was. Galadriel said that she was Middle Earth's supposed aid, but that didn't really explain what she was supposed to do to help out.

Despite trying to assist the Fellowship on their quest, they would have made it here fine with or without her, and Gandalf would have more than likely died either way.

Of course she'd keep her promise and help would out the Fellowship as much as possible, but what was the point of being with them when she was more of a liability than anything? What could she possibly do to help Middle Earth when she couldn't even keep a single friend alive?

Galadriel's voice broke through Korra's musings.

"Child, Gandalf's death was his choice and his alone. Not even you, with all your power could have stopped him. Besides, not even I know how a wizards mind works, and so his intentions are yet to be known. You shouldn't curse yourself for the life which you believe you failed to save. Instead, be grateful for the lives of those which were spared," the elf said sagely.

A small smile broke onto Korra's face.

The Elven Lady's right, she should be grateful that the others survived.

"Alright," Korra started slowly, a hint of uncertainty in her voice, "that's great and all but what is my role in the Fellowship? How can I help?"

"Hmm... you are to do what you have always done," Galadriel said.

"But what do you mean by that?" Korra questioned.

She was then surprised when she suddenly heard the Elven Lady's light and melodic laugh.

"I thought it quite obvious, young one," Galadriel replied amusedly.

((Your purpose here is the same as back on your world; to protect the innocent and to keep balance...))

"Do you understand now, Korra? The Fellowship needs an Avatar ... we all do," Galadriel said softly, offering a smile which Korra gladly returned.

"I'll gladly be the Avatar of whatever world needs me," Korra declared proudly before scratching the back of her neck in confusion.

"But I don't understand how Vaatu could find his way into this world. He merged with my Uncle and I purified his spirit, so how'd he get back to normal? It should've been impossible."

"No, young one. Just as darkness cannot exist without light, light cannot exist without darkness," Galadriel retorted. "I suspect Morgoth's appearance in Middle Earth is Sauron's doing. There is, however, no knowing for sure."

Seeing the anxious expression which crossed the Avatar's face, the elf placed a reassuring hand her shoulder.

"Don't stress over the details now, child. The answers have yet to reveal themselves. You must be-" her sentence was cut off by Korra.

"Patient," Korra finished.

Galadriel gave her mirthful look causing Korra to promptly flush.

"Er, um, sorry for interrupting. It's just that everyone says that," the bender stuttered, sounding both exasperated and embarrassed.

"It is alright. I believe you should get some rest. Do you wish to sleep with the Fellowship or have your own quarters?" Galadriel asked.

"I'd rather sleep with the others, thank you," Korra responded with a bow before turning to leave.

((And one more thing, Avatar. Bear this in mind; the protection of Middle Earth is not a burden which you solely bear. You have precious friends which will help shoulder this responsibility and help you endure any hardships. You simply must have faith in each other... And you must also remember that not all can be saved. If you do not accept this, I fear that it will lead to your down fall.))

Korra hesitantly nodded in agreement, not fully understanding what the Elven was saying.

After a beat of silence Galagriel spoke in Korra's mind once again.

((Oh and before you return, you may wish to have a bath.))

The Avatar sighed in relief.

She hadn't had a proper bath in ages and though a quick rinse did get some of the dirt and grime off of her skin, it definitely didn't get rid of her stench.

Being covered in mostly Orc and Goblin blood didn't help this in the slightest bit. I

f only a shower could help remedy her worries just like her undesirable smell.

Korra chuckled at the thought.

One could only hope things were that easy.


Korra made her way to the Fellowship now wearing a clean set of clothes.

She wore a blue tunic and comfy black leggings, much to the absolute horror of the elf-maid whom had insisted on her wearing the long, blue silken dress which she provided.

Said elf simply stormed off muttering something about an "uncultured child".

Korra wasn't offended at all about being called uncultured because, let's face it, she really was. She was actually gladder that the she-elf was treating her like a normal person...unlike some other elves.

Korra felt beyond embarrassed when, as she was making her way from the bath, she stumbled into a clearing full of elves and they all... bowed.

If it was a simple quick bow which Korra was used to in her world, she wouldn't have minded, but... these elves were on their knees. Their knees for spirits sake!

Thankfully, Korra had eventually managed to get them back on their feet when she insisted that bowing wasn't necessary.

Apparently word about her being merged with one of the Valar had reached some curious ears. Though none truly believed this to be so at first, once they were in the Avatar's presence they could almost smell the power which she radiated and couldn't help but bow.

And so, as to avoid any more awkward situations, operation "AVOID ALL ELVES AT ALL COSTS" was put into play.

This excluded Legolas of course, but it didn't hurt to be cautious.

Finally, Korra had reached the clearing where she and the Fellowship would stay.

Korra then proceeded to silently make her way towards her companions before she sat opposite to Boromir, who looked quite downtrodden.

Not having yet been noticed, the young Avatar took the chance to glance around at her friends.

Merry and Pippin, both seemingly locked in an intense staring contest, sat in front of Legolas as he stood staring at nothing in particular.

Frodo had his eyes closed while he leaned on Sam, who had just finished reciting a short poem which he had made up for Gandalf.

Korra had to bite back a laugh when her eyes landed on Aragorn and Gimli.

Aragorn sported a very uncomfortable expression as the dwarf tightly embraced the man in his sleep, snoring incredibly loudly and drooling all over the poor Rangers tunic.

All in all, everyone was pretty much acting like their normal selves.

At least, that's what Korra would've liked to think.

The grief in their eyes was clear as day and though no one had yet shed a single tear, Korra could see that everyone was silently mourning. That much was obvious.

"What are you?"

The question, though spoken softly, broke through Korra's musings.

She looked over to Boromir as he had been the one to ask the question.

"What?" Korra responded dumbly.

Those of the Fellowship who hadn't noticed her arrival jerked at her sudden appearance (basically everyone except for Legolas and, well, Boromir. Duh) while Legolas simply gave Boromir a questioning gaze.

"Your eyes, they glowed white and you turned into a-a monster... We have all seen you fight before but never had you displayed such a high level of savagery," Boromir almost yelled, narrowing his fear-filled eyes. "So, I will repeat my question, Korra. What. Are. You?"

Everyone's eyes were now focussed on the bender.

Under normal circumstances, either Aragorn or Legolas would have scolded Boromir for being so brash, but even they couldn't deny that they were curious about the events which unfolded in the mines.

Many of them were beginning to doubt whether the foreign girl was indeed human or anything close to it.

While the others practically burned in anticipation of her answer, Korra sighed tiredly and put her hands behind her head before she lazily stretched out onto the grass.

She had been expecting this ever since her rampage in the mines.

Korra hadn't missed the not so subtle wary glances which had been cast her way as they made their way towards Lothlorien. And of course their vigilance had grown even more after Galadriel's not so little bombshell earlier that morning.

Though the question was unavoidable, in all honesty, Korra didn't entirely know how to answer Boromir.

It was late and the overwhelming amount of knowledge thrown at her was really starting to take its toll. However, having the whole Fellowship cautious of Korra certainly wouldn't bode well for the rest of the quest.

"Truly Boromir, what I am is Korra. Just Korra. Not some four-eyed, children eating monster. I'm human," Korra answered coolly while staring up at the stars. "What you saw back at the mines wasn't me. It was the Avatar State reacting to my emotions."

Everyone shared the same surprised expression.

"That was the Avatar State? The one that you said was your strongest state?" Aragorn asked after he finally managed to shove the slobbery, half-awake dwarf off of him.

Korra hummed in response before she sat up and looked around at everyone with an apologetic gaze.

Her eyes finally settled back on Boromir who had still refused to let his stern look fall.

"I'm sorry. Really, I am. I let my emotions get the better of me and I lost control of the Avatar State. If Frodo hadn't turned out to be alive I would have eventually forced the mines to cave in, and then," Korra paused, eyes widening in realisation as she anxiously combed her fingers through her hair, "oh spirits- I would have killed you all."

A few seconds later, Korra's words had finally sunken in. None of them had expected her to say that.

Korra watched as Pippin of all people stood up and placed a reassuring hand on her shoulder.

"It's alright Korra. We forgive you," Pippin said softly. Boromir too, got up and sat next to Korra.

"Indeed you are forgiven. However... it is my turn to ask for forgiveness. Your actions before were justified. I had absolutely no right to fear you nor doubt your humanity. I am truly sorry," Boromir apologised, hanging his head in shame.

"We all are," Legolas stated looking equally as disappointed in himself as all the others.

"Hehe. Yeah, well I forgive you guys too. Honestly, I would have reacted the same way if I were in your shoes," Korra assured.

Smiles of relief were seen on everyone's faces. That is until a certain hobbit began to talk once more.

"As expected of you Korra. Now, I don't know about those apes," Pippin started while jabbing his finger at the others, "but intelligent people like you and I don't hold grudges," he said, puffing out his chest proudly.

Completely ignoring both Merry's snort of disbelief and Gimli's cry of indignation, Pippin continued.

"Also, I think I would've also done the same thing as you if I could do that white, eye glowy, er thingy," Pippin finished lamely before proceeding to wiggle his fingers in front of his eyes in a poor attempt of imitating the Avatar State.

"Well that rules you out Pip," Merry snickered poking Pippin playfully in the ribs, much to the younger hobbits annoyance. "And who are you calling apes Pippin? The only ape here is you," a slight pause, "Well, you and Gimli. I mean come on, look at 'im."

Merry had to dodge a flying axe after that last comment causing everyone to laugh. Korra shook her head as she too laughed. Thinking back to the Lady of Light's words, the bender smiled up at the stars.

'Precious friends indeed, Lady Galadriel. Precious friends indeed.'


By sunrise everyone was awake and ready to leave. It was decided that they would leave Lothlorien by boat as it was the easiest way.

As the Fellowship made their way to the lakeside where the boats were, they soon found themselves standing before Lady Galadriel and Lord Celeborn as well as a small crowd of elves.

Each of the members of the Fellowship were given light grey cloaks with small leaf badges at the front.

"Never before have we clad strangers in the garb of our people," Celeborn commented, quirking an eyebrow at Korra who had pumped her fist in the air.

"Yes. Now I can flick my cloak all dramatically like Tenzin," Korra murmured to herself as she flapped her cloak around.

Before they left, Galadriel had the Fellowship lined up so that she could present them with gifts.

Korra didn't get to see what Aragorn or Gimli's gifts were but she did see what the others were given.

For Boromir, a new shield.

For Legolas, a bow of the Galadhrim.

For Frodo, the light of Elendil.

For Sam, Lothlorien rope.

Both Merry and Pippin received a dagger as well as a sheath and a belt.

Not expecting to receive anything, Korra started to board the boats with the others but was stopped when Lady Galadriel beckoned her back.

"Did you think I did not have gifts to present you with, young Avatar?" Galadriel asked mirthfully.

"Er..." Korra started unsurely.

"You are a part of the Fellowship, are you not?" the Lady inquired.

"O-of course I am!" Korra exclaimed louder than she meant to.

Chuckling lightly, Galadriel signalled an elf with a graceful wave of her hand.

The elf held in his arms a single object wrapped in silk cloth.

Grabbing the item, Galadriel gently unwrapped it from its confines, revealing a sheathed broad swords attached to a leather strap. Intricate carvings covered both the sheath and the hilts of the swords; twin dragons wrapping themselves around the sheath and meeting at the top, appearing to be breathing out flames which were complexly engraved all around the hilts.

"I had looked through some of the Fellowship's memories and saw that you favour the element of fire. Seeing as you may wish to conceal your abilities in the future, I had my most skilled blacksmith's make this to match your preferred fighting style," Galadriel stated while smiling fondly at the awestruck look on Korra's face.

Korra's hand hovered over the sword for a few seconds, as if unsure whether it was truly hers, before she gratefully received it from the Lady of Light.

Stars shone in Korra's eyes as she examined the fine piece of craftsmanship.

Unsheathing the swords, Korra's eyes widened as she studied the familiar metal.

'Mithril,' she thought, amazed.

Inscriptions, which Korra assumed were written in elvish, were engraved on either side of both swords.

Most, if not everyone present was surprised when Korra suddenly launched at Galadriel and wrapped the unsuspecting she-elf in a bone crushing embrace. Once the Lady realised what Korra was doing, her surprised expression moulded into one of delight as she hugged the Avatar back.

The two broke apart after a minute or so.

"Thank you," Korra said with the largest and most genuine smile plastered on her face.

"You're most welcome, young one," Galadriel replied, offering a stunning smile of her own and showing off her perfect white teeth. "Though I ask you to bear in mind our conversation last night, I must also tell you this; you are not alone. While it is your job to protect your friends, there is nothing wrong with letting them protect you in return."

With those last words, Galadriel finally dismissed Korra.

Strapping the broad swords to her back, Korra jumped into the boat with Aragorn and Frodo.

The gathered elves waved goodbye as they set finally set out with the Fellowship returning the gesture until Lothlorien was out of sight.

The journey had continued.

Korra heard Gimli's voice next to her own boat.

"I have looked my last upon that which is fairest," he said a little mournfully. "Henceforth, I will call nothing fair unless it is her gift to me."

'Wasn't he the one who was calling her a witch not two days ago?' Korra thought humorously.

"What was your gift?" Legolas asked Gimli, genuinely interested.

"I asked for a single hair from her golden head...She gave me three," Gimli answered proudly, eyes shining with admiration.

"And you, Korra?" Legolas questioned.

"Huh? Oh, well I thought it was obvious," Korra said before she unsheathed her duel blades causing Gimli to gasp in wonder.

"Mithril," the dwarf breathed out.

"Yeah, beautiful isn't it. Galadriel thought this type of blade would suit my fighting style. There's also some sort of elvish inscription on these," Korra stated while sporting a large grin.

"May I see them?" Legolas asked, almost hopefully.

Korra shrugged agreeably, passing her swords cautiously over to the other boat.

Handling the blades with care, Legolas studied the detailed design on the hilts as well as their abnormal curved tips. The Elf eyed the inscriptions curiously.

"Hmm, there seems to be elvish words engraved in both blades," Legolas mentioned. "One blade says 'The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without being lost'." Pausing for a moment to turn the blade around, Legolas resumed. "'The true heart can tough the poison of hatred without being harmed'."

Korra's eyes widened slightly.

She had heard this from somewhere, but she didn't know where or when, or even whether she heard it in her present life.

Not aware of Korra's confusion, Legolas continued.

"On the other blade it says 'Since the beginning of time darkness thrives in the void'," he turned it around, "'but always yields to purify light'...What a curious thing to engrave on a sword," Legolas suggested quizzically, giving the swords back to Korra.

Still a little puzzled by the fact that she somehow recognised the words from the inscription, Korra just nodded her head dumbly and placed her swords back in the sheath which both Aragorn and Frodo had been silently admiring.

"What are you going to name them?" Frodo questioned Korra softly.

"Huh?" she replied confused.

"He asked what you are going to name your swords," Aragorn answered for Frodo.

"No, no. I know what you said, it's just, why would I name my swords?" the bender queried.

Aragorn, Frodo, Legolas and Gimli looked at her in befuddlement.

"Why wouldn't you?" Legolas inquired.

"Er, know what never mind," Korra said with a dismissive wave. "I think I'll name them...Ran and Shaw."

"Ran and Shaw? Hmm, peculiar names for blades. Any particular meaning?" Aragorn asked Korra who just shrugged her shoulders.

"Not really. But these dragons," Korra's finger traced the carving of the twin dragons, "when I look at them the names Ran and Shaw always comes to mind."

"Hmm, maybe you know two people who are fond of dragons?" Frodo suggested.

"Yeah, maybe," Korra said, knowing full well that she'd never met anyone by the name of Ran or Shaw.

This was the second time that day that something like this had happened, where Korra would get some sort of inkling that she had heard of something beforehand. She had experienced a similar feeling many times before. Maybe... No.

Korra shook her head and shoved the thought out of her mind. It was impossible... or was it?

Korra continued to use her water bending to propel the boat forwards, one name on her mind.


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