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Schreiben Sie eine Rezensionafter reading the manga I'm now reading the LN, i love the manga that's why it's a 5 star for me.
read the manga... peak... read the light novel... even betterthe only type of diabetes that i like
Originally I watched the anime as my first romance and it wad to this day the greatest romance I have ever watched, I have watched it four times and am now reading the LN hopefully we see a second season animated soon but it is peak no the less.
I honestly like this light novel too much. It's the first romance light novel that I have ever read. I love it. Need more of this. BTW WHERE IS THE NEXT VOLUME. Aah I can't take it, my heart honestly skips a beat at those cute and juicy scenes. It's the only kind of diabetes I like having.
This a cute story with slow development but is enjoyable and a slow read if you want to life your mood (or sour it depending on your love life). I do hope the story develops more in the newer chapters yet to be released but other than that I do recommend this if you like high school romance without much drama.
I seriously loved this anime it is my favourite anime I have watched this anime more than 6 times I loved this anime I would all that are reading my review to watch the anime of this novel it is really the best anime in the world
amazing 10/10!! the story is very good, it has no drama and the characters are amazing!! a very diabetic romance story, if I finish it I would probably read it again! very good 🥰👍
l can see this novel anime version first and i can't wait for second season so I can read manga but manga have now short to cover anime than I starts reading noval and i anjoy it. and then they a so beautiful and adorable story every moment filles like so warm and i can't miss any line . and I am so anjoy to see them to start dating 🥰
I've watched the the anime and it was very good and people kept saying how good the LN was. And pleased to say it did not disappoint.
This is a very beautifull and full of rumance I have seen its anime's season 1 and cannot wait for 2sd season. Thats why I am rating it 5 stars.
This is one of the greatest Romance novels you can possibly read. From the character building to the slow burn of the romance everything is amazing
Personally the best rom-com I've read so far the density levels can be annoying but still it's better than Ahem...Rent-a-girlfriend...Ahem...I've read this novel over 6 times now read the manga thrice and watched the anime over 10 times...still I can't get enough of its wholesomeness...
I'm melting 🫠.(Ignore this for 140 character 😉). This is peak................ Too much sugar. At this point I'm already going to hospital to check my blood sugar.
It's so great really makes you wonder if your ever gonna find somebody like that. 10/10 I really reccomend it Basically after the anime they really deepen their relationship and I find that really sweet how he respects her to a very high degree it's just really amazing if u watched the anime or if u didn't start from chapter 1!!! You won't regret it there's alot more interactions and charector dept
Autor Sir_Smurf
This Is The 1st Romance Light Novel That I've Read, Not Gonna Lie This Is The Best Romance Thing I've Read So Far, It Gives Me Diabetes