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37.5% The Adventures of Goten / Chapter 3: Chapter 3: Fighting for money

Kapitel 3: Chapter 3: Fighting for money

Goten had made it to the next district, number 8. This from what he remembered was the start of the low class towns where they lived. Goten could tell the difference as most of the saiyans here were wearing the armour and a scouter. It was starting to get dark again and Goten was tired and hungry.

He walked for a little while looking to see if there was any form of a hotel he could stay in. He decided to ask two saiyans who were chatting outside a house. "Umm hey excuse me, I was wondering if you knew of anywhere you could rent a room for a night?" The two saiyans looked at him funny and laughed.

"There's nowhere round here like that kid."

"Yeah you'd better get back to what every fancy district you come from before you get hurt." Goten laughed on the inside and just walked away. "Well what friendly people the saiyans are." He thought to himself. He carried on walking and came across another bar. "Man they have these in every town I've been to so far."

Goten walked in to see it was pretty empty apart from three or four people. He sat at the bar and ordered a drink and some food. He also asked if the bartender knew of anywhere he could spend the night. The bartender told him he could sleep here as long as he didn't leave a mess. Goten thanked him and ate his food and slowly drank his drink. He couldn't help thinking about home and what everybody else would be doing. "Would they be trying to figure a way to get me back?" Goten thought to himself.


Meanwhile back on earth Bulma and the gang had gathered the dragon balls in hope of wishing him back to this time. They summoned the dragon and asked their wish. The dragon started to focus and then he spoke. "I cannot grant your wish, the one known as Goten is no longer in our dimension it is not within my power to bring him back."

Chi Chi broke down crying saying how first Goku leaves and now Goten. "What do you mean he's in another dimension didn't he just go back in time?" Gohan asked. The dragon continued to explain. "Somehow he has crossed over into a different universe, my power only exists in this universe and I cannot use it to affect another."

"Is there any way he can get back?" Bulma asked. The dragon started to think. "Yes either he uses the time machine to get back, or he summons me in the universe he is in to bring him back to this universe."

Trunks looked down to the floor. "I hope he's smart enough to think about doing something like that."

"Where is he in the other universe is he on earth?" Chi Chi asked tears in her eyes. The dragon shook his head. "No… He is on the planet known as Vegeta." At the mention of that everybody gasped. Vegetas mouth was even hanging open. "N-No that's impossible." He said.

The dragon was starting to get annoyed now, "If you have no further wishes I shall be on my way." Bulma nodded but Vegeta spoke up all of a sudden. "What do you mean he's on the planet Vegeta, he was able to travel that far back in time and to another planet?!" The dragon looked at Vegeta. "I do not know how it happened only that it has. Fair well until next time."

The dragon then blasted off and the dragon balls scattered. "No wait you blasted dragon!" Vegeta shouted. He was not happy, he felt like there was something the dragon wasn't telling them. But what?


Goten awoke to his face stuck to the bar, he pulled it off and took a look around as his eyes slowly came into focus. He wiped his face and then rubbed his eyes. "Oh man, I must of drifted off last night without even realising." He stood up slowly noticing that there were a few others who were still asleep and he tip toed out of the bar trying not to wake them.

Once he got outside he noticed it was raining and raining hard. "Oh man." Goten said as he looked at the sky that was full of clouds. He stuck his hand out and the rain hit I hard. "Oh yeah I almost forgot this planets gravity is ten times stronger than earths. The rain was very heavy weighing ten times more and falling ten times faster than that of earth it was a force to be trifled with. Even for the strong saiyans it was still uncomfortable but for the weak ones it hurt.

"Wow these rain droppes hurt more than getting shot back on earth haha." Goten said. Of course they didn't reallt phase him and it still felt like normal rain. "Oh well a little rain never killed anyone." Goten said with a laugh, "Well maybe here it did."

With that Goten blasted off into the air, the rain pretty much dissolved into the atmosphere by the time it reached Gotens energy but he still got soaked. He was flying for just over an hour until he came to the next town. But this wasn't a town, this was the first city he had come across.

It was pretty big and must have been at least half as big as west city. Goten was pretty impressed as this city looked much better than the slums and towns he had been to and spotted before. "this this is sector 8." Goten said as he guessed by the look of it. He quickly gave a tiny power boost to dry himself and then descended into the city.

He noticed there was saiyans everywhere as the city was full of life. People flying all over the place, building work going on, even saiyans drinking and going out to have fun. It was what you expected from a city. Goten was pretty excited to say the least and soon found himself walking the streets taking in all the sights. He sees that even the saiyans enjoy all of the day to day activitys as the humans did, only they seemed to have better technology and everything revolved around them flying or walking. Goten soon found himself wondering down a quite area that seemed pretty rough, of course it didn't really bother Goten as he didn't really have anything to worry about, out of nowhere he hear shouting and then a small scream. Goten of course liking to play the hero decided to go and check it out.

"Alright bitch, if you don't want to get any scars on that pretty face you'll do what we say got it?" a large bald saiyan sat to the girl he had pinned up against the wall by her throat. He was with another who had wild spiky hair going down to the middle of his back. They both worse the standard saiyan armour complete with two shoulder and three leg guards.

Goten soon announced himself and startled the two of them. "You know it's not nice to gang up on people that are weaker than you, especially a girl." The two saiyans turned around to face him.

"What the hell it's a kid, what the hell do you want?" The saiyan with long hair saiyan. Goten started walking towards them. "Leave the girl alone and you won't get hurt." Goten said. Of course they both started to laugh at him and the one with wild hair clicked his scouter. "Ha well mist I'll play the hero, let's just see if you can back up those words." The numbers on the scouter finished and he started laughing. "ha only 1200 your no match for us!" Goten smiled.

"Why don't you try and find out." The wild haired saiyan smiled. "I'll finish this guy, just leave him to me." The bald one nodded and turned his attention back to the female saiyan he was pinning to the wall.

The long haired saiyan charged in at Goten throwing a punch. Goten batted his attack down and stuck his elbow out letting the brute slam into it from his own clumsiness. He dropped to the floor unconscious and Goten laughed. "Well that was easy, next." The bald one growled at him. "Why you, I'll kill you for that!" He stuck his arm up leaving only one to pin the girl to the wall.

Of course the girl being a saiyan to wasn't just going to stand there and do nothing. She quickly kneed him in between the legs and followed up with a wrist lock slamming him into the ground, she didn't stop there though as she kicked him in the face just for compensation. "You jerk, mess with me will ya!" She shouted as she booted him again this time in the ribs.

Goten was quite surprised at how violent this female was, but he wasn't surprised really she was a saiyan after all. Goten walked over to her while she carried on kicking the down male. "hey are you ok?" Goten asked. The girl stopped and wiped the sweet from her brow, she then turned around and pulled a loose strand off her dark hair behind her ear.

"Oh yeah am fine, happens all the time. You know guys thinking they can try their luck and then when I turn them down they try to force me." Goten rubbed the back of his head. "Right…" He thought to himself.

"So where you from, it's not like anyone around here would stop to help a low class like me." Goten smiled. "Well that's kind of a long story." He said with a big grin. The girl nodded. "Right, well my names Leviauce thanks for helping me out, what's yours?" Goten smiled and took her hand.

"My names Goten and it's no problem." He said as he shook her hand. He noticed she had a very powerful grip but didn't think about it too much. He was too busy trying not to stare at her. She was quite beautiful with long dark hair that reached the middle of her back. It was neat and straight, she also had two bangs that ran on each side of her face she kept one tucked over her ear and let the other fall loose.

Goten looked down and couldn't help notice the shape of her body, even with her armour on, which was held on by straps complete with three leg guards. She also had black spandex tights on and her tail was wrapped neatly around her waist.

He couldn't help but feel almost attracted to her. He shook his head and played it off as his saiyan genes. "Are you ok?" Leviauce asked. Goten smiled, "Yeah am good thanks." She nodded and waved. "well see you around Goten." She turned around and started to walk away. Goten was entranced by the way her hips swayed side to side. He snapped out of it and shouted after her. "Hey wait!" he shouted as he caught back up to her.

Leviauce turned back around. "What's up?" She asked. Goten smiled. "W-Well I was just wondering if you knew anyway quick ways of making money around here?" Leviauce looked at him funny, but then start put her hand to her chin and started thinking. "Well most the time we just go out on mission and conquer planets, but if you've been stuck at home for a while you could always try the cages."

Goten nodded. "What are the cages?" he asked. Leviauce smiled. "Well you fight for money pretty much, but you have to be pretty strong, only the best fighters enter from around the district. And I'm sorry to tell you but you don't look like much."

Goten tried not to take offence to that. He had to admit most of the guys around here were quite big, but Goten had something none of the others did. His powers. "Hey don't worry about that, I'm stronger than I look, you think you could show me to where these cages are?"

Leviauce laughed. "Well it's your funeral, but if you insist you did help me back there so I guess it the least I could do. Come on follow me." Leviauce led Goten to quite a busy part of the city as it was full of saiyans. They entered quite a large building and walked up to the desk. "Hey am looking to enter a fighter into the matches are there any spaces left?" Leviauce said.

The small alien sitting at the desk looked at her and then Goten. "Which one of you will be entering?" Leviauce pointed at Goten who was smiling. "Ok name please." Goten told the alien his name. "Ok so Goten, that's a strange saiyan name. anyway I've put you into the last block of the pit fights, the prize is 10,000 coin for the winner and 5000 for the runner up, if you don't make it two the top two then you get nothing. The rules are anything goes and even killing your opponent is allowed. Have fun and try not to die."

Goten smiled. "Well that sound fun." In his head he was thinking what the F*** these saiyans really are brutal. Leviauce smiled. "you herd the guy, try not to die."

Goten smiled. "haha I'll be find. Hey you gonna watch me?" Leviauce crossed her arms and gave a small laugh. "Well I was going to go back home, but I guess watching you get your ass kicked will give me something to do." Goten smiled. "Thanks for the vote of confidence." Leviauce just smiled. "Well come on your fight starts pretty soon."

Just like Leviauce said the time for Gotens fight came up pretty quickly and Goten was brute out into the ring. It was quite big really, not as big as the world martial arts tournament ring but it was the same style. Goten was stood waiting as the ref introduced the two fighters, Goten eyed his opponent up. He looked to be quite a big guy but didn't seem strong at all.

"Alright we know the rules. There aren't any! Let the fight begin!" Goten took a fighting stance while the bigger guy raised his hands in almost a football stance. Obviously this guy had never learned any form of martial art and just went off what he knows from just fighting.

He quickly charged in at Goten going for the take down. But Goten just raised his knee and let it connect with the saiyans jaw. He fell to the ground like a sack of potatoes and the crowd roared. "The winner is Goten!" The ref shouted.

Goten just raised his hand with a large smile on his face as he walked out of the ring and into the waiting area where the other fighters were. The fighters weren't allowed to use scouters but the audience seemed to be using them none stop as they tried to guess who would win depending on their power level.

Leviauce walked over to Goten and punched him on the arm. "Well looks like there's more to you than meets the eye." She said with a smile. Goten gave a smile himself. "Narr I just got lucky that time." Trying to be modest.

Leviauce smiled, "Well I'll be betting on you in the next round so you'd better win." Goten smiled. "I'll do my best." Not long after Goten was called out again for his second fight. There was only ten fighters in this whole round as it was at the bottom of the fighting pool, but it was still packed with people watching.

Goten was now staring down his next opponent, this time it was a female which took Goten a little of guard. The fact that she was quite muscular and full of scars helped Goten to focus on fighting her. He was avoiding her attacks left right and centre trying to figure the best way to attack her without doing too much damage. He quickly side stepped another large right hook which the female warrior had fully committed to and missed, the force of which took her completely off balance and Goten decided to strike quickly. He moved in fast and grabbed her in a sleeper hold, keeping it nice and tight waiting for the woman to tap out. Of course though being a saiyan she refused to tap and pretty soon she passed out. Goten lowered her to the ground and then raised his hand as the crowd roared again.

"And the winner is Goten! He moves no to the final round having the best scores from the judges. Goten had to say he was quite please, with their being ten fighters there was an odd number in the next match so he was advanced to the final where he would face the winner of the next round.

Goten went and joined Leviauce who was counting her prize money with a smile. "Well I have to say you sure are a lot nicer than the others." Goten shrugged. "So who's fighting next?" Goten asked.

To his surprise he noticed the crowd stand up and start cheering as one of the fighters came out. Goten eyed the guy up, he had to admit he looked like quite a decent fighter. Even Leviauce looked impressed. He had long spiky hair down to his lower back but at the same time it didn't look scruffy. He was tall and very handsome he had a neat battle scar that ran from the left side of his chin and stopped just under his mouth. His armour was a standard set but was white and dark green.

"Well that's-" Leviauce started but was cut off by the ref. "And next up we have Gerkan! He's the top compediter of this battle royal and the previous winner! Known as one of the strongest low class warriors around I give you Gerkan!" The crowd started going wild again and this time Goten understood why. Goten could tell his power was stronger than all of the other saiyans he had come into contact with yet, if he had to put it in numbers he would have to say it was somewhere around 4000.

"So this guy's meant to be strong huh?" Goten asked Leviauce. Of course Leviauce smiled at him. "Think you can take him?" She asked as she nudged his arm. Goten smiled. "We'll just have to see." He replied.

Gerkan was standing face to face with his opponent. He was fighting another normal looking guy with short spiky hair and a shoulder less set of black and yellow armour. The other saiyan quickly started the battle off by charging in ready to start exchanging blows. But Gerkan quickly tossed an energy blast at the ground kicking up smoke and debris. The other saiyan quickly appeared out of the other side of the smoke looking confused as to where his opponent was.

Suddenly Gerkan appeared behind him and the two started to exchange blows. Gerkan quickly gained the upper hand and started to overpower the other fighter. Then suddenly his opponent's fist connected with his jaw, the blow knocked his head back and he was pulled off guard. The other saiyan quickly followed up the attack with a solid right hook and then a large round house. Gerkan fell back to the ground and the ref started to count.

The other saiyan though didn't feel like waiting and extended his hand. "Don't bother he's finished." He said with a large grin and he fired an energy attack. Goten was surprised that he would do such a thing but again he remembered that the saiyans were a brutal race of people.

Gerkan however disappeared at the last second, of course Goten was one of the very few to see this. As the smoke cleared the saiyan was nowhere to be seen and the other one raised his hand in victory. However he was soon taken down as a purple energy beam burst through his chest splatting blood all over the arena floor. The saiyan looked down and then managed to turn around to see Gerkan smiling. "Sorry pal but you didn't stand a chance."

The saiyan fell over dead and the crowd roared as Gerkan gave a simple wave of victory. Even Leviauce was impressed and cheering. She then turned to Goten and smiled. "Well your up, try not to die." Goten smiled. "Don't worry I've got this." He said as he walked off full of confidence. Leviauce couldn't help but wonder just how strong Goten really was. She had tried reading his power level but it was only reading 2300, and she knew he was stronger than that.

"Ok folks we have one hell of a match up for you know, are you ready for the final match up?!" The crowd started cheering and the ref pointed towards one side of the ring. "On the left we have Goten! He's proven he can handle himself in a fight and is more than meets the eye." He crowd cheered for Goten and he gave a wave.

But then the ref pointed over to the other side. "And on the right we have Gerkan!" The crowd suddenly erupted with cheers at the mention of his name. "As you all know Gerkan is the younger brother of Gerkin! The top of the royal elite guards for the king himself!" The crowd continued to cheer and then the ref signalled the fight to begin.

Everything went quite as Goten and Gerkan began taking there stances ready for combat. Gerkan smiled at Goten and then suddenly charged in. He quickly shot a number of small energy blasts at Goten hoping to catch him off guard. But Goten batted them away and slapped the last one back towards Gerkan, he was forced to slap it away but carried on with his charge.

He slammed his forearm against Gotens in an attempt to elbow him in the face, which Goten blocked. "Not bad but let's see how you handle this!" Gerkan shouted. Goten smiled. "Bring it on!"

Gerkan dropped to the ground spinning around as he did, Goten was blinded by the hair for a split second, he quickly jumped though realising what Gerkan was trying to do. Gerkan tried to sweep Gotens legs but failed as Goten jumped over his attack. He quickly flipped back up and threw a one two.

Goten parried the jab and then dodged the cross. Gerkan was starting to get annoyed now and lifted both hands into the air. "Take this!" He shouted as he charged up a powerful energy attack and began bring it back down to launch at Goten.

Goten however quickly took a step forwards closing the gap between them. He then proceeded to grab both of Gerkans arms and knee him in the stomach. The blow knocked the wind out of him and his eyes almost popped out of their sockets and his energy attack faded into the air.

The crowd was silent and had stopped there cheering at what they had just seen. Leviauce was extremely surprised at the skill she had just seen Goten use. "I knew it, he's no ordinary fighter." She thought to herself.

Goten let go of Gerkans arms and kneeled down to face him. "Umm hey are you ok?" He asked. Gerkan couldn't believe what had just happened and struggled to pull himself together. "Why you…" he said.

"I-I'll make you pay for that!" He shouted as he suddenly pulled his arms to his sides and began charging his energy. "Prepare to face my full power!" He screamed. Goten smiled and took a fighting stance.

The crowd all hit their scouters right away wanting to see the true power of Gerkan. "Wow look its at 4200!" One of the males in the ordnance shouted. "Now it's at 4500!" Another shouted. Leviauce used her scouter to quickly measure Gotens and watched for any changes. "His power is only at 2500, but I know he's stronger than that." She said to herself.

Gerkan finished powering up and the reading everybody was getting from there scouters was at 5000. "Wow he's just as strong as general Nappa!" Some body in the ordnance shouted. Everybody started cheering at the display of power that was coming from Gerkan.

He smiled and he ran his hand through his hair. "Now it's time to finish you!" He quickly charged in pulling his fist back. "Take this!" He shouted. Goten smiled and took a quick step forwards. Gerkans attack sailed right pasts Gotens face hitting nothing but the air, Goten however drove his right fist into Gerkans stomach. The power of the blow could be felt by the crowd as the shock wave caused their hair to blow about. Goten slowly stepped away from Gerkan and smiled. "Sorry pal, but I need the coin." Gerkans eyes faded to white as he passed out and dropped to the ground unconscious.

The crowd was completely silent from the act they had just seen. Even the ref was having trouble believing it and struggled to find the right words. However Leviauce was the one most shocked. She had been following Gotens power level closely never letting her scouter lose track of it. Because of that however she had seen it jump up to 9000 in a split second and then return back to 2500. It was too fast for any of the others scouters to even pick up it happened so fast, luckily she already had it locked onto him and had managed to catch it in action.

Finally the ref had managed to pull his tongue back into his mouth. "T-The winner is… Goten!" The crowd didn't respond for a few seconds, but then Leviauce started clapping and soon the entire ordnance was up and cheering with amazement.

Goten raised his right fist into the air with a large smile on his face. "Well maybe I used a little too much power there, I hope no one noticed." He thought to himself.

next chapter
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