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The Resistance

Going to Rewrite the story I kinda rushed it 

If you want to read another ASOIAF story check out my Viserys Targaryen SI The Merchant Prince.




Mara walked through the ruins of the ancient Ghiscari city, observing the crumbling buildings around her, scarred and melted by dragonfire long ago. The only structure that remained undamaged was the large palace built into the canyon itself, where men, women, and children awaited her arrival to hear the morning sermon. Today, they would be joined by the thirty they had rescued the previous day, their largest group yet.

Mara was the first to be sent to Lhazosh by Arch-Priestess Irina, tasked with spreading the word of her god and establishing a small group of converts until more priestesses arrived. She was also asked to report back everything she could learn about Lhazosh.

She had great success initially, converting many locals and even piquing the interest of the ruling Kaazn family, who invited her to share more about her god. She thought she had gained the support of the family, and with their conversion, her task would become easier.

How wrong she was.

Three months went by, and she started noticing a troubling pattern. Many of her new followers came to her out of desperation, seeking the help of her god to find loved ones who had mysteriously disappeared; her attempts at preaching also started being obstructed. As she heard more and more about the missing loved ones of her growing flock, she decided to investigate their disappearances and over time, she realized they were far from random but were systematic and orchestrated. 

The more she delved into the mystery, the more it became clear that a sinister operation was at play.

Her suspicions began to fall on House Kaazn; they were exiled Ghiscari nobility, loved and respected by the populace, but she had to wonder where their wealth came from. It seemed to increase drastically every year.

Using her growing network of converts and the resources at her disposal, Mara formed a small but dedicated team to investigate further. They worked tirelessly, often at great risk, to track down the missing individuals and gather evidence. 

The truth was only revealed when they found one of the missing men who told them how he was abducted and imprisoned along with many others in a dark prison. He claimed he saw one of the Kaazns there, planning to take them to Port Yhos to be sold, but he had managed to slip away unseen.

She immediately sent word to the Arch-Priestess but received no response. Determined to put an end to the Kaazns' reign of terror, she decided to take matters into her own hands, she put together a group of brave men and women and planned to raid the convoys that took the captives to Yhos.

No more Lhazareen would be sold to Slaver's Bay.

She was informed of secluded ruins known to only a few, which she transformed into a stronghold for their resistance movement. Naming themselves the Liberators, in honor of their god, they began to raid and free the enslaved men and women. 

Each freed captive became a part of their cause; some wished to leave for the city to tell their friends and family the truth, but the Kaazn had begun increasing patrols around the city as the raids increased, claiming it was to protect the city from a Dothraki threat. She often wondered if she could even convince the people of Lhazosh of the Kaazns' treachery; they were too loved, even with the freed captives behind her, many would not believe her.

She climbed up to the raised platform and began her sermon. She first introduced the newly arrived men and women to the group; this time, there were some children as well. She then told them of her god's arrival here, his first acts, how he had saved the city of Kosrak and liberated its people. She then went into his origins, taught to her by the Arch-Priestess herself, how he was helpless to save them as he was imprisoned by the ruinous powers and deceitful gods who viewed mortals like them as playthings.

"Al Muharrir is the embodiment of mercy and compassion, strength and justice. His mission is to liberate the oppressed, to break the chains of bondage, and to bring peace to this troubled land," she proclaimed.

"The teachings of the Great Shepherd have guided many to seek peace through pacifism, something we have done for centuries; this is wrong. We were led astray in the face of relentless evil, like the Kaazns and the horsemen; pacifism alone cannot protect us."

"Al Muharrir teaches us that peace often requires strength, the courage to stand against those who exploit and oppress."

Mara's voice grew more intense, "You are all victims of House Kaazn; they stripped you away from your freedom, your family, and loved ones. Al Muharrir sees this, and his heart aches at your plight."

"He is not a distant being who will not hear your prayers and pleas. He walks among us, sharing our burdens, feeling our pain, and fighting alongside us."

"He reigns supreme above all other gods, his will unchallenged, his power absolute. He is the source of all justice and righteousness, guiding us through his divine wisdom and strength."

"His compassion extends to all who seek his light, yet his justice is firm, striking down those who oppress and harm the innocent."

She continued her sermon, facing some interruptions from the newly arrived who still had strong devotion to the Great Shepherd; she debated them, and they had no answers to her questions.

They would not truly give themselves to the Liberator until he arrived in the city himself, something she hoped would be soon. She wondered about his divine plans and why he was taking so long, but it was not her place to question him.

Mara completed her sermon with a passionate call to faith and action. As she stepped down from the platform, Aman, her first convert and right-hand man, approached her.

"I bring news from the city," he said.

"What is it, Aman?" Mara inquired.

"One of our spies in the pyramid sent word that the Grand Vizier is coming to Lhazosh," he revealed.

Mara's eyes widened. "This is a sign, Aman! It means Al Muharrir himself will be with us soon," she exclaimed.

Turning to the gathered crowd, she announced, "My brothers and sisters, I have wonderful news! The Grand Vizier of our god is coming to Lhazosh. This heralds the near arrival of Al Muharrir himself!" Her voice echoed through the ruins, sparking a cheer among the people, their faces alight with renewed hope and fervor.

"I must go to Lhazosh. I need to meet with the Grand Vizier and inform him of everything," she concluded.




As Garth and his retinue entered Lhazosh, he found the reception markedly different from what they had experienced in Hesh. The streets were lined with curious onlookers, their expressions one of confusion and intrigue; he quickly realized that Irina's influence, which she had boasted of, didn't extend to Lhazosh as much as she thought.

He was supposed to arrive here a month ago. It took him a long time to resolve the issues in Hesh. The city had been teetering on the brink of chaos after he exposed the deep-seated corruption within its leadership. He was forced to take swift, decisive action to stabilize the situation, appointing his trusted aide Darius to oversee the city's governance temporarily. He had to leave all his regular troops there as well.

His gaze was repeatedly drawn to the Black Pyramid, the ancient structure undergoing restoration. He hoped Mara, the priestess Irina had mentioned, would brief him on the situation here. There was no way this city was joining their burgeoning kingdom now; an alliance was all he could hope for, but all that depended on who was responsible for the slaver ring in the city.

As his eyes went to the Black Pyramid again, he saw a group of armored men approaching; the Immortals were on alert, but he motioned for them to stand down. As they approached, the leader of the group rode forward.

"I am Odnil Kaazn," the man announced with a respectful nod. "We are honored to welcome you, Grand Vizier, to Lhazosh."

Garth studied him for a moment before responding. "Thank you, Odnil Kaazn."

"As the Grand Vizier of the divine realm of Haven, I'm here to establish friendly relations with Lhazosh," he added.

"Let us talk more at my family residence. I assure you, my family is eager to meet you and discuss a potential alliance," he said, gesturing towards the Black Pyramid.

"Lead the way then, Odnil Kaazn."




Two days before Garth's arrival

 Mara and her entourage, veiled in the garb of common travelers, made their way through the bustling streets of Lhazosh towards the modest residence she had called home for the last year. She hoped the Grand Vizier would arrive soon; she had to share the wicked plot she had uncovered as soon as possible.

As they neared the residence, a sense of unease crept over Mara. The streets seemed too quiet, the usual clamor of city life muted around her. Her instincts screamed danger, but before she could react, chaos erupted.

Figures emerged from the shadows. Her companions, including Aman, were swiftly overpowered, their attempts to defend themselves futile against the surprise assault. 

She tried to escape, her legs pushing her forward through empty, narrow alleys. The attackers were well-prepared. They seemed to anticipate her every move, cutting off her paths and herding her towards a dead end. 

In a final desperate attempt, Mara turned to confront her pursuers, ready to fight, to shout for help, but it was too late. A blunt force struck her from behind, sending sharp pain through her head, her vision blurred. 

As the ground rushed up to meet her, Mara's last conscious thought was a silent plea for her god to watch over her flock, to guide the Grand Vizier to the truth. Darkness then enveloped her, the sounds of the city fading into a distant echo as she succumbed to the void of unconsciousness.

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