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41.75% Taboo Incest sex stories / Chapter 1782: @8

Kapitel 1782: @8

"Being that I was drunk at the time and it was all in good fun, I took a couple of them in my mouth while stroking them too," she said. "It was a time when the only cock I had in my mouth was your father's prick, that is before one of his friends impaled my mouth with his erection. After that, especially with me being drunk, I was more than willing to give a stripper a partial hand job and/or a blowjob. It was all in good fun."

* * * * *

She looked at him to give him a sexy look and a naughty smile.

"God, I'm so embarrassed," he said even though he wasn't embarrassed but sexually excited.

She smirked.

"Embarrassed? Why are you embarrassed? You weren't embarrassed playing with my pubic hair while trying to finger my pussy. You weren't embarrassed feeling and fondling my naked breasts? I don't think you're embarrassed at all. If you're anything judging by your erection, you're sexually excited," she said laughing while still stroking him.

With her able to see right through him, he could feel himself turning red.

"Yeah, well, you are my mother after all and even though I fantasized about us having sex, I never thought we'd ever be sexually intimate." he said while wishing she wasn't his mother. "I never thought we'd be in bed naked together. Even though I imagined you naked and masturbated over us having sex since I was 18-years-old, I never thought that having incestuous sex with you would ever happen."

Instead of just talking about it and instead of analyzing it, if she wasn't his mother, he'd already be having sex with her.

"Now that you mentioned it, I'm curious," she said giving him a look of sexual seduction. "What if I wasn't your mother, what would you do to me right now that we're in bed naked together? Tell me. I want to know."

Again, with her saying what he was thinking, with the both of them so very connected and seemingly always on the same page, it was as if she could read his mind. Without a doubt, way better than his whore of an ex-girlfriend, Jessica, she'd make him a good girlfriend, the best girlfriend he ever had. Without a doubt, way better than any other woman he could imagine, oddly, convolutedly, and incestuously enough, his mother would make him a good wife.

"I'm too embarrassed to say Mom," he said.

She rolled her eyes and sighed again.

"Kimberly. Call me Kimberly. Now that we're both in bed naked together, don't call me Mom and don't be embarrassed while I have your stiff prick in my hand," she said with another laugh. "Tell me. I'm curious to know," she said while ever so slowly stroking his cock. "What would you do if I wasn't your mother and we were in bed together naked as we are now?"

With her giving him the opportunity to say what he was thinking, he thought of all the sexual things that he'd love to do with his mother. With her asking him what he'd do, he thought of all the sexual things that he'd love his mother to do with him. In addition to having sex with her, he'd love to talk dirty to her. In addition to having sex with her and talking dirty to her, he'd love to roleplay with her too. He imagined all the sexy scenarios he could roleplay with his mother.

'How much fun would that be to pick up my mother in a bar while pretending she's a stranger and a cougar on the prowl? How hot would that be to have sex with my mother while pretending that she'd not my mother and I'm not her son," he thought?

He looked at his mother for a long moment while thinking what he'd love to do with her. Actually, he didn't have to think about what he wanted to do with his mother, no surprise there, he already knew.

"If you weren't my mother, I'd kiss you. I'd really kiss you, French kiss. I'd kiss you while touching you and feeling you everywhere. I'd kiss you before licking you and fingering you everywhere before making love to you," he said getting aroused by all the imagery of having incestuous sex with his mother.

She looked at him before leaning into her son. She kissed him but this time, instead of just a peck, she parted his lips with her tongue. His mother French kissed him while she continued stroking his cock and he continued to fondling her breasts. Only, this time, he fingered her nipples.

"That's a good start," she said with a dirty laugh while looking down at his fingers pulling, turning, twisting, pinching, and squeezing her nipples. She looked up at him. "Tell me, other than French kissing me and fingering my nipples," she said with another laugh. "What else would you do if I wasn't your mother?"

He gave her a sexually excited look.

"If you weren't my mother, I'd make slow love to you. Then, I'd fuck you. I'd really fuck you. After giving you a sexual orgasm with my fingers and mouth, I'd pound your pussy until you had another sexual orgasm," he said enjoying talking dirty to his mother. "I'd pound your pussy until you screamed out my name. I pound your pussy until you begged to stop."

As if they were both thinking about what he had just said, they remained quiet while she continued slowly stroking his prick and while he continued feeling her breasts and stealthily fingering her nipples.

"Oh, my God, Michael," she said waving her hand in front of her face as if she was already hot. "I'd love you to pound my pussy," she said giving him a sexy smile and a naughty look. She looked at him with sexual lust in the way that he looked at her with incestuous passion. "Would you like to French kiss me again, now?"Giving her son an unbroken stare, she looked at him in the way that Jessica used to look at him when she was horny and wanted sex. That woman was always horny. She always wanted sex. Good luck to his father for marrying her. Too much woman for him, she was such a head case.

A young, pretty woman with a super-hot body, Jessica was always drunk or drugged out of her head. The best thing his father could do for her was to hopefully get her clean and sober. Only, his father would have to get himself sober first. With him in bed naked with his nearly naked mother, he couldn't believe he was thinking of his father and his ex-girlfriend at a time like this.

"Yes," he said eager to French kiss his mother again. "I'd love to French kiss you again."

While staring in his hazel eyes with her blue eyes, she leaned up to him and he leaned down to her and they kissed. Their first real kiss, much better than the French kiss she had given in a few moments ago, Kimberly parted her son's lips in the way that Michael had always wanted to part his mother's lips. A long, wet kiss, Michael took the opportunity of French kissing his mother to fondle her breasts and finger her nipples. Kimberly took the opportunity of French kissing he son to stroke his cock a little faster and a little harder.

"Now that you French kissed me and got that out of your system, what else would you do if I wasn't your mother?"

Looking at her with love in his eyes, as if he was hypnotized and memorized, he looked at his mother as if he was dazed.

* * * * *

While never letting go of his cock, she moved her head from his chest to make herself more comfortable beside him.

"If you weren't my mother, I'd talk dirty to you and hope you'd talk dirty to me." Then, as if inspired, he looked at her with sexual excitement. "I'd roleplay some sexy scenarios with you," he said finally saying what he was thinking and what he had always wanted to do with his mother. "If you weren't my mother, I'd take you parking. I'd have sex with you in a parked car while strangers watched.

She looked at him and smiled.

"I could do that as long as our car doors were locked," she said. "Well, being that we just French kissed and we've been talking dirty to one another, we have both of those boxes checked," she said with a laugh. "Tell me. I'm curious now. What kind of sexy scenarios would you like to roleplay with me? Tell me. I want to know. Maybe there's a couple of them we could do."

He stared out into her dimly lit bedroom as if he was already watching his mother roleplaying his sexy scenarios.

"I don't know." Being that he wanted to do with her what her husband had wanted to do with her, he feared that if he voiced his similar, sexual fantasies that she may be offended. "I'd do lots of sexy things with you," he said shooting her a shit eating grin while stalling for time. "I'd have you answer the door for the pizza delivery man while wearing only a towel and flashing him your naked body by dropping your towel," he said with a dirty laugh.

She returned his dirty laugh with her dirty laugh.

"Like father like son," she said laughing again. "Your father asked me to do that too but I wouldn't. Always asking me to do dirty things when he was drunk, and ready to throw it in my face the next day, he was mean and nasty about everything he wanted me to sexually to do and for him." She touched his arm. "Yet, you're not like him in that regard. You're kind and more respectfully considerate of my feelings. You wouldn't ask me to do something that I wasn't comfortable doing," she said.

When she removed her hand from his prick to brush back her hair, he took his mother's hand in his and squeezed it.

"I'd never force you to do anything, Kim, just as I'd never throw anything that you did in your face," he said. "I'd like to pretend that we didn't know one another and I'd walk up to you in a bar, pick you up, and bring you home with me for sex," he said.

She gave him a loving smile.

"Now that sounds like fun. I'd be willing to do that with you. I'd even flash the pizza delivery man. That would be fun too," she said with a dirty laugh. "That could be fun showing him my naked ass, tits, and pussy to a man that I don't know and hopefully wouldn't see again." She smiled at him as if he was her husband instead of her son. "If exposing myself sexually excited you, I'd walk in the middle of the street naked," she said unembarrassed and unashamed while laughing. "Anything else? What else would you have me do?"

Never thinking he'd have this opportunity to voice his sexual fantasies to his mother, he thought for a long second before answering her.

"Besides going with you to a nude beach and having you flash your naked tits to truckers and your naked pussy to tollbooth attendants on the highway on the way there and back, I'd love to take you to the mall," he said.

She gave him a curious look.

"Something I never did with your father, but always wanted to do, I'd go to a nude beach with you. That would be fun," she said with a sexy grin. "I don't know about flashing my naked tits to truckers and my naked pussy to tollbooth attendants," she said with a laugh. "The mall? Now, there's a place that I'd love to go with you. I'd definitely go to the mall with you. Yet, again, like father like son, you hate shopping," she said with a chuckle.

This time, returning her chuckle with a sexy grin, he gave her a sexy smile and a naughty look.

"I'd dropped you at the curb where there were some men watching. While acting as if you weren't aware that you were exposed, I imagine you alighting from the car with your skirt nearly raised to your waist and your legs spread wide open. I imagine you giving them a great an up-skirt view of your bright, white panties," he said.

She shot him a sexy smile.

"As you already know," she said with a sexy laugh. "I love flashing my panties. There again, like father and son. Your father wanted me to do that to the valet whenever we went out to eat but I wouldn't. I didn't want to be his whore but I wouldn't mind being your whore," she said leaning up to him to French kiss her son again while giving him a sexy look and a naughty smile. "What else would we do at the mall?"

He gave her a sexy grin.

"I'd take you to the mall not to shop but to flash your beautiful body to unsuspecting men. While raising your foot and your leg to fit in the boot, I'd love to watch you flashing your panties to the shoe store salesman while trying on boots a size too small," he said with a dirty laugh. "Then, on the pretense of fixing your shoe, I'd love to watch you bend at the waist while wearing a short skirt as you go up the escalator with a couple of men standing behind you. With them standing low enough and you bending at the waist when you're high enough, they'd have a great view of your panty clad pussy and ass," he said.

He looked at her to see if he was going too far before continuing. Instead of her recoiling, she seemed eager to play his game of sexy pillow talk. Instead of being turned off by what he wanted to watch her do, she seemed sexually aroused by the thought of fulfilling her son's sexual fantasies.

"I could wear my shortest skirt to show off my legs and my sexiest panties to show off my ass." She gave him a devilish grin. "Maybe I won't even wear panties," she said while really getting into roleplaying.

She gave her son a sly smile and a sexy look.

"Wow," he said. "I'd love to see you flashing unsuspecting men your naked ass and pussy. How hot would that be?"

He looked at his mother with shock and sexual excitement.

"Tell me. This is fun. What other flashing would we do at the mall?"

As if he had been thinking about these things for a long time, he shared his sexual fantasies with her.

"We could find a store that still had curtains on the dressing room and, with you not closing the curtains all the way, I'd love to watch you flash the men standing outside waiting for their wives and girlfriends," he said. "While pretending that I'm not with you, I'd stand at a distance but where I could still see you. I'd love to watch you flash them what you look like in your panties and bra, topless, and naked," he said.

She laughed again.

"Like mother like son. You're as much of a voyeur as I'm an exhibitionist," she said. "We could do that too. Besides having sex, we could do all those things if that's what you'd like to do with me," she said with a laugh. "Anything else?"

Putting it all out there, he told his mother everything that he'd love to sexually do with her.

"We could go to a casino and you could wear something sexy with nothing underneath. No panties and no bra," he said. "While leaning over a Craps table, when you weren't flashing men your naked ass and pussy, you'd be flashing men your naked breasts," he said getting sexually aroused by replaying his sexy scenarios in his head.

She shrugged her indifference about wearing a dress without wearing panties and/or bra.

"I'm not sure about that one," she said laughing. "I'd be overly self-conscious flashing my naked ass, pussy, and tits with all the young, sexy women that frequent the casino. I don't have the body that I once had. I would have done something like that twenty years ago. I would have done that if I was married to a different man, a man who appreciated that sort of sexy fun without turning it into a habitual perversion and without making me feel like a whore," she said.

* * * * *

As if she was daydreaming about all that he had just said, she rested her head on his chest again.

"I'd love to do those things and more with you, Kimberly. Especially with men not knowing or even suspecting that we were mother and son, that would be such sexy fun to play some sexual games," he said while stroking her beautiful, blonde hair. "With me looking older than twenty-four-years-old and you looking younger than forty-eight-years-old, people would more think we were boyfriend and girlfriend or husband and wife than they'd that we were mother and son."

She fondled his prick while cupping his balls again.

"Yeah, I like that. I could be your cougar and you could be my cub. That would be fun," she said with a dirty laugh. "Even though I haven't had very many cocks in my hand, your cock is the biggest and the hardest cock I've ever felt," she said again while changing the subject and stroking him. "I love your big prick, Michael," she said stroking him a little faster and a little harder.

He looked down at her hand stroking his prick again.

"I never thought I had a big cock. I just assumed that I was average," he said watching his mother play with his prick. "I'm glad you love my big prick. I love your big tits," he said fondling her breasts while fingering her nipples.

With his mother still holding his erect prick in her hand as if she was holding her dildo while pressing her big breasts against his ribs, they remained silent while Kimberly continued to slowly stroke her son. Continuing to stare at his cock as if she had never seen an erect penis before, she stopped stroking and fondling him to ask him another question. Before asking what she was about to ask, she remained silent as if rethinking what she was about to ask him before blurting out her question. Then, as if he was dreaming what she said, he heard what she said.

"May I take you in my mouth?" She looked up at him staring down at her. "Would you like me to blow you?" She moved her head from his chest again to turn and look up at him and to see his reaction to her asking her son if she could blow him. "It's been a long time, years, since I had a cock in my mouth. I'd like to suck your prick. May I suck you, Michael?"

* * * * *

His sexual fantasy come true, he looked at his mother shocked. When he was nearly ready to leave her bed and bedroom for his bedroom and bed, he couldn't believe his mother willingly, voluntarily, and consensually asked him if he wanted a blowjob. Especially after all the sexual teasing they had done, he'd love nothing more than for his mother to blow him.

'Wow,' he thought. 'My mother wants to blow me. She wants to suck my cock.'

The ever-obedient son that he was, as if he'd ever say no to his mother, he'd never deny his mother anything, especially her blowing him. Hoping he heard her correctly, he couldn't believe what his mother just asked him. She asked if she could take his prick in her mouth. She asked if she could suck his prick. His mother wants to blow him. Not sure if she asked what he thought she asked or if he had imagined her asking that, he asked her to repeat herself. He just hoped that she wasn't teasing him.

"Pardon? I'm sorry. What? I don't think I heard you correctly," he said shocked that his mother solicited him for a blowjob without him having to pressure her to suck him. "You want to take my prick in your mouth?"

She looked up at him and smiled.

"Yes," she said kissing his cock, licking his cock, and stroking his cock.

She moved her body lower and turned her head to face him while staring up at him so that he could see her kissing and licking his erect prick.

"You want to suck me?"

She stared up at him while swirling her tongue around his big dick.

"Yes," she said licking and kissing his cock. "I want to suck my son."

Needing to hear his mother again, he rephrased his question and asked her again.

"You want to give me a blowjob?"

She briefly took him in her mouth before removing it to speak again.

"Yes, Michael," she said. "I'd like to give you a blowjob but only if you'd like your mother to blow you," she said with a dirty laugh.

He knew what she had said, of course, but he needed the time to wrap his brain around his mother blowing him before filling her mouth with his hard, hairy prick. He needed to ask her again what she had said to make sure he heard her correctly and that he wasn't mistaken. While enjoying the sexual anticipation of her taking his erect prick in her mouth for the first time, he needed to ask her again what she had said.

"Sure," he said. "I'd like for you to take me in your mouth. I'd love for you to blow me, Kimberly. I'd really like you to suck me."

She looked up at him apologetically as if she was the one who was suddenly embarrassed.

"I may be a little out of practice," she said. "It's been a long time, years, since I sucked a cock. With your father always drunk and sometimes difficult for him to get and maintain an erection without taking Viagra, it's been even longer since I had a hard cock in my mouth. Before he sexually abused me and was mean to me, I used to love giving him blowjobs," she said.

He ran his fingers through his mother's beautiful blonde hair.

"Don't worry about it. Giving blowjobs after you haven't given one in a long while is like riding a bike again after having not ridden a bike in years. Of course, I'd love for you to blow me, Kim," he said. "I just didn't know if I heard what you said of if I had imagined you saying what you said."

She smiled up at her son while stroking his cock, kissing his cock, and licking his cock.

"Allow me to reiterate my question as a statement," she said with a laugh. "If you don't mind, Michael, I'd like to blow you. I'd like to suck your big prick," she said with a nervous laugh while staring at him and while slowly licking her red, full lips. "I'd like to take my son's big dick in my mouth," she said before moving up to him and leaning to him to whisper her words in his ear before sticking her tongue in his ear and blowing. "Your mother wants to suck your cock," she said laughing.

Still unable to wrap his head around all that's incestuously happened in such a short while, Michael couldn't believe his mother wanted to take his prick in her mouth. This was it. He couldn't believe she wanted to suck his prick. This was really it. He couldn't believe she wanted to blow him.

A sexy, incestuous dream come true, he couldn't believe that his mother willingly wanted to give him oral sex. Not only had he always wanted to flash his mother his prick in the way that she always flashed him her panties, her cleavage, and bra but also he had always wanted to have sex with her. He had always wanted her to suck him while stroking him. Only, with him not wanting to offend her, with him never having the nerve to flash her, that is until this morning when he masturbated and ejaculated in front of her, he'd never solicit her for sex until now.

He couldn't believe his mother was making all the sexual moves that he had been longing to make for years. Now that she had solicited him for sex, he'd never say no. Now that she solicited him for sex, he felt good about soliciting her for sex. Now that she asked if she could suck his prick, he'd love to ask her if he could lick her pussy.

Not only did he want his mother to blow him but also, he wanted to return the favor by eating her cunt. After they gave one another oral orgasms, he'd love to make love to his mother. He'd love to fuck his mother. He'd love to give his mother multiple orgasms with his fingers, with his tongue, and with his cock.

"Sure," he said. "Okay," he said. He propped up more pillows behind his head so that he could watch his mother blow him. "I'd love for you to take me in your mouth. I'd love for you to suck my cock. I'd love for you to blow me, Kimberly," he said sliding a slow finger across her full lips before fingering her nipples.

'I'd love to cum in your mouth. Then, I'd love to give you a cum bath. I'd love to cum all over your face,' he thought but didn't say.

* * * * *

Enough that his mother was willing to blow him, he didn't want to push his luck by asking her if he could cum in her mouth and watch her swallow his cum. He didn't want to push his luck by asking her if he could give her a cum bath. With her from a different generation, he was surprised that she even sucked cock. Yet, sucking cock was one thing but sucking his cock and cumming in her mouth, watching her swallow, and then giving her a cum bath was something else entirely. She was still his mother and he was still her son.

Not thinking that she'd turn on the light, as if giving him a medical exam or checking him for a tick, she turned on the bright bedside light and he squinted. Then, as if removing the wrapping from an expensive, Valentine's Day gift, throwing off the covers as if she was doing a magic trick, she completely removed the blanket and the sheet from her naked body and from his nearly naked body. Immediately when seeing his mother's nearly, naked body in the bright light, his cock sprung to life as if it was on a spring that had been released with the removal of the bedding and her hand.

"You don't mind if I get naked too, do you? She removed her nightgown without even waiting for him to respond. "I'm hot, so very hot," she said.

As if she wasn't naked already, he could understand her wanting to remove her nightgown. Every time he moved, he was pulling on her nightgown and choking her. Yet, before he could even answer her, she had unbuttoned her one button nightgown at her neck, removed it from her naked body, and tossed it to the end of the bed. His mother was naked. He couldn't believe his mother was naked. He couldn't believe he was seeing his mother's beautiful, sexy, and shapely naked body. He couldn't believe he was naked and in bed with his naked mother.

"Oh, my God, Mom, I mean, Kimberly. You're so beautiful. You have an unbelievable body," he said touching her and feeling her everywhere he had always wanted to touch and feel her. He continued touching and feeling his mother where a son should never touch and feel his mother. She allowed him to touch and feel her everywhere a mother should never allow her son to touch and feel her. "I'd be proud to take you to a casino and have you flash unsuspecting men all that I'm seeing of you now."

She looked down at herself to look where he was staring.

"Tell me. Now that you're seeing them in the light, I'm curious to know," she said sitting up in bed. "Do you like my tits?" She looked down at her big breasts before looking up at her son. "Your father loved my tits. He couldn't get enough of my big breasts," she said beaming him a sexy smile while cupping her breasts in the palm of her hands and lifting them as if offering them to him. "He was always flashing my tits to his drunken friends."

She looked from him to look at her tits again before looking up at him.

"I love your tits, Kim. You have beautiful breasts, so firm yet so soft and so shapely," he said reaching out both hands to feel her touch her tits, feel her tits, fondle her big tits while fingering her hard, erect nipples. "You have the best tits I've ever seen and felt."

Seemingly pleased with his response, she gave him a sexually excited smile.

"What about my nipples? Do you like my nipples? Your father loved fingering my nipples while sucking my nipples," she said with pride. "Go ahead, now that I've been fondling your cock and cupping your balls, you may finger nipples while sucking my nipples."

He immediately fingered both his mother's big nipples. Pulling them, turning them, and twisting them, he pinched and squeezed her big, hard, erect nipples between his fingers.

"I love your big nipples, Mom," he said forgetting to call her Kimberly again.

Obviously sexually excited by feeling her tits and fingering her nipples while she returned her hand to his erect prick and continued to slowly stroke his cock, he forgot about sucking her tits. As if she was his Dominatrix and he was her personal, sexual slave, she blurted out what she wanted him to do next. Now that she told him what to do, he couldn't wait to suck his mother's big tits.

"Suck my tits before I suck your cock," she said as if she was his dominating woman instead of his kind and caring mother. "Just as you, no doubt, enjoy having your cock sucked, I love having my tits sucked. Suck my tits, Michael. Suck your mother's tits."

Obediently obeying his mother, with his hands all over her big tits, Michael sucked his mother's tits, first one and then the other. He fingered her nipples while continuing to suck her nipples. Squeezing her tits, he cupped and fondled her big breasts in his hands before leaning down to suck and finger her nipples again. Sucking them and sucking them, he couldn't get enough of his mother's big tits.

"I love sucking your erect nipples and feeling your big tits, Kimberly," he said. "You have such beautiful breasts, so shapely and so heavy. You have breasts that any woman would love to have."

She took him by the wrist to not only tell him more of what she wanted him to do before she blew him but also to show him what she wanted him to do before sucking him.

"Before I suck your cock, touch me. I want you to feel how wet you made me," she said moving his hand in between her legs and his fingers to her sopping wet cunt. She gave him a kiss, a long, wet, French kiss while he cupped his mother's pussy. "Finger my cunt, Michael. Masturbate me. Masturbate your mother, in the way that I've been masturbating you. Make me cum, Michael. I need to cum."

Michael touched his mother where no son should ever touch his mother. He fingered his mother's pussy as if he was her lover instead of her son. As if he was blind and needed her direction, moving her hand with his, she put her hand on his hand and closed her eyes while he rubbed her clit and finger fucked her cunt. As much as he was sexually excited by her words, he was even more sexually excited by her actions. As much as he was sexually excited by their incestuous interaction, she was obviously sexually excited too.

"Oh, my God, Kimberly. You're so very wet," he said rubbing her clit faster and harder while finger fucking his mother deeper. "I can't believe how wet you are. You're drenched. I love your pussy, Mom," he said unable to help himself from calling her Mom. "I love fingering your pussy."

He lowered his head down to suck her hard, erect nipples again. Eager to get her to cum, he was masturbating his mother in the way that she had been masturbating him. His sexual fantasy come true, he couldn't believe he was finally masturbating his mother while sucking her big tits and fingering her erect nipples. No doubt, it would only be a matter of time before he was making love to his mother before fucking her.

Rubbing her clit harder and faster while pressing down on her bean, he finger fucked his mother. He couldn't believe he was finger fucking his mother. Unable to get two fingers inside of her cunt, she was so tight. Seemingly from lack of use, from years of not having sex, she was nearly as tight as a virgin.

* * * * *

"Before I take your big prick in my mouth, before I suck you, I'd like to have some sexy fun too," she said leaning to whisper her sexual lust to her son while sticking her tongue in his ear again.

He looked at her with curiosity.

"What is it Mom? What would you like me to do? I'll do anything for you," he said not able to help himself from calling her Mom. Now that he was ready to do something sexual with her, he was more comfortable calling her Mom or Mother than Kimberly. It sexually excited him more when he called her Mom or Mother than when he called her Kimberly. "Just ask."

She took his face in-between both of her hands and gave him a long, wet, French kiss again as if he was her lover, her boyfriend, or her husband instead of her son. Then, as if telling him that he was her secret Valentine, she confessed her sexual passion for her son in the way he had already revealed his sexual passion for his mother. As if she was embarrassed to say what she sexually wanted aloud, she whispered what she wanted him to do in his ear again.

"Eat me, Michael. Eat your mother's cunt," she said whispering in his ear while licking and blowing in his ear. She pulled back her head to obviously see the expression on his face. "Lick my pussy while fingering my pussy. Make me cum, Michael. Make me cum with your fingers and tongue. Make me your submissive bitch. Make me your sexual slave. I want to be your incestuous whore," she said shocking him.

In the way that Michael had just done with his pillows, Kimberly rearranged her pillows behind her head in anticipation to watch her son eat her pussy. She spread her long, shapely legs and, as if showing him what to do, she fingered her pussy while staring at up him. Obviously not needing his mother's instruction on how to masturbate and eat his mother, Michael moved down in-between his mother's shapely thighs.

Having given her his ex-girlfriend, who was now his stepmother after marrying his father, plenty of oral orgasms as she gave him plenty of oral orgasms too, he was an experienced pussy licker. Able to get her to cum every time and all the time, he had eaten his ex-girlfriend plenty of times before. His mother was right. He enjoyed eating pussy as much as he enjoyed having his cock sucked.

* * * * *

In the way that he touched her with his fingers before, he touched her with his fingers again now. Only this time, she allowed him to touch her deeper. Rubbing her clit while fucking her pussy with his long, stiff fingers, he moved his mouth closer to his mother's cunt and licked her. He licked his mother while fingering his mother. With him hoping to have sex with his mother but never really expecting to ever have sex with her on all days, Valentine's Day, without a doubt, this was the best Valentine's Day and she was the best Valentine's Day gift he ever had.

Licking and licking her, he licked his mother's pussy faster, harder, and deeper. Fingering her pussy while rubbing her clit and pressing down on her bean, he rubbed her clit harder and fingered her pussy deeper. Masturbating her with his right hand, he reached up his left hand to feel her big tits and finger her erect nipples while continuing to lick and finger her. Now that he was eating his mother's cunt and now that she was prepared to return the favor and suck his cock, they'd be forever reborn together not only mother and son but also as lovers.

Obviously by the way that she was squirming as soon as he fondled her breasts and fingered her nipples, she was sexually enjoying her son eating her cunt as she was enjoying him playing with her tits and fingering her nipples. In the way that he was licking her pussy, fingering her pussy, fondling her breasts, and fingering her nipples, that was obviously the magic formula to get his mother to cum. He continued licking and fingering his mother's wet pussy while pulling, turning, twisting, pinching, and squeezing her erect nipples.

"I love eating your pussy, Kimberly. I love licking your cunt," he said lifting his head to talk dirty to her while staring up at her as he continued licking her. "You have a beautiful pussy," he said in between licks. "I love your juicy honeypot. I love your blonde beaver. I love getting deeply lost in your hairy muff," he said. "You have the best bearded clam I've ever tasted."

* * * * *

He couldn't believe he was naked and in bed with his naked mother. In the way she had been stroking his cock, fondling the head of his prick, and cupping his testicles, he couldn't believe he was feeling her big tits and fingering her erect nipples. He couldn't believe he was fingering and eating his mother's pussy. He couldn't believe his fingers and his tongue were inside of his mother's cunt. He couldn't believe he was finger fucking his mother.

She reached down to take his hand in her hands. She moved his hand to her mouth to lick her vaginal juices from his fingers. While staring down at him and teasing him with her eyes and her tongue, she sucked his fingers as if she was sucking his cock.

"I love you, Michael. I love having you eat my pussy. I love you licking and fingering my cunt. I love you fucking me with your long, stiff fingers," she said returning his dirty talk with her dirty talk. "Better than flowers, chocolate, and a sexy nightgown, sex is the best Valentine's Day gift you could have given me," she said. "Sex is just what I needed. It's been so long since I've had sex, especially oral sex. Eat me, Michael, eat me. Eat your mother. Make me cum."

He removed his mouth from his mother to smile up at her.

"Happy Valentine's Day, Mom," he said. "My Valentine's Day gift to you. I'm glad I could give you the best Valentine's Day gift. I'm glad that I can give you sex."

As if she was the aggressive man and he was the submissive woman, she pushed his head down with a heavy hand to the back of his head.

"Shh. More licking and less talking, please, Michael," she said with a sexy look and a dirty laugh. "Eat me, Michael. Eat me. Lick your mother's cunt. Finger your mother's pussy. Rub my clit faster and harder while licking and licking me," she said giving him her motherly instructions in how to give her an orgasm. "I want to cum. I need to cum. Make me cum, Michael."

Adding another dimension to eating his mother, he made sounds as if he was chanting, Michael continued eating his mother.

"Uma, uma, uma, uma," he uttered his sounds while licking his mother's cunt and breathing his warm breath on her pussy. Making pussy licking sounds was his way to help him breath when his mouth and nose was buried in his mother's juicy box. "Uma, uma, uma, uma," he uttered again and again.

By the way she was wiggling her shapely ass all over the bed, she obviously enjoyed her son's sound effects while he ate her.

"Lick me, Michael. Lick me. Oh, my God, Michael. Oh, my God. Eat Mommy. Make Mommy cum. Stick your tongue deeper in my hole. That's it. Right there, Baby. Right there. Oh, my God, I'm going to cum," she said. "Oh, my God, I love your tongue and your fingers. Lick me harder. Lick me faster. Finger me deeper. Lick me, Michael. Lick me. Finger me, Michael. Finger me."

He licked her harder. He licked her faster. He fingered her deeper while pulling, turning, and twisting her nipples.

"Uma, uma, uma, uma. Cum, Mom. Cum. Uma, uma, uma, uma. Cum in my mouth," he said. "Uma, uma, uma, uma. I want you to cum in my mouth. Uma, uma, uma, uma."

As soon as he told her to cum and as if she was the obedient mother and he was her domineering son, it didn't take her long to cum. She grabbed him by his hair and mashed his face in her pussy. Moving his head side-to-side, she creamed his face with her vaginal secretions in the way that he couldn't wait to decorate his mother's mouth, face, hair, and breasts with his pearly cum. In the way she was bathing him in her vaginal secretions, he couldn't wait to bathe her in his cum and give her a cum bath.

"Oh, Michael. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Don't stop. Please don't stop," she said pressing his head forward and holding it there. "Eat me, Michael. Eat me. Eat Mommy's pussy. Lick me, Michael. Lick me. Lick Mommy's pussy."

He continued licking her faster while fingering her deeper.

"Cum, Mom. Cum. Cum in my mouth. Cum all over my tongue," he said. "Cum, Kimberly. Cum. "Uma, uma, uma, uma. Cum in my mouth. "Uma, uma, uma, uma. Cum all over my tongue. Cum, Mom. Cum."

As if calling her Mom was her orgasm button, forget about calling her Kimberly, she tightened her legs, arched her back, and screamed his name.

"Michael! Oh, my God, Michael. I'm cumming. I'm cumming. I'm cumming, Michael. I'm cumming," she said collapsing in the mattress as if she was his blowup doll and he had deflated her.

She remained there like that enjoying the afterglow of sex while he continued licking and fingering her. She remained like that enjoying the afterglow of sex while he continued feeling her big tits and fingering her erect nipples. Then, she reached down for him.

"Oh, my God, Mom, that was incredible," he said wiping his mouth, chin, and cheek with his hand. He was awash in his mother's vaginal secretions. His face was nearly as wet as her pussy. "I loved eating you, Mother."

As if he was the good son and the chosen son, even though he was her only child, Kimberly smiled down at her son.

"Come to Mommy. Let me hold my beautiful son," she said reaching her arms for him.

They stayed like that holding one another while basking in the afterglow of sex.

"I love you, Mom," he said. "I love you."

She lovingly smiled at her son as if he was her boyfriend, husband, or lover.

"I love you, too, Michael," she said giving him a big, wet kiss.

* * * * *

She looked at him before giving him another big, wet kiss while reaching down to take his erect cock in her hand again. Then, she said something that he had longed to hear. He couldn't believe his mother wanted him to do what he had always wanted to do with her.

"Show me how much you love me. Make love to me," she said whispering what she sexually wanted in his ear again while licking and blowing in his ear. "Make love to your mother on this day of love and romance. Show me how much you love your mother on Valentine's Day by sticking your hard, erect prick in my warm, wet pussy. Make love to your mother before fucking your mother."

Something he had sexually fantasized doing so many times while masturbating himself and sexually fantasizing over having sex with his mother, seemingly so surreal and as if he was dreaming, Michael mounted his mother. He felt her hand reach for him. She reached her hand down between his legs for his cock and inserted him inside of her warm, wet pussy. As if he was meant to be inside of her, with a hump and a thrust, he slid inside his mother. He was making love to his mother. He couldn't believe he was making love to his mother.

As soon as his engorged cock parted her pussy lips, his prick was engulfed with her warm wetness. With her going years without having sex, she was nearly as tight as a virgin. He humped his mother while kissing his mother and she returned her son's passion with her passion. Making love to one another, he couldn't believe he was making love to his mother just as he couldn't believe his mother was making love to him.

With them both as horny as they were sexually frustrated, it didn't take long before Michael was fucking his mother instead of making love to his mother. Fucking her faster, he fucked her harder. Fucking his mother harder and faster, he fucked her deeper. He banged his mother's pussy in the mattress and her head against the padded headboard. A real fucking machine, Kimberly wrapped her arms around her son's neck and her legs around his waist while holding on to enjoy the sexually exciting ride.

"Oh, Michael. Michael! Oh, my God, Michael. Jesus Christ. You're going to make me cum again," she said whispering in his ear again. "Fuck! It's been such a long time since I've been laid. Fuck me, Michael. Fuck me. Pound my pussy into the mattress. Make Mommy cum again. Make me cum," she said holding her son tighter. "You're making your mother so very happy."

She wrapped her arms tighter around his neck and wrapped her long legs tighter around his waist. She humped him as hard as he humped her. She fucked her son as hard as he fucked his mother. Fucking and fucking as if they were one, they fucked one another as if they were animals in an alley. Fucking and fucking, she grabbed his ass with both hands when he reached beneath her to grab her ass with both hands. As if they were trying to merge their bodies as one, mother and son fucked one another as if they were one.

"Cum, Mom, cum," he said again. "Cum, Kimberly, cum. Cum, Mom, cum."

As if he uttered the magic words by calling her Mom and cum together in one sentence, forget about calling her Kimberly, she grew more sexually excited when he called her Mom and told her to cum.

"Michael! Michael! Michael! I'm cumming. I'm cumming. Fuck me faster. Fuck me harder. Don't stop. Please, don't stop. Oh, my God. Oh, my God. Fuck me, Michael. Fuck me," she screamed her sexually excitement. "Please don't stop fucking me. Fuck me, Michael. Fuck me. Fuck me faster. Fuck me harder. Fuck me, Michael. Fuck me!"

Then, instead of an explosion, she collapsed in a whimper. Flat out with her arms and legs spread as if she was ready to be nailed to a cross or drawn and quartered, she looked like a dead starfish. As soon as she caught her breath, they embraced one another and kissed while holding one another. A naked mother with her naked son, they held and hugged one another while kissing one another. They stayed like that for a long time while holding one another, breathing hard, and sweating.

* * * * *

Keeping her promise as soon as she recouped her energy, she slid her body halfway down the length of him. As if she was a slithering snake in the garden of Eden, as if she was Eve and he was Adam, she kissed and licked her son everywhere he ever imagined his mother kissing and licking him. Kim kissed and licked her son everywhere a mother should never kiss and lick her son. Then, while staring up at him and teasing him with her big, blue, beautiful eyes and her big, beautiful smile, she took his long, fat prick in her soft, warm hand again and slowly stroked him.

This time, while stroking his prick and fondling the head of his cock with her fingertips, she kissed his prick while licking his prick. Stroking him to a harder erection before taking his cock in her mouth to suck him while continuing to stroke him, she was ready to blow her son. She was finally ready to suck his prick. Mother obviously incestuously wanted her son as much as he wanted his mother.

Taking him in her mouth while continuing to stare up at him to tease him, she sucked her vaginal secretions from his cock while stroking him faster and sucking him deeper. With him already sexually excited from French kissing his mother, seeing her naked, and touching and feeling her everywhere he had sexually fantasized of touching her and feeling her, he was already ready to cum. After making love to her and fucking her, it wouldn't take his mother very long for him to shoot a load of cum in her mouth and down her throat.

Taking his prick deeper in her mouth, deeper, she swallowed him whole as if she was in a deep throat contest. With his prick the biggest and her swallowing him the deepest, had they had such a contest, she would have won the deep throat trophy. Then, removing his prick from her mouth, she made love to his prick with her lips and her tongue. Kissing his cock while licking his cock, she took him in her mouth again.

Stroking him harder while sucking him deeper, his mother was giving him one Hell of a blowjob. Stroking him harder while sucking him deeper, she obviously wanted him to cum in her mouth. Without doubt, in the way that he stared at his mother with sexual excitement, this was the best blowjob he had ever received in his life.

He ran his fingers through her blonde hair before touching he side of her face. Then, touch his cock before touching her stretched lips, as if to make sure that he wasn't dreaming her blowing him, she started making all the cock sucking slurping sounds that men loved to hear when having their cocks suck.

"Blow me, Mom. Blow me. Suck my cock. I need to cum," he said stroking her beautiful, natural, blonde hair. "I need to cum in your beautiful mouth."

As if teasing him with her eyes, her hand, her mouth, and her tongue, she continued sucking him and stroking him while staring up at him. As if he was dreaming, seemingly so surreal, and as if he was imagining all of this, he couldn't believe his MILF of a mother was finally blowing him. He couldn't believe that beautiful Kim was sucking his cock. She removed his cock from her mouth long enough to speak before taking his prick inside her mouth again.

"Cum, Michael, cum. Cum for Mommy. Cum in Mommy's mouth. Cum, Michael. Cum. Cum in my mouth. I want to taste you. I need to swallow you," she said. "Cum, Michael, cum. Cum in my mouth."

He put a gentle hand behind his mother's blonde, pretty head. He humped her mouth and fucked her face while she continued stroking him faster and sucking him deeper. He humped her mouth and fucked her face while she continued stroking him harder and sucking him faster. She stared up at him with those big, blue eyes while he stared down at her with his sexually excited, hazel eyes.

He stretched her lips in the way that he stretched her pussy for her to accommodate his big prick. As if sexually teasing him, taking his stiff prick in and out of her mouth, she obviously wanted to show him that she was sucking him. Every time she removed his cock from her mouth, if she wasn't talking, she was kissing and/or licking his prick.

"I can't wait to cum in your mouth, Mom," he said enjoying the blowjob. "May I give you a cum bath too? I'd like to cum all over your pretty face, in your beautiful, blonde hair, and across your big tits," he said he said touching her face and running his hand through her thick and lush blonde hair.

She removed his cock from her mouth again to give him a big, sexy smile.

"Of course, you may give me a cum bath. After you cum in my mouth, save some cum to give me a cum bath too. Your father loved giving me cum baths," she said. "Then, we can shower together and have sex in the shower again," she said with a dirty laugh.

Kimberly returned her son's prick to her mouth and continued blowing her son.

"Mom! Oh, my God, Mom. Mom! I'm cumming," he said. "I'm cumming."

Not giving her much warning, he shot a load of cum in his mother's mouth that surprised her. Not wanting to miss this opportunity, he pulled his prick out of her mouth in time to shoot a second load of cum across her face, in her hair, and with the remainder painting both of her naked breasts with his dripping cum. Good thing she had her eyes closed otherwise he would have whitened her blue eyes with his cum.

"My God, Michael. For someone who ejaculated a huge load of cum this morning, I can't believe you still have all this cum save for me now," she said. "Be a dear and grab me a hand towel from my top, right, bureau drawer."

He got up from his mother's bed, opened her bureau drawer, and removed the towel. Only, as soon as he did, he saw something that caught his attention. As soon as he opened her bureau drawer, he saw something that shocked him as much as it sexually excited him. As soon as he opened her bureau drawer, as if he was seeing things or imagining things, he couldn't believe what he was seeing.

He saw a small stack of papers stapled together at the left-hand corner. He removed the papers from his mother's drawer to read the first page. It was a story, the story that he read several days ago that was written by SusanJillParker, Mom Sleeps with Son on Christmas. It was the same story that caused him to masturbate over it for three days. It was the same story that he imagined roleplaying with his mother, Mom Sleeps with Son on Valentine's Day instead of Mom Sleeps with Son on Christmas.

He was shocked as much as he was sexually excited.

"Mom?" He turned to look at her. "What's this?"

She gave him a sexy smile and a naughty look.

"You left your computer on while taking a shower and had this story open," she said with a sexy laugh. "I found the story interesting enough to read. Then, figuring that the way to sexually seduce you was to roleplay the story, I printed it," she said giving him a sexy smile, a naughty look, and a dirty laugh. "Even with me having the same nightgown that was in the story, you had no idea that I was roleplaying you," she said laughing.

He looked at her shocked.

"Oh, my God, Mom. That's so outrageous. That's so hot. That's so sexy," he said jumping on the bed again. "Let's have sex again," he said.

He handed her the hand towel and she wiped the cum from her face and her breasts before dabbing at her hair.

"Okay, but tomorrow, I want to print out another one of her stories that caught my eye, Mom Strips Naked for Nude Day. I'd love to roleplay that story with you, too," she said. "We can pretend it's our first time having sex. We can pretend that you're incestuously seducing me when I'm the one who is sexually seducing you."

He hugged his mother and kissed her.

"You've made me the happiest son in the world. Happy Valentine's Day, Mom."

She returned his hug and his kiss with her hug and kiss.

"You've made me most sexually satisfied mother in the world," she said with a dirty laugh. "Happy Valentine's Day, Michael."

Now with mother and son looking forward to Nude Day, they couldn't wait to roleplay another sexy, incestuous story.


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