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88.53% Surviving the Multiverse with a Warhammer 40k System / Chapter 193: Celestial Imperium, Galactic Republic, Confederacy of independent System Pro and Cons

Kapitel 193: Celestial Imperium, Galactic Republic, Confederacy of independent System Pro and Cons

*Hick* Here is the sneak peek of the Star Wars I suppose to enter... My Mobile data Ran out so last two weeks I am unable to work on this novel.

Follow up after this sneak peek is and after Alexander deposited the Elizabeth's in Cyberpunk....

Fallout (Alexander need his body parts back)

Gears of War.


Then Star wars... (Just watched the Acolyte and the new star wars skeleton crew, Goonies in space trailer... Is this what it amounts to nowadays? Dumbed down to hiring Child actors? Not political plot twist? )

Halo (Loved the Game, hate the Live Action, Save the Best Sci-fi for last... I truly hope my writing skills is improved by then...)

Gundam UC



Celestial Imperium


A vision of the Imperial dream that the God Emperor of Mankind wished for mankind during the 31st millennium had the Grand Crusade ended with a peaceful control before Warmaster Horus Lupercal started the Civil war that shattered the dream of unity, peace and prosperity.... Where Logic and Reason still prevails in the end.

Alexander is the representative of the beliefs of a unified galaxy. Using the knowledge as a Leader of the League of Ten thousand, Sky Marshall of the Federation and as a High lord of Terra this gave birth to the Celestial imperium. They been around since the Rakatan empire and kept hidden in the shadows until the Mandorian Blockade that known as the Battle of the Hypori that cripple Corusant private sector, did they rise from the Unknown regions.


Federation Federal Service: the Road of citizenship is long and brutal, this method from the old government is still kept to keep the population not entitled to their votes. And now it allowed the people that is federal service in the civilian sector.

Legacy of the Golden Age of Humanity:

STC libraries is prevalent in the league of Ten thousand is now included in the Celestial Imperium as all of the technological might of the Golden Age of Humanity is now at the hands of the Son of the Emperor to use to either benefit or burn the galaxy.

Inheritor of the God Emperor Dream:

The Emperor of Mankind have mandated this organization to be his spokesperson to gather humanity and unite them into a single banner.

Memories of 40k millennia of War: The Civilian have understood that peace is always a fragile curtain before a war upon their doorstep. The citizens are always available to be recruited and trained into war if need be.

Better logistics: Taking note of the failures of the logistics of the Imperium of Man, The Celestial Imperium have fixed and rectify the issues to the point of allowing and sustaining several crusades at once.

Infinite Resources: A perk that Alexander have commission to prevent the Imperium to be chained by others. Such as Sanctions and tariffs is not a issue.

Infinite manpower: With the system in place, it allows more manpower into any galaxy it intervene.

Unified Military: The scars of Horus Heresy have faded in the memories of the people of the imperium. The Military is no longer antagonistic towards each other hence the Army and the Space Navy will coordinate with each other. The only difference is the Quotas they request from Alexander.

Policies not politicians: Alexander knew there is always a detriment to any political ideologies... Especially when people always vote for the classy guy like Omar, he resorted to a simple solution... Vote on the policies tht benefits the imperium, not the Politician, Not the padding of words that makes laws weak... Not the morons that simply lobbied by corporations and hidden cults to push their agendas... All the policy that is voted the most is pushed forward for Alexander approval or Veto and the rest that is secondary is followed up unless it is absurd can be safely vetoed without a backlash (See Addendum 213-142. "Riot for Heirs to the throne incident." Where the people want a Male Heirs to connect with both the ecclesiarchy and the Eldar empire.)

Economy Unaffected by War: Due to the fact that the Massive Servitors made by pirates and criminals and Tech priest population tht need no money have prevented outside corporations to affect the flow of weapons and keep the Economy separate from the War production. War for Liberation is never so cheap.

The Quad Alliance Pact: Eldars, Necrons, Humans and Tau have joined together against the threat, and they are loyal to Alexander and his beliefs.

Mantle of Lightning King: The Thunder Warriors are now the regal protectors of the Golden Palace that is built in Star Wars.

Well developed military: Bribery is impossible and they are trained with Combat simulations that is lifelike and been through Perturabo Hell training...

Massive Ships: The Ships of the Imperium still retain in the Forgeworlds and they are more studier and dangerous to fight against.

Living space no longer a concern: With the Technology of the Golden Age, Celestial Imperium can now create planets out of Dark matter, from resource planets to residential Planets, limited space is no longer a restraint for expansion....

Swift Judicial System: With Psykers, Ai and Konrad Curze as the head of the Justice system, the criminals are often given swift punishments. Fair and just is needed to keep a decent society afloat.

Anti-Piracy Act: It is not a duty but a obligation to butcher any Pirates, Smugglers that entered controlled territory of Man that don't have a Writ of Marquis to privateer for the Imperium.

Ai Administrator: To keep the Celestial Imperium from decaying into its predecessor, certain limitations of prevention of corruption have been implemented. Bloated Administration is often cutdown.

Diverse Methods of FTLs: Celestial Imperium have mastered Hyperdrive, Warp drives, Inertialess and Slipspace Drives making interdiction tactics impossible to start hunting them down.

Innovation is the key:

Despite the Abominable Intelligence Rebellion, Innovation is the key to prevent stagnation. If there is a technology that allows to put a edge against the enemies of the Celestial Imperium, they would gladly use it. With proper protocols in hand.

Reformed Ecclesiastical Church:

Lorgar is the head of the Church of the faithful... Having learned some of the religion of ancient religion on earth, he hopes to reformed the beliefs that it allows the preacher's to show the people in the galaxy that having faith to the God Emperor is the only way to salvation, not through coercion but with good will. So that Assimilation is more easier to the people that they liberate from the ignorance and the forgotten.

Celestial Imperium Foreign Legions: Displaced people that is willing to fight against the tyranny of the Republic and the hypocrisy of the Cis is now stationed in this legions, they are the perfect garrisons of the planets that they lost. They have the grasp of power of the CI but not know all the secrets... In a sense...

Fanatical Zeal:

"The Emperor Protects", The mantra hold true to every believer in him, Soldiers that is willing to die, knowing the fact that their families are taken care of, that they will enter the heaven that the god emperor have design for his faithful, have made them the most dangerous foes to fight against.

Elderly is not a excuse: the Aging population is able to reverse their age and reinstated for service.


Scars of Dark Age: Xenophobia still echoes in the mindset of the population, they will scrutinized any alien that is not Sanctified or assured that they are actually allies, if one alien does something terrible, the people will label the entire race as a whole to be as same as them as a safety precaution. Xenos that climbs through the ranks is either ridiculed or respected by their sheer determination such as Admiral Thrawn that join the Celestial Imperium as a Shining example.

Cutthroat Diplomacy: If you disobey the God Emperor kindness, the Astartes legions will descent on the heretical planet. Every deals is often favored indirectly to the Imperium without the other side knowing it. Even if they did... Could they do anything about it?

Trazyn the infinite cultural Appropriation: the Beloved Necron have caused several diplomatic incidents throughout the star wars by borrowing artifacts and people, both Cis and Republic have already given him a Bounty of a 17 trillion Credits if they managed to capture him causing bounty hunters and mercenaries to go after him.

Galactic Republic

Bio: For several Thousand Years it was a beacon of hope and democracy... Only now it reared its ugly head of the defects of democracy, weak will and cowards now ruled the Senate.


Bastion of Democracy

Clone army: They are elites clones of a Bounty Hunter Jango Fett. Trained in Kamino to be the best of the best... However it is costly to produce. And a Hidden Dagger for the Jedi...

Patriotic Core world citizens: They are patriotic to the core as long as their wallets is filled and their world is not thrown into the embers of war.

Legacy of the Jedi: they are the peacekeeper of the Galaxy. Many heard of this warrior monks, the good and the bad of it.


Corrupt Senate: No longer they are the voice of the people, only politicians for their self-interest and corporation that lobby their bills is the norms, few people hold concerns of the people but the majority is outnumbered their beliefs

Jedi are dogs to the state: They are no longer the defenders of the Old republic that fought against the Sith wars, the Jedi Civil war... They are now literally dogs of the Senate and they are unable to do anything to defend the weak and the downtrodden unless they acted on the benefits of the Senate.

Sith in office: Chancellor palpatine have already been a sith in their midst hoping to create a empire of his own.

Two Faced Justice system: all it takes is money and connection to high places to turn the other way.

Disgruntled and Disillusioned population:

What did the republic even represent to the people? More Taxes? More Piracy? More Spice? Low Pay? Jedi unable to defend their homes? This is the mindset of the people living on the outer and mid rims... And those that their system is not even represented in the Senate. It is a Powder keg that is willing to blow... It all takes is a single match.

Crime lord appeasers:

They ignore the slave trade and drug Lords such as the Black Suns and Hutt Family. Jedi are hypocrites as they need permission to allow access to Hutt Space. And the Rebellion allows such monsters in their ranks during the Empire Era as they pardon them and allowed them to warrant more slavery and piracy.

Bloated bureaucracy: Corruption is So rampant, many people ignore the fact that all it takes is to know the right guy to bribe to gain access.

Rampant inflation and Interest rates: The Republic Credits have fallen out of Favor due to the fact that the Banks of Munilist have played both side of the war. And the inflation have affected the citizens and taxpayers to the republic

Uncaring towards the outer rims:

It is the reason of exploitation of the outer rim instead of raising them up as equal have allowed the ideology of Separatist and the embrace of the God Emperor religion to prevail in the forgotten in the outer rim.

Order 66:

The final knife that end the republic...

Jedi are ignorant and arrogant:

They are blinded by the golden age of which they are the defenders of the republic and paranoid about their emotions that their predecessor such as Revan that helped him return to the light side is swept under the rug and emotions is a danger not a gift of being a creature of reason and emotion. Their allegiance is somewhat vague to the outsiders.

Dark side affects Corusant.

Confederacy of independent system (Cis)

Bio: A Group of Systems that wished to separate from the Republic, Idealistic fools that is unknowingly chained. Their massive droid factories is the only comfort that they are ideals to the forgotten and the downtrodden


Parliament: a Voice that must be heard among the people that their politicians refuse to represent.

Massive Droid Army:

They are the Numerous of the Trio Faction and due to the fact the reason why the separatist wanted such a army is that it prevents their people being sent into the fires of war.

Cheap Naval powers:

They can build up numbers compare to the League and Republic, however their naval projection is somewhat weaker than the Celestial Imperium

Decent Generals: Admiral Trench is one such individuals that posed a danger to the republic and somewhat respected by Alexander..


Puppet of the Sith: Ideals are nice... unless if you are just a controlled opposition for a Chancellor to rise to become a new emperor.

War crimes: Due to the fact that the military is separate from the parliament that it allows the atrocious war crimes to enter the battlefield. Making their beliefs of being seperate from the republic is treasonous.

Corporation as military contractors:

The separatist have made it clear that their military is in the hands of the Corporation and they are unaware of the atrocious deeds they have committed under the banner of the Cis.

Order 99: All it takes is Palpatine to order this to the Droid army and it will end the farce of a dissident faction. And it's armies converted against Alexander.

Divided Vision: not all the separatist are sharing one mind, Sidous have made it happen so that it will unable to have a unified beliefs as every species have their own agendas to follow.

Boogeyman of the Republic: it is ironic tof the fact such a organization have fallen that made the systems paranoid of being separated from the republic.

Rate of Recruitment

1. CiS (They build droids faster than Alexander could recruit)

2. Celestial Imperium

3. Galactic Republic (Clones take a long time to nurture)

Naval power

1. Celestial Imperium (Rushan Reformation? Never heard of it, Busy Killing Dangerous Xenos and monsters in the Unknown regions)

2. Cis

3. Galactic republic

Economic power

1. Republic (Thousands of years have build the wealth of the republic.)

2. Celestial Imperium (Trade with the said Republic and CiS have made it a contender of wealth)

3. Confederacy of independent system


1. Celestial imperium (You do know Alexander have all the World Ending weapons of the imperium, Eldara and Necrons *Tau don't count*?)

2. galactic republic (Accounting the world Ending Weapons made by the sith located in Republic space)

3. CiS


1. CIS

2. Celestial Imperium (Who wouldn't love a War crime~ *looks at the Necron Flayers and Sisters of Battle...*)

3. Galactic republic

(*Alexander personal opinions log about star wars*)

(Arrival to Star wars)

|This is Alexander... should I have some doubts about invading the Star wars, Found A Version of Terra... It is ruined... The Population is numerous... And outnumber us by many folds... I have been given mission by Revelation to gather faith regardless of what species... As he needs it more than Numbers is getting more bolder and resources is needed is enormous that he sent almost all the Charters houses that he liberated to this place to gather technology regardless if I sent them my Warrant of trade... I have to be wary of this two opposing forces of the force users... Trazyn and Blood Ravens would be suitable to handle such... Intricacies of gathering artifacts... They better work together... As I not sure how Force powers works against a psykers...|

(Meeting with the old republic in the Mandolorian Wars)

| It was a time I saw heroes... Actual men and women that had the balls to fight against the forces of evil... Met Revan, hoping to recruit him if the Jedi disowned him or perhaps Kreia's teachings is also a factor hopefully recruiting her before she falls into the dark side... I could always use a grey force user to make a Temple for Balance users... I am granted a seat in the Senate because I shipped tonnes of food into a famine capital planet as my fleet blasted into the Mandolorian Blockade of Corusant than that snarky smuggler, I carved the Unknown regions as my territory as a reward. Which they don't even have the means to even travel into anyway.|

(Start of Episode One)

|The republic is already rotten to the core, corporation being a representative in the seat of power, it is more useless than the Imperialis Senate in Holy Terra... At least the nobles knows the weather is blowing, I am looking at a group of headless chickens that squabble...I better look for Count Dooku... He alone in the Jedi order could see some reason, Yoda and Mace Windu... They are a good examples why the Jedi already failed in my eyes, Arrogant to the fact that I already outlive them all and I seen some horrible stuff... Maybe I could make Dooku a double agent making Palpatine like a fool... We both have our interest compatible... He wants to have a more fairer galaxy... I want to conquer it to defend against the Yuuzhang Vhong invasion... Hopefully it's not too late... For him to redeem himself...All he needed was for someone to hear his cries of the injustice of the republic...I hope I could be that person than that snake Sidious, I have plans for my former enemies... Mandolorians will be under my banner... Not the sith that screwed them over... I better send Trazyn to find the Mask of make them my people. The multiverse needs good warriors like them... Not this peace loving morons that thinks that the only way is by being neutral and being cooped up in those cities in a dying planet is the best way? War always hit hardest to the ones that hate it.|

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