The valuation of this tooth gave rise to a lot of online disputes. To back their evaluation, those appraising masters quickly gave their e xplanations and analysis to justify their opinion.
Planet Baiji's online auction had a significant meaning and a political agenda. Anyone could see planet Baiji's situation just from browsing the news a little. In a commercial sense, planet Baiji was now a treasured ground, and that was not an exaggeration. Lots of parties wished to get a piece of this pie, but even if they used all their effort, they would not necessarily be successful.
In fact, this auction was just a subtly disguised donation drive for planet Baiji's military district. It was also a chance for people to spend money to get a spot on planet Baiji. Nobody felt this wrong, as it had always been this way.
Therefore, for Baiji's auction, there would be exorbitant bids.
Bro Zaro always supporting Fang Zhao
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