In the eyes of the masses, ancient instruments were a so-called high-end art and were not easily understood. Normally, it was something that could not be used except by professionals.
Among ancient-instrument performers, these three speed-strumming maestros were not the most accomplished, but they were the most well-known.
Because the masses loved seeing these great masters show off!
This time, all three globally renowned speed-strumming maestros had appeared, and this made Fang Zhao especially conspicuous.
"Who is that young fellow? A new talent in the industry?""
"No idea. Don't tell me these great masters are using music to communicate?"
"Unless... this is the rumored "God's domain"? No wonder us normal humans can't understand it."
"Anyone able to decipher the audio?"
"Does 'God's domain' mean 'nutcase's domain' by any chance?" someone joked.
After all, our old man Zhao is still a composer at heart.
I hope FZ's explanation has answered all the queries of mere mortals like us.