[Bonus chapters are now online again! More golden tickets = more chapters!]
Outside, in the Nomad Compound, around the same time as Aldrich's talk with Blackwater -
Eileen sat on a bench with Stella, wondering at the many cloaked men and women that roamed around the cracked earth.
Stella took a big swig from a bottle of whiskey. "You know, one thing I like about this new body, aside from it not having to deal with annoying little heart attacks, is the fact that I don't get drunk anymore.
Or maybe that's a bad thing."
Eileen did not really respond, distracted not just by the nomads that she had never really seen up close before, but by what she had seen with Aldrich. She was thoroughly scared.
Aldrich was not like Minuteman. He was colder. He did not hesitate to turn that Blackwater student into dust. She wondered if she even belonged here.
Let me know if these character conversations are not that entertaining. I have them mostly to flesh out the other people in Aldrich's legion who will have more important roles, but if they're not that exciting I can definitely start to minimize them!