In a room in a aerobase a sixteen year old boy named Kanji Akatsuki and his fourteen year old sister rie are bickering until they realize they need to head to the spaceport.
Meanwhile in a bar a young man is talking with the forces known as the G-breakers the man's name is beccas he has come here from a Desert in Africa to help the Doctor Lun in his research on the cloud system and it's prototype the flying trooper impulse 7 codenamed cloudia which was a prototype for the next generation mobile trooper beccas's own machine the vassago was loaded on the sky shuttle and he was tokd he would be helping in the mock battle today.
" Hey beccas you ready?" Asked a man with a eye patch he was tall about seven foot two he had a scar on his left check he wore muscle shirt and black cargo shorts on his arms were boxers wraps a sign that he was a true brawler his name was sagatoshi sanada people jokingly call him sagat due to his uncanny resemblance in both appearance and fighting style although he has told them his fighting style isn't Thai boxing it's shouline kungfu and sanda (A/N a Chinese martial arts akin to western kickboxing.)
Beccas nodded.
" You seem happy sagatoshi." Said beccas.
" Of course my friend, my Tiger gazer is itching for a fight." Said sagatoshi.
Sagatoshi's unit the tiger gazer was a Machine built to be a pseudo super robot it was modeled after the Gundam Fighters used by the colony but it's controll syst used a special Telepathic Interaction General Execution Reaction system or Tiger system for short basically it lets you control the machine with your mind by scanning brainwave patterns that match muscle memory making the unit fight almost identical to the pilots own body.
Besides using hand to hand combat the unit was equiped with a hi-volt lancer basically it was a long handled Gunblade that shot electric bolts beccas unit the vassago was a straight out fighter that used a array of weapons but it's main armaments were it's sharp blade and it's anti-tank strike cannon.
The vassago was a unique combat mecha with a one of a kind frame although it was technically beccas it belonged to his mechanic doctor Aoi.
Aboard the ship beccas watched the pilot kanji a decent guy prepare to launch the cloudia from the catapult iy grabbed its main ranged weapon a anti battle ship rail gun and then it mounted the launchpad before its pilit called out "kanji Akatsuki: impulse 7 launching." And was shot out the hull.
The impulse 7 zoomed around the ship to the rendezvous point.
Then beccas launched in the vassago it zoomed through the air alongside the impulse 7 this was thanks to its anti-dueterium engine which gave it independent flight.
Them from another carrier came two units the first was a mobile trooper codenamed Gun-Blaze Bombardier type.
The second was a red mobile trooper with a knight like design called the Gun-Blaze knight it was a machine that resembled a knight mare frame from the Britannian forces the machine was equiped with a lance that held a hidden lightning rod launcher the machine also had a vibration blade.
The unit could also fly thanks to it actually being the unit that tested the cloudia system first but unlike the cloud saber it lacked the stable engine to sustain prolonged flight so it could fly for a brief period of time it's speed however was three times as fast as a the normal mobile trooper.
" Okay kid ready." Said beccas.
" I'm ready when you are mister beccas." Said kanji.
" More like big brother I'm not old enough for you to call me mister yet I'm only twenty two." Said beccas.
" Sheesh and I thought you were at least thirty." Said kanji.
" Big brother focus." Said rie from the controll panel of the ship.
Kanji just smiled and he he pushed the control levers forward willing the impulse 7 to fly forward.
Beccas fallowed suit.
The bogeys came at them the Gun-Blaze Bombardier type fired a salvo of auto cannon fire and launched a shot from its twin rail cannons.
The vassago moved fast weaving around the salvo of projectile rounds the vassago fired it's anti-tank strike cannon at the machine the blaster rifle hit the enemy square in the skirt joints and caused it to collapse apon itself.
The impulse 7 flew fast firing it's rifle at the Gun-Blaze knight it managed to do some decent damage until the Gun-Blaze knight boosted into the air with it's lance launcher
The lance unfolded and revealed a cross bow like weapon that fired a forked projectile that created a electric surge it nearly hit the impulse 7 then kanji flipped the switch causing the impulse 7 to draw it's mono saber and dive down at the Gun-Blaze knight and cut the enemy with a swift slash.
The impulse seven flew away as the pilot ejected it's cockpit.
The two headed back to the ship they were greeted by a beautiful lady she seemed to have a mother son relationship with kanji her name was reika hikagami.
" You guys did a pretty good job huh?" She said.
" Yeah these machines are really useful." Said kanji.
" And you sir beccas did a fine job helping kanji in this mock battle." Said reika.
" It's just my job ma'am." Said kanji.
The ship was heading for the eastern front After leaving Claudia they would Arrive in Japan now known as sector eleven.
( Meanwhile unknown aerospace.)
Slokia woke up in her room in the steel Vatican chamber her mission was to head towards Solomon the last empire of the holy land and the last neutral territory of the war fortunately she had an escort named slegger law in his custom air craft called the G-armor it flew through the sky at until they were above the coast of Sicily.
" How long will this take?" She asked.
" About four days!" Came sleggers reply.
" We better get their fast because the war depends on us finding the tomb of Anubis." Said slokia.
" Well get there I promise." Said slegger.
" You bet your payment on it." Was her only remark.
To be continued