Duma was terrified. This was the threat they needed to fight against? Ed could barely hold back one guy! He was flabbergasted!
'I- I-!" Seeing the sight Duma couldn't help but become speechless. He was also having an internal struggle. He was being tempted. Tempted to run away.
Ed had been nice to him. He couldn't deny that. He could also see prosperity under him but… The current situation seemed rather hopeless. There was no prosperity for the dead!
So, like the coward he was, he made a decision.
While the others conversed, he sneaked further and further down the great walls of his tribe. He would turn their back on them.
But that was fine. Wasn't he just a figurehead at this point anyway? None of the rules and laws ever ran through him! Worst of all, Ed had stolen his spotlight. One could say he was jealous, of course, he wouldn't dare admit it. But what he felt the most was resentment.
Following KazeRyu's suggestion, I started from the beginning by addressing Duma's disappearance. This all ties back to the stone in the ogre cavern and the orc ancestors. As well as why the dungeon faith isn't widespread.
Thanks for reading~
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