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100% Star Wars: Rogue Empire (Dropped) / Chapter 31: Chapter 31

Kapitel 31: Chapter 31

[A/N: Sorry for the long wait you guys, but I just have a lot of shit going on IRL, and it was just easier mentally to work on my other fanfiction. This chapter gets super dark, and I know many of you will be mad at me, but the story must go on.]

Moka and Vera continued to shoot down ship after ship, as at this point they started to feel endless. "We're getting nowhere like this. If they're going to come to us, then we'll use that to our advantage," Moka said before he turned on the comms of the Tempest. "Those in the air with me, it's time to set up a defensive line! clear an area out for me and make it as big as you can. Ground units, while they're doing that, I want the surface to air missiles set up all along the perimeter. If those fuckers even think of getting near our air space, I don't even was the scraps to make it!"

"Aye, Sir!" came a resounding response on the intercom.

Rushing to complete their orders, the pilots were able to clear an area that covered just a little more than all of Keldabe, but the enemy reinforcements were fast approaching. Just as the pilots feared they'd be pushed back and lose all of their hard work, thousands of missiles all around Keldabe soared through the air before striking the enemy ships and blowing upon contact.

Relieved that a defensive line was finally set up, Moka let his guard down for a split second, but that proved to be a fatal mistake. One of the new enemy reinforcement ships along with a very few others were somehow able to get past the defensive line and launch a rocket, which despite Moka's best efforts, hit his left thruster, causing him to spin out of control.

Using all of his experience and drawing a lot on the force, right before they hit the ground, Moka was able to somewhat stabilize the ship as it landed, minimizing the damage. Moka, Vera, and everything else on the ship lurched forward violently as the ship landed hard into some of the outskirt buildings, causing the inside of the ship to become a wreck.

"Goddammit! I'm going to kill all of these fucking bastards!" Moka bellowed as he flared out his Perfect Force, struggling to stand in the wrecked ship. "Vera! V, are you okay? We need to leave the ship, now!" Moka yelled using the force, but most of his voice was still being somewhat drowned out by all of the sirens going off.

"I'm okay, Moka! Let's go!" Vera yelled as limped to the landing ramp with Moka. Walking out of the ship, Moka came under fire from a barrage of shots, but, luckily his armor absorbed most of the damage until he was able to take out his axe and start deflecting the shots back, taking out a few of the lightly armored soldiers surrounding him. Using the Perfect Force as fuel, Moka split his axe in two, and launched into the swan of enemies in front of him, their screams of pain spurring him further and further.

The once confident soldier's and thugs, no longer held the delusion that taking Mandalore would be a walk in the park, as just these two Mandos in front of them were thinning their numbers by the dozens, especially the one in the intimidating armor that did have a scratch on him. Seeing things no longer going their way, many of the soldiers began fleeing, until all of them, even the ships flying high in the sky, halted their movements. Little did they know, their dates were already sealed as they were now held in Moka Force Grip.

"You fuckers come to our world, rape and slaughter our people for no reason, then have the audacity to think you could get away?! Die for your idiocy!" Moka bellowed as he projected his voice with the force. As he raised his hands high in the air, Moka slammed his hands down, as everything he held in grasp of the force slammed down with them. The sound of bodies squishing against the planet and the fiery explosions from the ships finishing them off. No one survived.

For several long moments, the world seemed to have come to a standstill as everyone was too stunned by what they just witnessed. Never before had any of them heard of a Jedi or Sith literally crushed an army in just one move, as the thought of it would be nothing more than a laughable fantasy. But it was real, hundreds of not thousands of people just bore witness to Moka throw hands in the air, lifting only his enemies, and then flattening them to the earth. Some people couldn't even process what they just witnessed.

"That is enough!" Moka shouted, and his voice seemed to span across the whole planet. "This unwarranted attack on my people ends now! The enemy has 5 minutes to leave this planet and never return. And if you are so stubborn or your fate is against you enough for you to cross my path, you, your family, your loved ones, and all you associate with will face an unrelenting and unspeakable death, this, I stake on my very heart!" Moka announced, that sent chills down the spines of all who heard it.

For several long seconds, nobody moved. Then as if a dam broke, soldiers from both the Hutt Cartel and the CIS began rushing their ships in droves. Though some of the higher ranking soldiers tried to keep order and keep their men from running, the soldiers morale was already shot. From the very beginning of the attack, nothing went as planned. They were told that the Mandalorians were now weak pacifists and that taking the planet would be easier than taking Old Naboo, but right from the gate they faced heavy opposition.

Moka had not only managed to live through a first bombing and successfully defended the Spaceport, he turned the Spaceport into a fully functioning base and began sending out fleets of ships to counter attack. Then Moka set up a defensive line around all of Keldabe that shot down nearly every ship that remotely got close to their airspace. And finally, Moka singlehandedly just destroyed a small army with just the wave of his hands. Not only that, if the supposed Order that he founded even had a quarter of his strength, there would be no hope. And so, they ran.

Under the encouraging gunfire of the combating Mandalorians all around the city, the invading soldiers were either dead or now fleeing off planet. But still in a rage from the attack, Moka sped to one of the surface to orbit missiles, and started shooting down ships left and right, the explosions from some ships even managing to take out multiple other ships. In the end, only a handful of ships managed to actually escape from the planet.

When all of the invaders were gone, no one cheered. There was no planned celebration like on Naboo, because unlike Naboo, many people died, when their population was already so small. People kneeled in the streets and wept, crying over the loss of their loved ones and the destruction of their homes. Watching the devastation, Moka's heart burned with an undying fire as he swore to get revenge over whoever brought this chaos to Mandalore

Suddenly, Moka remembered his family and Fledglings were out while he was at the tavern, and a sinking sensation began filling his stomach. Rushing back to Vera, he quickly checked her over, making her blush from Moka making sure she was unharmed. After she was confirmed to be safe, Moka and Vera took an abandoned landspeeder and rushed to the mostly place for the group to be, the Spaceport.

Arriving back at the Spaceport, the area surrounding it was crowded with injured and lost people. Though it made him sad seeing all of these people, Moka had to focus on finding his family. When the people finally noticed Moka and Vera approaching, the crowd separated, making a path for them to enter. Seeing no other way, Moka rode the path through the people, feel from the looks of adoration they gave, but he just chalked it down to him being a king.

Now safely inside the Spaceport, Moka and Vera rushed inside where they finally saw the group standing solemnly by the medbay, and Moka grew a heavy heart. Feeling Vera squeeze his hand for support, Moka looked to her and gave her a grateful nod. Throughout this whole ordeal, Vera stayed by his side, not only did she not hold him back, she assisted him a spurred him to do better.

Still holding hands, Moka and Vera rushed over to the section they were in, and Moka almost went weak in the knees. Laying on the bed, was Roz, strapped to a bunch of medical equipment and a few blaster marks over her mask, but there was a particularly nasty shot on her stomach, right where her baby should be. Moka didn't know whether to scream, faint, cry, kill everyone, or just hold her hands. He was a complete and utter wreck.

Then he felt Vera shaking as she squeezed his hand hard. Looking over, the pain didn't end, as Vera's father, Nam, was in a bed next to Roz with medical droids still working on him, but things didn't look good. His whole body was cover in blaster wounds and scars that look as though they came from a lightsaber. He looked as if he was on deaths door, and Moka was impressed that he was still alive.

Pulling off her helmet, Vera rushed to Nam's side in tears, and Moka was finally able to see his future wife for the first time, and by the force, if they weren't in a fucked up life or death situation, he would have taken her right there. Vera had flawless milk chocolate skin, long curly black hair, and radiant hazel eyes that looked like pools of honey. She reminded Moka of a perfect mix between Beyonce and Rihanna, which only added to her allure.

Seeing Moka and Vera show up, the mood of the group became even more sombre. Ignoring the sad faces, Moka rushed to Vera's side to return the comfort she gave him when he needed it. As he consoled his fiance, Moka looked to his most trusted subordinate, Rust. "Rust, tell me what the hell happened?!" Moka asked with a slight edge to his tone.

Having helped raise Moka and knowing how close he was to Roz, Rust ignored the attitude Moka gave him and responded. "It was total fucking chaos. We got hit straight away, almost as if they knew where we were, and we're determined to kill us off. Hundreds of Hutt and CIS soldiers and even Sith were working together to kill us off, not any else. This was definitely an assassination attempt if I've ever seen one, but I've yet to see one of this scale. Quite honestly, if it wasn't for Nam there, Roz, hell possibly all of us would already be dead." Rust said in a grave tone, as he remembered the events that transpired.

Hearing that someone not only tried to kill him and his fiance, but nearly succeeded in killing his family, Moka was furious and was already calculating best way to get revenge on his enemies.

"They tried to kill me and V as well. Dropped a whole damn bomb and sent airstrikes and fleets to try and kill us off, but they failed. Now tell me their status... will Aunt Roz and Nam make it?" Moka said as he forced the lump in his throat down. The thought of losing his last remaining family member was truly devastating for him.

At this, Rust's expression turned downcast as he remained silent. Just as Moka was about to scream for answers, he saw Jona with her helmet off and tears pooling in her green eyes, heading towards him. When Jona reached him, she wrapped him tightly in a hug and broke down sobbing, making Moka's torment that much worse. Jona was definitely annoying to Moka, but he still loved her deeply like a sister, and he knew how much she loved Roz like a mother. Knowing that Jona, one of the best doctors he knows, and who would've tried anything she could to save Roz was crying, Moka also couldn't help the tears that he fought so hard to hold back.

"I'm sorry sorry Mo, I tried everything, and I mean everything I could, but we have no real equipment here, and it was so bad, Mo...." Jona said through the tears.

"Jo, please, just tell me what I need to hear. My heart can't take not knowing any more!" Moka said as he tossed his helmet off and hugged Jona back, doing his best to comfort her as well.

After a few long seconds, Jona finally spoke again. "The babies, Moka. Roz was having twins and planned to name them after your mom and dad but, we lost them. And due to the excessive damage from the shots to her head and the blood loss and emotional damage from losing her babies, Roz fell into a deep coma.... I don't know if she'll ever wake up again, and we're doing all we can to keep her alive, but without a proper hospital, like back on Kahlua, I'm not sure if she'll make it. I'm so sorry, Mo!" Jona said as she broke down sobbing again.

Hearing this, Moka felt like he had just lost a piece of himself. Though he was unhappy at who she was having a child with, Moka had already fallen in love with Roz's babies and was looking for to being the best big cousin ever, now, that will never happen.

"And my father, please, tell me that my father will live!" Vera asked as she grabbed Jona's hands, desperation clear in her voice.

Wiping her face and trying to regain her professional composure, Jona managed to somewhat calm down, but her expression looked even less promising. "I-I'm sorry, Vera, but Nam has taken excessive damage. When the fighting started, Nam lead the charge, killing most of the enemy, but when the Sith arrived and started trying harder to kill Roz... Nam ended making himself a human shield so that Roz and us all can live. I'm sorry to say, but it is purely through his own will that he is still alive, as medically speaking, it is a true miracle. Nam is in the same boat as Roz, that if we don't get them to the hospital on Kahlua as soon as possible, they won't make it." Jona said, breaking the news to Vera as best she could.

Hearing this, Vera was just like Moka as she had no idea how to act or what she should do with herself, as all she knew was fighting and leading people. In the end, she ended up in Moka's arms and sobbing once again.

And just when Moka thought things couldn't possibly get any worse, Rain looked to have just gotten off of a call, and from her stoney white expression, things weren't good. Tearing to face Moka, tears began streaming from Rain's eyes as she steeled herself to deliver the report she just received now that the jamming over the planet is done.

"Moka... I have some more terrible news that I think you should sit down for." Rain said, in the softest and most comforting voice she could.

"Rain, please, just tell me, what has happened?" Moka asked, not truly wanting to hear what Rain was about to say.

"I-It appears as though we have been betrayed in the worst way.. Markol, Roz's husband, has reportedly snuck an army of dark cloaked Jedi, believed to be Sith, into Blackstar Palace and attacked, hoping to claim the Palace. Under the leadership of Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan, the invasion was able to be repelled, but.. I am so sorry to say this Mo, but Abbela has been confirmed to be killed, and Shmi is currently missing, thought to be possibly kidnapped by Markol as he escaped. Again, I am so sorry... Mo? Moka, are you okay??" Rain asked with panic laced in her voice as, the news was just to much for Moka, causing him to black out and disconnect from the world.

Lord_Bell Lord_Bell

I got a lot going on, and it's easier to write my other fanfiction, One Piece: Rise Of The Raijin, at the moment, so uploads might be slowed down for a second. But, I have not dropped the story and don't plan to for a long time, as I have plotted the story to continue on with his kids if need be. Until next time, have fun and enjoy life, as you never know when it may end.

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