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69.49% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 180: Roland's Epilouge

Kapitel 180: Roland's Epilouge

I don't own star wars.

The Father.

He walked towards the building with an air of confidence not many men would have when approaching a police station. As he passed many people recognized him and stared, many with looks of awe, respect, even joy at his passing as he pushed open the front doors…

There was a coat hanger by the front door, only one coat currently occupied it and it was a gaudy purple thing. Obviously quite expensive. He took the coat off the hanger, dropped it on the ground, and took off his old, worn, red duster, hanging it on the hanger along with his wide brim hat. Before turning and walking further into the station. There were a few deputies currently inside, one of them younger than the others tried to stop him, but an older deputy stopped him in his tracks. Shaking his head as his face broke into a wide smile.

An older human woman, looking a little forlorn sat at the receptionist's desk outside the sheriff's office. She suddenly blinked in amazement at him, her mouth opening wide in silent surprise as the man smiled kindly at her and casually waved. "Is the sheriff in?" he asked, almost lazily, before adding with a laugh. "The other sheriff?" her face twitched into a soft smile.

"He's… in a meeting…" she said, although the way she said it told him that he most certainly was not.

"I'll just step right in then." The man said ignoring it and putting his hand on the keylock scanner, unlocked the sheriff's office. It, along with most of the rest of staff, recognized him.

The doors hissed open and the older zeltron man jumped, a green skinned twi'lek girl who barely looked older than 18 stared at the new man in a scantly clad outfit that screamed 'teenager' "Hey. Occupied!" she said sneeringly as the new man merely smiled charmingly at her. She blushed. The guy was handsome…

"Yes I can see that…" he said as she adjusted her clothes, apparently about to undress on the older zeltron's lap. The Zeltron, Tohmas Lacine 'sheriff' of Luna IV blinked in amazement at the man, "Sorry miss, but I'm afraid the sheriff has a sudden meeting, would you mind waiting outside?"

Pouting she got off Tohmas lap and began to pass the man who added, rather disappointedly. "You could do so much better than him…" she blinked at the man, and frowned sadly, apparently a little ashamed as he shut the door on her.

"…Aiden." Tohmas said, smiling quickly and a little strained as he stood up and stretched his arms. "My boy I-"

"The only reason why I haven't shot you is my wife, Calypso, wouldn't approve of it…" he said, so coldly the room seemed to have transferred magically to hoth. "And it's a majority or nothing in my home. Of which you aren't a part of." He added scathingly as Tohmas' lips twitched nervously.

"N-now Aiden… I-"

"Imagine my surprise that I find out that a man claiming to be my father got my job as sheriff… using MY name to secure his position." He glared at Tohmas coldly, "…Imagine my surprise that he tried to rent my house to a collection of drugmakers and users for quick cash… Imagine my surprise…" he hissed, approaching a recoiling Tohmas as his back hit the wall and Aiden bright, angry, green eyes enlarged as he stood inches from Tohmas' face. "When I find out that he's dragging my name through the mud so he could live an easy life…"

"My boy-" he said nervously.

"I am not 'your boy'…" snapped Aiden sternly, "My father died when I was 8. His name was Sabiel. YOU are just a slimy old man who thinks it means something to have a one-night stand with the most evil xenophobe to be a Moff of Dromund Kaas." Aiden suddenly lashed out, gripping Tohmas' shirt and dragging him forward. His grip was like durasteel. "You had your chance to be a father, my father, and probably others. And you pissed on it. Asking for money, and favors, and giving NOTHING in return. He lifted Tohmas off the ground slightly. "You. Are. Nothing. To me…"

He let the awkward silence linger as Tohmas began to breathe rapidly, apparently trying to build his courage… then. A little of it showed.

"Let go of me. Aiden." He said firmly, giving him a faint smirk. "I'm still the sheriff… and I'm being very lenient with you." Aiden released him abruptly, Tohmas stumbled slightly as his legs, nervous from fear, had given out on him. Aiden had been holding him up with only one hand.

"Yeah about that…" Aiden said quickly kneeling next to the desk and grabbing the trash can. Beginning to slowly take various things that belonged to Tohmas and drop them into it. "Here's what's going to happen. You're going to resign. Immediately. And you're going to tell the mayor that the REAL sheriff has returned, and is more than willing to go back to his old job…"

"Or what? You'll shoot me" Tohmas said, still smirking. "Are you threatening the sheriff? Aiden?"

"No." Aiden said confidently, still tossing things into the trash. I don't have it in me to shoot the man who donated to my birth." Aiden said disgustedly, "I couldn't even shoot my mother, and she made it real easy…" he then glared at Tohmas, very, very dangerously. "But I know someone who would be more than happy to blast you…" he then, in a rather reminiscent tone added, "I have been meaning to get in touch with my half-sister…"

Tohmas' smirk. Vanished almost as quickly as a Jedi master becoming a force ghost… "You wouldn't…" but even as he said it he saw the look in Aiden's eyes.

He most certainly would.

"Shoot you myself? Never, letting Lacroix shoot you? Oh absolutely." Aiden replied casually, with a shit eating grin on his face.

"B-but… I have the deputies! And my droids to protect me…"

Aiden laughed out loud, dropping the trash can on the desk as he tried to stay standing, "From Lacroix Lacine?! Are you serious?" he grinned, "She's survived Blackjaw. BLACKJAW." Aiden said firmly, "And from personal experience that's not easy." He then added a little awkwardly. "And my boy's going to marry his daughter… good thing he's fucking dead…" then with a disbelieving sigh added, "I hope."

Tohmas shook, whether from rage or fear Aiden didn't care. "…You're not giving me a choice… are you…" he said slowly as Aiden, smiling like a man about to stab somebody, put a comforting hand on Tohmas' shoulder. It was anything but… because Aiden SQUEEZED. Tohmas flinched but was determined not to scream as he felt his shoulder bones firmly crushed together.

"I am giving you a choice. But one of those choices is obviously going to get you killed." Tohmas whimpered, whether from nerves or pain, Aiden still didn't care. "…I'll let you think about it. I need to find her number anyway…" he said, grinning as Tohmas looked utterly and completely defeated. Dropping into the chair as Aiden let the sliding door close behind him.

The Sisters.

"So are we going to talk about… this?" Tolara asked, gesturing to her twin sister as she lounged in the comfy chair before her moff desk. Kavilla's bodyguard, Kallus, had placed the chair there for her and stood stoically beside her. The reason why she was in said comfy chair was because she was heavily pregnant…

Kavilla Kane blinked at her sister for a moment, seemingly thinking about the question before she nodded and slapped Kallus's leg. "That depends…" she noted, and Kallus quickly produced a manilla folder. In the Empire manilla folders were sketchy, hard copies are only used when Imperials have something to hide. "Are we going to talk about this?"

Kallus placed the document carefully on the desk as Tolara Kane blinked at it suspiciously. She hid it well but Kavilla could read her sister better than she could read a children's picture book and here was a very faint look of surprise on her beautiful face. The folder itself had only two words on it. Project-Aida.

"…I will if you will." Tolara finally said diplomatically after a long silence as Kaath-Tyi, her new Sith associate entered the room. Casually drinking one of Tolara's elaborately made fruit smoothies. The silent sith had apparently taken to them like a drug addict. One of the main reasons she allied herself with Tolara as a matter of fact. Tolara however didn't approve. She had to import and smuggle some of the fruits she used in those smoothies… Every sip was practically a high ranking Lieutenant's paycheck. Kaath-Tyi looked completely uninterested in the conversation, but eyed Kavilla's bodyguard with a faint amount of interest.

Kavilla seemed to consider her sister's offer with a faint smile, then patted Kallus' leg fondly as the shistavanen fidgeted nervously. Which was a feat, Kallus didn't get nervous. He barely showed emotion. "I had a fling with my bodyguard and now I'm with child." She then shrugged as Tolara rubbed her forehead, trying to restrain the headache. "Your turn."

Tolara frowned and, with a rather dismissive air, she said. "…I had myself cloned." She said softly, "A baby me. I'm going to raise her as my daughter so the Kane's can hold onto the Moffship of Dormund Kaas."

"…And the fact that she has a feminine version of our dear brother's name?" everyone but Tolara Kane, looked at Tolara Kane. "…You've got issues sis…" she noted, then eyeing Kaath-Tyi's smoothie added, "…Can I have one of those?"

Kaath-Tyi glared at her, slurped her straw noisily, before stepping away into Tolara's private kitchens and returning with another smoothie. Kallus stood between her and Kavilla, took the drink before absently tasting it, passing it to Kavilla finding nothing wrong with it.

"He tests your food?" Tolara asked as Kavilla smiled, slurping her drink.

"He does lots of things…" she added with a grin. "And really? A clone? Why not just find some idiot noble and get rid of him when you're done… Like a Cromwell." The Cromwells were an old Imperial family, like the Kanes. However, Tolara reminded Kavilla exactly why she wasn't going to do that.

"Because they hate us…" This was true. The Kanes and the Cromwells have hated each other for generations. It was usually a bloodless rivalry that started when their ancestor Alkaiser Kane became Moff over Tertragan Cromwell. "I'm lucky Alastor has been out in the outer rims, keeps him out of my hair…" Alastor being the current Patriach of the Cromwells. He had two sons, Batson and Critcher with another child on the way. Although Batson was currently the only one in military service. Under his father thankfully. They had collected a significant number of planets for the empire in the rims, some they were even allowed to keep under their command…

Kavilla however seemed unconcerned with the dangers of feuding families and continued to drink her smoothie. Tolara sighed reluctantly and stood up, "…Well… let's just get past this, we're both going to be parents and aunts, so we should just accept it… honestly though." She eyed Kallus and added, "…1 in 2 million chances… and the Kanes are three for three…"

Kavilla merely smiled as Kallus helped her too her feet, "Well… never tell me the odds…"

The Step-Mother

"…So… it's good to see you." The attractive red skinned twi'lek Bella'Dune said casually, staring at the tiny tree with a face. The face had been crudely carved into the trunk, in the shape of a old human man. The bark was an old red tinge which she thought was appropriate. This tree marked a grave. Caradoc Sith-Killer had buried his frenemy Colonel Roland Firemane here all on his own. The likeness was a little crude admittedly but still an accurate likeness.

She fidgeted in place… listening as the sea rolled onto the shore nearby. "…Nice view." She said absently to no-one, rubbing her shoulders. "…I missed you." She said, softly sighing slightly as the words left her mouth and she turned back to face the tree. "You'll be happy to know that I never got over you." She said smiling weakly. "…It was some task getting off Dormund Kaas but some weird Chiss agent managed it..." she closed her eyes, trying to hold back tears. "I'm doing well. I'm still in the business but I'm directing. Got a stake in the company too. I…" she paused, listening to the water on the sand.

"…I should've told you before you left but… I… was pregnant." The silence was palpable. "But… I heard so many awful things about Imperials and alien children that I just couldn't tell you… No one knows. Not even your… great grandchild? He's named after you… doesn't have your silver fox looks yet though." She smiled. "…I'll tell him. And his father about your daughter…"

"Mother." A red skinned twi'lek with green eyes approached her from the trees, she was in republic trooper armor and just as beautiful as her mother when she was her age. And she was in her mid-forties. "There you are. I thought we were going to come here together, you shouldn't wander away from my squad.

"Sorry Kaia." Bella'Dune smiled at her, "…Come here." She waved her daughter over and she approached, glancing at the tree curiously, but her look softened slightly.

"…This him?"

"…No this is a tree." Bella'Dune replied as Kaia glared at her mother, they both chuckled.

They both smiled at it, Kaia ran a hand over his cheek. "…I would've liked to meet him."

"Now I'll suppose you'll have to settle for your nephew." Bella'Dune said as Kaia glanced at her confused.


"Well… he had a daughter from a previous marriage, and she had twins and a son." Bella'Dune said, trying to line up the family tree in her mind. "So… since she's your sister that makes them you nieces and nephews, and of course, your nephew has children so… grand Nieces and nephews, and-"

"…Oh my god…" she said rubbing her face in a gloved hand, "…Our family is fucked up…" Bella'Dune however shrugged.

"Still the happiest two months of my life…" she said, kissing the tree and walking away as Kaia watched on, aghast.

"…Two MONTHS?!" she stomped after her mother, "Mother please don't tell this story to my newborn son! Oh god he's technically a damn uncle isn't he!? He's barely a few months old!"

"He'll be Fine." Bella'Dune replied rather dismissively, "…He's got some damn good genes…"

The Son.

"…Are you sure about this dad?" I asked as he pinned the deputy badge onto my jacket. "…Isn't this nepotism?"

Dad however smiled and moved over to Killa, also pinning a badge onto her jacket. "…Yeah kinda." He said admittedly, "But somebody's got to take over when we establish the new city. I scratched my head as Seis, ALSO getting a badge. Winked at me. "Oh lighten up Roly…"

"Don't call me that." I noted as Killa kissed my cheek.

"We'll do all the work as usual." She noted as Dad smirked at them.

"Don't wear him out too much now. I still got to give you guys the rundown, AND you have to study colonial laws…" he suddenly eyed Seis, who looked annoyed.


"…Somehow, I just expected that I needed to look at you when I said that." he said as we nodded, admittedly he wasn't wrong. He then glanced around the office. "So isn't Nike showing up? I thought you four we're going to lunch?"

"She said something about seeing Xalbaia, I think she's trying to arrange her schedule."

Killa and Seis however exchanged a look, I wrote it off as nothing. But Dad winked at them. "Ah… well then why don't we go meet her?" he said lazily, leading us out. "…Surprises all around…" he added, under his breath.

The Ancestor

"…Master… I still don't understand…" Alecinder Moray began in a whisper as they wandered the corridors of the Dantooine conclave. "…Why did we volunteer to teach Younglings?"

"…Because I love children…" Jon Nee Knox said silkily as Moray flinched. He closed his eyes, sighing exasperatedly. "…Not like that." he then, without even moving his hands. Force shoved Alecinder roughly into the wall. "Children are the future. Alecinder." He said casually, as they stood outside the younglings classroom. "And their minds are moldable. Potent. Easily guided."

He gave the reinstated fallen Jedi a rather intelligent smirk. "…And when you want them to learn something. It's best to start young." He entered the room to children's laughter; a genuine smile crossed his face as he viewed them all. "Good Morning younglings.

"Good Morning Master Jon Nee." They replied, smiling at him with bright faces and eager minds.

"Today we're going to talk about… Legacies." He approached the blackboard, facing the children as he expertly used the force to begin writing on the blackboard. His mastery of it was amazing. "…And why don't I make it easy, and start with one that I know of personally…"

The words, 'Fall of Tarkin Knox' appeared on the board. "…Let's begin with where this fool, went wrong…" he said, grinning kindly at their rapt attention.


Roland Firemane: Roland eventually succeeded his father as Sheriff of Luna IV: Alpha while his father began policing Luna IV: Beta. For a time. However, after the birth of his firstborn he retired and lived a rather comfortable life with his family. His very big family.

Nike Nyx-Firemane: Nike Firemane became an associate, then partner, to Doctor Xalbaia. She remained Roland's lover and eventual wife, however she demanded to be the mother of his second child, and they tried for many, many days and treatments, eventually resulting in a pregnancy and an exhausted Roland.

Green-Eyed Killa Firemane: Killa remained Roland's deputy for years. Then around the time of The Gathering she entered and became the first person ever to win upon their first try. She then abruptly retired from bounty hunter life and became the sheriff of Luna IV: Alpha… after she gave birth to Roland's firstborn. A male; named Kiren.

Varli-Seis: Manic, chaotic, and aggressive. Seis didn't last long as a deputy and spent a few years rampaging as a bounty hunter across the galaxy, yet always returning to Roland. After losing to Killa in The Gathering she returned to Luna IV as if nothing happened and spent a good deal of her time with everyone and volunteering her (unwanted) 'services' to the Sheriff's office.

Barra-'Barry'-dowwa: Roland promptly declared Caradoc's life debt fulfilled and freed Barradowwa from service. However, Barradowwa didn't leave, in fact he became Roland's shadow regardless and an honorary uncle to his children. Just like his father before him. In fact, for many years after there was no Roland without Barradowwa. No Firemane without a Sith-Killer: their families remaining united for generations.

X-E and Rattletrap: Rattletrap tries tirelessly to this very day to fix his beloved droid. Succeeding and failing in equal measure… he doesn't smile as much as he used to… only managing when one particular woman is around to comfort him. A woman named Dolly Girl.

Circe Firemane: Eventually Circe starts her own studio 'Firemane Studios' hiring her close personal friend and heterosexual life partner, Mirai-Ken, as head security and an occasional action star. It was an immediate success, no small part to her favorite backer and supporter Torga the Hutt. Mirai and Circe currently have three movies together but admittedly only two are hits, the other is a cult classic and family favorite. An exagerated biopic of Roland's adventures…

End of Epilogue.

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