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47.87% Star Wars: Aiden the Bounty Hunter / Chapter 124: Rattletrap's Day Out

Kapitel 124: Rattletrap's Day Out

I don't own star wars

Annnnnnnd… poop. Our most recent concoction destabilized almost instantly. Ignorant of the fact that the LAST one was so close! I let my head slam onto the table, rattling my tools and gadgets as X-E sat patiently nearby, her eyes flickered, and she frowned disappointingly. "Master Rattletrap you shouldn't do that. You will harm yourself."

"Thank you X-E I'll make a note of that." I gave her a muffled reply, trying to keep as much sarcasm out of my voice. "…Mark off mixture #176 please…"

"I am sorry master Rattletrap I had hoped this time you would be successful." She noted softly, even though I knew she didn't care, not really. I just wanted her to look pretty. Is that so much to ask?

I sighed sadly, resting my head on my arms as I looked at her, "X-Y how many chemicals do we have left?"

"Unfortunately, not enough to create a suitable attempt." She replied.

I sighed again and felt her robotic hand gently caress my back, "You are stressed Master Rattletrap, your heart rate has increased. Shall I give you a massage?"

"No. X-E that's fine." But I wasn't. Those chemicals were hard to come by. It wasn't like I was going to find a bucket of stabilization fluid in the middle of a junkyard. The more I thought about it… the more I realized I was going to have to do something… drastic. "X-E how long until we arrive on tattooine?"

"Data of Captain Roland's flight capabilities indicates that we will arrive in two galactic hours." She replied confidently, "Providing Lady Killa or First Mate Nike do not distract him." I giggled, they can be very distracting.

I slapped the table rhythmically. "…Well there's only one thing to do now." I smiled cheerfully at her as I spun on my swirly chair. I love this thing. "I guess I just have to introduce you to my parents."

"I would be happy to meet your parents Master Rattletrap." I grinned at her and leaped off my chair, stretching as I made my way to my bed.

"I'm going to take a nap X-E. Wake me when we get to tattooine." I dropped into my bedding as I stretched on the sheets.

"Certainly, Master Rattletrap." X-E said, watching me as I closed my eyes.

"…Play something nice for me X-E…" I yawned, as the soothing sounds of the ocean washed over my room. Those white noise datachips were a good addition. "Thank you, X-E.,"

"You are welcome Master Rattletrap. Enjoy your nap."

I was gently jostled awake, and I stared up into X-E's face, she was cradling me in her arm as she shook me. "We have arrived Master Rattletrap…"

I blinked up at her for a moment, "X-E… what did we talk about?"

"Apologies Master Rattletrap." She noted, putting me to my feet, "I had another memory lapse." I blinked at her nervously, "...Apologies…" she repeated disappointedly.

I sighed, there were worst things than waking up in a pretty woman's arms, even a droid woman. But another lapse?... I'll ask dad. He used to have lapse problems with Bedlem's reprogramming… maybe he could help with that too. "Well… fine, whatever. No harm." I began packing various tools and toys I made to show dad, and took X-E's hand leading her off the ship.

"Okay." Roland noted, as Nike handed him his rifle and Barry stood by imposingly… I did not think that nickname would stick. "So Killa and Seis are going for new contracts, Barradowwa's staying with the ship…" he turned to me, "Hey Traps. Where are you going?"

"I'm going to visit dad. I should be back before sunrise tomorrow." I replied, "I'm going to ask him for help with X-E."

Nike nodded, "Alright. We're going to talk with Torga. We'll see you when you get back." I waved at her as I took X-E off the ship.

One rental speeder later we were on our way home. X-E's eyes kept wandering the horizon as the sandy dunes flew by. The twin suns burning the sands and the ripples of heat far off in the distance. Soon the village loomed over the horizon and I waved as we came into view. "I'm home!!!" I cheered as my brothers and sisters on the wall waved back.

They scrambled around me chattering here and there with all sorts of questions, but soon all attention was drawn to X-E.

"She's so shiny!"

"Wow! I've never seen a Droid like her before!"

"Where did you steal her from?! I want one!"

X-E's usually stone face broke slightly in adorable embarrassment as dozens of my brothers and sisters began to clamber around her. I stood proudly aside as they studied her. "Hey where's dad?" I asked one of my older siblings, Gruzzulllag the Guard Captain. I called him Gruz. He hates that.

He eyed X-E suspiciously for a moment before shouldering his custom heavy-blaster rifle. To be fair he was the only one big enough to lift it, let alone shoot it. "He's up at the house." He blinked at me, "Try not to agitate him he's talking business with Babayaga's reps again. He then wandered through the crowd of X-E's new fans, slapping half a dozen and dragging off one of the bigger ones. "Come on! We still got wall duty. You can drool over the sexdroid when we're done."

I grabbed X-E's hand and led her toward the main house. "…Master Rattletrap you have… many brothers and sisters…" she noted as I grinned.

"Well… Dad and Mom had a lot, dad's brothers had a few, and mom's sisters too. Technically speaking I guess at least half are cousins. We got to be careful about who we hit on."

"…Does that make courting rituals awkward?"

I shrugged, "Well not for me. I like my girls tall…" I chuckled as we made it to the house and opened the door.

"I can get you three crates of blasters but I'm going to need half the price added to it." I heard dad say, "…I'll even throw in a free junker."

A sultry voice spoke up then as I stood outside dad's office. "Throw in a few of those firebombs you used with Gutta the hutt and I'll see what she'll say." Came the voice.

"That wasn't my work. It was my boy. But I'll see what I can do." I peeked my head in the door frame as Dad sat in a tall chair, X-E peeking in as well as we caught sight of a tall, leggy Zeltron woman. Dressed up in a very fancy pantsuit with her hair sleek and clean, which was almost impossible on a desert planet.

"Good. As always it's nice talking with you Shorty." She said, getting up and adjusting her suit. I couldn't help but notice a well-placed blaster pistol tucked into a holster on her back, just above her really nice butt.

"It's Short-Round." Dad replied abruptly, then spotting me his eyes narrowed.

She turned and paused, eying me for a moment as well and smiling. "Hello there." She kind of friendly, but X-E immediately stood protectively in front of me. Glaring the woman down. "Hello to you to." She said with a sexy smile on her purple lips as she brushed past X-E and me. "See you later Shorty."

Once she was long gone dad grunted annoyed. "I never liked her." he sighed, then shaking his head as he eyed X-E he patted me on the back. "Welcome home Rattletrap." He said kindly. "What's up?" he asked, eying X-E again. "What is that?... and why am I not surprised?"

So… I told him. Pretty much everything, including what happened to Uncle Aiden… and then I got to the good bits. "So Dad! You got to help me with X-E's skin!" I said, shaking X-E's arm as I looked at him.

"…Aiden's Dying?" he asked, staring at me shocked.

"…Okay. Dad. Missing the point." I said, pointing at X-E again. "Sythskin."

Dad sniffed and wiped his face with the back of his hand, "Right. Fine… where did you even get this…" he looked X-E up and down. "Droid. Where did you find her?"

"I found her head on Nar Shaddaa." I said proudly, "Then I fixed her!"

"Master Rattletrap assisted in a majority of my repairs before my self-repair took effect." X-E answered.

"I fixed her…" I said proudly again, still holding my heroic pose. The way it ought to be.

"…Bring her." Dad said finally, leading me into his workshop. As we entered the work table whirled up from the floor and the household A.I. activated. "Bedlem run diagnostic on the droid." He said as he led X-E to the table.

"Yes Sir." Came the voice as a bright scanner flowed up and down X-E.

"Uh dad. I just need the Sythskin." I said as the scanner continued to scan X-E, a detailed design of her appearing on Dad's large holo-screen. "Dad?"

But Dad was silent as the scan completed itself. "You said she suffers lapses?" he asked after a moment, "There must be some black spots in her program-" he paused as the scans focused on her mental stay, showing essentially lost of free space and corrupted Data. "...What is this?" he said, focusing on a large section of her mind and enhancing it…

"That's her combat data." I said proudly, "I did a scan of her already dad I'm not dumb!"

"This is a LOT of combat data." He said firmly pointing to it, "and much of the rest of her functions are damaged or simply gone. No wonder she's having lapses her memory is having trouble getting from one section to another. We need to…" he began typing into his computer and eying me. "I guess the best way to put it is Defragment her… sort out everything so she performs better."

"…Wait that's why?" I asked looking at her as she looked back stoically.

"It happened with Bedlem when I first altered her mind. I had to delete a lot of her memories so she wouldn't go rogue and kill everybody." I stared at him but he shrugged, "I wasn't an expert at Robotics…" he said finally and approached X-E, "I'm going to ask you to turn it off for a while, it shouldn't take long."

X-E looked at me, but I nodded with a smile, "It's fine." She blinked, and she shut down. But her eyes were blank only for a moment before whirling into green light. "Cool." I smiled, watching her face as Dad began to scramble in his many containers. "What now?"

"Now we whip up her sythskin." He said, tossing me a sealed bucket of solvent, "…But we might want to get her hair first."

"Oh I got that covered." I grinned, pulling out a blue wig. He stared skeptically at me for a moment, "What?"

"…You just had that in your pocket?"

"…You never know when I was going to get it right." I said with a shrug and a smile.

Halfway into our work, dad suddenly spoke again, "…It doesn't bother you that out of all her memories and data, the majority of her data is combat files?"

"No. She's fine now." I said with a grin.

"Have you seen her in combat?" he asked, watching me as I finished up the mixture.

"Nope." I grinned again, practically dancing as I checked the viscosity of the mix. It was working!

Dad's eye twitched in annoyance but he sighed defeatedly, watching intently as I began to apply the sythskin to X-E, then eyed the amount of time left on her defragmenting. "It's almost time for her to wake up." He said simply, taking the bucket from my grip. "Run to the storage room and get her some real clothes. She can't walk around naked in the city."

"Oh yeah! I'm just used to her wearing the skirt that I didn't think about it." I cheered, dashing out of the room. I'll be right back dad!" scrambling through the various junk and scrap I found some good tight-fighting leathers. Sweet. She was going to look like a biker babe! Making sure I had a good ensemble. That's a fancy word Mama taught me. I started heading back.

"-Now. Lock it into your memory and put a secure data lock on it so it can't be deleted." My dad said as I turned the corner.

"Done." X-E said as I looked up frowning.

"Dad what did you do?"

"Threatened her a little." Dad replied casually, helping me with her new clothes. "The usual dad stuff. You better not hurt him or break his little heart…"

"Dad…" I grumbled embarrassed as X-E took the clothing and began to dress.

She stood from the table, long leather pants, tight white shirt, and black leather jacket she examined the olive colored skin that now covered her hand and her chassis. "How do I look Master Rattletrap?"

I shook excitedly in place as I observed her beautiful features for the first time. Sure, she wasn't Killa, but she was still gorgeous! "You're so pretty!" I cheered and clapped… frowning as I looked up to the ceiling expectantly.

"Yeah I uninstalled that." Dad grumbled, beginning to clean up. "Nice try."

"FINE!" I mumbled with false annoyance, "I'll just have to dance on the ship!" I replied smugly, but I approached dad… and hugged him. He chuckled and returned the hug, "…Uncle Aiden's going to be fine dad…" I said, knowing deep down what was really bothering him, and judging by how rigid he got I was right.

He patted me on the back. "…You're a good kid Rattletrap… you're welcome home anytime." He smiled at me and eyed X-E, "You take good care of him. You got the protocols for it. Because if you don't I got quite a few ion blasters and plenty of volunteers to use them!"

"…Master Rattletrap will be safe in my care." She replied confidently. I grinned at dad and waved to him as I led X-E out.

Leading her towards the speeder I looked at her curiously, "…What did dad really tell you before I came back with your clothes?"

"Master Rattletrap's father told me that I was to protect you… and then he threatened to deactivate me violently."

I frowned… Did X-E just lie to me?... nah. It sounded about right, besides if she really was dangerous dad would've torn her up right there on the table… besides I was too excited at the fact that she had SKIN! I began to poke and touch, smiling happily as I took her hand, feeling how warm and soft it was in my grip. "Its so awesome!" I giggled childishly. "Let's go home X-E." I said, getting into the speeder with her.

"Yes, Master Rattletrap." She replied smiling and waving to the few of my siblings who waved in farewell. We began heading back, the wind of the desert splashing against our faces as we went across the desert. "…Master Rattletrap… are you not concerned about my combat abilities?"

"Pssh!" I said simply, yawning as I stretched in the passenger seat, "No. Why?"

"…No reason Master Rattletrap. However it is still odd to have such abilities and not-"

Our speeder was suddenly hit with blaster bolts and we hit a sand dune. Then a familiar tattooine desert noise erupted in the air.

Bwuuur! Bwur bwur bwuuur!

"Tuskan Raiders!" I shouted surprised, however before I could get up. X-E pushed me down. "…WHY?!!"

"Master Rattletrap…" she said firmly, dangerously. "Stay here."

…I… didn't know she could move that quickly. Dashing across the sand like she was floating she quickly located the raiders, four of them. Armed with their gaderffii sticks, and one with a long rifle as he tried to shoot X-E. For only a brief moment I was worried about her… then she quickly brought her leg up and around, slamming it against one of the gaderffii sticked raiders right at his neck. His head flopped around as he dropped still to the ground, she caught the stick he dropped in the air, and still dodging the blaster rounds she buried the blade into another raider before seizing the last one and making the blaster rifle raider fire into his chest…

The blaster raider angrily tossed aside the blaster and picked up his fallen comrades' gaderffii stick, duel-wielding both as he tried to strike X-E who had rearmed herself with the last stick, dodging defecting and blocking the blows. Then… she dropped the stick? Easily dodging a blow from the raider, she caught his arm and… whoa…

I stared in awe as she… broke him. In three seconds she broke his arm in two places, shattered his leg, and snapped his neck before sending him spiraling into the sand. Hesitantly… X-E looked at her hands, as if unable to comprehend her actions. But looked at me, concerned…

I blinked and clapped. "That was awesome!" I laughed happily, charging at her and tackling her legs, hugging her. "Ho-lee crap!" that was amazing!

She seemed to breathe a sigh of relief and lifted me from the sand. Carrying me back towards the city, just barely in sight and about a 50-minute walk. "…Thank you, Master Rattletrap."

"But let's keep this between you and me." I said cheerfully, "Let's keep it as a trump card! You can save the day like a superhero when we need you to!" I scratched my chin thoughtfully, "…Actually let's tell Bro… I don't want him freaking out if you have to do that again." I yawned and snuggled against her soft body as I decided to take a nap.

"Whatever you say Master Rattletrap." She smiled and, enjoying the tattooine night, walked casually and safely back home.

End of Chapter

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