/ Anime & Comics / Spider demon mother in MHA
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I don't really know what to write here, all I can say is that I write this fic for myself, and English is not my native tongue. I use Grammarly to correct as many errors as possible but mistakes happen, so if you spot any feel free to comment and correct me.
Also, nothing in this story is owned by me, the world is the MHA (my hero academia) world and the MC is inspired by the spider mother in Demon Slayer.
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Schreiben Sie eine RezensionI write this review to let others, who want to make a review know, that I will delete all spam reviews that this book receives. I give my book three stars because the first review I received gave me three stars, sadly it was a spam review, so I had to delete it.
la historia es en mi opinion un gran exito no soloaborda un crossover interesantey unico sino que tambien esta bien ejecutado realmente me hace esperar con ansias como afectara a toga y UA la existencia de talon
Autor RimuruBlack
It's too bad ................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................