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17.64% Soul-Mates / Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Kapitel 2: Chapter 2

Good old John F. Kennedy High…I will NOT miss you when I graduate. We went inside and the dance team was waiting by our lockers which are right next to each other. They wanted to do one last rehearsal before the talent show that is at the end of the day today so we quickly got permission from our first period teacher which was English class and we are both 'A' students so she let us go. We got the stage prepped and got our practice outfits on that were the same as our show outfits but we wanted fresh new clothes for the performance. We rehearsed for most of first period leaving only enough time to change back into our school clothes and quickly clean up but the janitor is cool and said he would finish the last bit of it after watching us practice so hard for the entire first hour. People noticed our wet hair and were trying to figure out just what we were doing but nobody could figure it out.

At the end of first period when we made it back with 10 minutes to spare for, Math, that guy Aden and his friend Russ were constantly staring at us. Russ was smiling like he was amused about something and Aden…well he was looking with an expression that I couldn't figure out. They made me nervous with their strange behavior and had the hairs on the back of my neck standing up, so I got the hell out of there fast when the bell rang and quickly got to my third period class even though I'm a black belt in karate from years of lessons we were taught to avoid a fight if at all possible so that's what I plan to do. I had fourth period with Russ who was still giving me that creepy smile so I did my best to ignore him. Fifth period unfortunately I had Aden again and again he looked at me with the strange look from earlier. Sixth period was the talent show today so I quickly ran and put my books away and then changed as quickly as I could back stage and tested the headset microphones that Jodie and I bought, and they worked perfectly. We asked to go last because setup and cleanup for our performance would take a bit of time and everyone agreed. The performances were really good if I do say so myself, which made me nervous that they would think we sucked. I may be confident in my abilities but I'm still a teenage guy and have to deal with these people for months to come.

Finally it was our turn and the curtains were closed. We setup our massive tarp with raised sides and started filling it with water, a couple of inches deep. Then I made the announcement "Attention please! If you are in the first three rows and don't want to get wet please switch seats with somebody who doesn't mind getting wet. If there are any old Glee fans out there, you'll know what we're about to do so enjoy the show!" The music began and it was the "Singing in the Rain/Umbrella mash-up from Glee." The curtain opened to reveal me and the guys in the same outfits as the guys on Glee and the girls in the same outfits as the girls on Glee. We did the exact same routine that they did in the show and when we finished the first few rows of people were almost as wet as we were but laughing and cheering along with the rest of the auditorium. We took our bow and tossed the hundred or so towels we brought with us into the water to start sopping up the water on stage while the faculty and administration came up and took a vote by how loudly people cheered for each act and we won big time. While we were cleaning up, I saw Aden and Russ watching us from a distance as everyone else filed out.

Jodie and I did the cleanup since we told the dance team they could go. We got the towels completely saturated and then would ring them out into buckets we had nearby. I whispered to Jodie about how creepy those two were being and she saw them still there staring and agreed. We decided to stay together and not leave each other alone while cleaning up. An hour later and they were still creepily staring at us as we finished the last of the cleanup as were walking out. We walked out through the side door since they were by the main entrance. I said "They won't stop staring at us, it's really creeping me out." Jodie laughed and said "Not US it's YOU they're staring at." We walked to our lockers in silence after that and got our regular clothes and I went into the men's restroom and she went into the ladies restroom to change. I went into the handicap stall just in case the creepy guys came in and…SURPRISE…they did and were standing leaned against the sinks from what I could tell. I finished changing and text Jodie 'They followed me into the bathroom…HELP' and she walked in and shocked them. She loudly said "COME ON RYAN WE HAVE THINGS TO DO! LET'S GO MAN!" I held in my laugh and straightened out my face replying "I'M COMING WOMAN, CALM YOUR TITS" before coming out of the stall. I looked at them as if nothing was wrong and walked out playfully mumbling to Jodie that she didn't need to be so loud which she just shoved me away slightly. I heard the two creepers walk out of the bathroom behind us and following.

Finally I had enough and lost my temper and said "Jodie, hold my bag." She knew this was trouble but grabbed it from me because she knew I might throw it. I turned to them and said "HEY! Leave us alone before I kick your sorry asses!" They both laughed and Russ said "You really think you can take us little dude?!" I smiled evily and said "I KNOW I can. Then I added with a smile "Would you like to find out? If so then keep following, staring or even talking to either of us you creepers." Russ laughed and after what seemed like getting approval from Aden walked up to me and said "Ok, go ahead and try to kick my ass." I smiled and said "Maybe you should throw the first punch so it's fair because you won't really get another chance." He smirked and swung his fist at me, I easily dodged and swept his legs out from under him making him fall back on his ass. He got up looking a little annoyed and tried swinging again but this time I give him a roundhouse to the face that knocked him down again on his ass. I asked "Have I proven my point or do we need to keep going?" Before Russ could speak Aden smirked and said "You've definitely proven your point. We'll back off…for now." I replied "Good because next time I won't stop until somebody is knocked the FUCK out so leave us ALONE!" I turned around and Jodie was snickering and held my bag out to me. I took it and she said "Way to go killer!" I rolled my eyes at her and kept walking without looking back again because I didn't hear them following us anymore. As we reached the door I heard Russ say "I guess he doesn't need protecting after all." I looked at Jodie who obviously heard it too and gave me a wtf look, I just shrugged my shoulders. When we got to my car I looked back and they were standing outside the doors watching us AGAIN. I rolled my eyes and flipped them off before getting in the car and heard them laugh.

Jodie put "Super Bass" by Nicki Minaj on and we blared it while singing along as I pulled out of the parking space flipping the creepers off one last time with a bitchy smirk on my face. They just laughed which annoyed me further but whatever. Jodie was laughing her ass off at me while trying to sing the song. We got to Jodie's house and her mom was home as usual. I walked in with Jodie and I yelled "Honey I'm home!" Her mom just played along sarcastically "Oh how was your day dear, would you like a foot rub and a nice glass of whiskey while you read the paper and wait for dinner?" I just laughed and hugged her. She is like a second mom to me so I feel comfortable joking around with her. We told her about the creepers and Jodie told her mom how I tripped and round housed Russ right in his creepy smiling face which made her mom laugh and say "Well, that should teach them to leave you guys alone. I smiled proudly and said "Let's hope so or I'll get my point across more clearly next time because those creepers aren't getting near my Jodie." Jodie smiled and said while wiping away fake tears "Aww, you finally confessed your undying love for me." Her mom slapped her arm playfully and said "I think it's sweet that Ryan is so protective of you and you are of him with the girls I know, I know, you don't have to remind me about his obsessed female fans in your freshman year." We all laughed because it seriously got ridiculous and finally Jodie had to threaten bodily harm if they didn't leave me alone since I wouldn't hit a girl no matter what because mom always says only pathetic weak trashy men hit women.

Later I went home and mom had just finished making dinner. I finished my homework while at Jodie's house. Apparently Jodie's mom called my mom and told her all about the creepers so she was waiting to have a chat with me and hear all about it. I told her about how they stood watching me all day and even followed me into the bathroom. She said "Well, then you did the right thing. Keep yourself and Jodie safe even if that means you have to beat the crap out of them. I'll come to the school and chat with the principle if you get into trouble. After dinner I gave her a hug and went upstairs to my room. Since I was in that water and cleaning up, getting all sweaty I decided to take a quick shower so I didn't stink up my bed. When I got out, I noticed my window open and a throw blanket I covered with when laying on the floor with Jodie watching tv was missing. It kinda freaked me out that somebody was in my room while I showered so I yelled for my mom. She came up and I told her what happened so she called the police. They came and got a set of fingerprints from the windowsill and took my statement before leaving. I locked the window back even though it was locked earlier as well I thought. I went to bed trying to put that and the creepers out of my mind.

That night I dreamt of Aden pulling me to his chest and kissing me passionately with his muscular arms wrapped around my waist holding me there so I couldn't step away. I was aroused and terrified at the same time because I knew I was in a vulnerable position and hated that feeling but loved the feel of his lips on mine and my hands pressed between our bodies on his muscular chest. He kept kissing down my jaw line and reached my neck. He kept nipping and sucking on my neck and I knew it would leave marks but at that point I was a moaning mess and didn't care.

I woke up at 5am with a raging hard-on with my heart pounding and drenched in sweat. I decided to go shower and take care of that problem. I got showered and dressed in all white, white v-neck- white jeans and white tennis shoes with a white belt. I finish the look with a sterling silver rope necklace and walk downstairs. Mom is still asleep since it's only 6am. I get the eggs beaten and cut up ham and cheese and toss it into the eggs with some salt, pepper and a diced garlic clove. I grab out big skillet and oil it and then pour in the egg mixture. I grab the next skillet and toss some sausage links in it to fry. I turn the coffee pot on around 6:30 so it's ready before mom comes down the stairs in about 15 minutes. I flip the huge omelet when it's time and turn the sausages so they cook evenly. I hear my mom opening her bedroom door and know she's coming so I put a couple of pieces of bread in the toaster. She walks into the kitchen smiling and says "Good morning sweetheart, what had you up so early? That smells delicious by the way." I poured her a cup of coffee and she sat down at the table. I smiled at her and said "Thank you, I learned it all from you. I just had a bad dream so I decided to get an early start." She knew I didn't like talking about bad dreams so she dropped it. I took the omelet out of the skillet and divided it up on our two plates, divided the sausage and then gave my mom her plate with her toast and sat the butter on the table. I plated my food and joined her with a cup of coffee myself.

We leisurely ate breakfast and chatted about whatever came to mind until she had to leave for work at 7. I cleaned up and headed out the door about 5 minutes behind her. I got to Jodie's place really early so she took a few to get out to the car running toward it with a pancake hanging out of her mouth. I couldn't help but to laugh. She jumped in out of breath and said "WTF man you're super early…why?!" I laughed and partially lied "Had a bad dream and got up early so here I am." Anyways, we haven't had one of our impromptu dance parties in the parking lot in a while…it's time." She laughed and scarfed down her pancake in a hurry. We are a crazy duo when we're together anything can happen. When we pulled up to the school I cranked up the stereo and popped the trunk so the sub would be even louder. "S&M" by Rihanna came on and we were grinding and getting all kinds of dirty when people started joining us. I happened to look toward the school and saw Aden glaring at us while Russ just looked amused once again. I smirked and blew them a kiss before going back to paying full attention to our dance party. The next song that played was "On The Floor" by J-Lo and Pitbull. We started singing the parts while doing body rolls with each other. Jodie grabbed my arm and pulled it around her waist and I smirked saying "You noticed it too hu?" She smirked and turned her head and just went "Mmmhmmm" I laughed and when that song ended we had time for one more and it happened to be "Ready For It" by Taylor Swift. We danced until the end of the song and I shut everything off and locked the car making everyone groan. Jodie and I locked arms and walked toward the school with big smiles on our faces. As we were walking by Aden and Russ I heard Russ chuckling while Aden was glaring hard at us or more accurately, Jodie. I smiled back and said "Good morning guys" and kept on walking past them into the school. Russ yelled "Good morning!" but Aden just kept glaring which made it even more fun. Jodie and I both love Taylor Swift so we were singing "Bad Blood" while walking backward glaring at the two creepers on the way to our lockers and then into class. In first period it was just like yesterday…they kept staring. I rolled my eyes and whispered to Jodie "I guess they WANT me to kick both of their asses today." She snickered and I heard Russ snickering as well but surely he couldn't hear what I said. When I turned to look at him he was rubbing his lower back like he was in pain while smirking at me. I just rolled my eyes again and looked back at the front of the class ignoring them both.

When class ended Jodie and I walked out normally, arms locked until we got to the hall where we normally separated. I suddenly was very aware of how close behind me the guys were and stopped on a dime and turned around slowly with an annoyed look on my face. I yelled "SERIOUSLY?! Take a hint and back the FUCK off" before I turned back around with a groan and started to class again. All day long they kept following me again but I just gave up on running them off and ignored them. When it was lunch time, Jodie and I got lunch and went to our table and suddenly we had 10 people sitting at our table including our new stalkers. I muttered to Jodie "For Christ sake what is wrong with people suddenly?!" She chuckled and said "Wanna go sit outside under the tree after we eat?" I replied "YES!" I finished my food in record time and Jodie did too.

We got up and dumped our trays and when we got settled by the tree we had our new entourage nearby at some picnic tables. I laid back and put my head on Jodie's lap as we spoke and could swear I heard animals growling. I looked up and all but Russ from the entourage were glaring at us and making that growling noise. I said so they could surely hear it "Oh shut the hell up and leave us alone! I'm sick of all of your crap already." I got up and walked over to Aden and poked him in the chest while speaking and felt a strange electrical current run up my arm, I did my best to ignore that though. "You and your goon squad need to leave us alone. I don't know what your sudden interest in us is that is making you stalk us but I'm soooo over it already." He looked at me with hurt in his eyes and said "I'm not interested in your friend…just you." I was shocked and froze because this is the damn captain of the football team that I think might be telling me that he has a crush on me or something. Finally I said "What?" He smirked and said "You heard me right, I think you're hot."

Suddenly Jodie was standing next to me with a grin that told me she was up to no good instantly. I grabbed her quickly and dragged her off with my hand over her mouth so she couldn't say anything. The entourage as I plan to keep calling them were laughing and started following us again but at a fair distance away from us. When we were far enough away I pulled my hand off of Jodie's mouth and said ���What…The…FUCK?! Is this bizarro world? Aden McGowan suddenly thinks I'm hot and thinks he has a chance in hell with me by stalking me? Please I am so far out of his league even if he is big and muscular as hell and has beautiful mocha brown eyes." Jodie laughed and said "Yea, he's a mouth wateringly hot boy! What's the problem?" I replied with my typical eye roll "He's a muscle bound meathead who thinks he can just flash a quick blinding smile and get me to melt. I am so not going to be another notch on his bedpost…just saying. Oh, and you devil woman need to stay away from him and not encourage this nonsense." She smirked and said "You know me too well sometimes." I smiled at her and said "Duh bestie." I put my arm around her shoulders and she put hers around my waist and leaned her head on me as we headed for forth period. We separated at her class and I kissed the side of her head before separating.

Suddenly an arm was put around my shoulders sending that spark feeling through me and I looked up to see the big meathead smirking down at me. I tried to shrug his arm off but he kept it there. I stopped and turned to face him and said "Seriously man, stop, I'm not interested so back off." He just put his arm back around my shoulders and started leading me toward class. I elbowed him in the ribs several times thinking he would get the hint but he didn't. I got sick of it and tripped his ass and then continued on to class after quickly pulling myself free. I smirked back at him as he looked up at me in disbelief and I winked before stepping into class and sitting down at my desk. Aden comes in grumbling as Russ walks by laughing his ass off and gives me a thumbs up behind Aden's back. As expected Aden came over and sat right behind me and I swear I felt him sniffing me which was ANOTHER creepy thing he was doing. All through class I could feel his eyes watching me and shuttered which earned a small chuckle from him.

Finally I got really annoyed and raised my hand. The teacher called on me "Yes Mr. McLean?" I said "I'm sorry to interrupt sir but would it be possible to switch seats with somebody on the other side of the room? Aden doesn't seem to understand that no means no and keeps doing creepy things like sniffing me." There were hushed conversations suddenly all around the classroom while people looked back and forth between Aden and me. The teacher looked at Aden and looked nervous before finally saying "I'm sorry Ryan but you'll have to stay where you are." I saw Aden making a self satisfied smirk at me when I turned around. That smirk just pushed my last nerve and I punched him right in the nose and heard it break. He looked at me like I was crazy as did the teacher and most of the students. I put my things in my bag, stood up and walked out of the class with the teacher telling me to sit back down but I ignored him. I walked to the library and sat down to do some homework when guess who shows up…again. I said "You're really pushing your luck McGowan. Just leave me alone already. Yea, you're hot but those looks will go away in time so don't count on that to try to win me over. Respect my space and privacy and maybe in time we can be friends but don't expect more than that." He looked like I just killed his puppy right in front of him. I suddenly felt really guilty while running my hands over my face and groaning. I looked back up at him and said "Fine, you and your entourage can sit with us at lunch each day but back off aside from that and show me who you really are during lunch. If you play it right you can work yourself into the friend zone but that's up to how you play this. This hovering and staring and glaring and sniffing is creepy as FUCK dude."

"I'm seriously starting to think you're the one that broke into my house last night and stole my lap blanket." He gulped and looks guilty and my eyes practically bugged out. "What is wrong with you?!?! How do you even know where I live? Did you sneak a peek while I was in the shower or when I was getting in or out?! Why would you even steal my lap blanket?" He finally spoke "I did it because I really like you, I know where you live because I got a friend to steal it from the school records and no I didn't peek at you in the shower or getting in or out. I took the lap blanket because it smells like you. I'm really sorry, can you forgive me? I'll give the blanket back, it just comforted me to have it." I responded after taking some deep breaths, calming down a little and him looking like a kicked puppy, I finally sighed "Fine, keep it but you buy me a new one creeper and don't ever sneak into my house again. Liking somebody doesn't give you free reign into their life and home. They have to invite you into both and I haven't invited you into my home and barely invited you into my life. Don't make me regret it, now, let me work in peace please and get out of here." He smiled sadly and got up and walked out of the library looking back at me several times. I have to admit he has a great ass and those arms and that chest must be hard as steel…no stop thinking like that. Bad Ryan, don't go there! I finished my homework and went to my last two classes and even though I constantly saw at least one or two of the entourage around going the same direction I was, he seemed to be backing off some.

When Jodie got to the car she asked "What did you do to that poor guy? He was moping around all during fifth and sixth period. I've never seen him that sad before. He almost looked like he might cry but knowing his tough guy act he would never do that." I was shocked to say the least that he was that affected. I sighed and said "Ugh I'll be back." He was standing just outside the doors looking a little sad to me but not like what Jodie said. I got to him and gave him what was supposed to be a quick hug but he locked his arms around me in a bone crushing hug pulling my face into his chest. I finally managed to say "Aden…I can't breathe." He let go and I stepped back. He said "Sorry Ryan, I was just excited that you actually hugged me." I sighed and said "Yea, well, Jodie told me how sad you looked during 5th and 6th period so I wanted to cheer you up some but don't read too much into it because I'm a tough nut to crack and just hate people being sad." He smirked and said "I accept the challenge." I groaned and turned back toward my car groaning more annoyed while mumbling in an irritated voice "I already regret that hug." He and his friends all laughed as I walked back to my car, got in and flipped them all off as I drove away.

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