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90.9% Softness & Darkness Series / Chapter 20: Chapter 19

Kapitel 20: Chapter 19


Celeste watched her sister leave then following where Harley was looking caught her attention of Addy and Evangeline kissing, she felt the jealous pang surge through her like nails on a chalkboard. She knew Harley wouldn't approve of this but her plan is to make Harley forget all about Addy all together and make a sweet move on her pretty sister. They had a spark back in their teen years that never left her mind, it felt amazing to be kissed and having make out sessions were the best. Sad part is she wanted sex from Harley but it never came too, they would get close then Harley would push away out of fear of Reba getting word of it. Celeste saw Harley turn around and look at her with sad eyes this time she knew Harley had no choice but to be with her and that would make a sweet way for her to finally have Harley all to herself. As predicted though Harley walked away without running to her to give her a chance that is when Addy locked eyes with her and that dreamy look on her face said it all that Addy still loved her more than Harley. Celeste smiled then went back inside her office to work out things involving a marriage for her and Addy instead though she would have to work on getting her sister first.

"Celeste Rayne, what are you smiling about?" Abby said with a smirk.

"What the fuck are you doing here? Where is your boyfriend?" Celeste replied startled to see her ex in front of her.

"My boyfriend, Celeste, the only man I ever needed was Addy's dad Cameron, gosh he is a fucking hottie for someone that can't keep a wife. I just came here to see this little game you have with your sister over Addy since you seem to have trouble keeping your hands to yourself." Abby winked with a smile.

"Is that the only reason you left me? You wanted Cameron, so you used me." Celeste replied feeling her gut split in half.

"Used you? Babe, you were hook, line and sunk by the time we had our first make out session. I love good pussy as much as any other female who wants some. Yours is just too sweet for my liking and dick is much more enjoyable. I am here to watch you fall for Addy then her push you away again just like the good best friend that I am." Abby responded smiling.

"Quit the fucking games, Abby. You are so much worse than me and even though I did hurt Addy at least out of all my emotions that I do love her." Celeste replied.

"You what?" Addy said coming in from behind Celeste with Evangeline on her shoulder.

"Nothing, Addy just forget it. I am going to track down my sister. Goodbye everyone." Celeste replied rushing out the office door.

Celeste heard Addy calling from behind her but she didn't stop, she just needed to find Harley and be with her. Celeste felt Abby had pushed too far in their conversation about what her feelings were about and she definitely didn't need Addy being bothered by it. Celeste couldn't find Harley and that meant she went back to Madison, leaving to her thoughts and voices around her. Celeste wanted to just scream since she kept losing her way in the world that she knew existed. Her wife Carmella knew about her love interest in Harley and how much it meant to her to be with someone like Harley.

"Celeste, why did you run away from me?" Addy asked.

"You don't need to be bothered by me, Addy, it is best this way." Celeste replied looking into the sky.

"Tell me what you told Abby back there, please." Addy responded.

"No, I won't. I am going to Harley and get her away from Madison. You need to go be with Evangeline since that is the choice you made." Celeste replied feeling herself uneasy with Addy.

"Fine, whatever. I will know someday. Until then see you around." Addy responded as Celeste heard her walk away.

Celeste took a deep breath then made her way to Madison's though she turned around to see Addy and Addy looked at her with sorrowful eyes. Celeste knew the best way to get Addy out of both of their lives is to keep pushing her away. Though Harley would disagree with Celeste on that opinion completely. Celeste sighed as she bumped into someone.

"Watch where you are going, bitch." The woman said.

Celeste looked up to find her crush from the first time they saw each other in grade school whose now a Vampire.

"Sorry Kiki, I am just trying to find my sister." Celeste replied.

"Celeste Rayne, is that you? Oh my gosh, I haven't seen you in a coons age." Kiki responded flipping her long black hair with curls down to her back.

"Yes, it is me." Celeste responded feeling dreadful.

"Wow! You look so fabulous in all black and goodness so delicious looking. Now, I wish I would have married you instead of, well you probably already know by now. You are one of the top people around here." Kiki replied smiling showing her fangs.

"Yes, I am well aware who you are tied too. Thank you but I must go find Harley." Celeste responded as she walked passed Kiki without another word.

Celeste kept her head down the rest of the way to Madison's, as she reached Madison's place she found that Harley left a message on the door that didn't read so pleasantly.


Madison is already expecting you here. Do NOT come looking for me, it is dangerous with her. I will see you tomorrow after she leaves for Paris. I don't know what else to tell you besides that I love you and thank you for being my best friend.

P.S. Addy doesn't know anything about our past or how you feel. I would just keep pushing her away until I can get her back again.

P.P.S. You can rule with Evangeline it has always been a dream of yours.


Your sister Harley

Celeste grabbed the letter from the door than walked away heading back to her office without anything she can do to get Harley's attention, she is in love with Addy and they both want her. Celeste finally reached the office to where she has been staying since her and Abby split, stripping off her clothes then getting in the shower. Scrubbing herself down, she found herself fingering into her pussy then licking her fingers to taste the sweetness without warning she felt her hand being moved away with a tongue inside her, making her moan.

"Keep your eyes close, you don't need to see me just enjoy the pleasure."

Celeste couldn't even speak as she felt her body clung to the shower and her leg up some. When she finally got relief, she felt whoever it was placed her on the shower floor and said one last thing in a whisper.

"You tasted lovely, I don't know if I will be back again to have it with you but I am pleased to have pleased you. Keep your eyes closed and I will see myself out."

Celeste didn't know what to do just feeling her body quiver from the orgasm she had and she wanted to know who was behind it. She couldn't make out the voice with the water running, all she knew was that she needed more time alone to reveal who is making love to her sweet pussy. Celeste finally got up and cleaned herself off the rest of the way than got out and dried off to head into her bedroom with finding a pair of panties left on the floor that looked similar to Addy's at one point with the lace and silk, she picked them up with placing them on the end of her bed as she found some clothes to put on, than brushed her hair out and went back to try and figure out who they belong too. After not being able to figure it out, she climbed under the bed spread and went silently to sleep because her body couldn't stay awake anymore.

That next morning, Celeste woke up refreshed and excited to see her sister Harley with getting herself all fancied up for a day with her only blood relative left. She didn't care at this point who the panties belonged to, she got to finally have her bond back with Harley and possibly share more between them.

"Celeste, are you awake? I am in desperate need of some coffee." Harley hollered.

"Coming, Harley just needing to add a touch of blush and I will be right out." Celeste hollered back as she smiled in the mirror.

Celeste walked out of the bedroom smiling seeing her sister all smiles that she got away from Madison.

"Why are you dressed so fancy, Celeste? You are my gothic sister, you don't ever dress up in fancy dresses and heels." Harley questioned.

"No reason just wanted to make you happy to see me." Celeste winked.

"You are so weird, I am going to borrow your shower and clothes since we haven't changed at all in appearance." Harley replied.

"Sounds good, I will brew up some coffee and make breakfast." Celeste responding watching her sister leave the room.

Celeste made her way to the kitchen when she heard Harley squeal.

"Celeste, what in god's name are you doing with Addy's panties?" Harley hollered.

Celeste ran to the bedroom without a care that she didn't start anything and barged in on Harley almost naked making her jaw drop.

"Th-those are Addy's? I thought they were someone else's. Someone came in last night and well, yeah." Celeste replied nervously looking Harley up and down with hunger.

"Addy wouldn't do that not with you, would she?" Harley asked.

"If those are her panties then supposedly but we both also could be wrong and could be someone we don't know." Celeste replied as she licked her lips at Harley's beautiful breasts.

"My eyes are up here, Celeste, damn you are one horny bitch as of lately. I can't even be around you when you are looking at me that way." Harley responded snapping her fingers in front of Celeste.

"Sorry, what?" Celeste responded looking at Harley smiling.

"Never mind, go back to the kitchen and get breakfast started, I need to get cleaned up." Harley replied shoving Celeste out of the bedroom door and locking it.

Celeste couldn't believe that her sister had such beautiful perky breasts that were so devour in her eyes that she craved her sister more. Celeste knew that she had to get control as she made her way back to the kitchen and brewed the coffee while making a healthy breakfast. Before she could finish making breakfast, she heard someone come in.

"Do not turn around, do not move, just keep cooking and enjoying your coffee. I am only here to recover my panties from last night."

Celeste wanted to tell this woman that her sister has the bedroom locked but that would mean whoever it is must know a way around this office without her having a clue only being their a few months.

"Can I at least have a name for the woman who gave me pleasure last night?" Celeste asked.

"No, sorry, that isn't possible at this time but I do need my panties if you so kindly unlock your bedroom door I can get them."

Celeste took a big gulp as she moved slowly then found a key to her bedroom door to unlock it as she heard Harley squeal.

"Celeste, get the fuck out of here and how did you have a key the whole damn time?" Harley demanded.

"My mysterious woman has returned and wants her panties, I will be right out in a moment. I can't even look at her. So please just get a towel on and then I will leave the room." Celeste asked politely as can be.

"Fine, fine. See you in a few for breakfast than." Harley replied.

Celeste grabbed the panties off of her bed as she saw her sister step out of the shower with licking her lips. She took another swallow than left the room in peace and dropped the panties by the door then heard the door swish and close quietly as she went back to the kitchen to finish up. Celeste plated everything and sat at the table which wasn't much of one since the office is cramped compared to the bedroom and kitchen. Celeste sat patiently waiting on Harley while sipping on her coffee. Her sister finally emerged from the bedroom a few minutes later in a nice pink blouse, tight blue jeans and going barefoot with her hair in a ponytail. Celeste smiled at Harley.

"You are so beautiful, Harley." Celeste said.

"Thank you." Harley replied as she began sipping her coffee and eating.

Celeste just watched her sister adoringly feeling herself getting moist seeing her sister eat so slowly.

"You going to eat, Celeste? You're food will get cold." Harley said with a mouthful.

Celeste kept smiling and watching Harley, she didn't care about her food, she just wanted her sister to have her filling of appetite. Celeste sipped her coffee with each sip she had her eyes on Harley with a look she couldn't pass up but this time she wanted to see besides seeing her naked if she could get her sister turned on. Celeste took off her sandal than placed her foot between Harley's legs and started rubbing though she felt Harley pull away then push her foot down.

"Celeste, no! We aren't doing anything together. I am sorry but I am not and will not have anything sexual with you." Harley said freaking out.

Celeste placed her cup on the table then walked over to Harley sitting on her lap.

"We used to have fun when we were teens having make out sessions without mom knowing." Celeste whispered into Harley's ear.

"Used too, sis, used too. Not now. We love other people or at least I do. I love Addy more than anything and she is my better half whether married or not." Harley said.

Celeste played with Harley's curls while still sitting on Harley feeling her hand slide down Harley's arm.

"Addy, will never love us like we love us. We are bonded together for a reason." Celeste replied seductively.

"Celeste, we aren't doing this, and I..." Harley didn't finish her sentence.

Celeste pressed her lips to Harley softly and gently though Harley would try to speak. Celeste slowly kissed Harley with passion as Harley followed suit. Celeste got off of Harley then smiled at her.

"See it isn't that bad." Celeste said.

"It is since we are blood." Harley replied.

"You kissed me back, fair is fair." Celeste responded.

Celeste sat back in her chair than ate her cold food without caring watching Harley still trying to figure out what is wrong with her and anything else that is running through her head. Celeste knew how to get Harley because her weakness is the same as the one they both love. Once finished Celeste grabbed their plates and then she heard Harley scoot her chair out as she went to look behind her, she felt hands go around her waist.

"Why are you attracted to me?" Harley asked.

Celeste released Harley from her hips then turned around leaning back against the sink to get a good look at Harley.

"Since you developed quicker than me, you have always had a way of making me feel my hormones and just drive me insane with your beauty. Hell, growing up all the boys wanted you and the girls wish they had your looks." Celeste said crossing her arms across her breasts.

"Celeste, you are my twin. We can't be seen as a couple because we are twins. So, what if you are a little behind on development at least back then. You need to stop this attraction though, it isn't healthy and someone else has a heart for you since they came here. I am going back to my loft to wait for Addy like a good woman that I am. I love you, sis but this is for the best." Harley replied then kissing her sister one last time and then left the office.

Celeste never felt so much heartbreak like she just did with Harley, she is in love with her sister and it is an amazing feeling. Celeste knows this time that she needs to find true love even though Addy, Abby and Harley aren't. She needs to learn more of who she can truly in a factor that though losing Carmella broke her heart, she wasn't going to not give up on finding someone to true love without harming them. Celeste realized that her sister left without any socks or shoes on, she grabbed a pair of socks and tennis shoes from her bedroom then as she went out the front door she found her sister smiling at her.

"You think I would leave this place without any footwear. I am just wanting space between us before it got to heated like any argument but thank you for thinking of me." Harley said.

"We're twins, we could leave anywhere without footwear and no one would care especially these Vampires all they would see is pretty feet with pink toe nail polish." Celeste replied smiling back at Harley.

"Will you ever quit hitting on me?" Harley asked.

"Probably not but at least I can still make you smile while doing so." Celeste responded taking Harley's hand in hers then kissing her knuckles.

Celeste got up then felt a tug on her hand from Harley.

"Stay, please, don't go back inside it is peaceful with you sitting with me and keeping me company." Harley pleaded.

"Harley, I can't, you don't want to have me closer than I am with you as sisters, you have made that clear." Celeste replied walking back inside.

Celeste knew turning Harley away is a bad idea but she had to do this or else they would be tangled between the sheets, she needed out of the office though with Harley still hanging around made it impossible to leave. Celeste took a deep breath and made her way through the house pacing every direction possible to find a more escape route to getting away from Harley. That seemed impossible when Harley looked at her like she lost her mind. Celeste felt Harley grab her shoulders and stared into her eyes this isn't going to be what either of them want and it is treading towards dangerous territory she wants her sister badly but she knows Harley will always turn her away.

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