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89.28% Snippets and fanfic ideas / Chapter 25: Multiverse Merchant

Kapitel 25: Multiverse Merchant

I was born an Orsimer or an Orc named Moth gro-Bagol in an Orc Stronghold. I did not hate or love the culture I was raised in and refused to worship Malacath and was ostracized for it but was left alone for the most part and was able to apprentice under the blacksmith of the hold.

I trained under him for 16 years till I could forge a full set of Orichalcum armor and set off on my own to join the legion where I would find purpose and education in magic.

Signing up for the legion I signed away for four years in exchange for service in the supply and logistics division where my old life's knowledge became useful as I implemented a better bureaucracy and smoothed out the process.

While serving I bought, bartender and traded for every scrap of magical knowledge I could gain which wasn't much but made me a competent enchanter and alchemist.

After my four years I had made friends and quite a few enemies in the higher ranks, not happy for an Orc to rise up in the ranks even in the logistics divisions so I was given my retirement and a plot of land in Skyrim for my service to the Empire.

The land was fine and built just on the outside of Whiterun for those who are not welcome in its wall for trade or business so with my retirement money from the legion I opened my trading post/Bed and Breakfast.

Made from local stone and wood with a low stone fence around the property to contain the livestock with a forge around the back I on my 21st birthday opened the shop for business and my system finally activated.


I had gotten used to waking up early after all these years of working in the Legion but waking up in one's own home and one they built at that just made each day better.

Petting my two Irish Wolfhound I went out to do the normal morning chores of feeding the chickens, cows, and goats.

Gathering everything I headed inside and out the eggs and my finished Warhammer I built the night before I officially opened the door and sat by the fireplace and waited.

Then suddenly without warning a screen appeared in front of my eyes.

[Host has finished building his shop and opened it to the public with this you now have access to the Multiverse Store owner System!

You will be given access to a random universe that you will profit from, you can trade in anything from people to knowledge.

So good luck host and make that money!]

The system menu changed to a break down of

Money: $3,000 (All money is converted into that universes most common and accepted currency)

Unique trade items and knowledge: Elder Scrolls Magic System, Orcish Race Abilities, Heavy Armor Training, One Handed Warhammer, Smithing, Alchemy, Enchanting, Logistical Knowledge. This also includes potions, poisons and armors that most traders have.

Inventory: -/ 1,000

RULES: Nothing shall damage the Shop or shopkeeper, No violence in the Shop.

Available Universes: Elderscrolls [Skyrim], Earth Bet [Brockton Bay].

The system goes into even more detail about how it functions but boils down to allowing me to buy and sell anything or anyone so long as the deal is made and can not be broken.

Knowledge can be copied and sold out of a person's head, even strength and racial abilities.

The system even includes upgrades to the shop and Bed and Breakfast part, from electricity to shooting ranges for testing weapons.

Even a stealth function to blend in to its surroundings as it appeared in other dimensions which I left on for now.

As I finish applying some upgrades to give the shop a basic tinkering workshop and a landline phone a young woman enters the shop panicked and terrified.

She is tall for her age, has long slightly curly black hair, with legs that were to die for and I recognized her immediately as One Taylor Hebert and before she gained her powers most likely.


She ran as hard as she could on the sidewalk away but the jocks Sophia sent after her were right on her heels.

But she had the advantage that she grew up in the docks near her fathers work and she could see the gates now she was almost there but another came out of a side street and she had to turn into a building not even looking at what kind of building it was.

Bolting in, she slammed the door behind her and panicked she took deep breaths trying to calm down with her back against the wall. After her heart didn't feel like it would explode she opened her eyes to see where she found herself.

She was in a shop of some kind and one that looked straight out of a refaire mom took her to once, dark wood floors with candles in the corners and even slow floating lights that moved around the room showing off the weapons and armor on show: Steel plate armor, with detailed carvings of wolves and mammoths, Warhammers that were as big as her.

On the other side food stuffs that looked normal but as she looked closer mushrooms that glowed and an entire tray of actual bear claws next to bottles of varying sizes labeled Health potions.

*Cough* *Cough* Her wonder at the shop she found herself in was broken as she saw the biggest man she had ever seen in front of her.

He must be almost 7 feet tall with massive broad shoulders and arms covered in tattoos and scars, what surprised her most of all was he was green, not a sickly green but a deep earthy green that reminded her of summer camp.

And last of all his Tusks were probably 4 inches long and fitted out of his bottom jaw and he looked just as surprised to see her as she did him.

"Well....Welcome to The Glorious Orc I'm Moth, now apologize but would you like to sit for a moment you look like you need a moment." He spoke with a deep rumble that did things to her that she would think about later.

"Uh ah uh, yes thank you." She said not sure what to do to the literal Orc she found herself in front of and sat in the very comfortable chair by the fire as the Orc brought over a kettle and threw a log onto the fire then with a word she didn't understand the pot began to heat rapidly.

"The tea will be ready in a moment, may I have your name." He asked, wiping his hands on the leather apron he wore.

"Oh I apologize, I'm Taylor Hebert and thank you for letting me in. I was being chased. I'm scared to think what they would have done if they had caught me. So can you tell me about your shop? I could use some distractions and I'm curious how you spread this place. This place was an abandoned fabric store the last I remember." Her mind raced with the horror stories she had read and heated about what happened to girls alone in Brockton.

"I'm sorry to hear that Taylor, and of course this isn't just a regular store it appears in places across the multiverse. In all of its places at once, the shop still sits just outside White Run, a hold in the nation of Skyrim and on Earth Bet if my Magic tells me correctly.

I sell arms that I have smithed myself with, even potions and poisons made from the beasts of Skyrim. I even sell knowledge from the worlds I have visited like the Magick and enchantments of the Empire." As he spoke he motioned to the shelves and stand that filled the room and specifically to a wall on the far side called the wall of knowledge.

The kettle whistled and Moth grabbed it and poured two cups for them, "This is a favorite blend of mine Blue mountain flowers and Blisterwort it should Make you feel better."

He took the first sip and she followed suit. The flavor while weird was good but the soothing feeling it pulsed through her and she felt the scraps and bruises from today fade away.

She leaned back into the chair and enjoyed the feeling, "Thank you Mr. Moth that is some very good tea. Do you sell that blend here?"

He laughed and she blushed slightly, "Yes I do and you should thank my Captain from the Legion she made that blend and please browse the shelves see if anything catches your attention and see me before you leave as I also buy knowledge."

He got up and let her browse alone and he went to the check out desk and began looking over a book and taking notes to the side.

She wandered the shop and looked over the weapons and armor, nothing catching her fancy but looked interesting he would probably like a sword or hammer everyone liked those.

She looked over the potions next, the resistance ones were interesting and she grabbed one for Cure Disease and a low Health potion.

Finally the Wall of Knowledge and Abilities and she was amazed at what he had here, Alchemy broken down into specific potions and poisons or you could buy all the knowledge necessary to make up your own potions.

All of the available knowledge and skills did this smithing and even enchanting, what drew her in was the abilities.

She could buy the natural strength of an Orc, the smelling ability of a dog, and even the ability to turn into a flame atronach which looked like a flying fire elemental.

Buy the shelf was a little sign telling customers they can add their own Natural abilities and gained knowledge to the wall for money or in store credit.

She doubted she had any abilities but her knowledge of Earth bet had to be worth something so she took her two potions and went to Moth.

"I'm taking these two potions and I want to sell a copy of my knowledge of Earth bet and look to see if I have any abilities to sell." She said trying to act confident and not ogle his muscles.

He gave her a nod and pulled a piece of parchment from under the table, "Place your hand on the parchment and it will scan what you have to offer."

As she did a circular pattern of runes appeared under her hands and moved around the parchment for a moment then stopped.

She raised her hand and they looked over the parchment.

[Taylor Hebert 16:

Available knowledge:

Highschool Education(Earth bet)

Earth Bet General

2000s Technology use

Available Abilities:

Never Back Down: No matter how broken and beaten you never surrendered or backed down. [Upon Buying this ability the customer even on the brink of death will not stop fighting till their last breath.]

They both looked over the sheet and Taylor was surprised to see her ability and mildly annoyed at it.

"Well, Taylor your knowledge is not highly specialized but I need it so $150 for that but your ability is worth quite a lot as I know many in the Legion who would want that so I will offer you $1,500 for it." Moth said, ringing up her purchase and pulling out a small pouch for her filled with coins that suddenly changed to Dollars.

Taylor was amazed that was quite a bit of money and won could help pay off quite a bit of bills but, and she looked over the wall and at the Alchemy and Magic books she could make quite a bit of money with that.

"I'll take the Novice Alchemy and Magic books with some tools to get started." She told Moth who gave her a toothy slime that she returned.

He added up the price of the books which appeared in front of her, "Now, if you are willing to pay extra you can have all the knowledge appear in your head no danger or loss." He looked to her and Taylor though Fuck it she was going to be a Wizard she nodded in agreement. "So for your Total with the placed knowledge is $1,600 and I'll throw in some basic knife forms for free as it seems you could use some protection it seems."

With that the deal was complete and the information of Earth Bet appeared on the shelf and how to book even the most basic of appliances like microwaves.

And suddenly Taylor had knowledge of 5 spells: Healing, Sparks, Oakflesh, Conjure Ghost, and Courage. This also includes enough basic knowledge to experiment and develop her own spells.

The alchemy knowledge gave her enough basic knowledge to experiment on Earth Bet materials.

"Thank you Moth, and I'll see you soon and probably bring my dad next time he loves swords and smithing." She went to leave and Moth Called out to her before she left the shop.

"Before you leave, take this Flier."

[Adventures Wanted!

The Land of Skyrim are filled With Bandits and Monsters that are attacking the populace those with Martial Skill are needed!

Earn Gold! Glory! And even land in the defense of Skyrim!]

She read it and folded it up and put it in her school bag. She knew a lot of the guys on the docks were ex-military, maybe they would like to go monster hunting.

Exiting the store she felt confident in herself and with the courage spell she felt like she could take on the world, and by this time the boys had run off.

And she made her way to the DWU to have a talk with her dad, and gather her adventuring party. She was going to have some fun.


Waving to Taylor as she left I looked over the available option that she unlocked for me and smiled.

Tons of modern machines and technology but they were extremely expensive and I didn't make any from Taylor but what I could afford was pretty nice.

I bought the ability to teleport right to my shop from wherever I was so long as I was not in combat or over encumbered.

Locking up the store I decided to head out into Brockton Proper as I wanted to load up on luxury for a medieval world.


It was nice being in a modern world even with the looks I got being an Orc but many just kept walking not wanting to bother the "cape" so I was able to walk the streets with mostly no problem.

Walking into a grocery store I whistled to myself as I walked along grabbing some warmer climate fruits like pineapple and bananas.

Smiling to myself I decided to have some fun, walking over to a young man stocking shelves not paying attention. I ask him "Excuse me, sorry bother you I'm looking for the large bags of Salt and Sugar which aisle is it in?"

"It's i..." and he looks towards me and his eyes go wide and he shakes slightly, "It's I..n aisle thhree on the back wall."

I give him a smile, "Thanks for the help." And I walk away and he runs off probably to the manager.

He told me the right place is filled with different brands of salt and type some for roads and other for food, grabbing about ten pounds of salt and sugar. I also make sure to grab some candied pineapple and other dried fruits that the people of Skyrim would buy.

When I went to checkout the goth girl manning the cash register didn't even pay me any mind as she scanned my groceries and put them in paper bags.

With my groceries bought I go to leave the building and see two men in bright red costumes which from Taylor's knowledge are Assault and Velocity two local heroes.

"Good afternoon." I say just waving at them not paying them any mind and begin to walk down the street.

Assault just shrugs and moves to walk beside me while velocity goes inside the store to talk.

"Hello I'm Assault from the PRT. I was wondering if I could ask some questions and walk with you for a while?" He asked with a jovial tone in his voice.

"Sure I'd shake your hand but my arms are full, I'm Moth. I own a shop a couple of blocks from here and yes I am an Orc." I say giving him a nod and a couple people see us and take pictures and videos.

"It's a pleasure and let me help you carry those,(Assault takes part of the bags and we continue to walk.) so I am required to tell you that Thai conversation is being recorded and watched by my colleagues back in the Rig and while it seems so do you have most of your memories."

"Thank you, and yes I remember most of my life and my name. I'm assuming you think I am a Case 53 which I am not and the recording is fine thank you for telling me."

"Now for the questions, do you plan on being an active hero or Rogue and are you from Earth Bet if you are not from Earth Bet how are you knowledgeable of Case 53s?"

"I believe I will be acting as a Rogue by your definition but I am not a parahuman I am an Orc, as for how I am knowledgeable of Earth Bet a young woman stopped by my shop and sold a copy of her knowledge of Earth Bet, now here we are."

Assault was surprising as an entire section of the block had changed as a chest high stone wall surrounded a stone and wooden building with a sign on the front.

"I had the property in stealth mode for most of the day but with the crowds and videos I took advantage of the free advertising and Welcome to The Glorious Orc Assault please come in and I'll put these things away." Opening the gate I waved for him to follow as I made my way up the path as Assault was talking through his ear piece.

Setting everything down inside in the back as most of this will be sold to the Jarl Directly as all of this is worth a lot of money.

After a couple of minutes Assault enters the shop and stops slowly moving letting the body camera show the inside.

"As you can see I sell a wide variety of things. I have a catalog you can take with you but feel free to look around."

Assault wanders the shop and eventually stops on one of the Steel Maces that I had enchanted with Paralyze and picks it up and brings it to the counter.

"Good choice, Paralyzing Mace. It will stun a living creature for Three minutes, now is there anything else I can help you with today?"

"Yeah, Dan I ask you not to sell to any of the villains in town? We are kind of having a rough time keeping things going so I would appreciate it if you would do that."

"Sure the Nazis will try to kill me anyway and remind me of some assholes back home now that Mace is $4,000 I take card, cash, abilities and knowledge." I say as his eyes go wide at the price and he hears something in his ear piece and smiles.

"I'll take it, now I'm being told to ask you if you are willing to come to the PRT for tests to prove you are not a Parahuman." He says as he places his card down and the cost is magicly deducted from the account.

"No, I'm not a parahuman but you and your comrades are welcome to come and shop." Assault leaves the shop and is picked up by a Squad car which drives off.

Now to sell all of this salt and sugar to the Jarl.

next chapter
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