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10% Silver Plated / Chapter 1: Silver Spoon
Silver Plated Silver Plated original

Silver Plated

Autor: Saena_bun

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: Silver Spoon

"Sorry… You'll have to try somewhere else. "

As the cold wind from an oakwood door, slammed in my face, I moved onto the next home while holding my mind clear of emotion.

"There's no need for an extra mouth to feed, sorry. "

Walking onto a series of homes and staring at countless doors coming into view, I remained emotionless as I wandered onto the next neighborhood.

Unclean… I had cut my hair short as to erase who I once was for in my name, I had done unspeakable things to many who deserved love rather than ignorance. Having been heiress to a billionaire, corporate CEO, my entire life had been governed by a diamond plated spoon. Nothing was beyond my reach as I had everything I could ever imagine.

"My, you stink! Beat it, Kid! "

Being pushed, I fell backwards into a puddle of mud as my hood fell from my head, My once, wavy, jet black hair, had been stained in an unfamiliar color as I felt my hands shake in contempt. Standing up, I headed towards the river where I slipped and fell towards the ground. I stood up and waited under the bridge as the storm passed before resuming my search for food and work.

Touching my chest as I held my mother's, clear white pendant with our family's crest of a raven on it. Tears befell me as I awoke to an endless suffering. Thinking back to only a few weeks ago, I had arrived home from overseas. Upon my arrival at the mansion, my father was being taken away for several counts of unimaginable offenses against him. Conspiracy to overthrow the government, intent to kill, forgery and countless more to add on his list.

Our family was ruined in both our name and status. It was stripped from us as I no longer had a home to return to. Spared from the humiliation due to my incompetence, my father denied ever having a daughter as he forged my birth papers into having a son, three times my own age who died one three years before in an unfortunate fire. Knowing full well of what he did, he protected me as I grew to despise him for betraying me and my mother legacy.

Shivering in the wind as I began showing symptoms of a fever, I calmed my mind while waiting for the storm to pass. Thinking back to when I was no older than a child, many things didn't seem to add up as I would often see my father meeting with dangerous looking men. Unable to do anything about it now, I only had my mothers pendant, which was my only connection to her as she passed shortly after my birth.

My name and face were all I had left, yet, the cold sharp ache in my heart kept me reliving the sight of my father being taken in handcuffs. I no longer held any love for anyone, as I was forced to accept anything that came my way. I forced myself to come to terms with who I must become in order to survive in this world. This meant, I needed a job for food and a home to rest my head, which, I had neither.

Having been on both sides of the coin, I had wealth and pleasure, now turned and stripped of everything but the clothes on my back, I looked up with sorrow at those narrowly getting by. My life now held no meaning as I no longer cared whether I lived or died. My only thought was regret for all the years I bullied and picked on those less fortunate than I was.

Turned into nothing less than human, I was forced of my pedestal and thrown into an ocean filled with more darkness and cold gazes than I could ever imagine. A blessed life had slipped past me as I now walked a road of my own making for the first time in my fifteen years of life. I had no clue as how to tend to my every need, however, thankfully, my body still acted on instinct where I forced myself to ate scraps to survive.

As the cloudy skies cleared, I awoke to an array of heavenly lights, shining gently over the gloomy city. Getting up on my feet, I began walking forward as I resumed my search for a job and food along the way.


"Beat it! "

Walking around the corner, I crossed the street where a car almost hit me as it turned and crashed into a pole. Snapping out from my haze, I quickly tended to the deliver and exhausted a slight breath of relief when he began cursing at me viciously. Nodding, I walked off, only to find the back of the truck had been torn open. Finding a box of strange clothing, I saw an outfit that resembled a beautiful dress I often saw my maids wear.

Taking it, I ran off as the driver got out and stopped chasing me as I rounded another corner. After a few corners and turns, I changed behind an alleyway and saw myself in a mirror from a motorbike. Twirling as I held a pleasing smile, I felt an arm reach and grab me by the shoulder. Turning to find an elderly woman in a maid dress, she looked and scolded me for no good reason.

"What are you doing?! You mustn't leave the manner… Oh! What is that stench?! We need to get you fitted to wear that dress and begin your job at the manner. Quickly, what is your name? Hurry on?! "

"M-Mistela Koroho. "

Having given a false name as to not raise suspicion, she bought it and dragged me to a mansion at the end of the alleyway.  

With glistening eyes, she took me into the mansion where other maids cleaned began to clean me vigorously.

"You have beautiful skin, miss. "

Flustered by the treatment of strangers, I had always been used to being bathed by only one maid.

"Th-thank you. "

The other maids suddenly began complimenting my skin as if they had nothing else to talk about.

"I've never touched hair as silky smooth as this, look, feel-"

"Oh… so fluffy and smooth. "

Blushing through the soap, I spoem again as they chuckled and laughed.

"Thank… you. "

Unable to determine where I was or what was happening, I tried many times to tell them they may had mistaken me for someone else.

"When I heard a new maid was coming to work directly under the master, I didn't expect a beauty like you to appear. "

"Goes to show how loved the master really is. "

Exchanging soft laughs, they went on...

"I'm just surprised he finally let a girl close his age into the manner. "

"Our precious master has grown into a fine young man, hasn't he. "

I was then changed into a real maid uniform and taken to an unfamiliar room that oversaw a small pond. Looking out, I suddenly felt the world fade away as I admired the tranquility and peace the echo of the tree branches swaying in my breeze. Inhaling the sweet scent of bitter dirt and grass, a cool breeze entered the room as I closed my eyes and reached to touch the air as if wanting to drift away along with it.

"Oh! Hey, new maid… Here's the masters breakfast. Serve it to home when he gets here. "

She then left a cart full of all sorts of delicious foods and disappeared from the room. Lifting the silver trays, I felt my mouth water, however, knowing full well to control my urges, I set it back down as I kept what little dignity I had left. After several minutes, the sliding doors across the room opened and in came a handsome young man as he took his seat.

As he sat and waited, I wondered what he was doing until he spoke.

"Well… aren't you going to serve me my breakfast? "

Tilting my head slightly, I followed his gaze as he looked at the cart full of food. Picking it up and taking it to him, he began eating while I walked back over to where I was to look at the pond.

"Serve me some tea. "

Ignoring his request, he repeated himself more clearly. Turning to meet his gaze, I looked at the cart and recalled one of my maids serving me tea from a silver pot. Looking at a golden pot in the center of the cart, I turned and walked over to fill his cup with hot tea. As he picked it up, I stopped him and remembered how I would have my maids cool it down as I would always burn my tongue for being impatient. Taking the cup along with his hand, I gently blew over it as the steam began to calm.

Turning back around and sitting at the edge of the room, I won't back into admiring the pond. I closed my eyes as I tried to fight my excruciating hunger.

"What's your name, Miss? "

Ignoring him, another maid appeared and in that instance, I left the room while they were distracted.

Making it off the property, I left the mansion and proceeded with walking down a few blocks until I stumbled upon a half eaten rice omelette outside in the open shop. Sitting down, I picked up a fork and ate without remorse as I filled my stomach. A waitress noticed what I was doing and served me a warm drink for the cold morning.

"I don't have any money. "

"Its okay. It's on me. "

Smiling as she was the first person to show me kindness since I lost my home, an unmarked car appeared and a maid stepped out to open the door. I was not surprised in the slightest as I was then taken back to the mansion where I was forced to sit in an empty room as punishment for leaving.

Closing my eyes, I waited for hours as I heard the soft, gentle sound of the world outside these four walls. On my left, I was able to hear the soft pitch voice of one of the maids I met earlier. On my right, I heard the familiar cart as its wheels echoed along the wooden hallway. Above me, I heard soft droplets of water, hitting the roof it began raining outside.

I was taught since I was a child by a wise and noble monk to find the feeling of peace and for the first time in my life, I suddenly knew what he was talking about. Resting my arms and relaxing my breath, I meditated as time passed me by.

Waking up in the same room and hearing a faint, soft breath from beside me, I looked over to see the young boy sleeping beside me. Exhausting my breath as I drew in gust of air to wake myself up, the door in front of me opened and in came a couple of maids as they covered the young boy in a warm blanket.

Smiling and whispering gently, they excused themselves and left the room. Inhaling a breath and meditating once more, I woke when the slightest movement beside me caught my ear. Tilting my head, I looked at the handsome young boy and realized his face was devoid of any wrinkles, which would suggest he himself had thrown away his need to show emotion long ago.

Opening his eyes as I sat straight, he called out for a cup of water and in came a maid as she handed him a cup of water. Sitting up, the boy then asked me for my name yet again, and like before, I remained silent.

"Oh… you're one of those, silent type, maids, huh. Well, if you won't tell me your name, I guess I'll just have to fire you-"

Standing up as I had an excuse to leave, he grabbed my arm and took back his words rather quickly. Sitting back down, I inhaled another breath while I to tried to figure out a way to to before my identity was revealed.

"You sure aren't like any of the other maids who served me and my father… who are you, really? "

I then felt compelled to reply as I felt a need to answer him l with a witty reply.

"A ghost…"

Gasping for a moment, the boy bursted out laughing while I kept my composure. Even as the comment was childish, I felt my face suddenly flush as the embarrassment soon passed.

"Hmm... Okay, Miss Ghost. How old are you? "

Thinking back to how my father faked my birth papers, I had no way of knowing my true age.

"I am not sure… "

"What, you have amnesia? "

Ignoring him and remaining silent, he continued asking me questions as I decided to answer only the ones with I felt comfortable to reply.  

"Where did you used to live? "

"In the mountains… "

In a sense, our family mansion was above sea level, more so, in the base of a mountain side as well.

"Oh… you should take me there some time! "

Shaking my head slightly as I held my dress, I spoke.

"There's no longer a home to return to… "

The boy quickly understood I no longer had my home from my statement and stopped asking me questions as he stood up and left the room without uttering another word. After a while, the same elderly maid from before appeared and took me with her into another part of the mansion. Finding a bathroom and a bucket, I was ordered to clean the bathroom. Without having to hear her twice, I obeyed and cleaned it as it was the only thing I could do in the situation.

After cleaning, I waited as I closed my eyes and after a half hour later, I was taken somewhere else and told to clean other parts of the mansion. Finally, I was told to wait for the master as I stood beside the door in a large garden of beautiful flowers beside the small pond. Snapping out of my trace as the voice of the elderly maid echoed in my ears, I tended to the tea as the boy was looking down to his lap as I ignored the elderly maid.

"Apologies, You young Master! I'll be sure to discipline her-"

The young boy suddenly snapped as she grabbed my arm.

"You will do no such thing! "

Keeping my composure as the other maids were surprised at his outburst, I stood up and sat down the teapot while blowing on the cup of tea as I server it to him. Setting it down, I walked back to the same spot as I looked out into the garden with a restless gaze.

After the boys outburst, everyone expect me was ordered to leave the room. The boy stayed as he drank his tea and took a couple of quick glances towards me as I stared off into the distance while remembering my past.

"Master… you have a visitor. "

"Show then in, please. "

A man wearing a business suit came in with a fake smile as he greeted the boy.

"Mr. Holland. With what might I owe the pleasure of seeing you today? "

"Well, Young Master Miko… I have a new proposal for the development down in the countryside beyond, Tokyo. "

Lies and deceiving words flow from this mans mouth. How utterly despicable, he reminds me of many of my fathers clients… more so, he reminds me if him.

"Oh… And what exactly is this proposal of yours? "

"Well… To make this a sure success, I came with the notion of asking for a slight increase in our budget. "

"You want more money… "

"W-well. Yes. "

"I see… hmm. Hey, Miss Ghost? What do you think I should do? "

Turning my gaze as I met the boys eyes, he then asked me for my opinion on the matter and I answered honestly before the other maids questioned his intentions.

"I don't see how a simple maid-"

"He's a coward who's scamming you for money. There is probably not even a development taking place as I am sure he isn't a real architect. The briefcase he has with him is in all likelyhood, empty and the tattoos on his hand and neck suggest he is from a local gang. I would advise calling the police, or killing him on the spot as I am sure you were aware of the fact as there are men all around the room waiting on your word… Regarding the development overall plan, I could care less as it has nothing to do with me. "

Turning my gaze back to the garden, the businessman was escorted off the property as police waited to detain him outside. Standing up, the boy applauded my performance as he walked alongside me to look out at the garden.

"A flower as fierce in appearance as the famed red rose, can enchant many with her delicate beauty… "

Responding to his words, I spoke truthfully.

"Beauty is best left in dreams… nothing but thorns and sorrow await those who get too close as they try to grasp that which may bring suffering and pain. "

Speechless, the boy smiled as he stared out at the garden for a while until leaving me in the room. On his way out, I caught what he whispered under his breath.

"Thorns… huh. "


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