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66.66% Shadow Wars / Chapter 2: Gathering

Kapitel 2: Gathering

Joseph and Luna finally arrived to the Mason manor standing outside the car. Luna is frozen in awe, to how this mansion's structure is. While she was distracted a butler showed up surprising her, "Hello Miss; welcome to Mason manor I am your butler this morning; my name's Henry, I will be servicing you all day", said the butler proudly. "Thank you, Henry,", said Luna with much excitement; "Let me get your bags Miss, and follow me right this way", as Henry points to the manor while lifting up Lunas bags, and walks off towards the mansion. As they're getting closer to the front doors Luna begins to get curious, "so how long have you been working with the Mason's? ". Henry begins thinking, "Hmmm I would have to say... About 26 years now Miss"; "That's amazing Henry I can barely keep one job for a year", Luna begins to chuckle while making that remark. Luna and Henry walk through the doors of the Manor, there are people walking through the halls of the Mason manor; butlers, maids, and even people in casual attire. Luna looking around amazed at all the activity and the decorum of the main hall. The main hall has a flight of stairs that has lantern beams on both sides of the bottom railings, and with the stairs leading to an upper balcony; where the stairs split into two more flights that lead one side to the left and the other side to the right. Henry points up the stairs, "right this way Miss"; Luna begins to follow Henry, still amazed by everything she asks, "how old is this place? it's massive". Henry looks back at her while walking up the stairs that leads to the right and smiles, "I'm not too sure, but I do know that it's over a thousand years; I'm just not too sure of it's exact age". Luna freezes in place looks around her and mouths quietly in shock, "A thousand? well damn." "PLEASE COME ALONG MISS, I DON'T WANT YOU TO GET LOST!!!"; yelled Henry, he was 5 doors down from where Luna was standing. "Sorry Henry!!! ", Luna yells back as she starts speed walking towards him. They pass 5 more doors and come to a four-way passage in the hall, they proceed left and continue to pass 12 more doors. Once they've finally arrived, Henry places Luna's belongings off to the side of the room next to a wardrobe. "Here we are Miss", Henry grunts while putting down Lunas's luggage. Luna enters behind Henry and gasps, "Is this really where I'll be sleeping!?"; with shock and excitement. "Y-Yes Miss it is", exclaims Henry; "THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!!", as she grabs Henry's hand jumping up and down vigorously. "Don't thank me Miss, thank the Master of the House", Henry utters out; "believe me I'll be sure to", Luna speaking with confidence. As Henry begins to leave the room; he turns around, "I almost forgot Miss the young master will be coming to your room shortly so please be presentable". Luna nervously smiles; "I will don't worry", Henry backs out and shuts the door. Luna begins to undress to freshen up, opens the door next to the room entrance door and there was the bathroom. Black marble flooring that covers the entire floor including the showers, with duel black porcelain sinks, stainless shower glass walls that you can see into, and a huge built into the floor tub the size of two jacuzzies. "Wow... Yeah I'm goanna love it here", Luna expresses with a big smile.

During this time Joseph Mason is in the manor's office; sitting in his chair he calls out, "HANNAH CAN YOU PLEASE COME HERE!?". In comes a maid, "Yes Mister Mason?"; "can you please fetch my son I need to speak with him", Joseph explains; "right away sir", Hannah walks off to get Joseph's son. Hannah arrived at the bedroom of Josephs son, she knocks on the doors; "sir your father has called for you", she knocks again placing her ear on the door hearing women laughter; she opens the door "YOU LOT GET BACK TO WORK!", Hannah says with a stern voice. Two maids climb off the California king size bed, grabbing theirs clothes and runs off down the hall; " I'm talking to you as well", Hannah continues while crossing her arms. One more maid climbs from under the sheets and does the same as the two before; "your no fun Hannah", as Joseph's son says with a smile. "Well, your father called for you fun time is over sir", as Hannah begins to grab clothes from his wardrobe. "Aw c'mon Hannah you know I want you call me Zacky", Joseph's son says with a pouty look towards her; "I will not Zechariah I may have helped Master raise you but you are still the Masters son", as Hannah says sternly. Hannah pulls a blue button up, with gray dress pants, and dark brown dress shoes, with a matching belt, "here you go sir please get ready your father is waiting" Hannah says with urgency while leave out the room. "Ok Hannah thanks I'll be there shortly", while Zechariah stretches; he gets out the bed and into the shower. Moments later, "Hey pop you called?" said Zechariah as he walks into Joseph's office; "Yes I did, what took you so long?". "I was a bit occupied... mhm", Zechariah clears his throat; "what did you need dad?". Joseph shacks his head, "I called you in here because I think we've finally found her". "You sure she is the one this time; all the others were failures", Zechariah says with a stern look; "Yes I'm 100% sure it's her", Joseph lets out a smile. "I have her assigned to be your secretary; you know what needs to be done", Joseph says sternly. "Yes, father I know", Zechariah sighs as he walks out Joseph's office; "I really hope the search is over". Luna is finally ready changed her clothes to be more professional and business savey, Luna hears a knock on the door; "Just a minute", as she adjusts her hair to open the door. Luna opens the door sees a blue shirt and has a familiar smell rush into her nose, she slowly looks up and her eyes widens; seeing the man from the elevator. Luna immediately begins to blush and slams the door in a panic, she begins thinking to herself; "That's the guy from the elevator, it's no way". Zechariah begins knocking Um... Miss can you open the door, we got work to do. Luna opens the door with her head down "I-I-I'm sorry sir I didn't mean"; "Zechariah cuts her off It's ok... Wait you're one of the women from the elevator yesterday". Luna clears her throat, "yes that was me sir"; "you don't have to call me sir just call me Zack", he says reassuring her to try and relax. "Alrighty then... Follow me and I'll show you around", Zechariah gestures Luna to follow him. "Ok si...I mean Zack", Luna blushing as they walk through the manor.

Walking pass various doors, Zechariah explains to Luna that the doors belong to other residents. They end up in the main hall where the front door is, they're walking down the stairs and they begin to hear loud laughter coming down the hall to right at the bottom of the stairs. "They're always running in the house," said Zechariah with a smirk on his face. Luna looking amused by Zechariah's comment she stares to the right waiting; then runs out a group of individuals, men, and women begin running from the right side of the hall; across the main hall over to the left side. Before anyone can reach the other side Zechariah screams out, "Wait everyone we have a new visitor". One man yells out, "You mean her right!? "; Zechariah begins looking stern, " Yes this is the new addition to the family Anthony, so everyone treat her well". A woman calls out, "Zack?"; "Yes Tessa" Zechariah responding like authority. "Will she be one of us?", Everyone looks at Zechariah waiting for his response. "That all depends on her Tessa; I'm sure she won't disappoint like the others", as Zechariah says looking at Luna with optimism. Luna then steps forward, "Thank you all for having me; I will do my upmost best to be sure that I do my job perfectly". Everyone begins cheering as Tessa stares in disbelief; Luna looking at everyone confused to why they're cheering about her being a secretary. Zechariah puts his hand on Luna's shoulder, "OK everyone that's enough move get going we have important business to take care of". Everyone walks away, and Tessa gives Luna a glare as she walks away; "Um.... Why was everyone cheering for I hope the other secretaries weren't that bad", Luna says with much concern. Zechariah reassures her, "I believe you'll do fine, just try not to over work yourself". Luna sighs with relief, "Thanks I'll be sure to keep that in mind si.... I mean Zack". Zechariah smile, "Come on the journey isn't over yet; we still have a lot more to see". They make it to the bottom of the stair and walk behind it, there is a hallway but more like a walk way; they walk through a pearly white back room as Zechariah points to the door, "This is our back way that leads out the back of the Manor". Zechariah then begins to open the door, "Now this is our backyard"; Zechariah says proudly as he looks back at Luna, who is stunned and amazed at the scenery. The back yard having a hedge bush maze; with a statue centering it in the far end of the yard, and in front of it is an open grass field; that has a stone walk way with a huge fountain in the middle of it. Luna with her eyes opening wide, she walks on the cement back yard patio and begins leaning on the stone railing; This place is amazing Zack!!, it's so beautiful!! ", Luna shouts out with so much energy and joy. Zechariah looks at Luna with a very proud smile, "Thanks Luna, my family has spent generations getting this place built to perfection". Luna then points in the distance at the big statue in the maze, "Who is that a statue of; she's gorgeous?". Zechariah then explains, "That is the goddess Lada; my ancestors worshiped her for she gave them many blessings. Then one day the goddess turned her back on her faithful followers cursing them with a terrible fate". Luna then sighs, "That's horrible it has to be a reason why she did it; It's not like she hated them if they were all faithful worshipers". Zechariah looks at her in disbelief, because countless women who came before her all laughed stating how could someone living in this big house cursed. "Um... You have a good point, honestly we don't know why the curse happens at all but we've been trying to find ways to end it", Zechariah explained looking to the sky. As they continued talking, Luna spots Tessa off to far left of the maze giving her a displeasing grin; she then proceeds into the forest behind her. Just as Luna was about to point it out; Zechariah speaks out first, "C'mon let's go meet up with my father see what he has planned for today". Luna still worried about Tessa hesitantly says, 'Oh y-yeah sure"; Zechariah taps her shoulder gesturing her to follow him. They walk back into the manor, and Zechariah signals a maid over to the both of them. Do you know where my father currently is?", Zechariah speaking softly to her; "He is in the training room", as she is trying to keep her composure blushing. "Thank you ", as Zechariah is walking away from her towards the lower hallways right of the stairs, As Luna walk passes the maid; the maid looks at her in anger. Luna looks her up and down rolling her eyes and proceeds to follow Zechariah; Zechariah looks back at Luna feeling the tension, "Is everything ok Luna? ". "Oh yeah Zack everything's fine", Luna says with a false smile on her face. As Luna and Zechariah continue their walk down the hall you begin thuds of some kind, and the further in they walk the louder the sounds get. Zechariah opens twin doors simultaneously; you see Joseph practicing in hand-to-hand combat with a couple guys and few ladies. "Father", Zechariah exclaims out loud to get Joseph's attention; "What do you want Zack?", Joseph utters out loudly as he blocks a jab with a side parry, and flips the young man into a woman who was readying to attack Joseph from behind him. "That's enough everyone you can all clean up", Joseph says while walk over everyone grabbing a towel; "Father I think we should host a party", Zechariah says with much enthusiasm. "I agree", as Joseph says while wiping sweat off his face; "With that said, we will have to do that tomorrow because of tonight remember? ". Zechariah's eyes open wide, "I completely forgot about tonight"; Luna staring at them both, "Um what's happening tonight?". "It's nothing too be worried about just a very important matter we need to attend to", says Joseph walking towards the door. "Oh yeah and Zechariah... Son make sure everything's tooken care of", Joseph says while walking out the room, and continues down the hallway. Zechariah takes out his phone looks at the time; with a quick expression of shock goes across his face seeing the time is 7:30, Zechariah looks at Luna with frustration. "I'm so sorry I got too excited about the party, that I completely forgot about what tonight was", Zechariah says while waving down a butler walking pass the training room. Luna utters out, "It's ok Zack honestly I don't like parties all that much"; "Non sense, you will have that party tomorrow no matter what", says Zechariah with a smile. "Marcell, can you take Luna back to her room please, I must go and handle some business", says Zechariah as he places a hand on Luna's shoulder. "Yes, right away sir; I will take care of that for you", Marcell says while giving a slight bow. " You have a good night, Luna", Zechariah utters while walking out the training room. Luna looks at Zechariah walk away "Ok... I'll see you tomorrow"; "Come this way miss we will head to your room", Marcell points towards the door for Luna to follow him.

As Luna is walking to her room with Marcell; Zechariah, and Joseph begin the preparations for tonight. Zechariah walks down the hall pulls out his phone and begins dialing his father's number, "Dad do you want me to round everyone up right now?"; "There's no need, I already sent out A large text to everyone, I'll meet you and the rest at the gardens foyer it's time for the gathering", Joseph says while putting on a cloak. As Zechariah heads to the foyer in his brown cloak, many others started to emerge from the darkness; with countless others in grey robes, five brown robes, and four white robes. Everyone begins removing their hoods revealing their faces, showing Joseph and three others in white robes, Zechariah and four others in brown robes, and everyone else in grey robes. "Hello everyone and welcome to tonight's gathering, we are here as usual to discuss any troubles that may have occurred with our pack", says Joseph leading the meeting. "Joseph", says the other man in the white robe; "What is it Malachi?", says Joseph facing his left. "Who is the human you brought with you earlier this morning?", says Malachi; "She may be the one we've been searching for to end our curse", says Joseph with great enthusiasm. "Are you serious Joseph another one.... Why do you keep trying to give everyone false hope with these escapades?", says Malachi with anger; once he said that everyone begins talking amongst themselves. "Malachi he is the grand elder, you need to understand that he is the one responsible in making sure we all are free from this curse", says the woman in white across from Joseph. "Thank you, Claudia; as she said we need to end this curse we shouldn't have to isolate ourselves from the world because of it", says Joseph facing Malachi. "That's absurd!!, we shouldn't have to keep sitting here twiddling with our thumb's waiting on false hope!!", says Malachi with frustration. "I understand your concern but I've seen the vision from our goddess Lada herself, clear vivid images of Luna", says Joseph with confidence. "If he's had clear visions, then this obviously means that our goddess no longer wants us to suffer", says Claudia with hope gleaming from her face. Searing with anger Malachi begins yelling at Joseph, "THE GODDESS!!!!, THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS JOSEPH, YOU DARE!!!"; "Do you dare question our goddess, you do understand that is a punishable offense", the third white robe says cutting off Malachi. "I... I wasn't questioning our goddess Dessidus", says Malachi with visible embarrassment on his face. Just before Dessidus was about to speak another figure dressed in a white robe emerges from the shadows, "Regardless of what the goddess has shown you, what about our dire situation?", says the man in white. "It's nice of you to join us Enyalius", says Joseph with a pleased smile on his face for changing the subject. "What are you speaking?", Enyalius cuts Joseph off, "You know what matter I'm speaking of Joseph, the matter everyone has been thinking of the constant attacks from; "The Dark Ones", says Enyalius with a serious look on his face. Just before Joseph can speak on the matter Zechariah grabs onto Joseph's shoulder, "Dad look"; with those few words Joseph looks to the sky, seeing a full moon with his eyes turning fully white with no control over it he utters, "It seems to be time; everyone to your designated areas", says Joseph as he looks at Enyalius. "We will continue our conversation tomorrow; Enyalius be sure to come to me in my office", says Joseph as everyone walks away as their eyes all change color, and they walk into the shadows dispersing from the gathering location.

Meanwhile Luna is sitting in her room on the phone with Malory; "Yeah girl I'm sitting in my room of the Manor", says Luna while messing with her hair. "Omg girl that has to be the dream, and on top of that you're living in the same house as that stud from the elevator you're so lucky", says Malory. "I've been so nervous around him it's terrible", says Luna blushing into her pillow; as the conversation continues Luna hears a knock on the door, "Hey Malory I got to go I will definitely try to call you next time I'm free", says Luna as she gets up from the bed. "Ok girl you have a good night", says Malory; as Luna hangs up the phone, I'll be there in a second, she rushes and puts on her robe and answers the door. "So sorry Zack that it took... Oh, sorry you're not Zack", says Luna with an embarrassing look on her face; "Yes, my apologies madam, but I brought some dinner for you in case you were hungry at all", says the butler while showing her a plate of food. Thank you uh?... Luna trying to guess the butlers name; "My names Jasper and I am in charge of making sure you receive your food", says Jasper with a slight bow. "Thank you, Jasper,", says Luna with a smile; "Your welcome madam, also be sure to stay in your room it's not safe at night", says Jasper with great concern. "What do you...", as Luna was about to ask a question you hear multiple simultaneous howls at the bright full moon.

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