Suddenly, Noctis seemed… different.
He was still beaten, mangled, and covered in blood, but the sorcerer's presence subtly changed. If before it was faint and weakening, now, it became brimming with power, potency, and free-flowing energy.
Vast, furious… unrestrained.
And suffused with madness.
Despite the fact that Noctis was on his knees and crippled, he suddenly seemed terrifying. The morbid grin on his torn and disfigured face seemed more menacing than pitiful now. His one remaining eye glistened, reflecting the distant light of the crimson moon.
It was as though something that had been suppressing the sorcerer's true power all this time finally set him free.
Noctis inhaled deeply, and at the same, Solvane suddenly swayed. The hand she had used to crush his ribcage was still pressed against her body, blood streaming down on the red tunic.
Her beautiful eyes widened.
And then…
Something moved under her skin, making the War Maiden let out a pained scream.
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