Orum's confidence had not been in vain. In the end, they did make it across the entirety of the explored area of the Dream Realm alive, even if it took them many months.
The journey had been dreadful and permeated by the stench of blood, but he and Little Ki had not had to endure it without respite. They travelled from one Citadel to another, slowly moving north, and took breaks when arriving at a new human stronghold.
Sometimes, they simply remained at the Citadel, enjoying the hospitality of the locals, patching up their wounds, and recuperating. Sometimes, they used the Gateways to return to the waking world, climb out of the sleeping pods, and let their tired minds and souls rest by enjoying the lavish offerings of the modern era.
While the war between Valor and Song is still raging on, the war for the Guilty Guild is over. Oh my!
Heroes were born, and legends were made. After being ravaged by war for an entire month, Guilty Guild is finally at peace once more. Through countless battles, the stalwart forces of the great Song Army have achieved a glorious victory… the ground is soaked with blood of the fallen warriors, and ravens sing above the silent battlefields.
For the Queen!
I want to sincerely congratulate and thank everyone who has participated in the War Event on the Shadow Slave Discord Server, both as a part of the Sword Army and of the Song Army. That's more than 3200 people! Goodness gracious!
However, I want to congratulate several people especially. They are the generals of the Song Army, who led their troops to a spectacular and glorious victory: _beliko_, fantazticc, godspell____, siretii, derby722, sealiee, _halowing_, xoxofallen, i_found_peace, talitha.t, yer3978, and shinigami690. You guys rock! :]
To learn some fun facts about the War Event and see the list of reward the community has earned, readers can visit the Guilty Guild and take a look at the #announcement channel.
Hooray to peace! Cheers!
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