Sunny felt his limbs grow heavy, and his mind grow numb.
Suddenly, he felt worn down and exhausted. Every burden that he carried, enduring the oppressive weight both willingly and silently, was suddenly so much more grievous and tiresome.
This war went on for so long… and even before the war, he had never known a moment of peace. Having grown accustomed to torment and turmoil, Sunny had easily deceived himself into forgetting how dreadful the world truly was. But now, he felt it in his every bone all of a sudden.
At the same time…
A peculiar feeling bloomed in his mind.
A feeling of witnessing something infinitely beautiful, inviting, and wonderful. Something so wondrous, so amazing, and so… precious. It was as if a resplendent light had shone in the broken darkness of his mind, illuminating it gently and bringing tears to his eyes.
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