The world quaked, and then, Rain was suddenly enveloped by absolute darkness.
It was as if an impenetrable wall rose to surround her from all sides. The deafening cacophony of terrible sounds coming from the outside was muffled and dampened by that wall, and nothing but slight tremors reached her.
For the moment, at least, she was safe.
But those sounds…
Feeling a cold dread grasp her heart, she took a shaky breath and tried to comprehend them.
There was the sound of trees snapping. There were the screams of the air being torn. There was the roar of the ground being upturned.
These were the sounds that she could recognize.
But there were other sounds, as well.
Inhuman howls. Chilling groans that sounded like… like the world itself was weeping. Eerie and revoltingly organic rustling, as if a mountain of flesh was ripping as it expanded while consuming itself.
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